t-'tliur Rupm E?ai!p jQihtf Monday, December 5. 1919 A ft KEFS . 1539 FT '"f W TO Jff U: un... . 1' ' Railway Rales Case Going On raihv.iys by the Board of Trans-port Commissioners in September. Tlie C.P.R. is 'ighting the award, which it considers insuf- fresh Fruit Bananas, id. i.5 Apples, cooking. 31b .25 Fancy Macs, 3 lbs 29 lemons, larjje Cal., aoz. .W) in jo j ncient, without help of the - - " . U.L, Ulll., 1 1UI .... Oranges (Navel) .22-. .50 : Dales 1 1 So x.i I 113 IK fltM 10 Sl(U mu mm ..- .17 1 .OTTAWA (O.)-A new phase of Canada's three-year batUe over raiiway freight rates is being fought out before the Supreme Court of Canada. Canadian National Railways. It wants a ruling that the board failed in its duty of making an award of only eight per cent. Thft railways, which got a 21 in Vegetables Celery, lb Khubarb. 2 lb Beets, bunch Parsley, bunch Turnips bDinach 2 lb. , Radishes, bunch Mushrooms. Ita. beven provinces are going " to .10 15 .06 .27 .OS .8.1 2n 9S the mat with t.h rZ 1 I " nol! n IMS. had asked l'..n!u- Ra..way ill f ttvvRt? Pr cent incse .tunfl against 5 in ,ast , case. move aimed at Head Lettuce Cauliflower, lb .'..3(-!40 i ate increase bigger than the eight per cent awarded the Try a CJassinea Ad ror Result j At WALUa77'cJ Tomatoes, Calif. 2 lbs. .45 Cabbage, lb .07 Tomatoes, No. 1 lb. .19 Potatoes. 10 lb 50 Cumumbers lb 17 Vepetaole Marrow, ib. 07 Squash, lb. .10 Canned Teetai.lei Dill Pickles, sal 1.65 Cut Green. Beans, fey. .1B no. b i'ea.s, lancy ii i Mied Vegetables .23 Diced Beets, per tin .18 Wax Beans, choice .23 MjXpri Hpfts anrt rarrnrc It. 35 2kL Pumpkin, 2 for .25 baKeu Beans, 20-02. tin .23 Baked Beans. 15-oj. tin ea H Tomatoes. 28-oz. , .23 CHECKS CORROSION A scheme develop by four Canadian Phy.ieis In a Halifax doekside " laboratory may provide the solution to a problem that has faced ship owners since steel hulls were first used how to Drevent corrosion TJipp t wn Rnv t i ri.,! kt t . il yway Fr ... jflia Cuart j . r . v" ""j; vtttmuidii iavy pnoios snow now 22 f f.ecUve e ne,w Process has bpen n "vel vesscis . Left photo shows a corroded, rusted keel .ij and propeUor after five months under -ni Un n,r riht i. .i , . . Pint 8 8 with with stee f,o and 1. . . " " Z " " ZS iJ",lc wnlcn- nen it reacted mctefl Cream. V Dint".... ten "'- sea water, wa .unoosed t. 7 ftieaium .. Pullets ..- ".. .65 never was satisfactory. The lour physicists sut tu id nii EtSS? 2 more jr nse current- The ph ,t0 at riBht shows how mtle co" the propellor of a vessel so equipped after mont hs of underwater exposure. (C. P. Photo" , 'iutler First t Grade, lb. .67 Margarine, lb J7 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BF.;noS Ui rmciE AH AD IN THE DAILY KEWiV.v,.,,, Soao Powders, iwders. large large Lueese Canadian Cheese, lb. .50 Cherries 41 Giace fiut 1 '.ib.pkt .45 CAR TUNES ib.T .'.'.T.""" .39 ' Aim EvaDorated Milk. i-oz. tins. 2 tor .33 Case .7.50 .... ' Almond Paste. Past "Tk hrinr. Pairs vi i'v iU 45 W, DatPX f.innv I in .... Pastry Flour, ' 7 lbs. .66 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. Flour, 49 s, No. 'l"hard 1 ! 0 .-mtrr : ' n p :i f 4 en Steamship Movementi f'.r Vancouvei Sunday ss. Camos .1, 9 p.m Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince Oeorge I rum laniui.rn Sunday ss. Catala, p.m. oeeoea Kaisins, 2 lbs Shelled Wa.nuts, 10' alielled AlmnnHi m .. v O.OU Flour. 24 s 1 2 1 1 1 h Zvsm Tea and Coffee . Coffee, lb 78 DeLuxe quantity. ib."ZZT l!l8 Snelled Brazils, ti 't. "1 . Jain jrn Strawbprrv 9d.. . i ' .Mi ji .26 I -: 3!-1 .45 fi I 41 ! .81 ! ... .04 8? :9! a O' ?1 i A Orange Juke 1 - a a - l a a v ! V ,. .26 'wiry, oz. ... - . . Dln.l.k.. j 1 . Blended 2u "latnuciry, -io .--9 ! Cherry, 24-oz. urapefruit . 0 1 - 'lllLLUt" rtkcn, 10. . Apricot. 4-lb. P lomatoes, 20-oz. ea . " is 28-oz 04 Ballon ZH 5& Apple. 20-oz. tin. U for"? .29 8-oz. . 34 Wednesday ss. Prince George, Friday ss. Camosun, 2 p.