IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA frinre Rupert Daili? sitxos Monday. December 5, 1949 ! "Everybody Vote" Off-Duty Laugh fur V.N. Delegates LETTERBOX Xmas Gids - jr 1 s- Exhort Jaycees (L Men S Bjy At Tins needed Editor, Daily News In reply tu Mr. Hainsworth's letter in your paper of Decemb?r An Independent dallv newipRp-r demoted to the upbuilding of Prinre Rupert nu all rmmiim: i'inR tiorihern end centra! flrlusn Coiumb.i. (Authored as second Clnss Moil. Post Ofticc Dt-partment. Ottawa) Published evprv afternoon except Sundny by Prttice Rupert Dally News Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O A HUMFR. Manaein? Editor. H. O PERRY. ManairiiiB Director. 11 EMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AHDIT BURKAll OP CIP.CUI .Al IONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES H"!l-,. Vl Carrier. Per Week. iOe: Per Month. 7c: Per Ter, MOO Er A.JJx-By Mall. Per Month. 60c: Per Tew. (6 uu ?ii.-v' 1 I quite agree with him that some folks are queer although Ugh' J? un- f "" Real Saij Prices ! Harold Hampton, president of the Junior Chamber of Com-' mercf , which is organizing the 'Oet Out and Vote" campaign,' uigcs all citizena to Vote on- Thursday In the civic elections.: Mr. Hampton stated: "We of, (he Junior Chamber In realizing! our responsibility to Uie Community are calling on the voters ! I certainly du not claim tj - IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATF OP NEI.S l.IND. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of the Supreme Court of lirlti.h Columbia Letters Prooatc of ule lust will of Nels Llnd. who ilid on the 20th day of I ci'mber, im4h u Prince Hupert. British Columbia were, rnu u to me All persona Indebted to the siiid .niHlu are required to pity th" amount of their ImJrbiednrrs to me forthwith, and all personis having claims aRinst the estate urv req'ilreu to file particulars thereof with m duly vended on or before the ath day of December. 194H. after winch date 1 will proceed to distribute the estate to thoe.e entitl.d. Iiaviiiij re-Kurd only to such claims un I shall then have received hotice. Dated at Prince Rupert. R c. this 2Hth day of Novinbir. 1U4K OLOF HANSON Executor Prince Ruj;crl, B. C. is Future Citizens dtrstand human nature. Human nature is just about the most complex thiiijj known and people who say they understand it only ''FUTURE Citizens" uresent-dav students at si-ow they doit. ! to use their franchise. I i believe thr.t However, I still r "To give the voters the oppor- ' ! rr fifism firiM nnc va ha if it 1; Prince Rupert tomorrow They will play at being 'constructive. The "sit back and Men's DRESS SM!, bl9 selection Mcn's TIES- 9if. Latent shrj.j, from . Men's SWEATtk pullover and UlU mayor and city council, municipal executives oper- beef attitude never accomplish t unity of meeting and hearing the candidates for Civic office we have arranged an election rally at the Civic Centre tomorrow night. to anything except remaps to : r' J Prince Rupert l'lorists i Flowers for All Occasions styles, wools, r, from ators of services and businesses, getting around generally to see and take a hand in the ramifications of the machinery which combine to make the community click. While some of the people whose premises and sanctums the students invade mav feel them to be a keep good men and women out j of public office. We neea criti-'cim in a democracy but it must te coupled with a willingness to do something about it. Thank you. , ERIC FAURE 300 3rd Ave. Box me Tel 77 1 Knjoying a brief respite from their strenuoui dutie at th. I'nited Men's TrtOlKrort At this time the various Mayor-'v and Aldermanlc candidates ! will be called upon to put their platforms before the public. We j sincerely hope that the voters will make every effui t to attend this rally. - 1 rr&ce .11 . i i . "f Nations Assembly, representatives of the "Bif Three" indulge in a juke at a social gathering. Left to right they are: Ambassador Warren R. Austin of the U.S.A.; Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishin, -kv . the I RSS; and H. E. Hector McNeil of the Vuittd Kingdom Perfect gift, fj00fk meni from "r 1 Men's oil wool A little in the way and upsetting the daily routine, it j ' will be a good bit of practical education and training j c P R steamer prinCess Norah, i for the young folk and, who knows, if they are pro- capt. Graham Hughes, docked at; perly received, thev may leave a few ideas that may Plince Rupe,rt thist "loi-ning at, A , , , H a.m. leaving at 1 p.m. fori i i j- ,l u be used for the betterment of the places where they Skagway and other Aiaska go. points. The vessel will be here: I "To keep our democratic way i of life, which so many In other going countries have lost through negligence at the polls, let us use there our franchise Let's go to the SILBAK-PREMIER - (Continued Horn Fage V. aboard the Coquitlam north last night. Prior to the reopening Moving, Packing, rating, Shipping and (ieneral Cartage and Storage Complete Ri'liable and Kfflo ient Service, also aircnU for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and i'ark Avenues Est. 1910 riioncs itt ami 68 goexf sharips. pf bargain ti i f MAII All 11 i rtU TV00I COATS Covert was a complete rehabilitation polls on December 8 and remem of mine, mill and residential ber "Vote as You Like, But Vote buildings. Seventeen families are back in residence at Prem-I art dock by two five-ton trucks each of which make two trips daily one in the morning and one in the afternoon, bringing the concentrates out and taking in oil and supplies. This get-together, something unique in Prince again SM afternoon en T1 , , , , . . , . 