pttnti rrooMi n ntwt Monday, December 5. 1343 to the Grar.d Guardian Cc-jtlzI i by Marion Shei.tun, responded to b George J. Dawes; Bethel Mo-, ther Gordon by Mary Strachan Hew Queen 01 Job Daughters COAL responded to by Mrs. R. Gordon; to the Masons, by Heather Brcw- Co-op Delegates . Return South Hear II. M. Daett over I responded to by John Thompson. Meeting Prince Rupert C.F.P.R. Monday at 7.30 p.m. I to parents and friends, by Diane j Kennedy, responded to by Mrs. yer rr-c HARD, HOT Teachers' Ass'n. Tuesday, Dec. 6. Civic Centre, 7:30 p.m. (283) Donna McArthur U new Queen of the local bethel of Job's Daughters as a result of recent elections and on Friday nl'ht in the Masonic Temple was installed in that capacity. On the Prince George for Van 283 Mr. and Mrs. T .C. Creachan couver last Thursday were vis Your Locker Plant operators IJd CLEAN-BURNING at no faecond Ave. operate a James MacDonald. for the parents and by C. A. Berner for the friends. Refreshments, donated by a Shriner. were served following ln- iting delegates returning south after attending the semi-annual are Prince Rupert visitors having arrived on the Princess Norah Monday morning. Mr. Creaghan retail meat and fish counter for service oi the general puoac. tf Other officers installed were: Senior Princess. Jean w partner In the Montreal firm stallation.s XMAS HAMPERS Wanted of Creaghan and Archibald, ce full details of needy veterans rt&McCaffery ment diock contractors, who are or veterans" widows (name, ad ill ; Junior Princess. Mcllainc Bre-j A pieasant feature of the hi"- cning's proceedings was the pres- Guide. Mary Strachan. cntation to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshal, Heather Brewer. I yhe!! of 'a handsome copper- presently on a job for the Col dress, number in family and circumstances i. Communicate in umoia Cellulose Co .at Watson Prince Rupert Fishermen's Coop meeting held Monday and Tuesday of the week. They were, A. J. Wlrick, Vancouver secretary of the B. C. Co-operative Union: R. Besore, Chicago, manager of the mid-west (U-S-A.t division of the Fishermen's Federation Inc.; T. H. Sorcrisen, Vancouver, general manager of the Fishermen Co-operative Federation; A. V. Hill, D. G. MacDonald and Mor Lliili if " PHONE 118 lmKt-millING SUTLIKS writing to chairman Canadian Legion Christmas Hamper Com Senior Custodian, Marion b(;ttomKi Settle as a Christmas Shenton. , piIt Tne presentation was made Island. Just Received Croydon Bur berries, all sizes, 12 to 42. An mittee, P.O. Box 628, City. List Junior custodian. Kutn Ketcn- by the honored queen, eson. ' j There were a number of raf- doses Monday December 12. (h) nette Manscll's. tf Miss Joyce Watts arrived in the First Messenger. Margaret flcs wRh winr)crs as follows: Don't forget the Ladies Oranqe NESE Civic Election Rally at the Strachan. p-.v- rnds of coffee. Mariorie city on today's plane irom her III IN Second Messenger. Janet Raeq-'T3ttcrsal Pair 0f Men's Socks. Civic Centre on Tuesday night at 8.00 p.m. Under the sponsor gan Berg of the Fishermen's Cooperative Federation; Colin Mc- ow. r..ri Brechin. Cake. Mrs. William ship uf the Junior Chamber of Tea, Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Odd-i fellows' Hall. Have tea while you shop for your Christmas presents at the sewing stall and take home something for supper from the home cooking and last but not nurses' training studies a t Roal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, to spend a month's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts. Commerce. All candidates will Third Messenger. Claire Rit-'ncj,j. chie. i Raffle prize donors were Mrs. Fourth Messenger. Jean Husoy. James Simpson and Mr. Robert Fifth Messenger, Edith Jordan. I Gordon. speak during evening. (284 Kea and Alex Eyton, of the United Fishermen's Co-oporative Association, all of Vancouver. George Greenwell and John Donaldson with the Kyuquot joiitnf Japan-season rracli- , retail strcs at $1 55 cxp.tcd this ;ticipatcd that good supply M O. GormHy, district forester least don't forget the lovely gifts at the raffle table. 