I pCABS PROVINCIAL LIE7A7.Y, 1!.3 OHHES DRUGS Daily Deliver ; ! NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canoda's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great" Northwest"" PH01IE 81 VOE. XXXIX, NO. 112. rKlNCt- KUrERT, B. C, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENT8 Id Ball 1 1 Al 58,00W Floods mmpejg-reoplle oarae orrow n Jt. of Hie I'O season jp.,e Rupert Baseball J gets underway at park tomorrow. The 'Abel and Odowes, and Huli'l hope for a t Local snappi?G lOllUICo .J a gOOU L1UWU. ilie association con- , ...,.,..- thp tini I HOST SCRATCHED IN WITHERS MILE Greatest Evacuation In History Going On WINNIPEG (CP) Fifty thousand men, women and teen agers are manning and building dikes in Greater Winnipeg's fight against the Ped River and its tributaries, Premier Douglas Campbell said last night. In a radio address he said: "No w'ords of mir.e can describe the service these people are performinj;- ; ; for the community. Mil .t. , jiiancd clubs, a team iizaiioii at Watson Is- Vancouver Board Of Trade Party To Visit Wednesday financing Of Local Hotel NEW YORK - Your Host, j Kentucky Derby favorite who ran out of gas after & mile, was prubable entry Irorn i,kk1 brand of base- A royal welcome is being prepared bv the Prince scratched today irom Beinnt' . J IWlthprs Withers Mile Mile, matinn making eic $25,000 ruin ,:Ki lans tins year, i- year's players will added to the even duel between Middleground and Hill Prince. n the field, nerciul Hotel entry, Eddie Davis, have frank Kaftel Meets With Local Business Men , With a province-wide stock selling campaign being undertaken, the next thirty days will kupert Chamber of Commerce for a goodwill delegation of about GO members of the Vancouver Board of Trade as- they step off the steamer Prince George next Wednesday morning. It is the first mass tour the Vancouver Board has made since the war, and ;r centre neicier, oian Prepared Condemned To Death The greatest mass evaluation in Canadian history had moved at least 140,000 people of flood ravaged cities by early today. Many thousands are prepared to leave during the week end. An estimated 65,000 persons have EARL LAHSON". IN1.S TORONTO J. Earl Lawsnn, 59, president and managing director of Odeon theatres of Canada, died today. Mr. Law-son, one time Minister of National Revenue, had been in hospital for more than a year. U.S. SHIP RELEASED SAN FRANCISCO Chinese Communists have released the United States freighter, California Bear, held since it collided with and sank a small Chinese ship in the Yellow Sea Aprli 20. NEW PRICE HIGH WASHINGTON The f. ilcd States Government's daily index of prices hit a high for the year in the week ending May 9, it was reported today. An index of 28 commodities climbed two he strong opposition, a, a good first ba.se veur wlli the Coin-I be missing. Lome erior with the Over- To Crash COARD OFFICIALS fcjuny. iven. uuinrie, determinei the future of Prince Rupert's new Sir Charles M. Hays Hotel, frank Kaftel, Toronto and Vancouver financier, who Is organizing the project, indicated here last night. Mr. Kaftel is confident, however, that the money will be raised for the project cci which he himself is sold both from the standpoint, of Prince Rupert's great need for adequate good hotel accomoda word base last year, und. il"'s out. on me members of both organizations are looking forward to it. Included in the Vancouver party will be Vancouver Board of Trade President Col. W. G. Swan, Vice-President R, D. Baker and Executive Secretary Reg. T. Rose, Aid. Birt Showier well known labor leader; United Slates. Consul-Oeneral A. W Klieforth and senior officials of many well known Industrial and commercial enterprises. villi U.f Royal Can- been left homeless. 1 Wheeled Aircraft Comes . From 8 p.m. (CDT) until 2:23 Down At Seal Cove . 