1 . route to Vancouver. liiipert, should be an interesting precedent and ' I new shades onr! p, ! fit. Real bomoin ' ler wnne other workers commute between there and Stew- SCHOOL OFFICIALS HEADING SOUTH in the tram line:81'1- Tne Ps office at Premier Whereas. M?n'$ SOX - hi selection, new do good quality, fr0m has been reopened and the. days, the concentrates brought down in buckets, School board secretaries from lhl a ria n n . 1 1 i . e I school is also being reopened. With Mr. Pitt as managing " " "7" Boys' SHIRTS on i director, the official staff ,,"."""" ,,rre ,usl loading arrangement at the dock has been qhanged with the installation of a hopper, up to which the trucks back up to Premier Includes: Mine manager, J. C. Mc- shades, from . . j Boys' SWEATERS- assortment from I some fun may also be derived out of it. Our young guest editorial staff at the Daily News for the day is being asked to express some honest1 opinions about Prince Puipert, in general, and the Daily News, in particular. While, no doubt, we know our own civic and business and service shortcomings as well as anyone and also what we would like to do in the way of making improvements if circumstances were such that we could do so, it will bej interesting to hear what the young folk think and wljat they would do. To arouse their thought-fulnesl along these lines 'is useful training in good citizenship. 'PRECEDENT OR PROGRESS? me Camosun for Victoria to attend a conference of school j board secretaries from all parts , of the province which will be , held in Victoria this week. The! .party leaving here Included! , School Inspectors Joseph CheU ! dump, the concentrates then Cutcheon. bpin? carried up to the old bins; Mining 'ov an inclined belt conveyor. j jcirby. superintendent, Al. O SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodelling "Russ" Gatke CONTRACTING Box 1558 Phone Itluck 279 Boys' AH Wool H While milling was resumed MM superintendent, Sam M ibout two weeks atro, no snip- Donald. 'npnts hflVP vet hfiftn moHa Viif JACKETS gocrl v bargain prices from or this clt yand H. C. Ferguson i ransements have been made a",caI ot Telkwa, and Secretaries Mrs. I Boys' Dress RutL I M. M. Roper of Prince Rupert, C. Gard-jw. Alger of Terrace and A. Mu- vjatuuci l 11UIUU5UI1. ., , ... . , nth the Frank Waterhouse . freight line for transportation Accuntant. Leonard -outh. Lead concentrates will ner- o to Trail or Tacoma smelter " " jhelm of Smithers. RAINCOATS from Boys' and Girl' oil GOLF HOSE-fror, and zinc, concentrates to . Trail o. Kellogg, Idaho. All ore is now being mined from the old Sebakwe workings. The last annual .report :if Silbak-Premier. showed some 50.COO or 60.0000 tons of ore re ADVENT of a New Year has for sohi'e reason the effect of throwing our minds backward in time, observes the monthly lettev of the 'Royal Rank of Canada. In "a burst of making up for the sorrows of tht past , and smothering the memories of its EBY&SONS Contractors ItKPAIKS - KFMOItl l 1 1; HU'NU.vriONS Iet us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone (irrrn K8J Box 586 RAILROADER PASSES B. T. Chappell, former general superintendent of C.N R. in Brit serves but diamond drilling to-being resumed by Boyle Bros ish Columbia, dead An Vancou- TO THE ELECTORS Ladies and Gentlemen: As a mayoralty candidate I do not believe it is necessary for me to issue a 'manifesto.' Two years service as an Alderman and three as Mayor should make you fully aware of my qualifications. . .- ( I make only one pledge, and it is this: I shall work with the aldermanic board to provide an economical, yet progressive administration of civic business. Sincerely yours, H. M. DAGGETT. for ,rfa purpose of )j!(aving,.,ftjH ther bo'dips : ; ' x ' Tl miMawes, we mauige in a uriei orgvTi ran. mei e veteran railway offi-we get down to the somewhat more gr,im business of , cial , was bom in chariotte- ll-.W l.;,! - 1 t0'n PEL and started work There are now aoout 150 mer.1 REAL ESTATI INSURANCE.! INCOME TA f with the C.N R. in Winnipeg in 1 September, 1895. He success- "This letter is frankly a plea that we stride into "iriDlnved in connection with the Silbak - Premier operation and the force is being giadually built up. Twelve more men wer RETURIS PKEPAld 1950 with our faces forward,' instead of hacking into j lve'y served there as freight checker, switchman. if ii-itei . , 1-, . i-Uvitv.