vs. Manson's, Headpini,er V! I Locals Wirv Maeev i E?rln Super! 53sIT? nnu3" Monday, December 5. 1949 j Mixed Bowling iTime Table 1 Football Team Is Banqueted Douglas Frizzed llot to General .Motors' Aenreealion "I've always been interested in LiSht vs. Vel To D D n, 1 De K ,jn v- Bl()WOl Unlieu Ca:,l!v Rar.J ninaiei as cm Blowouts, Watts & Nickerson vg Cantels, Pushovers vs. Silver Streaks, Hangovers n Blues, Sport Shop vs. Floneers, Wharf Rats vs. Conrads, Bob Parker vs. Canadian Pacific ai. Lines. Maceys vs. Velvets, Northern Lights vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing, Handicaps vs. Noble and Wick. December 14 Wharf Rats vs Pioneers, Bob Parker vs. Conrads Mixed Bowling Contest Tight Falling in step with the other leagues. the Mixed Bowling League monopolized the Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys last Wednesday night with 24 teams bowling in one evening Good play was featured with a new men's single game high for the season established in the Mixed League. Cy Kellet bowled 335 an-i also high men '9 three gams lor the evening of 8t)9. 74 Ail all 'round Atvour . . . appealinj ., ' ftft 1 , ' 2 to the Most fitlidiout Uttt with S-tJjEnE J? Ml Kbst body, delijhtful ome. .L j Transfer M. 2r l f -i f v:...-7r u KAY-HI LOSES SECOND GAME International Basketball is Disappointing Show Bo-Me-Hl took another easy victory over Ketchikan Saturday night to win the game by an eight point margin. The final score being 32 to 24 The locals also won the series by an eighteen point lead, 9 to 51, and will carry this commanding margin to Ketchikan when the series is resumed th M e December 1" and 18. The 1949 K-'tchikar. team was by far the .poorest to come south I f 1 om there lor many a year. Us ually Uiu Kay-Hi vs. Bo-Me-Hi series can be counted on as being one of the best exhibitions of the season, but the Kay-Mi team was unable to produce t.ils time and 700 tans left the civic Centre caurua.v uappuinwtt wun ti... 1. k..,. IrulknII i.... ..no. ' u: uj.'-J"'-, There was some justification for Ketchikan poor display, as they kxA their outstaiidrng player. Tucker, early In the first; Pits idvertiwnt is nol published or displayed by the Liquor Control Rwd or by the Government of British Co!uinti. i X As, High ladies single game and three game total went to I. Garner of City Transfer with 281 and 635. I Pushovers, Noble Si Wick. Ideal Cleaners, Head Pinners and City Transfer won with four points each respectively , f rou Koyal Blues. Northern Lights, Bool h School, Camels, and Handicaps, Six teams won three points eacli. 'Thev were M iceys Pioneers Manson's Snort Shou. Velvets. Silver Streaks defeating P. R. Plumbing. Blow-Outs, Hangovers, Conrads, Bob Parker and Watts iiiut Nickersoiis, respectively. Two points apiece went to CP A. and Wharf Rats. Pushovers were anything but j LI Manson's Jlold Bowling Lead n-v... .... ...... . ...b.,v i..v.. . ' w... wniiiift - the whole Men's Five Pin League one night took place last wwlc all teams using alleys on both , floors. High scores, low scores, upsets featured throughout the evening's play created a change standings with the exception Manson's who are a full game front of Brownwoods in sec- i ond place. Six teams emerged u;u ter with a badly sprainea biueiu to joivn wilsou who re- j ankle. Spring was back in the'eeived it in the absence, through j game for Bo-Me-Hi. still show-, having to work, of team captain what their name implies as theytand spending a considerable! victorious with four points ' Miiod League Bowling the prev-apiece. They were D & S, Man- . w week. Manson's one point. son's. Crescents. Commercials, j however, was enough to put Ambassadors, Grand Cafe, win- j them hi the lead by a point over nlng their points fiom Home Oil. , Pioneers and Blow Outs. Philpott Evitt, Mallets, Stones. In other matches. Ideal Clean-Oddfellows, Triple C's respect- j ers won four points from Hancll- I 1 11.1 - TlxmSMtl 1 : 1 j Mixed bowling League play is now taking place every Wednes-1 day evening at the Prince Rupert ' Row-lint? Allevs with thp schedule fir ,ne announced fol. jow. December 7 Ideal Cleaners vs. City Transfer. Booth School ' als" re-nri k-d the players of the very :i.any and varied activities ol sport in which Doug had taken part and with success. His swim ming of the harbor nine tirt:a Was ms to many of the lad?