Prince Rupert Daily News Sal urday, February 18, 1950 I.turit'm Ilrtter Child C.urt m linliu crvi cos (1 $ Cluitdil W An Inrteperment dally ePppr novrftert rc Tir tipt.nnmng ",f Prim Rupert rid a'l rrmmi;nrip rnmprri'-K! rtor! nprn p.nri rpnirai British ftitirriOiV (Anihnried us Serond Clnss Mall. Post Offire Dcpartmpnt, Ottawa) PiihliiriPd every sftemnon except. Sunday b? Prince Rupert Dnlly News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Riiert. British Columbia. Ci A HUNTFK. Mnnajrln Editor. H. O. PERRY. ManBBln? Director. UFMEFH OP CANADIAN PRESS At'DIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIOr.8 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATfA epfi Ottr earner. Per Week. A'c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear, 8.00 .Ss ij.VWO 8t Mall. Per Month. ROc; Per Year 5.00 "c' DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON $4.25 Men's r if 95c Men's Drf! $7.00 M (By Pastor L. A. Thorpe, Regular Baptist Church David's cry of "Oh' taste and see that the Lord is good," should find a welcome in every ear. The people of every nation, in every class of society, of every type of livelihood; in short, the human race in its entirely, wants something truly good. There is sj much in the world today that savors of goodness but which results In disappointment; V.l chacter U rHof blessing. There is on!y one yealed that something, or some-1 channe, throu,h whlch God-3 Herrlre In all rliurclieft at II a m and :: a.m.; Nnnrtaf Rrll at 12:15 except att shown. ANOI.If AN C4THi:iHM. 4th Ave. W at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a m Sunuay School 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S. Prockter. B.A.. B D. Rector: (Blue V.3) FIRST BAPTIST 9th Are. S at Young Bt Mluister: Rev. Fred Antrobtw (Oreen 812) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East FIRST rXITKD 38 6th Ave. West . Kev. L O. Steber (Oreen 613 1 r'lil.l. fSOSPKI. TABERNACLE 202 6th Ave. West Pastor : C. Fawcett Services 11 a m. and 7 30 p.m. Sunday School 12.15. iGreen 3311 $12.50 M,.n'sH wo1 Plaid 1 1 Wort D. Bll ... o-. goodness can now ami, ir we be " ' all sh. $3.75 Boys'pj ' P A pediatries nurse and a student from India's Delhi College of Nursing show a group of Indian mothers how to take better care of their children. The nurse visits homes in India under a child care program set up by the United Nations World Health Organization. ...u . ; this bv our personal un- At this Valentine season we belief, the blessina from above of1 rannnt. rekrh tis rfpnlt nm- are reminded of the ardor 3 UU K.,,S' hB. i WfWkl ill 1 strong desire. The method that God chose to bles man- .154.25 Bys' t new city ! breakers, shon 1:11.12. By opening our hearts Distribution of the love, but even more vivid in our memory is that first -broken" romance. The one of our dreams, so perfect, so wonderful hag let us down. In 'later years these deep chasms of human eicper-ience do not lessen. Business partners prove dishonest, fav- to the Saviour and clalmine ' telephone directory will kind and individuals in their peculiar needs was through His Son. The inspired Paul writes: Blessed be God, who hatii blessed us with all spiritual bssinas in heavenlv nlarex Guarding the Coast air-sea rescue forces, service and CANADIAN civilian, operating with dispatch under a new system of co-ordination, have been able to do a fine job this week in co-operation with the United States Coastguard in effecting the rescue of airmen who had to bail out of a flaming aircraft over Princess Royal Island while flying from Alaska to the United .States. It is something of a pleasant change to note that Canada was able to play an effective role in this continuing rescue operation. Too often in the past it Tias been that Canada has had to depend entirely on the United States in marine casualties off the British Columbia Coast the United States Coast-rgiiard, indeed, having at times to come out to assist even Canadian craft or seamen in distress. The quick, arrival of the Canadian Air Force, -Navy-and Army, together with the United States Coastguard, saved time and suffering for these survivors in a wild and rugged country under severe weather conditions. For some of them it undoubtedly meant difference between life and death. At the same time, the commercial fishing vessels, which diverted from their busy occupations, also did a grand job with the Canadian Fishing Co.'s packer Cape Perry in the heroic role of the actual rescuer of ten of the men. . The case of the B-36 was another striking illustration of the need for a well-organized and effective Plaee ln abol,L a week Him as our own, we receive ourj . first taste of God's goodness.1 -- Truly God is good when He lifts Kw.v.WA-wrtV.