'a.m. the level of the Red and A Cessna 140, carrying two1 lts tributaries, Assiniboine and United States Civil Aeronautic lnej stood pat at 30 feet ex-Administration officials, made a actly. Then, toward dawn, a half forced landing at Seal Cove air) lnch rise took place, base here this afternoon whsii: VERNON Joseph Arthur Ouelette, 21, yesterday was convicted of murder in the shotgun death last, year of market gardener Mah Sing. Mr. Justice A. N. MacFarlane sentenced Oueleto, captured at gun noint-in a Vancouver hotel, to be hanged August 3. Ouelette, employed by the two Chinese, fled to Vancouver with a 16-year old Indian girl, fc iick, I bird baseman, bad weather at Dundas Island' tion, and the prospects of its financial success in view of im 'I ' ' j t I ' ' , ' ' i " ' - ? f Arm and "Deacon" year's .left fielder, is Donald Toews, Cjiii-icker last year is liv- Davis staled that hi;, The Dartv will come in on the i PoUce saiti prohibited their completing their ! trip from Arlington, Wash., to, Annette Island, Alaska. They brought their plane down easily percent during the week to 259 per cent of the August 1939 level. Prince George in the mornin and be free until 3 p.m., when -Seek New British VANCOUVER Ten disaster trained city police officers wili be flown to flooded Winnip'sr-at Vancouver's expense "a!- . most immediately". Police Chief Walter Mulligan said today. The constables received special training in wartime evacuation work in Europe. v. ltd on Tage 4t pending large industrial develop- ; menl in the area and the possibilities arising from the tourist trade. The fruition of the project o'ipends on two-thirds of the mbney. required being obtained by a stock selling campaign, Mr. Kaftel being ready to put up the other one-third himself. Already he said, he is committed to pre transportation will be arranged to different parts of the city and to the Columbia Cellulose plant at Port Edward In the evening the party will with full flap3 on the quarter j mile strip, using only one half its length. The plane has no pontoons. j The pilot Ralph Pott, Con-j troller of the C.A.A., and Bruce! SLIGHT TREMOR IN LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES (f) A slight earthquake was felt today in the southwest section of Los Angeus Wheat Contract LONDON m Reports that g Officer Ingalls, Communications chief liminary expenses of $125,000" in Canada hopes to negotiate a new wheat contract with Britain, "not dissimilar" to the present one, has received no official comment in London. be entertained, by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at dinner at the , Canadian Legion. Speakers from both the Vancouver Board of Trade and in the vicinity of the international airport. Apparently there was no damage. The wea'her found good flying conditions' The tmy today gave up Us Irom Arlington to Smithers,1 1 fight to re-open the mam iwhere the weather began to! bridge across the flooding Red thicken. At Dundas Island they pivor a nnitvi status exnvt. promoting the project. Mr. Kaftel is very anxious to see a substantial proportion of the stock being subscribed right in Prince ; bureau said the tremor was "ve.'j slight." But informally officials have said in the private opinions this ili.m to the reiinn; Mrs. George Howe, hlhht of tiie four:!; "tint; of Prince Ru-terial of the United .lien's Missionary So- COL. W. G. SWAN President, Vancouver Board of Trade would be a "very reasonable . Rupert although a province-wide gave up their attempt to get to'tarned that stricken Greater the base at Annette Island aad Winnipeg will be in a "serious turned back. ' ' predicament" for at least a fort- It was fesred that the small, night BIG THREE TALKS IN LONDON END TODAY process." Private tracers and campaign is being conducted. