- ... Ms Ftincc Rupart Daily Hwi Saturday, February 18, Show Enjoyed . Concert By rth u;.ual Capitol tUrbtr riimiinir n,r Aquascutum than Cash lor old gold. Buiitr, KA Allfr they pertain . chair not our own power but , life ana uir courtesy Mr. ri ack Ci.i,it.,i ti. .1 i.a..ri .. bf I!"" arri .B" aire. . tf : 25 years In UieCJp irominsmrec . , .!b.n irrani-i - T"7 " "8 A a large audience of . tv uurcuw u youni jjui.6 c.,iiimhlii """"'i uuiuc anu , pension. lie set-v-i , n itc. Brownie Church parade at St. Pd as storekeeper. enter- Makers of Fine Raincoats f per. A. A. E E. Wood i ' Pl pl . and and adults adults enjoyed enjoyed an an 1 In In the the CNR CNR oner. oner." , tal,,lnB variety variety concert concert an and i -r.irs. Andrews Cathedral. Sunday 8t fc""rat clerk ois- leaturea iup .., . ' ' .aUng department, ha. w I Play presented by th Boy Scouls . Ilic CBC u- ... an award. b 1 , at the Civic Centre Fririav t-ven- ,11(111 CH'K ol M e ci ouicuy "I'roles- Ing. sors iTcicrrra." ai catholic - - Hall Jobs. Daughters' .U(,,,,r, Telephone irieunonc Such was the variety of the - Mon. and Tues., Feb. 20 and 21 Krldtre durine the week ru "Stories in , r program that at times the audi I; 'A A; at 7:30 p.m. Admission 50c. (42) 122 to March 1. Anyone desirous : Jrj mill Win" ence rocked with merriment at In "avmg a table leor.mofe or more kidiiatiiiK George Giccn. district man- tart Mr rw-. con-j the humorous items some of the ? ruary 28 "ProR- Pure Woul Navy Blue' Gabardine with Raglans Sleeves and full-belt,. ! . . Pure Wool Fawn Gabardine with Raglan Sleeves and Balmacan Collar . . . Pure Wool Gabardine. Trench Coat, Fawn Shade with set in Sleeves Square Shoulder amd full Belt. . Fine Mercerized Poplin with Balmacan Collar and Raglan Sleeves . . . ' $26.50 to $49.50 All by Aquascutum a story of the ager oi Home Oil Distributors Li. 7 vl u- ':cii. boy presented while other num- (;-) miled, returned to the citv by'- tfibcrs held the rapt attention of J air on Thursday after spending I Local visitors to Victoria wlr 'a11' V ,tr Veil. Arrh- iillison and hit irlv mission' Jn charlotte Ts- 1 It , X ' V a it-w u.ijs on uic yiieen Char-.nave returned home say that' ' 0iiMUy the most heartening lotte Islands on company busl-lwhUe Prhice Rupert 'has had its fealure f ""hole evening's n,&s- i share of storms, the weather inicntc,'tainmeiit was the view oi Alcoholics Anonymous areVICtfrla becn ust one sue- w 'hese young boys and theie holding an open meeting In t nf Slcs and heavy rains, ?" lnlvf'"ce Civic Centre. Sunday. Feb 19 e anolh. with roads jJ'u a"d Ur $fC0Ut 0 p.m. Educational sound pic ' T" th cl,y navlnS WKh.1, " embracing boys from tures will be shown. All infer- uls' aS TU " 0,hpr klnd of nlv'J1 h" f T work ('i"ll5 .ur".ani1 and P'aV together and ot eKieri in thn A a maf "olnif drlvinir mi I prnrrerts i ibut flshins I" ' area. cily resident cordially invii.vi't,. iii ,..rkl and adventure. I "ie line tiaiumg tncy are reeeiv lix months, fol- Ins in their Scout work. inc biirine nub Band, under t ... -W HVVVUH, 4tll Walter Scales of Toront,, who' ' . W,lllalnii- Vancouver arrived In the city this week 1 1 fn'Tne"!"