-w-A ; $2.75 Bys lac,,,, ' j Boots, all silfM I 35c Children v'nl'i colors, Xt ored children do not live up toiln Christ." And again: "But my fond - expectations and homes God sna;j supply ail your ieeli are broken by divorce and sep-j according to His riches in alorv the burden of sin from our shoulders and sets us free. The; A'ATIOV ARMY ' Frailer Stteet CO.: Capt. W. Poulton nireotorv Ctase 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 5:00 p m. (Black 269 1 ST. PAI L'S I.CTHERAN 6th Ave. at McBnde Bt. Pastor: E. Solland (Black S1U ST. PF.TER-S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School 1 1 :00 a m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Bln dOTi of salvation is the. araCK)n- by Christ Jesus." The Lord experience Human relations on a national Jesus Christ is the fountain of gateway into the beautiul gar-scale are no better promoters blessine. from Him alone flows inside the gateway the full of human happiness. Nation : the ever satisfying stream. It bucking nation, intrigue and is a picture o a huge reservoir.1 psnirmaao t.alron for br.rM , inHn...u v,t navor oi uivine oenevoience 'ince Rupciii rumors of fresh wars erupting stricken trees, and only one ir- can De experienced. "Oh taste" from the shadows of the last ; rlgation flume. If this flume the Psalmist cries. Not a mere : make one wonder if there is is hindered in anv way in dcliv- Hip restricted by unbelief for anything good, anything rella-ring its life-giving liquid there tru'stetn Wessed ls tne man tnal J71 Fl, '300 inn lowers for All d KCt.llAK BAPTIST 629 6th Ave. E. Green 803. Pastor, Leonard A. Tnorpe Services 11 a.m. and 7 30 p.m. Sunday School 12 15. ? Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU it 3rd Ave p: : bie left. ; is no other source of supply. in Hinv To Uste ,s tQ lrust A T- . . : J , t l 'VV-l (rano rli 1 SCommodore Cafe' aviu, a man who experiencea uf(l of faHn ,s tne ufe tnat our many wars apd deep trouble The first essential, therefore, heavenly Father can bless. A during his reign, cries out with of acquiring any portion of moment by moment reliance conviction of heart, "God is God's blessing is to accept the upon His divine power and wis- For Friendly CJ "Hospitality and Good Four ouoa: . jesus lens us mai vora Jesus Christ as Saviour. ri,m trivp r-.nri th. m,,m.n h., : And Advice i' Building, Insole "There is none good but one, "He came unto His own, and moment opportunity to prove l"ore 17 for Scnd-lrtit Orders that ic nA Uaro a i-a fnnnri Ul ...... . ; 1 ii! . n... . ... . , C David Chow, Mj;r, c 'c iav.iu uivu ictnvcu nun nut,, oui 10 us His goodness. : t3rd Ave with the perfect Infinite good- as many as received Him, to Many before me have said.i Decoration Prj ness mat is only seen in uoa s them gave He power to become ihai the proof of the pudding is vwaivwvwkwvww nature. As God is love, God ls the sons of God, even to them in the. eating, so taste and see, gooa. ine inevnaDie result oi tnat believe on His name." (John that God is good! ISLAND C una uimimitfu, rename goonness Is told by the Apostle James BUILDERS' Si' Coastguard off the British Columbia coast, something for which maritime interests and certain newspapers, including the Daily News, have agitated lor ,a on tmie anr' which in recent years has won EhTTupport of every Chamber of Commerce and many other bodies on the coast. True, the government is moving in the matter but it cannot move too fast as traffic both by air and who says: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the General Buiii! 505 Mi'Kridr St wmnTf mum. h mmm i Father of lights, with whom . EBY & SONS Contractors KM'AIKS - KKMODr , IM; I OI NIMTIO.NS I .of us heFp you plan that new home under the N.H.A. i I'LL SAVE MONEY MY OWN WAY! R5LPJbifteriai UrCb ! 1 1!" 