if" PROVINCIAL LI3P.A3I, 113 TlCIOaiA, 2. C. AY 2150 .OBtJES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CKNTUAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S N1WSPAPKR PHOIIE 81 I'nhlished at Cfinarfa'g Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 283. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 i pe f( Oh t oncentra ereir.ee tiling fipP1tril Soon M. P. for ip'li;iii'. . y . T Death Removes Young Senator Death Due lo Neglect Washington Approves Fifty Million Dollar I f Wiird from Ottawa interviewed a rep-;, Frank Kaftel, Tor-; .acicr .who recently "m former United . ...,1 4,.,. t OTTAWA - George J. Penny: of Newfoundland. .voimpsti memhpr f t.h '.x--ai-ai KeTi-5 Inquest Into Fatality On IliKlmay Keconsiruetion Work Neulrct in tlie pari of a truck fl fust Avenue nere. a advised that it Is ; SI Kill Hit lgUl i . -i I , '. t torn ate, died yesterday from pneumonia. He was 51 ye-ars of ae and had been appointed last year following admission of Newfoundland to Confederation. His death leaves rune vacancies in the Senate, three from Newfoundland. ' Radar Network Project WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP' The Air Force said toilay it has cancelled or cut all other projects in ouier to provide Sr.OliHi.OOO to speed work on a United States - Alaska radar warning system. General Hoy T. Sandenburgh, chief of staff, made the announcement. He did not disclose what other ap- proved projects had been elim ing firm was blamed Saturday by a tmunri's Jury for the df-atli id Hildins Swanson, rock drill foreman, who died Friday morn-l after being crushed by one oi the company's vehicles on the Port Edward hiehway about ens .ierii(Mi with Hip pur-ialJ and buildings are to convert it Into an which "will be niod-rts und a credit Mr Applcwhaitc ,4 thai efforts would be ,nipllp tho building at mlh from the city. The vnrdiet was that "deceased t ame to his death December '! due to neplrel. on the part of Contractors Russell Burt and Co." ! t . : Former Education Minister Passes VANCOUVER ((Pi Hon.' George M. Weir, former provincial Minister of Education and Health, died here today after a inated or curtailed. Air Force officials said that Congress had authorized an overall expenditure of $35,500,-000 for construction of the defence network. But, they said, the lawmakers had stipulated must be diverted from money 4 possible (latP. tiic roof "f tlip ad-m building has born wiilioii lately 111 hc ntral overhaul and rc-t needed. Tlie block P by Americans durlnR t,d since then, it has tiipi'd. i ' J '"t M i Kdvrnd Reimrr. 20-year old driver of the six and one-half ton ten wheel truck which struck Swanson while working on a road construction project, was com-plrlelv f rend of blame as was the firm of Wood, Parr and McClay. xyi f, . ! t ' .V r : YEARS ON lengthy Illness. Dr. Weir, who died In hospital here, entered politics in 1033, serving as minister of education in the Liberal administration of former Premier T. D. L$ CHARGE e uf I wo years In Uip The Jury recommended that Uti"cll Burt and Co. provide .vpmper assistants to the riri vers -on till vehicles and that Wood. Parr and McClay, the contractors on the Job. provide m was handed down already appropriated for other Air Force activities. The radar network is designed to detect that funds for the first phase enemy aircraft approaching from the Arctic Northwest. Canada will co-operate by establishing a similar system within its borders. , Of tlie $50,000,000, Alaska will get $31,000,000 with the remainder within the United States. A J Pattullo and later as minister tit-llnr m w rale W. D. Vance In of education . under Premier John Hart. He retired because irt to Ted Setness who CUIMK COMICS CRIMINAL OTTAWA Proposed