PROVINCIAL onr.iES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Conado's Most Strategic Pacific Port -k'Prince Rupert, the Key to the, Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXLX, NO. 41. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS "cabs York Has Wors agedy iroaoj f( crash a'"1 s,'ar Aide Norm j Thir iy Killed As Long y x. a - a re-1 , nciir lilirwu.iu ! 6. -3 my iougm . I More Power id Trams Collide a i xt'i nioiy, about Loses Life In Harbor A Prince Rupert woman was pronounced deal early this morning after her body was taken from the waters or the Home Oil T....l Mpi! Inllnla nilf..U C Ml Slates trans- I !)((. weeks ar.o j 4i board is urn.r. I Dclvina into coricspondenee l.tcd. Royal tan- aid here Scenes of Horror as Electric Speeders Crash with 1000 on Board KOCKVILLE CENTRE, New York (CP) A crowded Lonr Island electric railroad train ran Police 6! and minutes at. the City Hall ha.s brought to light that b'iek In October 1943 the city coun lo Burwash Ml cil did make an application to i(,r,iay and will i . . , , ' , n,,-., ,nilH ! -wt J V1 i-v. i the Northern British Columbia I . , . , . , , , , .j.. . . i, Pocr co. to increase the sup- 1 through a red light on a makeshift siding last night piy of electrical energy in an( ,i;mj jnto an oncJming train. At leatt thirty Prince Rupert. That was ba.k , ... , . . 1(w in the war days and the ack- persons were killed and more than 100 persons were nowiedgcment ot the power in jujm a t . electric trains, loaded with about company to the clty s corres- . , . . o i V .4'-Vt ,1 a crash about , rcvlyc , the plane van- a scar on a I Mother of five children, and ,ich was nut us-( of W. A. Plllold. 140 Ninth Avenue West, she was examined me is in the Ken- ! bv Ur- J- A- Macdonald, who pro-ihr plane is be- 1 nounced her dead. A call was put ,rticials to have '"'to the city police station at j 1 :.'0 a.m. and Constables I,en J Turner nnd Gordon Simons pro- pondence held that the eomo- h j)ussen.t"ers sneareu jengwiwihe in ivv L JL QUITS icoedccl to t lie seenr. Tliey, hi ! turn, cull'-d the inhalator squad land the doctor. I , . Motorman Jacob Keller, aged ii t... ,!55, of Baldwin, New York, was JOnn sniross charged with secopd degree Is Retiring manslaughter by District Attor ney Frank Oulotta who said: commissioner of British Columbia -jje ran past a signal." Kiefer Police, will be retired at the end was injured but not critically, of this month, it. is announced. u wa8 metropolitan .. New Assistant Commissioner Roger. York's worst railway tragedy. Peaehey will be his successor and i crush. Serpaming vlctims were inspector C. Clark of Vancouver ; ed beneath 0 metal as tlie will le tlie new deputy commis- ., Aether with a Y PLAYER any had complied with the terms of the 1929 franchise agreement by having ninde a 6,000 h. p. installation at Falls River, in addition to Wood-worth Lake. The company held further that, the heavy demand at that time was due to war Industries and services and Uiat there was adequate power supply here for normal peacetime anc1 commerical requirements. The application of the city cuiiiAiaiicvn KurrouiKiing i.ic INDONESIAN PRESlDuNT TAKES PART IN INDIAN CELEBRATIONS Dr. Sockarno, president of the Indonesian republic, was an honored guest of the Indian K'Jvernnient at the Delhi celebrations of (he inauguration of the new Indian repu blic. He was accorded a rousing reception at the airport, where the governor-general and the priine minLslT Rreeted him. Left to riKht.Jvlrs. Soe-karno. If. E. Rajuopalaeharl ' governor-general ; Dr. Sockarno; Sheikh Abdullah 'Kashmir premier, behind Dr. Soekarnoi; Rujkuuiarl Atnrlt Kau r Indian health minisu ri, Mrs. Lamping, Pandit Nehru H.idian prime ininisU-ri, and Mr. Lampin g (Dutch ambassador to India, Ivhind Pantltt Nehrui. 1 Funs of the ; tragedy arc not us yet known. It key League yes- ', was disclosed that three oilier ot their most j persons, two men and another Hill (Serai) woman, were at the scene when rr-roach of the police arrived- A coroner's H-fc. Carsc. 