!11"' W?a vUllor the course of a visit to the Paeifi-! i(u r , y, Ulis 'TPk lo collfe'- the leadersiiin of Peter I .if n nl'l re- sented several fine numbers I'ssful appea' 0. Fulton in lay. Feller w as wnlhs by Mag-v in city police :3 on a liquo-Irown acted a? Coast, sailed last night on the ! V, i. ' :irtJ""p aupermteudent Chilcotin to make the round trli fu. .ard1 cnnectlon with iliut.ll JLVJ1 KU. They performed as an openhiq: numocr a piece called 'The Elect- , ; rlc Park" and at other points ln .L to Maset Inlet. Tomorrow he will K-(truurer.to the Coquitlam to, t """8Hb"f , ma?e an ale Rod Mac- the concert presented some stirring marches, such as "Loyalty", I CONTEST make the round trip to Alice " , ' ' , Amv" Ann and Stewart. lng rfonl the south Wednesday i morning. Mr. Williams ret iirnnH "NAME YOUR STORE" counse. Sound Off. and Les;lonaires Thursday night by. the Prince 011 Parade". DIDN'T GET AWAY One of the largest lake trout taken in years In Great Bear Lake, N.W.T., is this 47-pounder sent to Edmonton by a wholesale fish company. Leslie G. Heeks displays the whopper in an Edmonton fish market. (CP. Photo) George to Vancouver. Of much interest to all was an 1048 ENTER TODAY at "Johnson's Grocery,' Hi ) I fc.L ARRIVALS NOW AVAILABLE excellent demonstration of some aspects of Fhsi Aid work presented by the St. John's Ambulance Brigade. While R. E. Eyolf-son explained the equipment and procedures to an absorbed audience a team of five trained operators demonstrated the pio-per treatment of accident cases Deftly they applied bandages NOTICE. Galloway Rapids Bridge will be closed to traffic from 1 a. m. to 6 a. m. on Sunday February 19, 1950. H. W. STEVENS, Divisional Engineer. (41) Hays Cove Avenue. $30.00 in Prizes. - SPECIALS TO FEB. 18,1950 . Kellog's Bran Flakes, 14 oz . -M 'Quick Quaker Oats f Bakers Premium Chocolate, Vi lb. package .. WW , LUtle Dipper Gingerbread Mix 2f . Little Dipper Wliile or Chocolate Cake Mix '-"0 . Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter, 10 oz I2f CampbeU's'V-8 Catsup .'..Slf Prince Kunert E. Jensen, D. J. Brown. R. G. j Martin. Vancouver; II. McDonald, Terrace; A. Eiholzer. Wat- ins; is payaoie In advance. Please refrain frliui ! i(iedi. 2c jer word per Insertion, minimum i Notices 00c, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notice, I !drria?e and fcnsragement AnnouncemcnU: $i ! ClAL UISI'LAY. DOUBLE PHICE , i for head, shoulder, and Jaw in Port Juries, and then demonstrated ! ;,T 'T'1"- Marunsop Announcements the St. John nrni Sling and j-0'"' rcuerson. city. tM.i. ; United ' Church W.A. Home treatment for a broken collar ' Cooking Sale Dom'a. Dept. Store, bone- Tll,'.V demonstrated rtKSONAL Mr. and Ms. J., G. Anderson! returned to the eitv on the Prn- 1 LNWANTKD llAIRPermanent- Saturday, Feb. 25. 