number participating last year, improvement of the Festivals. Tenders 5 Prince Rupert Daily.rNews Saturday, May 13, 1950 : Though there were not as many '; Many valuable, ideas were HIGHEST HALIBUT Festival Had Good Year uui-ui-iown emranis as last year, Drought to the fore, discussed, pR Qf SEASON Three SECOND SUNDAY EXTRA EDITIONS WINNPEG . tf.-The Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Tribune will publish special four-pago editions tomorrow. Xt will be the second time they have published Sunday extras since the flood began. in - o r w.wii.w v..i.iu.v.. iuiu it-icucu tu uitf incoming, from Hazelton entered the vocal Executive for action next vear :I0 Tables Cards AI CW.L. Parly A. Major, ladies Mrs. H. Tweedy crlbbage J. Cloutier and Mrs, A. Norton; bridge Miss E, Cav alier and G. R. Hull. Refresh-! meir, ommlttee consisted ot Musie and Drama Group in Sol' choraI and tap-dancing, The following were elected on Session-Mrs. Becker President classes- Much Cledit tor the ap- the executive and committees for I pearance of this group was due the . . . .... coming j year: " I AC IMP annual .-. : m w t Highest price of the season for halibut was paid on the Prince Rupert Fish Exchange Saturday morning when the B. C. Lady disposed of 42,000 pounds and was paid 22.4c, 22c and 30c by the Booth Fisheries. ,.rs of out of town L chosen by city special meeting In Wr for pipe, fittings, valves for the Sec-Linch water main. President-Mrs. E. N. Becker. oi vne w i. n.. raiKer oi New i Prince Rupert Music and Drama 'Hazelton- J ! First Vice-President Mr. R. G. Moore. Festival Association, members of ' James McCrath came from Vic Attendance at the Catholic Mesdaraes R. LaRoss, W. WhiTf Women's League card party fan, J. Maran, G. R. Brett. Con- Thursday, night filled ten tables, vener was Mrs. E Coughlin,' wh. onto, pipe, 6,636 and fittings, i 219.40. toria to adjudicate the drama the executive and of eoramlttees Winners at whist were: men also acted as cashier. j., "! aittiox i.r. Timber Suit- X 4B4Hfi There will be offered tne sale at 1 submitted their reports and it was evident that the Association had completed a very successful ' year. Public Interest In the idea ! of a Festival has grown steadily i sections and Stanley Bligh from Secon! Vice-President Sister Vancouver for the music classes. Mary Larence In most cases, very eneouraging Secretary Mrs. P. A. J. Old- and helpful comments were ham. given. s j Treasurer Fred Conrad. In connection with the ques- J Music Advisor P. Lien tion of prizes and awards, men-! Syllabus Convenor H. Pluvm Jusl Received Terminal City Iron Works, Vancouverhydrants, $648. C r a ne Ltd., Vancouver $1,240.40. A few tenders were opened at a city council meeting Monday but as figures were not broken down, the matter was referred to a committee which presented Ms findings to the special meeting. The meeting finally approved the rate by-law. "U, the city is $fl,0O.ll ptl three per cent jjfcurteeii tenders were t full tenders were j4 None of them was fa remaining eleven jy individual parts of S. (.nrlt-rs were chosen: .! mi Corporation, " Public Auction, at 12 noon, on Thursday, Miy 25th. 1950. in the office ot the restrict Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C., the Licence X 49488, to cut 3.375.0O0 f b m. of Hemlock. Balsam, Spruce and Cedar on an area approximately 1 14 miles S t. of S.E. corner of Lot 3950, I K. 89 on west, shore of Tuck Inlet. Range 5 Coast Land District. Three year will be allowed for in the past three years, and sup- port was received from about : lon was macle of tne fact tnat Programme R. D. Cleland twenty local organizations. in. the piano, violin and vocal' Membership Miss E. Holmes The Festival was held on March ! soIos ln each class' slxleen medals j Tickets A. Boas LADIES' ENGLISH WOOL GABERDINE SLACKS HAND TAILORED In SHADES QF SAND, BEIGE, GREY BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED jjey 1 removal of timber. 