11 prince nffpcr! Dalls? rea3 Saturday, .November 19, 1949 in in Knrriiir Court of Bririsft f'nlninhla In Protuir III The Mailer of l hp "Aclmlnl-lra tion At" And - In thr Mnltrr at the Estate of rtnvtd WilMifl. DriYaarct. Jiiliwtutr TAKE NOTICE that by Order nf Ia Hnnnnr Jllrivf. W CI Fllltim. SOFT LIGHTS -AND FLOWERS ... " Form Setting for Afternoon Wedding in First I'nited Church A STRAIGHT CUT for a 7 i TEMPERATURES GOING - BE WISE AND MAKE Sl'RE OF VOI R WINTER srrrLY of coal D O W N ORDER TODAY FROM mill nirS'& Call 631 Ask for Millbank. Experience the smoking enjoyment that can be yours in cigarette after cigarette oil dayl It's the Straight Cot Virginia the top tobacco from tip to tip that makes Millbank "Truly Mild". v 1 O -4 Tfyte bet fieyte firmer 7eyke milder - ElITT & Co. Lid. ll'MBER BllLDING SI jCet's talk tiling Ovct Wka lob died, tlie nfipliliouri fell to wohilcnriK what wniilil happen to the family. He'd born a real family man, a st raily earner, but he wasn't vnry olil when the umspri-ted overtook liiin. It loukni like disaster for the family. Von see lied recently built himself the nicest of homes and, of course, hud made only a few payments on the mortgage. His eldest girl was going to high school, and the boy was looking for ward to entering next year. The sudden death of Hob surely would end everything. But it didn't. Of course, tbrre was great grief, but much to E c t t 1 ( Q r r s r o v d B TI'LIES even-one's surprise, the widow kept the home, the kids went to school, and the uprooting which everyone ' expected didn't come "IT. . ,., Vim see Rob believed in life assurance. He knew how important it waa to create an immediate estate out, of his small saving. He knew too that only life aurance eould do this. Now Boil's widow receives a constant income; her home is paid for; and all lK-oause Hob realized that it waa part of his responsibility to look after bis lovely wile and family in the best way he knew how. Let's talk things ovet today! Pecoratipns , of chrysanthemums and mixed, fall .flowers with dimmed lights made a. soft and pretty setting for the marriage of Miss ' Sylvia McKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joshua McKay of Inverness Cannery, and James Wesley Warburton of Prince Rupert which took place at 4 oclock Thursday afternoon In First United Church. Rev. Lawrence A. Sieber officiated. Bridal music was by Henry A. Pluy.m.. . , Given in marriage ( by. her father, the bride was becomingly eowned in white with lace train. i She carried pink and white car nations. . .... The matron of honor was Mrs. Henry Helin who wore a blue suit and had a corsage of carnations. Five bridesmaids were the Misses Vera Beynon, Louise Mc Kay, Doris Saukey, Pauline Dudo- ( Continued. Page fit. . Your Child's Eys Children's eyes are not fully developed miniatures of adult eyes. They grow to' maturity slowly si the. child develops. During school years, eyes require special care. Without care, your child can grow into a permanent visual probleaj due t the increasing demands of study and office work. Without care, inefficient eyes can handicap learning ability, retard progress. Professionally trained people dedicate themselves to the complex study of visual care in order to serve you and your children. CONSULT YOUR OPTOMETR 1ST in FLAVOUR! Dries Quickly beautiful flat Paint today ni tomorrow. t , ...31.40 qfr-54 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, JOHN T. FOWLE Sl'N LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA 1062 Ambrose Avenue P. O. Box 855 Loeal Jwjgs ol the Supreme Court of British Columbia, 1 was on the 7th. day of November, A D. 1949 ap-l point 1.1 Administrator ol the estate of. David Wlliun. daeeapd. late of Shames. British Columbia, who died on the 5th day -of September. 1949. at Shames, British Columbia. All rwnarwia lnHahUwl K hIH MlAtt are requlj-ed to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and all persons having claims against the slid estate are required to lile them with me properly veri fied, on or before the 15th day oi December, 1949. . failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 8th day of November, 1949. Gordon Praaer Forbes Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (273) NAVICARI.F. WATERS PROTKCTION ACT R.8.C. , fhapler 140 THE COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY LIMITED hereby GIVES NOTICE that they have under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and ,1a tb. Land Registry Office at Prince Rupert, British Columbia., a description ol the site and the plan of the dolphins and sland- m .booms proposed, to be- drtvou And placed on Water Lot 7384. Range 5. Coast District, situate on the West side of Porpoise Harbour, near Prince Rupert. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one montn from the date of the first publlrati u of the Notice, the Calutbl Cellulose Com-onny Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Aot. jpplv to th- Minister of Public Works at lila office In the Cltv ot Ottnwa. for approval of the laid site and plon. . DATED this 25th day of October, 1940. , r COLUMBIA CEM.TTI.OSE COMPANY LIMITED. P. C. Underhlll. Aent. (H) - rot I ASTHMA 1 AND HAY. FEVER ce BREATHE Of-A AStA. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SWV1PSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOLTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 18 , 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue - PhoiM M8 NEW ROYAL i HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Rooms Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box, 198 Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 7 .300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77- CALL BLUE 992 For Satisfactory Service KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 718 2nd Ave. VVV , We Have FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Always in favour . . .Always NOW AVAILABLE LOOK TOE THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, DC Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment hoiks 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 6 p m. KVKMMiH Monday and Friday. 7:30 pm..for tnoae unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoon. 55JS Hi G'- J WJ1 ,Ote1" AMaMte HaMf TBI am tMMtovit BOOKER' 9 ,7"J..j . .rCOAl BURNER ran run HP to KI'V Ml furl Mlk llh lhl mnuulnt lli.r or furnarr! ftU4c - In fcpara llftr or Warm Alf I'imftrt BMMltU tu hl Borneo burns the I cneapest small Lignite 11. Coals with 93 k efficiency. Cut your fuel bills in half! OVER 22.000 SATISFIED USERS IN WESTERN CANADA IlhmtrfttM FnMfV showing Fuir MiMlHa vf Bm,I( llrtrr and Cirnim IKKh ON HI-.dtKST Aik your drmJer or wiiul ISLAND CITY BL'ILDERS' SUPPLIES 505 McBride St. Blue 820 CALL . BLUE - 992 For Satisfactory Service REN'S RADIO CLINIC J" 318 2nd Ave. W. , EBY&SONS Contractor REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Lfet us help you pldn that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Bos 586 Commodore Cale J "Betbjr Thn Ever" f Best Food and Service In Clt Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders S Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr. IMovinR, PackinK, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 0 and 68 II'IIJI!!! !lll!iU!liii!!i!i!l!l!! iiMiini Modernize your kitchen Make your kitchen Modern at, Very Reasonable Cost For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIELTD. Builders and Contractors liilllllli! JOHI4 H. . BULGER DPTOMETR I3T John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue good as, if not than any im-ported ale. Only s2.4 7 SIDNEY fiONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telepnone 212 . Evenings by Appolntrrveni CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC . STENOGRAPHER 401.. Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Really Co.) Phones: i , Qreen 667 Pays Oreen 412 Evgs. BYT0WN MACHINE WORKS AgenU for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS )IESEL EN01WE3 Sales 8ervlce and Pacta , Coat owners and users of Industrial Engine are Invited to our showroom to Vlew;,our various .engines and, UlV over equipment problems.- ., , . DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST ', , . Suite 7, Smith Block' . Phone 525 P.O. Box 12 16 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 156 972 10th East .- HELEN'S .... BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waring Beauty Culture jn all ; its branches 204 4th 8treet Phone 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED . H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete. Moving 8ervlce . Crating - Packing - CartAge BLUE 780 RED 510 including tax. MATT5 UPH0LS3 Phone Blue SU j' . j 330 Sttor.J Prlnc R.i B. & W. 11 DRY FIR KINl 50c Per Sac i PHONE cl .... . FOR t ROCK b C0N(S CAIXBIl M. J. SAI New, Modtrn All. Wort Ql !a. p. GkW ICHARTERED M 1118 Melvl VANCOC'J MARGARE OPTOW .. STONE , PHI BUI P.O. B1 GEORGE Public Accou" Income Tax R Besner Block DR. P. J' SUITE 5, SV Phone 765 HAND .HOME GENERAL Cl Building ROOFS - OIL BC PflC Black 334 i P.O. fn rvn As better, a case, - tsi, 1 W V-?V -&5Vir inirai Several USED CAR .PRICES GOOD USED CARS IN STOCK PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE Drop in to See These Bargains at ... . QUALITY REPAIRS For powntrodden Heels -and Worn Soles . . MAC. ; - ' -SHOE HOSPITAL' Box 774 Second Ave. COAST VANCOUVER Thii advertisement i$ f BREWERIES LfMITED NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board fVNrnmcn of PritfthjColumbia -- i u33i 'M9:oag: Advertise