11.00 a.m. now to apply ArtiUcuU Kcsp'rn acei- 'cess Norah this afternoon from I Green with 7 It k 9 ft. . half orice. ly eradicated with Saca-mo. 4.00 p.m. I Hon to victims oi drowin 'J 'he most remarkable dl.?ov- ,, ., ,. " , ' ! dents and performed ery of the a''e. Kaca-I'rlo Is Canadian legion Card Party, Sl.rt.t,.npr Dl.ju Cimriintoi d to kill the ruols March 1. - i ,,.'.,. Miiart Ketchikan where they have been spending a few days. jtirevn 270 after , The First Cub Pack presented iJ of any hair and contains no ,.., ... . .. .. i T ..i .. ...... i u- Zarelli. woneci of the -itv I.WIK lUll Ti.K NEW RED AND WHITE I: 'Clarv-Ch.irm 1 drug's or clieinicals. Lor-Beer Card u tournament, wurimnicav, cainoiic ihsim; "tin- pwjh'v rutui.-ii .,w anivcd lhis wock fr , Lab, 079 Granville, Vancmi- "all. March 2. klelien ranee, ! i-uu jiikc in wiucn men win ., , ,. .,,.. ;. imiUtioii. Phone ver. B C. (10 ! j Mailer, Len Sykes, w as so haras- the Prince Ruuert General Hos- Shrine Band Concert, Civic 40. GOLD SEAL L&BEl std by keepim; up witii their m m m pital. He becyme ii! soon after OIL BURNER SPECIAU3T , Centre Auditorium. Friday March 'Ai'm)i.s .Slovo Kervlc & 3r,i , ..,5 nm n.,,.,..nl, ,r 1 '.? " ...." 1 1 arriving Wednesday. ll,lllv,.n Ttlnr! Roalrs. O. D I wo. 48 nieuiuers. 'i'l Dudr 4 , 'in mill's, for Ml..,- Y. ilt-ll Place or However. Mr. Sykes rt covered i Phone 3i; &t MeUiide St. 1'i.UMBlNO '.HMd. Ileatm. ;-. I St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home ,X t Mi Sheet Metal work. Phone M.l ewkliig and card Catho- ? party. . i. . 1 Uu ,-.-,....,. u;ii c v a Wl He Mis. F h. An- or rail 2S. Sixth Ave West. U iip "rt" ,, M.,rnh ,. P'oRrum. U-lonrrieau and Sons. (tO wi"t-iB. j Held orcompaiiii d him on the! Hike Mrs. if tin-en 487. ... SITCATION WANTKU K"' Edward'-School- P-T.A. P. Mr. Sykes. Vhe.; i Tea. Home Cookin? and White Father ra-red the I':u ior . j SITUATION WANTED Woman Elephant S.ile, Friday. March 17. I1"' 1'ii'd Si imt Troon iie-; wishes work as housekeeper , ,, ' .... sented a "Shadow Shou " wherein I or similar nosition. Box N. Canaduin Irf-gtoii stcr Salo p.llllnl um(...iM,. mck i C54. Daily News. 41 April 5th. openilion received .v.iii- rall.rrl '. ' Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits Campbelf Badminton Racqucf j and Shuttlecocks ' ? Sleighs llvilra ma lie n cuimilete fir,-l eliiss mt.-ouiible, Ur-.c, ill I Ail.M,S WAN'IXU - (Jiieen Mary IO.U.B. Tea, roiern neaiiiifiu. Anrll in In the play 'Aren't Seoul i FOR WANT OF A BOLT. . . . . you'll never lose time in a ' repair shop when you drive - - THE STANDARD ; VANGUARD The Standard Vanguard uses standard American thread nuts end bolts and small parts. See the plus-12 features of the Standard Vanguard cf your ; dealer's today. Have your.de-;. . - -.' 3E LNI. I mit v.n i-ossiuiuniis ' .. '. . , , ; . , celline i,atented'3l to 1 power Cathedral Sale April 13. tool. Ainjinilv eonviueln'r 2 St. Peters Spring Silc April Initiate demonstration. Pros- nn nectjt everywhere. Exclusive territories. Attractive Sales Presbyterian Spring Sale nroposltion. Paleoseel Co. : 97 Ltd.. Cornwall 11. Out. It r . H . t Soiya;Tea May 13. . Uk P WAN'i'U) j ,; !; j. ,; - DC BE .i)S NAME.1-i" Blijvcls '. Aunin1 itlWuid Bros. Jtiliil-iianc n Clatn.'