-, as w,.ll as nis participation in foot- all, baseball, lacrosse and tract. amj fv evenUs. Mr. Wilson also iuid how impressed he had been! wjth the improvement In play shown by the lads. The strength- j ening of the team by the fine phiy of Morris Bishop and veter- Dn!l j,- vrara ana aiagnus Hai ..... 4 vorseu was muni encouraging. xhree clieers weie enthusixstic- ltivn fur General Motors and; Doug. FrizzeU Following tlie dinner the play-! eri adjourned to Van Meer's slu,u0 Wlere a team picture was tai.t.n liio.se present were Douglas p,.jZZ(.i j g Wilson , Olen Olsen. M( irris Bishop, Pat Wilson, J.hn wilsm Cllrn. ,r. rie. Tommy Boulter, Arne Uen. Wally Price. Andy Owens, Alvin McKay, Rod Robinson, Sonny Dickens, Joe Ward and Magnus Halvorsen, Commodore Calc "Betk-r Th.n F-ver" SBest Food and Service In Clt3 Jl'hone 17 for Srnd-Oul Order 3 , Third Ave. Duvld Chow, Mgr 1 l,iMjuiMtia Jii''Utii&'U:iiilliuiiu"uj.,t:.itiiiliiiiriiiF A Cozy Room In Exchange for your Attic Turn that Empty Attic Into a Bedroom Den if For F.stimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Rudders antt Contractor ' fTlimtPtWH"'!''!' JUS sport and its development, and - particularly in Its development ; anion the youtn of our city, and J that is why I have been glad to, sponsor the General Motors foot- j ball club" said Douul.is Frizellj on Friday evening at the annual ! banquet of the General Motors Football Club. Mr. Fri'zell went on to say that a city with a good sportminded population was bound to be a good city built up by good citi- ;ens. There had been a ten- j Ucncy for some old-timers to: keep on play'ng after their best days were over and resenting the entry of young blood into the j games. He was glad to see the( General Motors, mostly last year s uu v... Itl4lha . Til I, IU fl. 111 I If VII W' II -... - even U they had not won must I of the games. They had a record o oemg goou iners. Mr. r riz.eu . men nanaeo over me neneiu Glen Olsen. Mr. Wilson ijr.i said that he ( was anxious mat Mr. truzeu mid know how much the play-j appreciated the support given him. The year before they had played in their own shirts, jhorts and boots. It had been a great boost to their morale to have such a fine backing as had been' given them by General Motors hroujvh Mr. Frizell, and he could assure hiiu the team would try do even bi tter next year. Coach "Sonny" Dickens said that he had enjoyed working with the team and was sure w itii added experience next year's record of wins would be higher. Chairman of the meeting was 8. Wilson, president of the General Motors Football Club and also president of the Prince Rupert Football Association. He paid tribute to the willingness with which Mr. Frfezell haJ to sponsor the team. He ja?reed mm 7 7 H f i BOTTLED n 11 - - c Phnne 654 m tU WMimt m p.biliid 4pUyd WT Llxo CmOoI 8M.d m k Gwin.w a CUiki llirt aJtcrtiwawnt h ant puhlithed or displawd W tKf lii by tht Government u Hrmih Cuiumhu. iveiy. nve teams won three points apitTe. Tliey were Brownwoods, J. C's No. 2. Blain s, Wat- Island Stages. Jaycees No. 1,' defeating Undesirables. Scotians, ! Canadian Legion, Cold Storage and Thorn Sheet Metal respectively. Two points apiece went to CP A. and Rupert Motors. High scores for the night were