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p.m. ' "rom Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala, a.m. For Ocean FL Sizes 1 year To 15 years Canned Soud.s 15 to 2f Meats Roasting Chickei., 10 60 Ham, boned and rolled, lb 10' Ham, reg. lb. . ' '75 Bologna, lb. J..... A ""' Weiners vuucu runs n, Pineapple, crushed .. .33 Pieces, 20-oz 41 " Anrirnt.s tn.nr, nn . VJ... ... . , .0 J Cherries, ancy, 20-oz. 38 The North Wind doth blow . . . and we shall have snow... but that won't 'alarm you wise moms who chose toos-ty warm, weather-re-sistanf snowsuits for your young folk from our tine, economy sel Bacon, pkg. 1, lb. l..ZZ'."'..Z". 30 . ""auoj sa. rriiice ueorge. wp,"wciiit;s, ZU-OZ 29 Reaches, choice ZTZT"" 30 Lara n Pure, lb 2' Shortening 31 j":l5 p.m. oacun, siae, piece . 95 , Cottage Koll. lb. . 3 f iver Sausage, lb 59 f ik.hd ths'cau ' ;I rom Ocean tails I Wednesday ss. Prince Oeorge rjesn foric Ham, lb 70 i - SoaD. face, bar rurs nops, ID ; 75 ection! Come in early! THIS AFTERNOON I grid's greatest i Following arrival of the remains this morning aboard the steamer Prince.? Wnrah. fm.ri FOR DISTRESS P 01 OF CHILDREN S ... A TVMIili i Mother, you know how effective Vick Van,.h iFrmTr'J i is I took place at St.. Andrews i Cathedral this afternoon. P.ev , Canon Ba.si! S Prockter officiat-i ing. of John '"hrodore Brrntzen ' ?r1 Osrar oreinhcrg, who were! when you rub it on! Now . . rv thi to use VapoRub. too, especially recommended for croupy coughs of children's colds. It's VdpoRub in aa uiwh innant relict! V A . vd Just put a spoonful of VapoRub in a bowl of boil- V 1 ing water or a vaporizer. Then ... let your child .Sn Ktiiect m an automobile accident near Nunaimo last week. Many i friends attended the rites. Xiui Jvciluuuuil u n.rt publilK.J r UiyUvcJ bv il,c l.rjum U. .....a.e uic soounng VopoRub in Steam. Medicated f ' 5 T vapors instantly penetrate deep into cold-con- V ar uie ooreinwicat ai iljiuiii aui Coluiiiua, Coluuilxa, I i (k-. . ' ' lu unrig renei tcttn every h ii, t-k "- Elicit . . . lur onni n ttwi relief while the child sleeps. c uie to run u on. too! James Nicnh. immigration officer, leaves on this evnnin-s train for a trip to Prince George and McBrice on o.ficia; duties I FINE PRINTING a ' ! II By CHIC YOUNG-HOW WM, Down Husbondi Resi sronce. RLONDIE : 1 - -i ii.m:... i- i: .in . . T r ! JVALUCH DEPT. STORE ' ' -T- . 1 ill1 : ! I'llONK 21 222 Second HOLLYWOOD ca7e" m nam 7- v Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MOST UI'-TO-DATK CAI K I.N TIIK( 0 J I Wl 3:30 P.M ( 3.30 AM We Specialize In Chtncie Dishes Jk" aSSl and Cab- 152" Wheelbase ( with reinforced frame ) & 2-speed rear axle. 3-Ton Chassis .and Cab. 170" Wheelbase with icinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle ' CHOP SUEY CHOW MKIN J 1 ; r - !, . . n 7 u ir3 u For Ontsiria Orden PHonp: jj He Still Went to the Cleaners. MlfjllhlMl' i i 'li- Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: I6S Office. $66 shop J YEP Ti- pr A ; i i jj 7 A i-'E J C --'?! i ' i ft Baptone I IT S Cw, " .J II tup i. !l V. :..A wlla:? e.Lt out I GL AO vr ,s ' HE PSTS I i n-Ti c in,cii LEAEOS TP.S GOT T)-E VONEy hMORN.NS t-r? sS ASj. 'A tar A I CLEANING Dries Quit Kl.v it!' lK-inilifiil rial finh I'iiint lorlay move tomorrow. Fixing Up For Xmas . SI. 40 nl. $4,501 . VLrv 1 &x THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. l See us for your paint and wallpaper supplies Smarten up your kitchen with flf 1110 9 limtllllll C- i i ' ' : ;L V fewa.S -w If r SEE US riRST etmupt-tl) m, hT n '' ! ( . 'i. ! ".!.;il!i.f - (C.. j-E ANV3N A AI Ii I I'LL MAKP 1 V'S1 ( ' s - v ' FOR Your New LINOLEUM We have just received some very smart new patterns VENETIAN BLINDS Still time to order them before Xmas. Phone and hove our estimator measure your windows . WE DELIVER -"ATSl"- 3 JFA&, Vi JACKFT5 nriccrl Am Jj"' r tfylO1 9 ?ti SNOV SUITS $16.4 :..7 J c . .vrf v o a The pts Sliof E We Hove a Large Selection to Choose Front McBrlde Street Phone 311 tTZ.J. Z.0 T - : Don't Miss Our Toyland on w. 3rd Ave. uox l(i2 Bin . ... L