-hel (,li Urupoles; 'Ti'li1 Mixers'. tiraiul" piesenfed by the Filth j Scout Troop, the youni; Hoy , Spoilt who' minded 'he of lice f-.ir a doctor who was away, dis- ! played some raUicr. unorthodox , teciini(iu-s but everything ended happily. When the Second Scout Troop enacted a Fashion Show the au- . Mi urks: Nelson onvulsed with Jrrl? HrXP WANTED - I--' Ion 27 Club ' Court or BriUsU ' Pumns- ruiniw. .Na-l Nil I 1. Floor steward, must be ex- ,n ,"M'"f Prot1"'" ' ;, ihiuiihtcr. ! i! With Vi? Mis. nerleneed 2 Keeeotlonist. -1 i Simpers and. lrl?J"f- "J?.,!., Y.'t In Thompson the the kiatter f;atier ot ot the- the-''Ailminiatf- "AduiliiUitm- p,,.-!,,; ,.i, i., accompaniment , on the bookkceiHir. 3. ReceotionLst.. u. monstration today! n All Hlonll Cf)74 tlult A'.l" II,., K,.,.- ,.!,. II, .H nil llm; AdoIv; siatlne aw. exoerience And National I i'ls; National' Housewives Delight It's The "1 NEW MARGENE SPREAD IT on hot toast SERVE IT with hot vegetables ' BAKE with it You will like the NEW MARGENE f' pX'I u- ' M.tirr of hc fciate of J-1 types of clothing which milady j 27 club Box !vXT?a (128. Prince Ru cob tllorlncbo. DeeciiseU iu uuuvevors.i mi'ilit care to see and did so wiin uert. 141 TAKK NOTICK that bv ordrf of Ills " from Na and poise except that . liu TI.J I . m i i i- T,.ii.ttir .It triers W r ViiHritt nwa ' nii'ii" ' wu. a. j lit-, w a wTirii vaiinrr man nr nifn ... v. . - , tt .school education to become of. ." Burnt. Court of Brt- some lorgot w remove Wino..u r -....1 1 m.w Utrn cii vu'Uiuii. wa uu vuw o SflPKS Si 11(1 UtJlM.t. UAUJl to. n re t o. ; f; nd Used Fur- faraKe in' northern Interior ZAt IX.ZFSftZ A highlleht of the evening was town. SU?adv Position and cob 0 Mf of nu. the , presentation of Colors to ?,?.l7h8aCv. km,uimr?icp'rt- Br,,liih Columbia, who a9 the Fifth PrillCC Rupert Scout fchould have some ,mn knowieae . ...,. n..ln on MBrci, ,, ,.j K ,,, LLI 1 of mechanics. AddW m own ? , 1042. nU la presumed ' . to )H. ,JrHl) now ' Holy , Name Sjciet.v e. .. ol r ii. the c Catho- .n.r. r 'vare nt low- !"': Sliirhtly In)'.' machines. I lioalers. press yrs. unnalnted fors. slceitlnit nu ti. Product of Canada Packers Limited handwritlin; giving quauri-catlons and references. Reply to Box 0j5 Daily News. (45) All perat.nii intlclited l the twld lie Clliircil. 1 licsc eolois, wmcn ei.tHie bit required to pay l" vv,,0 ..ven by the l.ee.ion, were omiiunt of their Indebtedness to nio . ,,, Min.ill Pi."l. : -"' I.IV . useful bouse, i HELP WW ANTED First class smIpsmuiii wnntrd In lii'rn '"i! BC. Furnl- torthwUh and nlj persons havlnst I'"" "- claims attaliist the Bald estate are dcilt Of the Ciliiedlall Lemon. .TIUl , remMred in file them with mo pro- received by Neville Gerrard. Pits- 1 r'r-riinsi; viy?zoi; foui disiributk.il will ix- made havliisi re- lion, and