changes in the Criminal Code making it a crime lo publish or sell crime comic hooks wtre placed before the Tlouse of Commons today bv Justice Minister Gar-sc.n who introduced various amendments based on rr commendations o." provinces. The effect c! the legislation, in amendment for in, is to provide penalties of up to two years' Imprisonment for publishing, circula4.!"", prinUn? or having in pos:;essien for this purpose any com!: books portraying BAGPIPES. NOT HORNPIPES The Canadian N avy's pipe band practises atop a gun turret on the cruiser Ontario. Left to right Ordinary Seaman Lome Knox, Brandon, Man.; Able Seaman Nell guilty to a charge of icfnry at the week-end. Sutherland, Winnipeg; and Ordinary Seamen Roy Terry, Toronto; j'rea wneeier, t-ornwan. um (C. P. Photo) Samuel Grier, Windsor, Ont and Frank Labute, Vancouver. XAL TIDES 5, 1949 4v. December SILRAK-PREMIER MINE IN FULL I ANTIGONJSH. STAYING HERE UNTIL TUESDAY i Visit of H.M.C.S. Antigonish to 18.7 feel 21.6 feet 9 0 feet 3 i feet 1:58 13:27 7:27 20:13 proper turnouts along the road so that vehicl's will not be required to back up fcr a long distance. Dr. L. M. Greene, in a medical testimony, pronounced death wa due to crushing Injuries to the left sic!" of Sw.mson's bodv. The accident occurred as the "iU-ycor-old foreman was wpI'k-tn on the hhhwav toward the cUv limits. The noise of compressors and drill hammer rirowned the motor of th: on--(milm truck. Reimer was un-bb to see Swanson as he wp? the opposite side of the road Walter Wendt. one of the wit- :avs stocks Sawiog Scale Is Below Last Year Sawlog scale In the Prince Rupert forestry district"" this year seems destined to be less' than that tor 1948 on ins basis ojt the scale for the first 11 months. Total production for the first 11 ' ' 1 this port, which was to have VRANIL J'i DISASTER 1 . ended with departure this morn-nr.RUN Second uranium tngi has been extended until to-mine disaster in the Russian ! mmrow when 1 the frigate will ojw nwpovUS Ut&uj By -Uv 'neave Tor"bW a( Victoria. " i:r7" J British - licensed , newspapen j 1 n Ii tin-ton Co 1.11 i Vinniiivrr t ,. m , OPERATION. 250 TONS PER DAY Silbak-Premier mins is operating at normal again following its seventeen-month shutdown with the mill toting 2,rfi tons-f oW pet day -from- which twenty tons of gold, silver, lead and zinc concentrates valued at $250 per ton are obtained for shipment to smelter. One hundred and fifty men are I Quartz . ' les.ses. saw srvansnn nnou. eiism low employed. Announcement to this efiect feet from the oncoming truck t nj niirH in thi ririll foreman. ; Kcot : Eastern . . ANOTHER DOCK FIRE NELSON The home of a Doukhobor, John Lebedoff, who invited his followers to leave Canada earlier this year, was burned yesterday following a meeting of the radical fringe Sons of Freedom. Special precautions against further railway track dynamiting are being maintained. Oreille . months of 1948 was 241,638,720 board feet, while so far this year, it was 232,303,930. Production last month totalled 28,891.788 board feet as compared with 27.412,142 in O-tuber and ( 26,098.720 in November, 1948. Pole and piling production last month was 389.880 lineal feet, as compared with 376,400 in Octo-j ber and 728.8G0 in November New Dep't Of Mines 1 D.50 .03 05 Vi 1.35 .03 'i .28 .00 5:55 3.10 .03 Vi .14 2.00 ... .02 . 