by Len Hopkins of Ambassadors with 41 for single game iflul &40 three unuie. A general meeting of all play- Pro fessional and Bmi Pr mi ; at; ge of : nu sa:: liti; vi ! fo ; pe- 1) go. Ril so N ; he ai . w sh v if w an : ft! ci P ; oP, Ci. Ol; w loi If it ; pintle hi. ail K or tP b. T ers followed Monday night s , Ail teanus will play this Wed-eame's: ;nesday with the new allevs oneo Schedule Of Men's Bowling Schedule for the Men's Five Pin Bowling League lor the season, play in which takes place in every Monday evening is announced as follows: December I Mansun's vs Oddfellows, Philpott-Evitt vs. Mullets. Undesirables vs Cold Storage, in Jaycees No. 1 vs Brownwoods, of Jaycees No. 2 vs Thorn Sheet In Metal, Crescents vs Scotians, Commercials vs D & S. Canadian Legion vs Stone's, Ambassadors vs Btalii" Triple C's vs Watson Island tiuges, Rupert Motors Vs Grand Cafe, Home Oil vs C. P. L-e. 12 Rupert Motors vs. W. 1 Stages, Home Oil vs Grand Cafe. Commercials vs CPA, Can. Legion vs D & S Ambassadors vs Stones, Oddfellows vs Blains. son Undesirables vs Triple C's. J. C's No. 1 vs Cold Storage, J. C's No. 2 vs Brownwoods, Crescents vs Thorn Sheet MetaL Philpott Evitt vs Scotians, Uanson's vs. Mallets . Dec. 19 tTurltey Shoot -Mallets vs Scotians. Undesirables vs Rupert Motors. J. C.s No. 1 vs. Triple C's. J. C's No. 2 vs Cold! Storage. Crescents vs Brownwoods, Philpott Evitt vs Thorn jBheet Metal. Sheet Metal. Commerces vs Grand Cafe. Can. Leion vs C. P. A , Ambassadors vs D & Odd fellows vs Slones, Manson's vs Blain's, Home Oil vs W. I. Stages. Jan. 9 Commercials vs'W. I. Stages, Can. Legion vs Grand Cafe, Ambassadors vs C. P. A., Oddfellows vs D St S, Blain's vs Stones, Manson's vs Scotians, Crescents vs Cold Storage, Undesirables. Home Oil, Mallets vs Thorn Sheet Metal, Philpott. .Evitt vs. Brownwoods, J.C's No M vs Rupert Motors, J.C's No. 2 vs Triple C's. Jan. 16 Crescents vs Triple . C's, Philpott Evitt vs Cold Storage, Mallets vs Brownwoods, Un desirables vs Commercials, J. C 's No. 1 vs Home Oil, Scotians vs Thorns Sheet Metal, J. C's No. 2 vs Rupert Motors. Canadian Leg- Kin vs W.I. Stages. Ambassadors vs Grand Cafe, Oddfellows vs C.P.A., Blain's vs D & S, Man-son's vs Stones. Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs W.I. Stages, Oddfellows vs Grand v Cafe, Blain's vs C.P-A, Stones vs D & S, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet' Metal, Crescents vs Rupert Mothers. ' Scotians vs Brownwoods, Philpott Evitt vs Triple C's, Mallets vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Can. Legion. J.C's No. 1 vs Commercials, J.C's No. 2 vs Home Oil. Jan. 30-Seotians vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C's No. 1 vs Can. Legion. J .C's No. 1 vs Commercials, Cres cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Brownwoods. Manson's the will r si 27 of "c ?ou saw u Canadian mi 1 ii concn'1 in la 1 1 GEORGE Ri Public Account.. tors. Income comj G. L. ROR 8. B. WRD j Besner Block f DR. P. J. DENT SUITE 5, KM Phone 785 HANDY1 HOME SH OENERAL CONf Building and kinds ROOFS - C OIL BUKI PHONt Black J34 H P.O. Box I B & W Tr Cord Wood, Ce Kindling wood : PHONE RI MAHSC. I UPHOLST Phnne Blue 818 TiD Second M Prince Rupni FOR vt'? RrVK b CONCRfJl CALL BLI'SI M. J- SAUHI New. Modern 14 All Work Guarfi I A. P. fiARDNlJ CHARTFKKD ACt'( VANCOUVER I I I MARGARET W OPTOMETB B.vilTI 10 STONE PHONb RLUE K' P.O. BOX I' The last of the twice weekly 1 bowling for the men's five pin I bowling league took place the previous week. Three teams emerged with four points. They were Thorn Sheet Metal, Mallets, and Canadian Legion, defeating Undesirables, J. C's No. 2 and Oddfellows. Manson's, Scotians, and Crescents each won three points from Ambassadors, J. C's No. 1 and Philpott Evitt respectively. The men's high single score a new high for the season was by S. Dziapka of Crescents with 3C0. Jack Paul of Manson's scored 748 for high three game total. Standings Manson's 37 Brownwoods 33 Mallets 31 Home Oil 30 D. & S 29 Scotians 28 Stones 27 Blain's 27 Grand Cafe 27 Philpott Evitt.'' 