P. O. Lyons, ehaiim.in Krd only to such claims of wUk-lf 0f the Fifth Prince Rupert Sc.mt crade men's clotliins store. Must have experience In taking inea.su nmienUs for made-to-measurc clothing. Phone 339. tt !'H Chevrolet BRAND NEW STOCK IT KimIi.ii HI'. II ! uikI heater. I have been nol-llled. Sold and Serviced throughout the world. The Standard Motor Co. (Canada) Ltd. 4 luwlon Blvd., Toronto, Canada ?' suarex. low ,' WANTI'll wanimi !,v owned. ixm B. C. h Has Ivetything Yw Want in Your Ntw Carl biorc 8 WANTF.D - Reauire rental 2-ton 41 , iunn trucks. Anulv to C. S. UATHO at rrlnc-e pupert . this 3lsl day of January I9S0. (lunlori I'Vaacr l'orbcs orrielal AdmiiilKlralor rrlnco llupert. B. V. Foreman. Columbia Cellulose Group Committee. A film showing hvhlighU of ! the Fir.it Cinuicliim Ray Scout Jamboree held at Ottawa last rear was slim', n. borne of 'he; first pictures in this film were! taken in Prince Rupert by Sergeant PoUeiion and showed the j pulli Sea Pup1 43 Co.. Watson Island. (411) 'ie engines,1 11 Slll-rd T?e. ... . m.. ...... , lu'ti tiiiinii,.,, i nun mu-iu rem. one ui ; ii( turn gears.1 ., frnlshod suite. No I.VMI ItKOIflRV ACT KE: i.'criitlcate of No. 3at10- u. Low Hav . ,.i,n. i.... i,,i,,uc nn, ,iile null Distributor: Plimley Automobile Co. Ltd. . Vancouver, B. C. Dealer: Bill's Motor Service z 414 McBridc at SALE PRICES SPECIALS! For One Week Only JACKETS Fishermen's Kersey Shirts, rcg. $7.25, fm- .- Tartan 8hlrts. up to $8.50, for $." Humphrey Red & Black Cruiser Jackets, rcg $13.95 .:. $I3.(K Multl-Colorcd Jackets, reg. $19.95, for $-ll.1."i Green and Black Jackets, rcg. $14.95, for $12.1)5 Terry Cloth T Shirts, long sleeves, rcg $2.25, for 1)5 v ' Acme Clothing Store - ( Iit Oae (11.- Ptoek ihiuy- hoi's lrom rrince itunevi, .re 1)0 drinkers. Box No. 02 Dnilv .. hv,.m, I News. . , HI wyon (371. UpoIIo.i Sven 7, CI; T(.-m,rp who .aimded the J:U11- f' t43) : WANTED-Onr room or small 'Melenr 11 '4 ".. ! furnished or nartly tor- or 4 -door,1 ,,ii,,i n.vu.i-,..-i. faclll- wniKriKAH saiu.iaetur prouf of borec prcpiirli-c to leave. ( tous or the above Uerllllcalo of Title Tlie final Item Oil the pro-t.sauf'1 In the uaine of )-vl Krec- W,1J Mm giving a verb." I message from Chief Scout. Lord at the e.mlniUun of one month from rhnVllllen. 1 II re Z.1 , . Pl'-fprublv ccntralLv , Jo- ZDS l licensed ami caicd. Box 60J. Cas 1 nr WJNTtn Tn.hnu utenni encine .v,"-'-n or the date of th first publiea'. Ion here- E Anfield acted as chalr-..r?.?" mm. during durh.3 Lie Lie concert concert and su t.ih e for small sawmill. i Traciuair Ants. (43) S. ffood condition. Ill line in lieu r.u wa.u iiv .v, v...