would like to help are asked to I b'c uieir names and evenintrs Terrace L Topics from Prfrtrt nuperl Dan? Monday, December 5, 1949 iree to Mr. J. H Smith .! Mull Ii TT . . " CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kl'ocycles such c B pe Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter ' n. Mallett, so that bees may be arranged. ' v Vei 4 Wift: Han,; (Subject to Change) in Church presned for the irenerositv United Florists j Boi 1193 I BALAGNO ( Phone Oreen 78". George McAdams for donatm,. miniitea r-- Jonn Kill of New Westminster has arrived to be the accountant for Harold Smith's transfer business. A recent new. I ; 8.45 Lit:e Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comment 9:15 Morning Devotiorj 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Me.odls lJOp as candidate; the su-ncll and paper for the' me oiuei Boys , programs for ior the the drama night u .11 .mar O T ftttrl n I..,. i r 7 ,,u, England Mr. Kill is .?mber 2 " ' ceremonies. " h'cm-iu residing at Mrs. shown which During the past week the GUM BOOTS 1 rVc i iortof the United roof of the new United Church nome. His wife and daughters remain In the south 10:30 Melody Time ! 10:45 Scandmav.d'n M 'todies I II :00 Air Kinder 'arU-n j 11:15 Roundup 'l ine nationili-i has been iimshed and r.iw-i many ,um" ne cn "nd accomodation' for them here ! Canailians- The; city "has once again been intro-thejduced Into the buikiine Tho Children's Sizes 8-9-10 Regular $2.50 CLEAR $1.95 11:30 - Weather Report conducts er- TO lunday in ' i . 11:35- :::4r, Message Period Recorded Interludr Personal Album f,Prent languages. work xf E. Finlayaon and his assistants, all of whom have volunteered -to help m the task of v-lrlng, is much appreciated Work bees can now be arranged for the evenings. Those who nch Its! un. P.M. was ex 3T" MONUA1 rM. 4:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int 4:30 Magic Advertures 4:45 Something is Harmony 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Little Concert 5:30 Jean Cotton Trio 8:00 Supper Serenade 8:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Recorded Interlude 6:35 Mr. Eric Faure 6:40 Recorded Interlude . 6:45 "Saddle Rockln" Rhythm" 7:00 CBC Kews 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 H. M. Daggett ':45 T.B.A 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lombardo Know 9:00 National Farm Ridio Forum and Nrws 9:30 Recital I0:00-CBC News 10:10 CBC N'cas 10:15 On Mike Tonight 10:30-Henry Russell's Orch. 11:00--Weather and Rlfrn Off TUEHiMT -HM 7"". Musical Cloo 8:00 CBC Newf 8:10 -Here's Bill Ooon 8:15 M;:ning Sons 8:30 Music for Mtriet ns GUM BOOTS Misses riiws 11-12-13 Regular $205 TO CLEAR $2.25 GUM BOOTS; Art Kennedy and family have moved Into their fine new home on Kalum Street, which has taken Mr. Kennedy nearly three years to build, working in nis spare time. Canvassers havf. jeen out collecting for the Hospital Fund but the collections are coming in rather slowly, up-to-date The objective Is $1,000. The "peninn KiibscritRion was $100 from the Kinsmen's Club. The latest total for the collections of the recent British aivl Foreign Bible Society drive amounted to approximately I41 with one or two other collections to come in. i'i' -v ' 12:00 :i(l Diiy Mel.Kli 12:15-CHC N'W( l'l:'K Program ite.stinie 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1:30-CBR Presents . 