118 .35 .10 .07 .OS ir Border . was made by D. L. Pitt, managing director of Silbak-Prem-ler, who was in the city on the Coqultlam last evening bound north for a week's visit of inspection to the historic mining property which has been one of the greatest gold producers In the history of British Colum- "I yelled and he heard me. He made s sten t,o turn when the truck hit hira." Alexander Grout, other employee .who witnessed Swausan's death, stated he heard Wendt's call. He turned from his Job and saw the truck wheels pass over s McDonald of ill-health in 1948 after representing Vancouver-Burrard in the Legislature. , Dr. Weir .was head of the ,Crwk Skeena Member llcYrmls Action of Government in Commons t Premier 1918. Production so lar this year was 3,093,873, while for tlie. same period last year it was 2,- the drill foreman's body. da STARIP OUT When Opposition O'lTAWA OV Gold ... the creation speukers criticized Valley 032,839. Tie production in b'a mining and which still appears to have a rich future in store despite the company's traditional conservatism in the way of making estimates. The old tram line - having been abandoned. Premier concentrates are now transported of a new Department of Mines Telegraf. The newspaper says that 24(1 miners were killed in a disaster, which occurred Nov- ember 2 at Anna berg in the ore basin o.. .Saxony.. A miner drilled into a cavity filled with water and linked .with a large subterranean lake. Last month the Telegraf said that 400 miners were killed in the Soviet zone ura.um mine fire. NEW CAN-AM) SPANS VANCOUVER Two new Bailey bridges across Capilano River were completed by the Army today a-tvl limited oneway traffic to and from isolated West Vancouver has been resumed. STORM IN EUROPE BERLIN Five persons were killed yesterday when a fierce gale lashed Berlin. Bomti-weakened buildings in Hamburg were also toppled. Ships at sia put buck to port owing to tlie fien cness of tlie tempest. NATIONALIST LET MS AT H)N(i KONG Evacuation of the new Chinese Nationalist capital of Chengtii, 170 miles northwest of Red-occupied Chungking, apparently began 'today. The governmnct is being transported lo the island of Formosa. Caiwdiali Con .. was 11,423 lies, a slight decrease tinder the November of last year. Coidwifiid production was 219 cords. and technical surveys in the House of Commons at the weekend, E. T. Applewhuite, M.P. for ic Reimer staled ne naa uecn backinR the truck one-eighth of a mile preceding Uic accident, to a curve in the road where he would be able to turn around. T" was In a standing position-left foot on the running board, hi:; body an.h' d out or the door. ,s. that he was able to see the toad rr approximately 30 feet behind. Due t Hip box on the flump truck. Uie riaht side of the the thirteen miles- to the Stew- Hit iContmuert on Thi 2) Sawing production by varieties: jSkel,a defended the action slat- education department oi me University of British Columbia for many years. He sponsored the original health insurance act in British Columbia, a measure which led to the present healUi insurance plan. Dr. Weir was born in Miami, Manitoba. He Is survived by a widow and two daughters. HOCKEY SCORES SATURDAY National Detroit 5, Montreal 3 New York 0, Toronto 2 Chicago 3, Boston 5 SUNDAY Toronto 2, Detroit 1 il Leilu 410 . .22 . 1.20 .40 8.10 1.35 12 15 .14 1.83 3.B5 .. 31 .00 '2 I lug that for yars parts of his j district had advocated the crea- LOSES FINGER IN GUN MISHAP Oil 1 t lion of a separate Department of Fir, 2.446.G74 Cedar, 4,C!.i,046 Spruce, I2.283.2M Hemlock, 7.310,213 Balsam, 1107.70 JaeUpine, l,339.:ti7 Miscellaneous, !)G7. A railway speeder wa3 used Mines witli its own minister. The act was passed and ic Pete Sunday to" bring James Flewin, W 45-year-old Tort Edward man Canadian Toronto to hospital in Prince Rupert following an aocident in which lie BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS lost a finger in the accidental road was not in view. And when Swanson was struck, only Wrndt's rail caused Render to .stop the vehicle. Const. Jack Wliitc, at the scene following the accident, took measurements of th3 road and vehiele. Main travelling portion ,, tlie hlKhway. he said, Is 9 feet v ide. Width of the truck was 7 Vet 5 inches. He stated it was 13'i .55 .20 .14 'a ,.