22, 23 and 24, and comprised one were aarded to those who re-Production Manager hundred and six entries of var- ceived not less than eighty points Canon Prockter oy uie aajuaicators. Reception Mrs. W. S. Kerzin. the auction sale In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour ol auction and treated as one bid." Purtiier particulars my be obtained from the Denuty Minister of Forests, After the events the Festival Three other committee in- Committee received suggestions pointments remain temnorarilv Drop in and look them over from both adjudicators fur the Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. led types. Performances were held in the Capitol Theatre and the Civic Centre. Audiences at all events were attentive and enthusiastic, and it was apparent that Prince Rupert was becoming Festival -conscious. The number of entries was twice the Y THIS LARGE 5 PACKAGE i FRASER & PAYNE CANADA'S BEST CAR BUY THE 195C STANDARD VALUE R VANGUARD Credit Bureau Opened Here Of Interest to Prince Rupert and district Is the opening today of thq Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert, to be operated jointly by P. II. Linzey and Mrs. C. Lauite. Mr. Lindsay will manage the collection adjustment department and Mrs. Laurie will head the credit reporting department. The opening of this Bureau is the direct outcome of a. visit by A. Bullied, field representative of the Associated Credit Bureaus of Canada, to Prince Rupert last winter. Mr. Bullied, at that time, spoke to the Chamber of Commerce as to the many benefits of a Credit Bureau. The local Bureau Is a member of the Associated Credit Bureaus of Canada as well as the National Retail Creflit A completely deluxe automobile. NOT TOO SMALL ... it seats sis people in luxurious comfort with plenty oi headroom ... it is priced right, sized right, (not too large) and styled right. Ask your dealer about the Vanguard and its 12-plus features to-day. MANY THANKS... . . PRINCE RUPERT Your loyal patronage has resulted iiV- our moving to a more central location for your convenience. Sidney Gonick OPTOMETRIST NOW LOCATED Mezzanine George Cook Jeweller 527 3rd Axe. W. i4 -"3 NX cCo I e ; t fj MOTOR CO. ner Adjusted vL The STANDARD 4 Lawton Blvd. (Canada) Limited Toronto, Ontario is an unbeatable combination of features found in no other car of its class. Standard Vanguard Cars; Standard Estate Cars; Standard Panel Delivery and Pick-up Trucks: Triumph Cars Association of this af-filation gives the Credit Bureau Distributor: Plimley Autombile Company Ltd., 654 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B. G. Dealer: Bill's Motor Service 404 McBride St., Prince Rupert of Prince Rupert access to tilts and information at any one of the 15,000 member bureaus. . Until the formation of this Bureau, T- M IS h i I I t. M IS H TT EH Prince Rupert was the only city of its size in Canada without the facilities of a Credit Bureau. I UUu rrt 3 edit What- Does the Toy? eam t The Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert . . .presents this advertisement in order that yon may have a heller understanding of what a Credit Bureau is. What Is a Credit Bureau? Bureau Benefits to the Public A credit bureau helps to keep the family within their budget. It enables the : entitled to credit to get it whenever they need it. A few satisfactory reports,from s)tores permits the opening of accounts at other stores without difficulty. Then, if the family moves to another city, the record of the Credit Bureau is available to the merchants of that city- In other words, a satisfactory credit rating is a recommendation in a ny city. where the credit record of all per-d. Business firms need credit w the pay habits of those who which you pay your creditors is ut by the credit bureau as well, Uested to send to the bureau a ledgers. Members report on each ant's experience with this partic-ou make your own credit record, A Credit Bureau is an office sons in a community are recorde bureaus to be in a position to kno apply for credit. The manner in not only recorded on his ledger b for. periodically members are req record of every account on their customer according to the merch ular customer. In other words, y the bureau merely records it. Organized at Prince Rupert 1950 The Credit Bureau of Rupert rime Member Associated Credit Bureau of Canada "Credit is like a looking glass, which once sullied, by a breath, may be wiped clear, but if once cracked, can never be repaired' -Sir Walter Scott Member National Retail Credit Association of America s an organization maintained for the roercKanrs and professional men of Prince Rupert and district. The bureau makes it possible for anyone with a good credit rating to obtain credit ot any or H stores holding membership. 608 Third Ave.W. Treat Your Credit as a Sacred Trust