SOFT LIGHTS (Continued Irani rige 4) liinr t ,..!.. .. TODAY 7 - 9:05 Iptintt XXupttt DaHp J3cto Saturday, November 19,-1949 ' ,.,,narr , aterfront ward and Phoebe Sankcy all of whom were attired in white and carried white rows. Carole and Emma McKay, sisters of the bride, were dainty Card Paily By Women of Moote Women of the Moose staged j card party in the Moose Temple Thursday right. Seven tables were at play and winners were: Bridge, Mrs. A. J. Curzon and H. Blair; Whist,, Mrs. P. Curie A. J. Croxford. Refreshments were served by the committee 1 ---la s: I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fall Snowsuits For Girls Of All Ages $5,95 ' from Sizes 1 year through 15 years consisting of Mrs. N. Bussey, convener, Mhs. C. Cassldy, Mrs. jflower girls with Douquets 01 carnations . David Prevost of MetlatatU was groomsman. Following the church ceremony, a wedding breakfast and reception was held at the Com- i modore Cafe. I Assisting the happy couple In receiving congratulations and NEW CO-OP SMOKEHOUSE NOW IN OPERATION HEAVY SHIPMENTS . OF ALASKA FISH RECEIVED P Curie, Mrs. R. B. Skinner, Mrs. P. Bond and Mrs. II Muncey. A new and up-to-date smokehouse, designed along the most modern scientific lines for efficiency and Try a Classified Ad for Roultf m best wishes were the mothers of Chinchilla, wools and gabardines. Two piece ! and three piece styles. Priced right naturally. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE quality of product, has been installed in connection tnP bride and groom eaeh of " " m I Entertainment SUNDAY MIDN1TE0NLY fra)wCl rim N AMU AIH.E VI ATI K I-KOIKI HON AIT R.h.t'. Itfil, (Jlmptrr III) THE COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY LIMITED hereby GIVES with the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative' whom wore blue suits with cor-plant at Westview Bay and is now ready for operation.' "'7 adding trip to van-In connection with the final checking up, Williani ' COuver, Mr .and Mrs. warburton Lantz, assistant to Otto Young. wm return to Prince Rupert to chief research engineer for the . here for the past few days. It was take up residence. Pacific Fisheries Experimental Mr LanU wno designed the no?; Te bride wore ' an attractive Station at Vancouver, has beenjCo.op smokehouse plant Hp ar.'grey suit. NOTICE that they have under Bec-tlou 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and In the Land Registry Hotel arri vals Office at Prince Rupert, British Col umbia, a description of the site and PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND : ENGINEERS the plan of the dolphins, concrete pillars and shears proposed to be driven and constructed on Water Lot 7385, Range 6. Coast District. w m ..r rived from Vancouver on the Prince George Wednesday and is A singie exploratory oil well sailing by the Princess Norah drilled in Alberta during 1913 this afternoon on his return to cost $1,600,000, but found no oil. situate In a tute-al the Southeast 1 erly'end of Ridley Island and North of Porpuise Channel, near Prince V ancouver. Rupert. iron and Bra&s Oarangi Electric and Acetylene Welding Prince Rupert , Mrs. R. Pongs and son, Masset: Alex Awid, Edmonton; C. Lewis. Butedaie; Mr. and Mrs. F. Tudge and family. Vancouver; Miss G O. Conner, cit; ; H. Lennex, Port Hardy; N. H. McClary, Port Hardy and 'William ; Walker, Port ' Hardy. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the of her voyage to J-eatlle. Master of the Palisana Is Capt.. A. W. Howgate. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY. . 13 Another Alaskan ship In port expiration of one month from the data of the first pub.. cation of the Notice, the Columbia Cellnloo Company Limited will, under Sct!;.n 7 of the said Act. tpply to the Minister of Public Works at his fflco In the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plan. DATED this 2&tn day of October. 1940. COLUMBIA CELLVIOaE , COMPANY LIMITED, r. C. Underbill, Agent yesterday was In? m uovship Sid 'Ready to Go' g In The $ureiii Court of British 'ulmnbU In lroba(e In tlif matter of the "Administration Act" And In Thf matter of the Kstate of Matt Alfred AnderMin, Otlierwlse Known At Alfred YnilerMin, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Bupreme Court pf British Columbia. I was on the 8th day of November, A D. 1949. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Matt Alfred Anderson, otherwise known as Alfred Anderson, deceased lute of Bella Bella, British Columbia, who died on or about the 6th day of August. 1949. at Bella Bella. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against tho said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of December. 1949. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall hRve been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this ney, Capt. Osmund H'-ndritkson The vessel brought In three car at Ihc push of a lnll:n Factory Frrsh loads of fro?ei fish after the discharging of which she ta'.'eci (H) on her return to Ketchikan. Union steamer Canicsun. i apt. Harry McLean, arrived In port on time as usual ..t 1:30 ycslerciay afternoon frorr Vancouver, West-view, Namu and Butedaie, sailing at 10 p.m. for south Queen Charlotte Island points whence she is due to return here tomorrow morning and sail at 0 p.m. for the south. " The big A.iicr'':ait reti iterator ship Palisanu in port ail tl '.y yesterday discharging 28 carloads of frozen fish fiom Ktchi-kan and other southeastern Alaska ports for .transshipment East over Canad'un Naiionnl Railways. The vessel arrived from the north &t 8 a.m. ar.d sailed last night lit continuation Goodyear Batteries for Passenger Cars and Trucks -AT- PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY i 712 Second Ave. Ph 8th day of November, 1949. Gordon Fraser Forbes Official Administrator , Prince Rupert, B. C. THE BAKING TWINS FOR BEST RESULTS IN BAKING CAKES OR PASTRIES Be KITCHENW1SE -i Be PENMWISE ' ' use ". : : DOMESTIC TENDERFLAKE SHORTENING & PURE LARD Product of Canada . Packers Limited I FAII SAIIINfK a v. ft.s in o IS - o n n ti. DRV 6 m 9 DRUGS "Thank Goodness I Paid My HOSPITAL INSURANCE PREMIUM. You'd Better Pay Yours Before NOVEMBER 30th" aUneniTII U HALIFAX SOUTHAMPTON U Lj A "AQUITAKIA" . A f ' Nov. 24 u Yr I 1 11 '11 i: l! ; (I HALIFAX IIVERPOOL I HALIFAX - LIVERPOOL A PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS; STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, t AM. Tq it SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO 1 1 v 7 P.M. TO 8 P M Dally car delivery service emergency bkjcl'i from 7 p ni. till Sf rrom 0 a.m. till 6 pm. snd Sundaj :;-"jt WWIV I .79AM.AKIA: . "r RARC0NIA" T I TTT fnmi .IX'!1 if PI i r- Duc-$ , I Dtc 14 A I k ! 'Slf, L. , T -V,3 T I EVERYTHING IN TOYS HOLLYWOOD cafe r iaV 11 ": v ) -7. n "FRANCOMIA" D,c-14 hm Ma,i,ax Uvoi 1 mjj'.j v 1 1 M 1' i ' 7 ' "T" I I "nnrcu n iiibftun n,.rr.. M To Please, tfre Boys, and Girls CALL IN TODAY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE M ANSON'S China Store Across From GtVt. I .iqtior Store' 1MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE , I MAURETANIA" "BRITANNIC" "PARTHIA" "MEDIA" T OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. ;fgWl t V WEST ,NDIES SUNSHNI CRUISES U KM ftir fiii f U See Your Local Trave' Aflenl A We Specialize uze in m Chlriese gniriese Dlshei uisnei A A CHOW ME IN M cnop SUEY- EY r il 1 4 w-r mm i Iff, m . I l U M R A n II. Kaicn Co-op awSaue i t ww-A'h'r r i- u L.iinaHii iiiibri neni iniiTcn Mj mrfi &v r, t h 1 .1 i m-.- e ill 133 For Outside Orders PHONE ) XSfrAUAl V 6 WEST lK.'lKit STREET. VANi'OL'VKR. nr.. U PLAN YOUR XMAS C1FT BUYING NOW M HJMm:-?:.:t4rJ 3 Fof - i f 1 1 m m jx. - . . . I Farg True B.r. hospital itensr i r i s 1 1 i r e XMAS 5V Ixe Our "Uy-Atiy" Plan AVAILABLE. FOR IMMEDIATE DEl-lJ THERMIC RAY STAINLESS 8TEEL PRESSURE COOKERS A small deposit holds any article General Electric VACUUM CLEANERS Real Gift for Christmas 94.50 o.Tnn chassis and Cab, 152" v with reinforced frame & 2-spced . ... j -nh nn" v. 3-ion wnasAis '" -"" with lelnforccd frame & 2-speed McClary Refrigerators McClary Electric Ranges Radios Westinghouse Washers Torrid-Oil Ranges Coleman OH Heaters C.C.M. Bicycles C.C.M. Tricycles & Wagons POTS, PANS, PYREXWARE, ELECTRIC . IRONS Complete Stock Dishes and Fine China Trilitc and Tublc Lamps Power and Hand Toola Electric Appliances Ski and Skating Equipment Thermic Ray Stainless Stee! Utensils Doll Buggies and Kiddie Cars Rupert Meter j PHONE 179 BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS For Your Personal Signature 16 Assorted Xfhas Cards 75c, 89c & 95c per box 15 Brilliant Pointsettia Asst. Cards l.oo per box 15 "The Xmas Birds of Happiness" l oo per box 18 Asst "Jolly Old Santa" Um per box 25 Beautiful Assorted Cards i.oo per box 12 Bronzed and Embossed ass't cards l.oo per box 10 colorful Snow Scenes i 0o per box 12 Cards "Coaching Days" I 1.50 per box p Ass t Canadian Snow Scenes 2.00 per box AMAZING VALLE 59 ASSORTED COLORFUL CARDS Only $1.23 & 1.50 jht box Call in today to BOX 1127 251 THIRD AVENUE Phones: 8(!li Office, 5fi6 SIx'P we DhLivr.rt rrrr 'i he Fleetwood 2hr' A.. 3 Speed SI f-t k4 fJ 7 i L McBride Street Phone 311 V 0. Zmj)r, rr If IK " ""' Record Changer Plays all Records Automatically 6 Tube Radio with RF . Stage for - Greater Sensitivity V,' It is later than liESNER BLOCK. 3RD AVE. PHONE 23 you think RUSH SHIPMENT! ' SAVE VAUABLE TIME Ensure Spt-ecly Arrival of Pcrului')'" (l A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ARTICLE TILL XMAS 5 For Weddings Birthdays or Special Parties CAKES and COOKIES MADE TO ORDER at AIR FREIGHT 'To: Queen Charlotte Island' To: Alice Arm, Stewart So do your Xmas Shopping NOW BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT New Lust For Information On Frights anil l!at" r 3189.50 NOBLE 301 3rd Ave W. & WICK RUPERT BAKERY LTD. CALL 476 J Ql'EEN . C:iAKI.OTTE AIKLINES - MHj j rous Duco Finished Cabinet Phone 100 GEORGE COOK, Jewell er 619 3rd Ave. Phone 613 527 3rd Ave. ouccessor to M. Heilbroner Phone 204 ADVERTISING IN THE DATLY NEWS BRINGS