1 :45 Commenlary A. Grant 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 I.el's Head Arniut It S: 00 -The Music Box 3:15-Western Five 3:30 - TiIteri.ational Commentary 3 : 40 Divertimento THE FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMIT.!) Srd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 357 HOMEWARD BOUND- Mrs. John Irving of Hamilton will leavt soon for her native England to await the death from cancer which surgeons say fltay come within six months. When the 34-year-old woman expressed a desire to see her mother, a public fund was started and an jiirllne offered her free passage to England. With Mrs. Irving will go her three small children. Her husband, also shown here, Is a disabled war veteran'.. He gave permission for the two boys and the girl to be taken to EnKlanc to be cared for by Mrs. Irving's mother and sisters. (CP, Photo) As the old executive Is not able to carry on in office and no one is willing to replace them, the Women's Institute regretfully deckled to close, at a meeting held at the home of OF TASTY MKAIJb AT TH? Qen Cailc Chinese Diiihes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MlilN rr-4 ""' jonnstone recently. 1 attended NOW AVA1LABLF. -"iiy eient members the meeting. bridesmaid. The former was I dressed in pink tafk ta and the laner m Diue taiieta. tat h wore IN THE fitJPREME rOIIPT no Khoulder length veils and car- Second Avenue oppualte Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 5:50 a m. Phone 173 for Outside Orden lieu colonial bouquets in pink and. while carnations. i Harold Skunnerud was grooms liltlTISH COLUMBIA I I'IKIIHII 'N TLnEt,Mrr'ER OP THE ADMIN-L2N Af T" ANO IN THE MAiTKK OP THE ESTATE OP MAIOLM M-DONALD DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICF vhKt by Order of H Huiour Judii w o Ful'on local luci of the Hi Pretty Wedding At Cathedral St Andrew's Cathedral was the setting for the wedding of Annie Elizabeth Charlotte (Betty) Wide, eldest daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Lew;s Wide, and Arne Men, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peder l.ten, both well known and prominent families of this city. Rev. Canon Basil S. Procter officiated. The bride was charming In a YORK PRODUCTS of British Columbia. I wiu. on th THAT lL.' 1st day of Dpcmbrr A n nuu man. The weeding march was played by the gnum's father, Pedet Lien, and also it rHtendance wa-the Junior choir, singing "O Per-iiCt.Lov." du -.iig the signing of the reg.ster. Ushers we- Lloyd Pedersen and Jai..es oil j-. A 'feceotiOii was lield nt in PLEASE tii LOOK FOR THE NEW RKD AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl oppolnUKi Administrator of th Es-tiite of Malcolm McDonald, decpa.ird late of Lower Post. British Colum-n., who difd on or about the 13th day of September. 1949. at the Columbia. All person's Indebted to settlement of Dawson Creek. British 1 Columbia. All persons Indebted to the SHlri Aetata o . . , . . . m 1 floor length gown of white silk,! home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zar- The Best in the West Ask for Canada Packers Products Give best lighting value - toM--- ly high ,-lV Mi why H' im.H.. - L L th.m by -m.. V fc V" I ,m u - 1 j .1 . . the amount of their ind.ht. , covered with net skirt, lace bo cm, me ui iue s aunt ana uncle, 412 Enimerson Place. The guests me forthwith and all persona havimj'dice with sweetheart neckline, tluirp,; ve falling from a crown ixsHy veriiii on or before the 15th covered with silver sequins. She f YORK were reccive-i by the bride's motner, dres.ed in grey gabar I mm carried a shower bouquet of Am- uy 01 January, laso failing which distribution will be aiuia hM f V ' ! ' . 1 dine suit anl pink accessories. FOR XMAS SHEAFFER5 "TRIUMPH" I ' ., r' -i regard OlilV tn ,nrh ,1.1m. .,ui.u ctiKAn Miatlfv WAit I nnii have been notified. (YOUR GROCERS Miss Oerd Lien, sister of the UAlKO at Tptiifftnnh no 'andl,lie groom's mother dressed In a pais blue gabardine suit and black accessories. Both wjr- pink and white ihia 1st (lav of December. 1849 1 bridegroom, was the maid of EItT. E.AJL. ALlKH- ! rnr and Miss Margaret Wide, Oiflclal Admlmstrarur. ' , . . ... 