15 XSST hilJ I - : -j v 1 r : Preacher: Rev. M A. Mark mony into "The earth is full of i MILLIE the goodness of the Lord.' Director of Music: Mrs. E. Smith If God is good, and His gifts I lire uuiiBi-c aiuiljj tuc UJJU&II VUlUHlUia CUitSU increases by leaps and bounds- SNACK! Phnnp Grcrn KXJ Box 5 NOT Bigger and FEBRUARY 19. 1954 Morning Worship 11 a.m. ARNOLD FLATEN imto His creatures are good,' how are our lives then so destitute of goodness? Why do we ! not see more evidence of God's goodness? The most probable j cause of such a lack is the re-! Ejection of God's only medium . , , .j Anthem: "Stand Up, Stand Up, I Ttr, tih residence of Arnold ,,T-n, rlaten, whose death m for Jesus" junior choir. Ml III ViVtn;-.i Victoria irocfcvflo.r yesterday recorded ..0,,.fl,l ,.-;fU with cV, such ' I Sermon: 'What is a Christian? we . 4i W- 1 "XBiTO HAMBU' regret, was of comparatively few years just nine ! Sunday School 12:15 p.m. ! Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. I Sermon: "The Greatest of all' Texts." j Speaker at both services Mr. : David Murphy coew.. Moving, Packing, ( rating, ...Shippinir ami (it-nrrul Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Servire. also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., 'or Oxyeen. Acetylene and all weifiing supplies Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Better and AN'3 Full Course M' 5-7 pffi OPFN 6 i.m. ! I to be exact but few men who ever Jived in Prince Rupert contributed more distinctly and actively to the welfare of the city than did he. News of his - death shocked not only business circles of the community, but numerous friends, apart from those V ...Vi .-4AV ' 1 , But will you? We'll oil ogree that when you're raising a family, it's the hardest thing in the world to save money. , Just off Third Power Bills UHfitrt SI. I'll l"" ' witn wnom ne came in comaci in ousniess. Arnold Flaten was a sound and discriminating: A TO Est 1910 Phones fid and G Most of us promise ourselves that next month, or next year things will be different but the months and years go by and we never seem to be able to get started. A simple method which by all its attractive features encourages you to make small, but regular contributions, has answered the same problem in the lives of thousands of others. 1 This method is a CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY. business man who was able, in a most marked way, , to temper his business transactions and astute . Htl'tric, 'nt consumers have .. , . been receiving their bills cover- judgment with sympathy and understanding. There ing the recent austerity periot was no person who called at his office for accom- ,th ",e ,"nre tna" he nsua , . 1 , . , . . , casual attention and, in mxn modation or advice who went away without having- cases, considerable critical com received assistance and also with a sense of apprecia- j ",".t;i f customers cai 1 r I led in the Dn:ly News office U tion for same. I show that during the period froir Unostentatious and quiet in his business deal- iSSSed'ToMoSf ings he had a fine facility in dealing with all manner ; kilowatts as compared with $11.9. of customers, hearing their problem and assisting icr-Janua? "ffihS- JOHN H. BULGER OI'TOMETiaST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER (ivn you complete, dependable local newt. You need lo know oil that it going en wharf yaw lira. But you liva also in a WORLD whara big avantf ara in the making eventt which can mean to much to you, ta your job, your home, your future. Par conttructira reports and interpretation! al national and international news, there ne eubititato lor THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed locally, nationally, internationally with your lacai paper and Tha Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights avar ABC stations to "Tha Christian Science Monitor Views the News." And aia this coupon today for special in- . j t j troductory subscription. p ninas The Chrhtlan Science Monitor One, Norway St., seiten I S, Man., U.S.A. Pleate (end me en Introductory tubicrletion to The Chrlitlon Science Monitor 26 iuaef. I enclose fl. If Winter cc Spring be fa': Use Baptone f decorotic Thompson Ho Co. Ltd. AnnuHiet Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Aiiniiter A. MacNAMARA Deevry MMiter ciiciii tu ouivc tiiciu anu inpii 111 cujii tuciicc WJUlar. ocaoui. u Anrl Mr Flaten took hi, m.alitipa nf o-rwl