284 Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nickcrson left by plane today for Vancouver enroute to Portland, Oregon, Trailers' Co-operative A.u., and HOTEL ARRIVALS Hear Rudolph Olson tonight Bill Sutherland, delegate from to attend a Western Forestry i A at 6.35 in support of Aldermanic Treasurer, Mary Addison. Recorder, Agnes Smith. Chaplain, Diane Kennedy. Inner Guard. Margaret Masset Co-operative Assn., were candidate Eric Faurv. (It) also Prince George passengers Conference to be held in that city this month. Mr. Oormely Is expected In the city December 20. bound for their respective ports returned to the city at the end of last week from a trip to Smithcrs where Mr. Nlckerson spent a few days on business. Provincial Constable and Mrs. C. P. Crouch, who have been on a trip souht on escort duty, were passengers aboard the Co- Prince Rupert L. A. Maloncy, Vancouver; A. Robertson. Vancouver; T. Mat-Adam, Smiths Falls. Ont.; K Hoffman Terrace; J. P Campbell Women of tne Moose regular Arthur. meeting Wednesday, Dec 7. at 8.15. Don't forget your gift hand Harry Arney returned to the Just Arrived. bnipment of Norwegian imported fishes; Dry J city on the Coquitlam last .weeks. They! , good quality, oranges that or many years r II Most ot ahicli came to consigned east ,iy a few boxes Spcrt. 3 Daily News. kerchief and Christmas Card. Terrace: ierra. R. v. S. o. Firth, L. . H. -- Pot- Outer Guard. Gerd Lien Musician, Barbara Tens. The officers were installed by Immediate Past Honored Queen Lorna Donaldson who was assist- Lute fish. Anchovies, Gaf felbiter 1 (28o , eyeni from tri yancou- fe vin, Vancouver; A. Slofer, Brace-, . . . . ir i ver. quitlam last evening returning Also Alaska fat salt herring. bridge, ont.; miss m. noia, aui--( to Stewart. Limited supply. Please place SERVICES FOR by Mrs. T. M. Spencer, installing C0Uver;;; G.Joy, Prince George; XO&& HHillMttijjiMhillll" hv 'WlnmlluK1'''" ''" iN'Uwfc FRIGATE'S MEN your Christmas orders early. Phone 21. Rupert Butchers, (tf) cirxmi STEAMER guide; Mrs. l. w. tiergin, msiai- j. Hamilton, uuieaaie, mr. sum It rajf u Advertise! Canon Basil S. Procter conduct-1 linB marshal; Mrs. Robert Gor Mrs. H Reid and son. Port Ess- j Civil engineer, draftsman. ed prayers Sunday morning! don. installing secretary; Mrs. A. ington; Mrs. L. Koehonen, u. D. Ritchie, Installing chaplain; Doswell. Prince George; C F. P aboard the visiting frigate, H.M. available for full or part-time PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER work. Experienced In water Faulkner, New Westminster; u. Seath, Vancouver. C.S. Antigonish. after which a number of officers and men went to St Andrew's Cathedral to attend the regular morning serv supply, irrigation. Box 161, Station B. (hi Miss Kay Nickerson, Installing organist; Mrs. Harry Calder-wood. Installing senior custodian; and Mrs. Carl Brechin, installing junior custodian. Mrs. Cal-derwood and Mrs. Brechin draped the cloak3 and placed the crowns. H. Musto of the provincial Department of Health was a and Intermedial Torts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. ice. Canon Prockter's sermon was along appropriate lines. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT At the request of a number of Niia is payable In advance. Plcane refrain from ,i.rf 7.. nor word ocr insertion, minimum For MODERN Storefront Designing and Materials SEE ISLAND CITY Bl'ILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBride St. Blue 820 Miss Mooney Has Resigned passenger aboard the Coquitlam last evening going through to Stewart to make a survey of the hospitalization situation in the Portland Canal district. 