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will address the meeting. The principal speakers will be Col. W. O. Swan, president of Vancouver Board ' of Trade, A.'W. Klieforth, United States Consul, and R T. Rose, execuitve secretary, Vancouver- circles close to the International m thp church Wed-' jllIC auc Ul 1IIC 11ULC1. 1W1.L. lull- '- i . - . -,-..-T.,.v...,.v,...:.flj " ' - - - -. v.- . i Wheat Council also have given the Idea their inlormal blessinf. WmKtr-We,esVr to6 wj-.Vd;b. farced fc era shikn twwore -Cf telVald, would depend upon the bt'j f amount of money raised. A 50-(three Foreign Ministers today an?n word was dispatched the flooded Winnipeg apoac.'i , ! room hotel and theatre building , Eave urgent consideration a was made by Mrs. i e on bshalf of ail y evening out of CHICAGO lilt. Binning , . . Acnn nr.n inn tron rrl h on i n rr lha MMHIa Board wuuiu cusi aouu.uuu ur iuu rooms mn. iwmc nu The special train carrying the locomotive firemen's union ex-'$ , Far East economically and mill- i ment. as me piane came in tne link with the twin city of St. police wagon, fire truck and Boniface. Some 20 blocks oi ambulance stood by. 'residential and industrial prop- But, fortunately, the plane ,' erty in Fort Rouge were sur-had ample landing area I rendered to the rivers. icnaeu its sense to include a kites and guests irom All moneys raised by the sale j rlIy inst Russian aggres- i hurdies joined metn- party will leave at 10 p.m. for points in the Interior. Arrangements for entertaiii- stretch of the Union Pacific Railr way today and set up picket lines f auxiliary to hear an ferences before the meeting of Atlantic Pact Foreign Ministers. Mr. F. E. Anfleki. inmuiilon Thursdav 'as followed by a ment of the visitors tn Prince a" """" ou '".'""'" " Rupert Is in charge of Don Tor-. Southern operations on the Penn-ward, chairman of , the .enter- sylvania Railroad. Picket lines talnment committee of the were set up at Harrlsburg, Pa. Prince Rupert Chamber ofj i - ' A j s , ' . 1 . I - l 'J Putins Delegates in- be kept in escrow until suffici- i ent had been raised to proceed with construction. If npt sufficient could be raised, the money would be returned. I Mr. Kaftel declared that he was 1 most anxious to make the project j j a success. Every dollar invested, j Commerce. Robert Williamson, and Mrs. Kilpatrlek, Greetings were m St. Andrew's Ca-Mrs. Gordon Reade, Luthern Church by tay, B iptist by Mrs. bus, Pres-bvterian hv i he felt, would come back many- fold to the community. Robert i ! Air Mail Service For Q.C islands E. T. Applewhaite, M.P, for Skeena, sent word to the Daily News today that an order-in-council had been passed providing for a first class air mail service between Aliford Bay and Masset , Inlet including Juskatla and Port Clements once a week as soon. as necessary arrangements can be made. " Mr. Applewhaite stated that Mrs. E. A. Rutledge, who is vis- this service was being made House Urged To Aid North j OTTAWA W The Government was urged in Commons this week to take measures to encourage j development of Canada's rich Northwest Territories. Geprga 'Murray (Cariboo), publisher of the weekly Alaska Highway News, said as far as defence of . this country is concerned: "It is in the Interest of Canada to get as large a population in Norther a Simpson Co. Lta. had already ap plied for space in the hotel. Mr. Kaftel expressed the opinion that Prince Rupert '.ilderw ood and from Baseball Scores TODAY National Boston 12, Brooklyn 2 Philadelphia 7, New York 1 FRIDAY American Washington 1. Boston 3 Philadelphia 2, New York 3 Chicago 1, Cleveland 3 National Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 1 Pittsburg 3, Chicago 6 THE WEATHER Forecast , North Coast Region Cloudy with a few showers today. Variable cloudiness tomorrow. LKlie change in temp, raturo. Winds southwesterly (21 today, light tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 42 and 