35,1s being held Monday, no longer show j Deceased, In addition to her line-up but will i,u.sband. Li survived by four sons, :,y to coaching ;w. A. pufuld, Jr, city: Tommy. council of that day was made j crash that con id be heard for half a mile. Doctors amputated arms and lgs on the spot to free some of tli? Injured. . Kospilal Rales May Be Hiked under two sections of the 1U2U agreement: Section 10 which provided that th8 company complete a hydro-electric development, ot not less than 5,000 h. p. within two years Ratepayers Talk Power Aid. Casey and Aid. Pitch 1 Represent t'ity Settlement VK'IOIUA (I' PossibUU-y T Build Pacific Great Eastern Into Vancouver ('onlr;ic( for Completion of Extension Into I'rimc (JeorRc to be Let This Spring higher rales in the government's. I hospital insurance pla n were seen I and thereafter complete further development until 100.- ! Charles and Edward Cleorge, at 'hoiiie; one duii(;liter, Mrs. It. iCIitlon. Hartley Bay; and her parents and brothers and sisters In Port Simpson, place of her blrlh. j Funeral arrangements, under ithe direction of ' B. C. Under- takers will be announced follow-; lug the inquest. Is Doubtful pent following Premier Byron John son's policy speech in the LegLs-i ! Alderman George Casey, as rep- rc:;enUUve of city council, hi- Does Not LouK Like End of Coal Strike Ttu Week-Em! Mature yesterday. He warnei Brlti.sli -Columbians that they i iimist underr.tand revenues from! Anioni: ':'ivern-nniiniid m the Id.i v liy I'rein- 000 h. p. or more shall be available for private or commerical use for the citizens and industries located within the city, such further development to lie carried out from time to time as prospects for the sale of power justify and if tlie munieipal council shall at any time reuulre the comoany to undertake further develop VICTOK1A (CP) In a lengthy speech in the rorm4 the coinmunity Katepay-IislaU-iv yesterday that covered many phases of iSu'itS iK'S government, Premier L?yron Johnson announced , city ;i "J mririe amiiicaUou to the (iii : ivll ,-evvlre iu-rr -Is i.I ( oil - it-he plan must be sufficient to WASHINGTON PA C. '!V Pres-jmeet costs of the service. He gave ijent, Truman's lact-f 'mders tola -;n. libit nf positjle changes but him today that setUoment of the ! informed clreles consider he may t soft coal strik tkis week-end In Wu,k for mi increase from hei . . , ' - yesterday tb,.t the extension of the Pacific. Ureal Z Hopeful Of Aluminum i'.:is;lci ii I mm Siiitnniish to Viineouver was heihtr meet, requirements of here ,t. lluut on premiums. pt'e-se IiihiI iiro-jaiii. niin nore t o ii. :itl H Coliinibia i Premier Johnson said it was ' . "r ' J . M ment. Section, 17 whiclv .Hiea- Woatcvicem seriously considered. It would take the place of the 1troi)iied-eefi'lif!fin'vtrortrnl- ....&.r----rf;i niTe-'eoTujiritty. refused the de- v- : . . VICTORIA (f-farWierxviti - ' continent. lliat the company wiil supply itiimi'v' lo en- .tnrv work looklnc to the estab- tlie rugged clllfs ot Jlowe Sound ed Mine Workers, and the operators. Chairman DaW L. Cole told over a rlKht-of-vrnv througli West Vanroiiver to North Van-eotiver. The r.UhvHV servie" (1 dikes in the . nsiinicnl, of an aluminum Indus-imipcrly main-I jry tl u,s province will be cur-, rifd out. this year. Premier Byron I Johnson said yesterday. 1 1 hoped at all times the electrical energy required by the corporation and the citizens for light, heat and power and shall meet a reasonable surplus to meet increased demands. f Liberals - j Socialism i would replace the present costly i roporters that he had assured ! President Trumaifi at they be-jlieve "a good many, miners are Hope Fading Long Search Is Expected in.ii mI. . MipiiI"s of a special ciiy council meeting .'ii'Dtember 27, l4,'i, rivaled that, (luring that meet-inc. It. was moved by ex-Alder-niHii J. S. Blaek and seconded by ex- Alderman T. If. Sorenson Uial "tn ikc-ordaiicp -Willi the agree-ni"iit. bi lwe-n the city and the Northern R r.'. Power Company.i I.