-. -.1 .. ; i. . . . . . ciei k " tr.vt-. un tut: ay liiui;m v ei c uuue in tne jjasi., , R. E. MOUTIMi; 324 2nd Ave. (Nur ( t Our inclination, as lazy-minded people, is to follow precedent, to do what's been done before. CHIROPRACTOR John V. I. Hucben, DC, Ph.C 21-22 Bnner Block Hbone BI.l'E 442 for AppointrneDt hoi hs 10:30 am to 1130 pm. and a to s r l:l.tas THANn? FR'J "As a result of too much precedent worship, stalen'ess sets in. Repetition produces a gradual yard foreman and yardmaster. Later, he was yardmaster and trainmaster at Port Arthur; trainmaster at North Battle-ford; superintendent at Saskatoon and Vancouver. In 1919 he was made general superintendent at Saskatoon. Mr. Chappell occupied the sane position in Vancouver from 1929 to 1936 when he moved to Winnipeg to take over the Manitoba district until his retirement in Bp! PORTRAIT Film Finishing Unlur: Flash Photnt Likm al I Phone Green ZZi) 210 4 PRINCE RUPFR'f, B Mimtlny and Krldn; 7:flO pm for ' those unublB to pome during tli J luy kKChlllONIST in aiu-nd-l 'lice kftermioiia. J lowering of our vividness of appreciation. Life becomes dull. Our spirit of adventure dies. We are wiling to hear only what we have always heard so our! thinking processes wither. We bring old age upon ourselves prematurely." But the truth is that "no static maintenance of CANADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE S Km. SUNDAY, I)KC .18, NAVY DRILL HALL Presents for children of ("pald-up" members of the Canadian Legion, and deceased Veterans, resident in Prince Rupert. Names, ages and addresses of children i UNDER TEN YEARS OF AGE! should be mailed to Secretary. Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, Box 473 or handed to Auxiliary Representative at Legion Hall between 2 and 4 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 5, 6 or 7. List closes midnight Thurs., Dec. B. 1942 after which he lived in perfection is possible. Advance or decadence are the' Vancouver. The Gill She'll Cherish THE UNION MEETING only choices offered to mankind. 1 "Lett's resolve to choose our precedents and adapt them to suit our needs, while we leave the moss-, backs to carry their own load of outworn prpcedents i There lis always a better' way of doing things, and ! the person who forms the habit of changing to better jways has fun. ' i "In the' face of what has been, we need not fear the future. We can enter upon it believing that our present epoch is a period of change to a new direction of civilization, bringing new blessings both material and spiritual to human kind. By con-; tact Vith what is eternal, by devoting'ourselves to ! bringing something of the divine into this troubled world; we add our contribution toward driving out the cruelty and strife that surrounds us." SWEETEST GIFT Moirs XXX Lowneys Neilson's Smiles n' Chuckl' Russell Gront'r. from 95c to $6.00 A Timely Gift. Ladles Watches There will be a General Meeting of the Construction & General Labourer's Union, Local No. 1 427, on Tuesday, December 6th at 8 p.m , in the Carpenters' Union Hall on Fraser St. inVPrince Rupert. Business General. All members are urged to attend. Fraternally yours, C. L. MOE (Sec'y). x.ii up Birthstones For Every Month From $7.50 up Buy With Confidence WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPPING GEORGE COOK, Jeweller fflalhta? piarnutni Remember the 25 tax is off all iewpllerv Sixth St. & Third Ave. Phew . Phone 264 a NOBLE & WICK present ADMIRAL RADIOS BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS For Your Personal Signature jff I I ASSERT Uelicacies I That's What People Say About V yitJJ ur Cak" and Pastries " ' Baked Fresh Dally RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 19 3rd Ave. Phofle MJ 16 15 15 18 25 12 Id 12 16 Assorted Xmas Carda 75c, 89c tt 95c per box Brilliant Pointsettia Asst. Cards 1.00 per box "The Xmas Birds of Happiness" 1 00 per box Ass t "Jolly Old Santa" 10o per box Beautiful Assorted Cards i.oo per box Bronzed and Embossed ass't cards 1.00 per box color'ul Snow Scenes i.oo per box Cards "Coaching Days" .' j.50 per box Ass t Canadian Snow Scenes 2.00 per box vvnr"W't Haiti.'- ; ' . I Admiral perfected circuit. Rich clear tone. Easy to read dial. 5 tube AC - DC BIG IN PERFORM-ANTE. LOW IN PRICE GIVE A RECORD ALBUM YEAR ROUND PLEASURE Bing Crosby's Perry Como's Merry Xmas Album Xmas Special 5 records $4.50 4 records $4.15 Children's Xmos Albums $1.50 u Miscellaneous choirs, oigan, chimes etc., album MAIiCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX Oil, RTTRMPRC AMAZING VALUE 50 ASSORTED COLORFUL CARDS Only $1.25 & $1.50 per box Call in today to j& IRON FIREMAN STOKERS i rt $30.95 A Colour For Every Room at Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKIN5 LTD. CANADA'S SMART SET NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR ADMIRAL DEALER 201 ",e.W. Ph, 10Q PHO.VE 174 BOX 274 BESNER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. PHONE 234