52: Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 50. It. I). BAKER ( Vice-President, Vancouver Board of Trade f n Army by Mrs. V. iiternoon session Mr;! f reported as delegate $ branch. Other rt-f'Wd irom lix:al and (British Columbia and the Yukon iting her daughter and son-in- possible largely through co- as possible, especially in the tcr- law, leaves Sunday night aboard operation of the Queen Charlotte Air Lines which concern had accepted a very reasonable f Sialics The following re elected and in-;i ceremony conducted i' G. Sieber: President, Mrs. R. W. "!ei: Mrs. J. R. people, above all others, should j be interested in the hotel project. I They would be the ones j to really benefit far and above I the straight investment return i ! through the new business that ! the hotel would bring to the ' city. "I vor.'.ure to say," he commented, "that, for every dollar they put in, they will get ten dollars back. They should invest in this proposition for their own good." Apartment Building As for himself, Mr. Kaftel said: "I feel pledged to do this job and ritory contiguous to the Aiaska he Camosua for her home at I .highway." 'Vancouver. I ' ' ; ' j Chuck Place Adjudged Best ', Fighter in Pr. Rupert Area : -.3 I Enlarged Group Operation Would Be Big Thing For Portland Canal . Another producing mine operation in the Port land Canal area comparable with the famous Silbak vice-president, Mrs. S(t'ond vice-president, Tnoninson: jwrottr? figure. The new air mail service on the Islands, connecting with the. Canadian Pacific Airlines service between Prince Rupert and. Sandspit, will complement the weekly steamship service provided between Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands by Union Steamships Limited. Barclay; treasurer, 11 M"v,-r, .. f - fr? i i ! - v hp f - I i. "'""l'i "'' ""Oil. Oe.en Falls- Premier is predicted by L. S. Davidson, veteran operator of that area. The operation would ensue from the enlarged amalgamation of the Big Four group of properties originally consisting of the Pros cte. Mrs. C. Gibson, CG.I.T. MUs Many Trophies Awarded At Big Pugilistic Show Last Night Miss Nort.hen B.C. Honored By unanimous decision, 134-pound Chuck Place was acclaimed best fighter in the Prince Rupert amateur boxing tournament in the Civic Centre last night and the blond, curly headed battler was awarded the Norm Applin best fighter Trophy by Sgt. Lance Potterton. In accepting the large golden I'm going to see it through." Regarding the conversion of the former United States Army administration Mr. Kaftel said there had been certain unfor-seen delays. However, this was all being cleared up and the $200,-000 reconversion job would com- perity, Porter-Idaho, Silverado and Silver Range properties on , preparations are being made to ship ore from Porter-Idaho and Ralney Mountain, across the Canal from Stewart, with which have now been linked up the f 'd; mission bands, Stewart, Uby bands, f cone: asyoeiate mem-!A Law ion, Port Simply, Mrs. a. Thomp.son, :' friendship, Mrs. b. f"- literature, Mrs. O. other Big Four properties by mence shortly. "It will certainly i fnri w rtm PnrMnnH ranni Czechs Break Off Relations WASHINGTON (CP) A mass ouster of 22 of 33 Czech diplomatic corps employees in the REG. T. ROSE Executive Secretary, Vancouver Board of Trade from Stewart. Inside of 90 days it is expected to start shipping j nussHiiiiiv S- Il'Vi'.c: teimwM-;.,, award, Chuck gave tribute to : N - his trainer Joe Ward, "who has the various winners with tro- ' trained me for almost four Phles and cups. vears." Chuck also took the1 Nick Schmelling, director of iar eitrtnship, Mrs. ; Press, Mrs. L. G. LaMotta May Dunwell and Ben Bolt properties up the Bear River valley to the north of Ralney Mountain. The original Big Four group are primarily silver properties while Dunwell and Ben Bolt are