'h Notices 50c, Cards oi Thanks. Death Notices, . r.i A nniimud m finlfl tV At the social- gathering which followed the bethel meat- Marriage ana fciisttBtincin nuuuuiH.i.u'..v.. w-FECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE taxpayers both business and ing various toasts were proposed For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation Resignation of Miss Phyllis LOST AMI FOt'Sn I.OST Fridav nleht. Plastic Mooney, R.N., for the last five years lady superintendent of' Prince Rupert General Hospital, has been accepted by the Hospi private, I have consented to allow my name to go forward as Aldermanic Candidate at the forthcoming civic election. In doing so I am fully aware of the responsibility of such office, rimmed glasses. Clara Var Seldt. Reward. 283 Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE . PRINCE RUPERT B.C. iz-vcst Shppn Doe duduv. black tal Board and her successor will SANTA'Sf and if elected I make but onci of the drown anu n'.,n, "Rues. ';V1-' arrive here at the end mcmorv of our Luov Kvan. who rnibcr 5. l(J4a. memory, dear jr nhulc life mrss will live -Jit memorv of owl bv the the name of CHI year. Piairol Ave. KW Vi I J l U l) I GET YOUR INTERIOR . PAINTING rONE NOW , STENCE & MAT11K t PUitcrs It Decorators Phoru; Blue 215 P.O. Box 1111 FOUND Fairlv larae sum of nioncv on Tavlor Street. Loser promise, and that promise is to apply all my knowledge and1 ability in giving the taxpayers a . sound and economic administra-' tlon during my tenure of office Appointed to fill the position is Miss Elizabeth Clement. R.N,. 4L. mav claim dv caiuiuc uv. pun , rise Grocerv and identifvina I now matron of the Chemainus 7 1 amount ana Davnm ior una u. In civic affairs hospital who will arrive about I lit) I NOTICE UtXP WANTED December 31 to take over her) If you believe this city needs new duties here. Miss Mooney sound administration then l! took the position in 1945. She elicit your support on Thurs-; And We Have r.loMr. and Mrs. at the Prince Ft WANTED - Reliable hou,e-keeoer to care lor 15-nwnth V.w hsihv cirl. Box 629. Dally also had been on the nursing 23) staff here in 1937 but left to go ul Hoooital on -am 4. a son, 8 "dome well. io wick. McClary .one Blue 3i)3. C288) News. day, December the 8th. j HERBERT F. GLASSEY, j (285) For Alderman.! ORMES DRUfiS DRUGS WANTED Rcsnectiabl e house- ' to England. Recently, she visited keener for widower with three nospitals in England and on the children, modern home. Rood f S Mi. I Gift Ideas By Ihe Score Announcements home assured, ptaie uc a. v. - - - waies exoeciea. auuiy ""' Canadian nurses, siuayiuts m- - IM! Chevrolet nuPtjin smithcrs. B.C. 283 edan. Price !).. pltal techniques overseas. SITUATIONS WANTED FXPERIENCED Tvolst. desires position. Box CS1 Uailv News. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUPS-WEEK DAYS. 0 AM. TO 9 PJ1 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 PH. 7 PM, TO 9 P.M. Canadian Legioi Aux. Bridge Whist and Cribbage. Wednesday, December 7. Orange Ladies Sale. Dec. 7. John Cassell of Boyle Bros.. ird. Mav be seen m Lid. (284 :49 Ford Custom Mi with radio. tares, etc. New v Sacrifice for r.s Pnone Green 37. (286) diamond drilling concern, was WA.Vifll a passenger aboard the Coquit Pamper Her Pride With a Lovely ' HOUSECOAT SATINS. QUILTED SATINS. CREPES. JERSEYS. BRUSHED RAYONS AND FLANNELS - In All Wanted Shades Boxed for Christmas WANTED Partv U) run cafe In Terrace Hotel. 20 chairs, iul V eouiuocd. Dolne (tood busi-hnup references. Emergency bicycle deilrery from 7 p.m. till 9 D.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 pm. 