-. (411 Box 1726 .city. . . unless .in the meantime vbiiu oojeu tlon Ix" made 10 me 111 riuux. llATr- f, well-built 5- WANTPn scraD cast, brass. many otners wno are active in Scout work In Prince Rupert were nxtlslitvr. including: W. II. Dnu-mont. Curio Hansen. A. .T. Hons. PATTO at the tiid Heal;;try Of fice. Trlnce Rupert, B. v., una Join butteries. radiators. Phone 543: call 613 Sixth Wes ., Voi) l"-rauly with For the Best in Watch Repairs SHE GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER ru near Me. Who's the boss Mr. Grant Stewart, H. Thorn. R. day Of Janimry- 1t!n, A. U. Andrew Thniiipwiu Ucputy ncgljlrar of Title? WANTMD-To rent. 4-room Section Two. "V'l'S. Phone (52) Ferguson, R. Cameron, ana r-.. , house. Vicinity Seal cove rt,.v 19'jo Pnutui fUnlion H i,hrl nr..., ' mix 1IHK 5:n 3rd Ave You'll be Satisfied IN OU -. . - -1 Saunders. Last ntelU-s concert was n.nt. uk- am. rmuhtrt It tiuJ N.!. a t '.uoi.7-1 -.r the current drive for sunnort to Blm-lt Four 4l, BuUUHislou il ()r Uie Bnv Sont inovenient. which l,..t Four Thounnd One Hundred ,js fiouri,sl,ir; (n prince Runi-rl. and Ktghtoen (AH8). RanKoMve ,.,,, .,. Hie SundP smlPv schools , and t'oixeuks """"'civil' skrvicb t"c late occu-f down and ! "omenta. m 8lh k. Full KXMlNATIONH n,'llt Oariivn Pl.M.'PADl,' Kir iu, f,,r -Winter Ex- ,r.. Ill.,lr1..t MHl.l IO 'Ceil-, iiriliur.i'n ...... i,'i in.e ivoeimAi Biy Nine 1.U) nciiresl. to the birthday of Lord I to be ap'-i Hiitinatlons. Write M. O. p HOLLYWOOD cafe CAR! rms. Rid founder of (he bci-oh. inoi-e or leas, map ,l Radeii-Rowell, iu very een- Sehool. 301 laid'TWU Winnipeg. Man. (Ii' WIIWtKAS w.ll:.l8ei.iry prow a.,Mli. i IrVhrnn rvl . 11(1? iMJl'm tnenumeof MUton Al-- Si'Ollt.s mid Ghl Guides will pal- MOM' UI'-TO-DATi: CAFK IN TIIK (Tl Y llv Hicntele. J H KENT Do yuu drive your car or does your ear drive you?, Let us lake the "winter bugs" out and glvo you complctexonlrol behind the wheel. V'U llOH...... .. i I.Vrt t.n, V tlwni has been tiled iu icna "'-. Uclpale ill a cliurcn nai iuh-. notleo ia hereby given that, X shall. I : 'I i.i .. ',"un. 'tun OR RENT u&n i Larue L.an;e rooin ruom. rr" ui.nn for couole or room and board tor auiel youna man. 539 Sixth w . at tlie expiration of one month from Mr,,, ; Ar OWN I'ltOM 3:3tl I'.M In 3;3(l A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshe tl llate Ol labl liru'rvo.... ' Arthur Silveisidcs. who sailed Rapid service low cost. Drive up today! ' lives. ? hereof. i.."ie '""" ; . . ,. .i ll.lv "'.I'Olt RliNT Suite or five flees. Modern In every res- CHOP SUEY CHOW 1EIN "iii " r;r..- "... i '..,. i, i cale or Title In lieu or nam rj.i noni ti.ni i-n... -j ...... ... Certllleate, iinleta In the meantime mu,,Ui on what was to be a j oil r-valld objectiou be made to ina. Ui ar(Jl,n(1 t,i1P worUl. Is expected datkI at tb tei negHitry of-1 to be away for about four months, riue rnuce ituuert, b. c, tula iuit.Tiie first call will be at Hawaii. ! 12) ! For Outside Orders F1IONE 13S "J .r .lH.niurv. 1U6U, A. u. 'C r Hot ,(in Word from him has been re- ; nolvorl In Prlnee Rnnni-t.. He wrote l ' - - rilou s7- - r- Tinker and Co. mi Ninth Ave. Ltd. . M glcr ll'"ihp.l1,litry VOTl RliNT Electric nortuble .Realty c.,4, sewiii? n.uchines. S5.00 a m P'onth. Call m Klr.Ror Bew-I W i Lie Ceatr t. (ti) A...:mw Thomuaon Do; u - r-wWm et Tttlea '4nJ 1 from San Francisco. . t