gold. The ambitious program for the joint operation includes the driving of an 8000-foot tunnel right through Mount Ralney to a central milling plant at Stew , the Terrace Civic Centre brought I iwm fiivVitoro Viora hut Ihav U'Dre lightweight trophy. be ready for occupancy by the end of the year," Mr. Kaftei said. Mr. Kaftel arrived in the city by yesterday afternoon's plane from Vancouver. He is returning south by air this afternoon. He was accompanied here by Olier Besner. Mr. Kaftel met last evening with the executive of the Prince Kupert Cnamber of Commerce when the whole hotel project United States was ordered by the American Government to-cay. The action was taken in Sgt. Potterton remarked that teaten out ,r , Defend Crown 100 tons of ore per day. While final engineering approval on the whole project Is being awaited, a crew is now a, work repairing the trail to Porter-Idaho. During the past three years some $150,000 has been spent on exploring Big Four ground and preparing for the drivng' of the (u: "the boys have given us a good Heavyweight champion of retaliatlon for the ejection of unices j fight" and that the bouts were prince Rupert is Rufus one of the best fight programs The 195-pound fighter beat out"""; 'J - art. The mill would be of the fink and float proces and, his onnonent. lSO-nound Glen munist wecnosiovaKia. in ac- NEW YORK (P) Paddy Young, game, youthful New Yorker, last night spurted in the last round to win a split 10-round decision match over Charlie Fusarl of o! in Prince Ruoert." He was ired Shut the opimo'h that a larger crowd ! Ctarlso"-F l Windle stopped Referee Benny the fight after j was discussed with particular- re- dition, the United States has. ordered the Czechs to close tlveir consulates in Cleveland and would have a dally capacity of 200 to 300 tons. The Big Four tunnel. 1 fprpnoo tn tlio nncclhiliUoe nf In snouiQ nave gamerea lor uie 45 seconds of the first round Irvington, N.J. Meanwhile, it was i-nnnn tons of wnlcn nas ore, 'program He added tnat lie cut above i Pittsburgh. '-The Czechodo-ft'rnmH has called f!sh Embassy to close learned that if the international been veinred, would eventu-1 boxing clubs, Madison Square ally come through the tunnel .Garden and New York boxing the. mln. The Dunwell and Arrangements are belre? m-nde " v"c 1 ' , , , fi"an "PPort of the ho-coma for the smelting of ore at Tc- fa' tel undertaking. and the transporting 0l- the ore by Frank Waterhous line. j LCXAL TIDES k j, t, n n V rN-. i 1 r.opea 10 see larger crowus m, the right eye. future bouts. . LltUe Bily Smlth was awarfi Miss Joyce Tattersall, Miss ed two trophies. He beat out 59 J"1 j "e wuua British 1 lnfnrm. nrnnna- t , 1 ,,nrl crnf fr.0PT.npr t ru ivn wrmlrl pomp to LIl iu Britsh Con" on a television money settlement, mm , for the distance of five Prague The British Information service and British Consulate closed their offices in Prague at noon today in accordance with the demand of the Czefn govrnment, which yesterday denounced Anglo-Czech cultural cgreemsr.i. 1 .i 'mlrnaiiroitrrit'. . K marl Sunday, May 14 in the city for the past few' days on business, is lctuining to mh 12:10 "Slovakia bv .ound Jackie Mutch during thn early part of the event and wa? also the youngest fighter In the tournament. He also weighed 59 Northern B.C. for 1950, was ' awarded a gleaming silver cup by Norm Applin, director of the Northern Sports Boxing Club. ; LIH y CHIi e.UUIll Ull iiiiui"b'- llluro Jy llp demand Mens rM-irln I i'. i i.'inmnHi tn rip-' TVio rlrivina of the tuni.ti 1950 17.6 feet 4.8 feet 7.0 feet (about Stewart on the Coquitlam to- Low 6:01 " 'iiu CilUUlJJIUIl UtllW uitutuuw " 'Mle noln rinii, .,.. .. . . . i.. -annuu v,.ini. o iMw mipratiou Then Mis T.'ttorssli prpv-nted pounds. momw night, 17:bH F Embaw w I l ..... ,. 11 . mnn feet, is already driven'. Graziano J'.mc I