(' Boston 4, Montreal 2 New York 4, Chicago 0 SATURDAY Pacific Coast Vancouver 2, Portland 2 Tacoma 13, Fresno 2 discharge of a shotgun. Flewin was brought to the city after his gun had gone off, and its load of piltoU had taken off the Index finger of his right hand. He was I on a hunting trip along Uie Skeena at the time. Flewin is receiving sureical treatment, at if ourt ma : impossible to turn around on the i . nf hneklll" a o New Westmlhstcr 4, Seattle Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning. 1 'JO .57 .17 1.85 0 30 .30 1 HVtfa, frr5 ! Sullivan : ?-uim. 111 pi I ruck to ft sPl w ldR enougil Ui afford turning around was com-, nton on such projects, he ate"d i Coroner M. M. Stephens stated Unit If more care had been taken nn Inquest would not have been I Vi'linwknirp liil;.. irk' FRIDAY Pacific Coast Vancouver 7, Fresno 3 New Westminster 3, Victoria .: San Diego 4, Los Angeles 1 San B'rancisco 8, Oakland 1 . WEDNESDAY New Weslmnlsler 3, Fresno 2 Portland 6, Seattle 0 San Francisco 4, San Diego 1 Los Angeles 11, Oakland 2 THE WL'ATHER Synopsis More than one inch of rain fell "'aim necessary. lurvmcn were Armlne Boas, William r,,,.!...,. G. Cieconc, Clarke, Harold Kenny. Roger Whiltakcr, Peter Muchal. ; y ' ; y , n l - Sx -Ml lY pv, Jrl x n ( i ' ;- r- a Qu-lvr. .... Rowan .. .... ka .25 V: ; 1 i .')7V: .11 .13' .')7i, .82 .OG'i .00 '4 .42 .10 3.05 .51 .42 1.01 iir Lac on the west coast of Vancouver Island as a result of last night's storm but only 4100 was measured at Vancouver Airport in tlie 24 hour ended at 4:30 this morning. Gale force winds occurred for the second time in 43 hours. Cloudiness extends to all regions of the province and scattered snow flurries are expected over the interior. Considerable shower activity will persist in the coastal nx . Hospital At Hazelton Aid ftirrlUJ (SnCclal 10 4n Red Lake .... 'ie Red Lake :L(I Corkshutt ... Daily air passengers ; To Vancouver Roy Thickelt, M! O. Gormely, L. A. Maloney, A. j Robertson. 1 From Vancouver (Saturday! A. Rcsscll, ,W. Rowbotham, B. j Rowbotham, Mrs. Johnson j From Sandspit (Saturday i ! Mr. McPhail, L. Hegedes, M.j Llddle. ! M.P- """"" ' . . .. , , b t Anmewhaiie 'fanda that trie for Skeena, announces Department of National Health ,i woifuro has approved a areas. Another racuic storm r.pproaching the coast Is likely to bring rain tomorocw. icourt G7.C) .1 V 2. on I- A e Crow ... ' 7 1 - r 1 ! federal health grant towards ithe construction of additional ourt V4 i Antonio 3.95 ! bed space at the Wrincn me Forecast North Ccast Region Cloudy wrth showers today. Cloudy tonight, becoming overcast with intermittent rain Tuesday morn ?ator Rouyn 33 !Btrrt Gordon 2.55 RAILROADING RABBIT Sandy the Rabbit has traveled 100.000 miles by caboose hte home for the last four years. Owrer A. r!.. A Simmons, Liberal member YUKON HERE WE COMEl-James of parliament for Yukon-Mackenzie River, is all packed for the Whitehorse for Christmas. He and Mis. home to long journey Simmons and their dogs. Prince and Solo, are motoring 5 000 mile, from Ottawa to Vancouver, where they'll continue the trip Mrs. P. M. Ray returned to the j city on the Coquitlam last eve-j (Sandvi McDonald, veteran V.f.ti. ireigni cuj:uuli., - morial Hospital at Hazeium. These grants are paid in instalments depending upon tht rate of construction. Maximum available to Hazel-ton is $8,000. (C. P. Photo) tempera- ning from a two weeks trip to I Vancouver. ' week. ing. , Lit tle change in tore. ;wPRock 1.00 ;58eon River ' '0 Miller 3 r Canada 3 15 (C. P. Photol by boa passing through Prince Rupert. 5 . . -