rrir.ee Rupert Doiiy Mews Saturday, February 18, 1950 D,rr Dwit,l k- First RounH Hearing End maici ,1 uuAiiiy .cvivai nypcai Coming in Prince RuDert TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the Fast Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday During the past week eleven games have been played In the first round of the English Bill- wr "-.iniueu u .land village. A reception In the ITown Hall was the principal . - n. ln 1.. .1.1.:,. tetween lards handicap tournament at I the Canadian Legion Hall. Five j games in this round remain and I cvrnu at mrijitnuuu. Willie tnerc ' .was no formal entertainment. bad :0:15 p.m. Several Factors in Awakening Interest International Competition in Prospect The royal sport of boxing seems due to ajrairv come into its own in Prince Rupert. There are several : weather S5i ( Ketchikan gave the keys of the jdogsred thr-i HI ti tJte BASKETS (town away and it was generous : northern it is expected they will be played during the present week-end. The committee Is anxious to finish the tournament before the trip . jantt sponianeoiis hospitality all eifragRmem me way. : never l(lst reasons that indicate a revival of this time honored1 i table is dismantled and removed Prince Rupert Jet all star bas-ketballers retumefl home this One is the fact that the Canadian Legion Club,: to the new premises. sport. On Wednesday afternoon the' n,L. rnCraf,L T. WW !. Kesuiis 01 me games piayea To Advertisers To Insure publication of display or classified advertising, opy for same must be in the .'fire of the D.iily News by 4 p in. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. aneinoon on ine princess Noran ;prineo Rupert team wan driven from their Alaskan tour, not jout from Metlakatla to the Ann-boasting since the best they were iette Island air field and. just as KG! able to do was win but one of the Tkla adTMlnii t is nut piiblleltad ol atayljrjtil by tn Liquor Control Bor4 tor tta Government ei ; mih Column. uiuicr LUC Juniuin-c Ul .uii.'miic uuc "itu j J hLS Week &S follOWS quietly training young local talent in the lightweight i J- Lawrie (plus ioi defeated w. and , middleweight , , , " class , i r for tt - - - - iA. Osborne iplus 30. 150-133. Allan Marshall plus 25i .beat past six months. In the youth prsticuff circles both as a boxer w p,ukei. (puis ' 20i 150 P6 " gioup the Civic -Centre Club a mttmtxr r ve Vancouver, j. Campbell minus' 30 beat ",ld." H fa,e a'?inTl "f : B-xing Commission. suggests Dave Owens ( minus 5 ,150-131 . four engagements in which they participated, but not unduly , ashamed in view of the acknowledged streiiBlh of the onnosition they arrived, a big DO-4 wheeic-a down and who issued from it but ' the House of David team, drop-j ' ping down for a brief halt on the way from Anchorage to Seattle : Warm greetings were excham;ivi ' with the bearded players from Michigan who a couple of weeks ago had stopped off here for a j couple of games while on their defeated w,ich thev faced on the home uri ftmrtPr,. hns'that now is the time to form, Vie Duncan (plus 35. C. L. Yonngman tplus 5. 150-141. floors of N,.w Metlakatla nnd W. Osborne, sr., (plus 401 rie- 1 Ketchikan, feated Geo. IT. Brett (minus 10i, iibout twenty boys ranging in a local Boxing Commission to as from 8 to 12 years, all eager WgUta., the spurt in this city. til firt falVtt ff t.-hpif ritt'lt l nr. . . ....... w .. . PHONE 79 PHONE 79 ns mi'-ivms iiiut irtis wmru ul 150 139 nL&:!!u cho.??n "'"S: R0d smith (scratch, defeat Hie BiggK( Basket; Batik way north. They reported that i 1 50 i ) plus 10 1. 82. 82. 41 secretary ana meaicai exain- and they die taxed to the limit.; ir,,,r Thp would- fcae no Mr..u rm 1...1U I r lt1lin(I PntM Will - ...1.1. L..-. to to lUaliaiT The winner made two, The results at a glance: Monday New Metlakatla 60, Prince Rupert 48. Tuesday- Ketchikan 61, Prince Rupert 53. Wednesday New Metlakatla 77, Prince Rupert OS Thursday Ketchikan 35, Prince Rupert 43. ...... ...... ............ ... ..... ruiim-cmiri wmi uuniu emu any h k .(, nnln . breaks 01 Ik. onened in . Gatzkcs and .... ....... ...i l. ..11 ........ .,.i points. i ' anu iiruvi st in an 1 1 1 n i - , Johnny ourvicn s ncamv cem,reb Tncv W)(lltl res,,, all for-! which is rinr rtnilt in the 44 Ryea, mer Rex Bowling Alley. ; Another sign t"at competiliot 7 mnnnnj J i 1W mm J'witl be available is the decision 'V orld Cite' Icono,-, P. M. Ray (plus 3b i scorea a win over Neil Cameron (playing I 15 or no count i in a very slow I game in which Cameron frcq- j uently just missed making his necessary counting points, with a score of 150 to 113. Cameron's best breaks were 27 and 22 twice. ' W. Strachan (plus 35 1 defeated Alex narvey (minus' 20) , 150-149. R. Murray (plus 15) beat H. A. Dacres (plus 30 1, 150-134. One match was played in the The Ketchikan part of the tour was an exact stand-off with eight-piint margins in each case Vff! local and Iiiter-clty coiitAu, preside at the weighing in of fi'ihu-r.