24 Tt-ienraph creek, bc, sister of the bride, was the -.Jn., ji.iii i.vri "niri n 1 T tMtll f J BBBBBBWBMBBB the jriue and grcjm, standing underneath an a'rch decorated with white a.id omk streamers and wedding heVs, received the congratulates and b;st wishes t f the guests. Toast to the bride was proposed by D. W. G. Stew- Give Your Friends A Gift Thai Will Be Appreciated Biltmore Beauties 9 Finest in Hats Latest in Styles Most Modern in Color 1 TVs. - EL : ' : I jart, the groom responding. Jack Give GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" Stieaffer'i "TRIUMPH" Pent and matcKing Flntlin Pencils ere a gift-choice that i built to please I every way . . . always. DIBB PRINTING Company Plus High Resistance to Rain Priced from .... $5.50 to $8.50 THE BEST BY BILTMORE THE BEST BUY BILTMORE SmoVed Black Cod rUlll.i jme 'omj ?0R ml SI-3 :of'f t lndi C UKi ONt Pi lol r4 I : lt RI .- J Of MI :,i' irt' Phone 234 Besner Block Wide propose! tne toast to the bridesmaids ht groomsman re-sponding. Delicious refreshments were served and a beautiful decorated three tier wedding cake was duly rut by the bride and groom. In fitting words tile bride thanked her uncle, Henry S.nllh, for lhe lovely cake During the venlng Canon Procter propose a toast to the bride's aunt and unelr Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wide, it t il' g the occasion of their tenth wedding iiinlversary.. Telegrams, expressing congratulation and best wi.hes for u happy fu'ire, were read by ludnlph Ol8v;.. Of pR'tlcular in-'rrest was one from the bride'i grandparents in Wales ACME CLOTHIN STORE Third Avenuu Phone 3.19 10 Pound Box $3.95 Y PROCESSED IN THE PA- CIFIC COAST'S MOST 20 Pound Box -...:$7.50 MODERN SMOKEHOUSE $ p0Un( BOX . . .... . . S1 1 -50 BEST HAMBURGERS IN TOWN v; "It's a Great Life if You Don't WEEK-END" SNACK BAR 4 New Hem - All Rubber Stair Treads Tread size 18" x 9" x 1 2" nose Net Price Black, per hundred $38.50 Chocolate,' per hundred $44.00 Freight Paid on 100 lb. Shipments Smaller Quantities f.o.b. Prince Rupert t order from PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE PEN 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. IMII.' PERSONAL XMAS CAKDS From your own Snapshots Come In and See our Samples 10c EA. 25 FOR $2.40 WKATIIAUS PHOTO FINISHING Just off Third Avenue " 31 fith St. Ph. Orders Blue f)2 Prepaid to any point served by rail in Canada A Xmas Card will bc enclosed with each shipment Use Coupon B.?low Send to I Name ' ' - AJdress J ' Sent by Name I ' Address . I Indicate by X In circles below , I O Cash O Cheque O Money Order 712 .Second Ave. Phone 632 JOHN H. BULGER 3PTX)METRIHT John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue. SAVOY HOTEL . VV. L. WOODS, Trop. ! CIIONF. $7 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT SHORT OF MONEY Government Has Helped Your Xmas Budget BROADWAY CAFE O $3.05 O $750 O $11.50 j iSlIEltM A WS Producer and Processors HyWave Brand Fresh, Frozen Pi ilkiriVll H nnilTI? and Smoked Fish also Mi Id Cured Salmon tU-0PEllATIVh Conners of cll,,,nstr Hi D Ii RATIO N FIRST QUAUTY CANNED SEA FOODS buy now aftd pay later at Manson's Jewellers. Pay only half now and the rest In easy weekly or monthly payments starting February 1st, 1950. For that friendly service where value and quality come first, See - Best Food O With the removal of the twenty-five percent luxury tax from jewellery the government has made It possible for Christmas shoppers to buy more gifts for less money. For the first time since before the war you can now buy jewellery free of this nuisance tax. So make tnis a jewellery Xmas, that she will appreciate and he will value. Kemeinber ?lso that you can Finest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. I Prinr Rupert, B. C. MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller )80 For Take-Home Orders Phone 200