hns!. I 1 :SOUBl?t;1. explan8,.n a" GS G3 0 Tit? 0 6 0 MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Uarehiiuse carrying a represfiilaW1 1 ... , r- - - naa oeen 101a mat a variation ir. ness man and solid adviser out of his office as bank :tne oitage had run up the watt-manager into the community as a good citizen. He However, son.e comfort may be contributed valuable service to the Chamber of Com- ln the offing ior indignant con- , t , i , , , , . . . .i sumers. Maniiper Thomas B merce and hospital board and played his part in the j Black of the Northern b. c pow-advancement and welfare of the city. er Co- nas made the statement , , , T,. . , - that some adjustments may be When he left here, Mr. Flaten s many friend I -forthcoming in certain cases at wished and expected for him many more years of lleastn next.month'8 account- Mall (hit Coupon today POSTAGE HEt Annuillot ftronch. 100 Doaortmonl of labour, Ottawa. Plooio Mud mo COMPLETE INFORMATION obool Conodlon Bo.wnlfcont Anooltlot. (naoial , ladtfranl I . i (eityl liaml (itara) PB7 prompt servire lo the trade GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, mm 1 hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamps nnly, and incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - R ; flashllRhts, ignition batteries. G. H. WOOD & CO.- Industrial .sanitation. p:ip"f deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C- Dust bane, Rl .ai, tuO hotel and restaurant, supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO. . and nHiers useful service to the institution which he served Isn't Suffer Needlessly From Th (MINT CIIAHIT) Torturing Pains Of !ii,!lnli ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM and eventual retirement amid congenial surroundings .in a part of the province where, although he had always loved the north, it was known to be hia secret hope to make his final home. That he was cut off so early in life makes the blow a harder one for his many friends as it does for his widow' and family to whom deep sympathy will be extended by tJXHlJ STEAAIRR PRINCE GEORGE $11 )-95 NOW ONLY PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY ti t ' 712 .Second Ave. 1 . 1JI IA It M fry DOI.ON . . . now avftilahte In thret ctinvmient siea. Thf cont is rt-awormblti . . . the result ii prompt relief from the pnin (rf Arthritis, Rheumatism and Neuritig, Theie are no unpleasant after-vffecui, fi DOIXIN in fe, imn-toxie . . . does not harm the heart or any other organ. Your iliutjKint Ann DOI.CIN. Get a bottle today and let DOIXIN help yu come out front under the shadow of pain I Beware ni imitations look for the DOIXIN greet and white package! 100 Uhleto for S2.39 200 tablet for S3.95 also available iff bottles of 600 tahleta. Dolcin Limite Toronto 10, Ontario. all. ,- . For This R.C.A. VICTOR Ml one purpose," say enthusiastic workers on its behalf. "That is to help the sick alcoholic to recover if lie wishes." ORi SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH1 For Reset vatlont Dim DRUGS STARTS to work in 2 seconds Aufomatic '45' Changer Features 1. Fully Automatic 2. Connect to any Radio 3. Fastest Changer Ever Built 4 Distortion Free Music 5. Full selection of Records PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND . ENGINEERS A A'V Organizing In Prince Rupert As a stimulus to the organiza- i tion of an Alcoholics Anonymous movement in Prince Rupert an open meeting will be held in the Civic Centre tomorrow night when educational pictures per-! taining to,the growth and effect- ; iveness of the movement In re- ! covering victims from the grip of alcohol will be shown. The movement here is in line with Jhat which has been gaining ground elsewhere ln the province nr. -crhlch has been receiving; (SrOPjUfffm Write or Call, CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, A H W ! SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NCXlN Tt1 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Available. GET YOUR "45" CHANGER TODAY AT ' Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding 10WE.1 Emergen. W't Burnt Asmm Dally car delivery service n MAXKfD m tabid from 7 p m. and Sunf SPECIALISTS ON 4AWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Btmnnrt. In t.hA nress. i THIS WAT , irom v a m. till fl p.m ' '"Alcoholics Anonymous has but