-t, appoint: referees and 'jffieiuls, and ttrant womolers rhe rivht to operate contests. E.ich club would apply for a B.C. Amateur Charter, and club members would be entilled to box anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada. Proceeds from matches wouM be ailt;t?d by the commission to the various clubs for of the Ketchikan Civic Centre in co-operation with the U.S. eoasigiiird to asain sponsor boxing in that city. In a conference with Don Forward at Ketchikan this week plans were drawn up whereby intertown competition would get under Price 3yro Giatf "Homctor lor Ketchikan in the first game and for Prince Rupert in the second. It extended the count on the four games the two towns have played during the winter to itwo game wins each and a mar- HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. rSIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE second round. Rod Smith, playing scratch, eliminating Win. Osborne, sr., (plus 40 from the contest by scoring 150 to his opponent's 96. Emm . gin of but one point in favor of Ketchikan in the point aggregate. It was a bad break for ; Prince Rupert that Billy Sunberg sustained an ankle injury before way withtn the next two months. ; uie purpose of bettering equip-Ketchikan plans to send their : ment, for interclub travel ex-;'irst contingent of boxers here ' pensos and for the promotion of in mid-April with return Northern B.C. Championships, matches on July 4, in the Nor- wlth ule winners of each divis-thern city. Certainly with bas-j entering the B.C. Golden kelball season soon over there Gloves tournament ( M 1 MARCH ( ! CIVIC C! I ! Feature j i Preliminc the half way murk in the Thurs day night game. i Sport Shots This nl.titluiatd ia B0t published r iwvlywl ky the Lienor Control ot r ky Ul aoTramnt ol rltuh. Columbia. - Yes, boxing seems due for a long-awaited revivah in Prince Rupert and all that is necessary ' now is the active support of Prince Rupert sport fans. ! The Metlakat'.a-Prince Rupert ! scries will be resumed here early Professional nnd Business is every reason to believe that this city will have a popular in- I door sport for the months of! .spring and early summer. I Ru-s-s Gatzke. former coach of I the Boilermakers Boxing Club I of Vancouver and long active in I I News! ii". ,-i Use in tn. Dally 1 m Now Here ! HEW 1950 CHRYSLER OVER FOUR YEARS OLD A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. I,. HEM,, O A.. Prince Rupert Hotel You get Hie Good Things first fj in March and. despite the fact that tills smart native aggregation is admittedly Southeastern Alaska's stellar powerhouse In the hoop game, the locals are confident that, when they gel (he big natives on the floor here. It will be a different story. Mean- time there is a Iwo-game and 27-point aggregate deficit to be overcome which will take some doing The New Metlakatla. visitation ihere will be looked forward to i wit li keen anticipation. It is going to give the Jets something real to shoot at and the fan? Those who have looked on the western Canada senior hockey league as just about the roughest senior puck-chasing in the Dominion got a severe jolt from a visiting Maritimer in Edmonton this week. He was Jim M.'Donald, manager of the HaliTax furum. Jim thinks the Maritime senior lea'iue is a much-tougher proposition than the western loop. Don (Edmonton Journal) Fleming reports tlyu while he was in town scouting a few players, SITOTEY GONICK "OPTOMETRIST Complelt Visnai Analysis . OFFICE HOURS IS 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings byAppo"lnl.merit , . of TWt WltS" Feb. Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes 9 Floating Power All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmr 0 Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymoufr Approx. Itinerary 1-15 Ocean Falls, Bella Bella 15-April 30-Prince Rupert, Terrace District Feb some real action to see. QlWfflHIilj) Jim took in a W.C.SHI., game between Regina Caps and Edmonton Flyers. "After watching Caps and Flyers in a less It was a hospitable reception, as usual, which the Prince Rupert lads were accorded both at Metlakatla and Ketchikan evei-though mal-de-mer did mar1 the joy somewhat at the Annette Is- Ft is I IEQJ53L lWI'EliT MOTORS I, rambunctious game than usual, McDonald commented that the W.C.S.II.L. presentations aren't nearly so rough as the Maritime II DR. GARNET K. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST MARGARET Mc-LEOO OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BOIDINO TUL dv.rtlMMMit u not pnhllrt.4 or dltplye by tht i,inoC Control 1 Bo.r4 or by tbm OOTmimnt of BliUih OolumbU . brand." Don says McDonald has his eye on some of Flyers'- coach Frank Currie's talent. The for Smith Block PO. Box J216 Suite 7, Phone 525 mer Montrealer may lose two of his youngsters, Colin Kilburn and Doug Anderson. Both of PHONE BLUE 59: P.O. BOX 11H4 BULLETIN whom have been showing high-f calibre stuff this season, toi M.'mtieat Canadiens. But, the: HELEN'S Beauty suop Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 object of McDonald's attentions were four other Flyers' stalwarts Fleming reports. They are Andy Clovechok, Bing Marluk, V ' lie Cutis and Bill Pettinger. Eastern migration of Edmon -j ton players would b enothing j new, such products as Cy I Thnmts, Johnnv Black, Bud j MacPherson. Johnny Chad and Louis Trudell having made their mark In the Eastern leagues m ; Canada and the United Slates. ill ilg&flwlt! .,-, ;'fepfW J .. . Pmm& GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled O. L. RORIE, A A.E. S B LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block -- Phone 387 Its courtesy week at "99".this week and you should see the show their drivers are putting on. They have spent a bunch of money on new radiophones and they have to get it back somehow. . Now's a qood time to phone them when you vant a cab. They'ft fcilff you with service. ' PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning. Vjli-lng and Repairs .MIKE COUJSSJ Phon BLACK 756 : ; r J.U72 10t.h East HANDYMAN HOME jSEKV GHNERAL CONTRACTORH Hut if the Marilimes pull off a snatch such as Fleming foresees it will be something a bit different. In recent years, only Dave (Sweeney i Scliriner has deserted the W.C.S.II.L. for Maritime hockey, in his case the Cape Breton senior loop DU. 1 J. CHENEY DENTIST HUH K ft, SMITH BUKJK PlMiir." Mb P.O. Box 1,401 Building and hepun ul an kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS "ZERO" SOAP for Woollens Try if Today PHONES Black 334 At home innny cbmpnii Red 80. QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles ; "MAC SHOE IlOSI'lTAL Box 774 . Second Avr P. O. Box 1H70 cm mixes Hospitality nd Burton Type Ale go hnd-in-hnd-) I lie stork slioppi so hk,h wioi an. T7-SO perfect companion (or those informal evenings at home.i a 303 3rd Ave. ' with itf I Blue 810 .W.WAWAVAW.V Burhjn Type Ale u refreshment at its finest B & W TRANSFER Cord Wood, Cedar, Spruce Kindling wood 50c per sack PHONE RED 1R2 mellow-brewed flavour satisfying - taste. Truly - the f. Rupert Bakery Ltd. ; Catherine Laurie i . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER : 401 Third Ave.'West. (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green f)fi7 Days Neyf Residi-nee Phone MiimherMted 1;4 For fib IA beverage of moderation the perfect expression of enuiae hospitality that i so much part of our Canadian life. Burton Typt Alt it u food at, if not better, than any imported tU.- Only f2A7 t'ctie, including tax Cokes .Pies Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE BAKERY PRODUCTS KAIEN TRANSFER FOR ROCK AND DIRT FILLS BASEMENT & LAWN WORK Phone Blue l or Black 140 .!! 3rd Ave. Phone 613 Bytown Machine Work' Sales Service and Paris : ,Sunp!cx Gas Engines "A h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Dleseh V 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about bur long term ! : Warranty and Service MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 621 330 Second Avenue Pr'.nca Rupert, BC VANCOUVEk VICTORIA SEATTLE. Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotln Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday. 1 1 pm. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln. Feb. 17 10 p.m. FOR SOl!TII OJ1FFN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln, Feb. 24 10 p in. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue . : Thnne 5fi8 MARCH AND OIL HEATERS. VORTEX OIL RURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing; & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. K, R YOUR ROCK Id CONCRETE WORK CALL BI UK 039 ' M. J. SAUNDERS' New, Modern Equipment AH Work Guaranteed . a ' . jut. COAST BR EWE R I E S NEW WESTMINSTER Newspaper advertising pays off tn dividends. VANCOUVER PHONE 174 . BOX 27 Thil aiKtrrlsemant Is not oubluhtd or diiDlaved by tH . - - fp4 or by th, GoVtrnm,nt pi pntijh Columbi,-