25 Crescents : 23 Commercials 21 Rupert Motors 21 j. C's No. 1 21 Ambassadors 19 Cold Storage 19 Thorn Sheet Metal 19 Oddfellows 16 W. I. Stages 16 J. C's No. 2 14 Canadian Legion 13 Triple C's 11 C P. A 11 Undesirables 9 Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undes ing effects of his accident before . amount of time on the bench, tt'nerK was nign scorer ror the game wltn II points, ills ers foul shooting was phenomenal. by He made nine of eleven possible. Spring scored eight and Carlson. I who left the game on five fouls, was responsible for six. Chuck Web.ster again came through with six points, and gets better each game. Tuesday night regular league to game resume with "BoMe-Hi meeting Brownwoods in the senior feature. The last time these ttams played before one of the biggest crowds of the season. It was announced to the rrowd Saturday night thai an J. exhibition series had been booked for the Christmas holiday, with the local all-stars playing I'. B.C. Chiefs. This leant is second only to the TliuiKierbirds and is the University's entry in the B.C. Senior A division. Also announced was a series for Jan. 30 and 31, when the barnstorming House of David tem are booked to play at the Civic Centre. Saturday Night's Line-ups: Ketchikan Nelson 1, Lewis 7, Tucker, Hinman 3. Boyd 6, Ohashi 1, Lund 2, Leask 2, Anderson 1, j Reynolds 1. - ! Bo-Me-Hi Carlson 6, Spring 8, Scherk 11. Webster 6, Moore, Bill, Ratchford 1, McChessney, Sharpe, Krlstmanson. ; Junior Game The league leading Rupert Hotel once again just couldn't be beaten Saturday night. Except for the third period they had it over the High School Juniors like a tent and the game wound 1 up with a decisive win for the Hotel boys, the score 26 - 18. Dick Nickerson was high individual scorer for High School with seven points, and Bill Donaldson was high game scorer with eight markers to his credit. The Juniors are playing a good clean brand of ball, and Saturday night only 14 fouls were called by referees Dorninato and Large. Line-ups Rupert Hotel Sather, Mark! 4, Donaldson 8, B. McFarlane 2. , Forman 4, E. Stacey 2, B. Stacey ', 1. A, McFarlane, Morrison 4. I High School Tait, Rhodes.! Sheppard, Peterson, Nickerson 7,1 Flewin 4. Smith 4 farke 3,! Brown. Advertise in the 1any Newt . I I f' III i lTrv I VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.. Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANII PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 16 and 30 10 p m. FOR NORTH QUF.EM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 mANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent inird Avenue Phone MM walfcad away with three points In Ineir matrh with Manson's in caps and Walts & Nickerson, Hangovers. Northern Lights, Headjjlnners, each won three points from Royal Bines. Booth School. City Transfer, and Silver .-.freaks. The Northern Lights team produced all uf Uie high scores for the evening's bowling. High lad 1 ies' single and three games were ,. I TJ Tl... ..L ujr u rririsun wuu iis ana ti. HiL'h Dli'11, icinirl atiA IV,. game totals were by G. Shenton with 330 and 845. now. Manson's 31 Pioneers 30 Maeey's 29 Headpinners 29 Blow-Outs 28 Sport Shop '.. 28 Pushovers 28 Ideal Cleaners 24 Silver Streaks 23 City Transfer 23 P. R .Plumbing 21 Noble & Wick 21 Cantels 19 Handicaps 17 Conrads 17 Wharf Rats 17 Northern Lights 18 Velvets 15 Hangovers 15 Bob Parker 12 Booth School 11 Watts & Nickerson's 10 C. P. A 10 Royal Blues 3 Basketball' Time Table Dec. 6 Stones vs. Kinsmen. Dom's vs. High School, North Siai vs. Fashion, Brownwoods v. Hlgl School. Dec. 10 Boy Scouts vs. Seu Cadets, High School .vs. Stones. Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op vs. Brownwoods. Dec. li Boy Scouts, vs. Kins- men, Peoples vs. Dom's, Fashion vs, Merchants High 8-hool vs Co-op. Dec. 17 Kinsmen vs. Sea Cadets, Boy Scouts vs. Rupert Hotel North Star vs. Fashion, Brownwoods vs. Bo-Me-Hi. Dc. 20 Sea Cadets vs. High School, High School vs. Peoples Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op vs. Brownwoods. HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rootna Hot and Cold water PR1NCK RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 1M HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. a Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Prating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 519 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden HeeU and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesela and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are Invited to view these machines ul our shop. . BYTOWNh MACHINE-WORKS ' SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 667 Days Oreen 412 Evgs. DR. GARNET E. IL MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 p.o. Box i21 PIANO TECHNICIAN -Tuning, Voicing end Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 872 10th East tl . f o d- b: til b' v : tl irables vs Stones, J. C's No. 1 vs Blain's, Mallets vs Commercials, vs D & S, Philpott Evitt vs Rupert Mutors. Mallets vs Triple C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages. Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs CPA. Feb. -Blain's vs W. I. Stages, Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & S vs C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, Scotians v Triple C's, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage. J. Scotians vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Ambassadors, Philpott Evitt vs Can. Legion. Feb. 27 Crescents vs Oddfellows, Philpott Evitt vs Ambassadors. Mallets vs Can. Legion, Scotians vs Commercials, Thorn C's No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C's No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs vs Home Oil, Brownwoods Manson's, Undesirables vs Odd fellows. Feb. 13-J. C's No. 1 vs Odd Jitdu(cie4 as it Recited... INSULATING BOARD Mak yonr construction dollars do double duty , . , um Donnacona Insulating Board. It build and iiuulatst at tho not timo and at on cost. A Donnaoona-inaulatad homo U mora comfortabU watmor la winter, cooler In lummer and urnt on luel consumption. Inquire about the many ue ol Donnacona . . . aaan exterior theathino; . . , as a plaster base . . , as attic and roof Insulation ... as aa loteiuit iiuish. CALL 651 PHILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES fellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassadors, Crescents vs Can. Legion Philpott Evitt vs Commercials Mallets vs Home Oil, Brown Sheet Metal vs Home Oil, Cold storage vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. vs W. I. Stages, Manson's vs Orand Cafe, Brown-: woods vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 vs Stones. March 6 Grand Cafe vs W. I. Stages, Manson's vs Triple C's, Undesirables vs C.P.A., J. C's No. 1 vs D & S, J. C's No. 2 vs Stones, Crescents vs Blain's, Cold Storage vs Rupert Motors, Philpott Evitt vs Oddfellows, Mallets vs Anibasadors, Scotians vs Can. Legion, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Commercials, Brownwoods vs Home Oil. woods vs Cold Storage, D St S vs , Grand Cafe, Manson's vs C.P.A., Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undesirables vg Blaine's, Stones vs. W. I. Stages. Feb. 20- DiSvsW. I. Stages, C.P.A. vs Orand Cafe, Manson's vs Cci4 Ctorag, Them Chcet Advertise in Ui V