'o new Fisk De- i Dlv 600-hi. Two lam last night going tnrougn to Premier mine to make arrangements for a new diamond drilling program. He was accompanied by Mrs. Cassell and son. , never been used Salvation Army Home League ; Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway HalL Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Fourth card party, Catholic Hall, Thursday, December 8. C.C.F. Tea and Sale 2.30 Dec. 10 at the Civic Centre. (287) W.O.T.M Card Tournament, Wiite for further oarticulars 6th W. (280) c.n Terrace noiei. (286) B.C. -'d doors, win REAL ESTATE t. Phone 543, Call W. (tf) -Five room bcauti AITOTTE r.lANSELL mn RAI.F. fiiv iiimished. modern con December 15. All Welcome. .nninm-ps Unfinished room Scotch Dance Oddlellows Hall would make bedroom Garden Mi) Ford Fordor r mid defrosters, ares. Onlv eiuht 518. (iiMUl COIKli- Annlv N. V. HI. BC. (292) LADIES WEAR front. Phone 150 December lfilh. 5 525 3rd Ave. MOTOR OVERHAIL WN.-al.eU on 'f, ,WJ"r Three lots. Write It. MassetU B.C. Ponirs. (283i Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 17. Moose Temple 2.00. Oddfellows Reoekah Christinas Tree, December 20. ' f f f-r Khiii) enullJ- Grow Doliars ivra (c Trees FOR SALE-Larcr 4-wartime-Close t Conrad on bus line. n..itt in eimboaros: well iean- on buildinu. Toss i rum new 1 under ronstrur- uuiiv ... --.,. ., decoratcn: reawiinuK. See Annstront! Agencies. Phone 312 or Oreen 297 (eves. Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it had fjst left the assembly line. DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE BUT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT Blue 992 fOll KENT ouurters In rear Jlv Prince Runerl t285) '37 Pontine low new motor. GikkI new o.iiiit iob. n 837. (280) 53il Chev. half ton sh.uie. Can be n Service Station. RENT--I Sleenin" room or FOR board and room. Phone Bl.u k 60. JJi and FOR RENT-Hoiisekeenin7 W w Ty -m- -w - KEN'S RADIO CLINIC mrruiiiv (287) 1288) -Wartime heater. (285) For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 99: VdverLUe h. tne Dally Newsl You &rw it in The News. f KNOWN NAMEf- AT THE VARIETY STORE vm id VMA SHOPPING UNDER ONE ROOF GIFT WrING PAPm SrLSQ RIBBON AND XMAS CARDS "; Aciam- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS s; Llttleford Bros. t'Wd Maintenance Own r-lumuhal Money and Trouble A LOVELY DISH '. Rock Orapbles; . !.- u. .luiri.-t across from the Capitol Now on Display . . ..i Ksht llrht in in the tne near ui me nusn. Can Be Saved Theatre. LOCAIlur . vum:reie wiiters, Trucks; Nelson rs (or Stockpile nicvai; Rice Porl- 'M UKL I Pumiw- Mi. The next time you hear of a staff to give you the best possible Us.!iP Scrapers and Enough courteous clerks on our SERVICE . . :"' lk fire say to yourself, "I must get my heating system checked by THOM SHEET METAL to make yiioiial All Steel .Bonis; National )'mills: National and Conveyors. !r"itiim from Na- service in the city. stock of Xmas Toys, Decorations, The widest VARIETY and larjest items now available at the prices Lights. Cards and a hundred other you want to pay. sure that it is In shape for win GOODS fwnery Co. LW, Ilh C (tf) ter weather." And the next time you hear of 7 cu. ft. General Electric $337.50 6 cu. ft. Leonard $299.50 USE OUR EASY TIME PAYMENT PLAN Nc 6t U.sed Furnl- .. -.-.O t T mnant. til a lire say w juuikh, . Christmas goods handled successfully M 4 Office Fix- "ric PAST RECORD nhnne THOM SHEET MfclAM toasters. Cups A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW since our establishment. Our past ex- sinner Sewlns but I'll do it now. ncrience places us In a position to serve . v-nina Cabinets And then maybe the next fire I J"5. Hrlho nitnn and supply you better than ever before A For rians and Estimates It's you read about won't be yours oiiher ... For furnace, oil burn 3-i y Roofing v Tei. WaRons, 1 u, Tvpewrltcr, The Store of a Thousand Gifts ers and general sheet metal work , "ts. Battleship ,, t?""y used Ka-4 the lowest prices Co.. Black 324 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. Red 400 GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS ANU BUILDERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 THOM I Phone 210 MlirU 1.1. l Besner Block '"field suite, end Box 1118 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. Clonal chair. 283) H36 SHEET METAL LTD. j 518 3rd Ave. W. . . I 1 1 " Cr,oT Chesterfield e 32fi 2H3