-- -mill' rrmu v.uiuuiuia uum hl TO luv.iiiihlv considered In the fn.ul ' ACT decision of tlie Aluminum Cor- , imiatlon. A site near Prince Ru DHruc service. The Premier .',iid that pui'ics had been untile with the ex! en inn no) 111 from Quesnel and llii't. the contract for the remaining 3Ii miles into Prince George would be let this spring. He indicated that a new :golng back to i0A'k. Monday, lb The National j LONDON - Meanwhile a vte of miners is : Libera 1 party XighMiiB Mie Feb- en on QT i ruary 23 election in alliance wi ll u Hie Conseralive party, says in IU " day a W0CK k basis DlU- ! manifesto that "our first- Immed- .late duty is to secure the defeat R.C.A.F. Crash In Far North pert, where a town of 00.UOO would result, was anticipated by the Premier. Search for five missing United , ' " '''"l v, ! .,, l" l" ,u w v'u i due" the additional power now Slates airmen on rugged Prin n Ifi.v ,1 Txl...i-ri on mi es south !"' "' " r" ",- "1IUU""UI bridge and lei inmiils v.oulil be ; ... . ', ,. ...lof the corporation and lis ciU !of Socialism. J 1 "This means open and holiest 1 .vloirl H . ""V ,, ., ... i, builL at Prince Georv.e a methodical inch-by-ineh study application, was Jv ed aineod ( I ii' ipal Acl were j P'l imer Pynm j ti'sMalure ves-i.ll perniii. cities . s to rnier hous-''Hh the D'Hiiln-: (i.vcrnnients a from the east., 'icctions at Jas- October 15, 1!M3. Unemployed Are More Numerous of the terrain.'. Royal Canadian More Drilling On Charlottes The rat eua vers wanted to know of using tim e of the Ciniuiian National Railway. Mr. Johnson also hoped for i.... .. I,.. Navy officials at the scene terse- co-operation with the Conserva-ties," the policy statement said. National Liberals are separated from regular Liberals which are This is no;whV M"- cotnpan yhad not fill- ly warned: me eveinu.u .- - r " ! operation. We expect it will be III"'!! HH' u ()H II 'HI IOII. The meeting, attended bv over opposed equally to Labor and Conseratives. line low 1 v - , .... arch trlct to open up wheat and:'"11!! OTTAWA,' (?. Unemployed in Canada increased Uv U2.000 in . !35 persons, dealt mostly with the uie airmen who ,, TavcIvc of I'Jrs and twentv DONJEK LANDING. Y. T fl. A Royal Canadian Air Force Dakota crashed on a lake near Snas, 215 miles northwest of White-horse and one of the It men cn board was injured. The plane was badly damaged. It was cngaaed on operations in connection with Exercise Swceibriar. Name of the injured man was not given hi announcement of the crash made bv Air pmrrn-dore Martin Costcllo of Wimii-pr?. The four-man crew is renurte' I,. l,uo luun r'untwli.irt mhlla thr other resources there. & will arrive li; ' 2:35 a.m. Sun- paracmueu oui oi uie.i u. ....... . , )a( in t)p fu, an compuny .eedup B-OC bomber early 1 ues-, . uower herc. Kenerate Ithe three weeks ending Febru-lary 2. the Labo Department no'uueed. This brinss the total to 375,500. I - HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast Portland 4, Vancouver 2": day, went rescued and arc how j b i.yUro only and not VICTORIA Much additional oil drllllni' and investigation will be done on the Queen Chir-1. tte Islands, where one exploratory well 1ms been completed. Premier Byron Johnson told I he Ivlsliiture yesterday. Much more diillln:? for oil will Im- done hroiiglioilt the provin-e. back at their oome ouse in Fori with a (licscl or any other form. Worth Texas. Demented Bandit Is Being Sought Ot the six resolutions drafted by i As time passes, hop' s aie i.o-j)h( one resolved mnlry ing. however, Mint, me iciiiaio- fl,,.t.ilf,r avim V tak(..) 7" mm 'Sr m-aiilhne by the city in regards i . . . . Amp, S3 Ing alrmei) will be found alive, lliey might be wo weaK or badly to rencwul of the Northern B. mm cans. (Continued Page 6 injured lo survive. Some of Uiem mlchl have dropped info the Pieiiiier said. At the end of ! ! 1H ! twenty-seven operators were j applying lor or holding' 5..'00.0r0 i gas rights under permits, licence S acres of petroleum and natural I or lea se. VANCOUVHl (t. Orders of "shoot to kill" wire issued last night as eon -able s combed the eily for pn aiinar-iilly deramred bandit wh(( t-t,che;l off a chain of reaelion Uiillets of terror ;nr 1st mv.) ty County 0 The crack-up cam" as thr plane came In for a landing er a lake ei"ht miles from the Al aska Highway. Both engine' were knocked off. A Canadian Press clhipatch re- M"s- T. Rvsstad Is sailin-r to-celved by the Daily News today j '"""' uv -Wh en Chllcotin for i said a CM. carrying sur- j l' l ),.VaiV(;;ver. vlvors of -the B3ti crash on Prm 2. lluddcrsfleld ''its 1, Isea 2 cess Royal Island, landed safely j at. Carswtil air base ut I' ui i . ' hi' 2, Kvertou 0 Panter Case Adjourned Worth. Texas, at 10:33 crni-rai i TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S U. Jobustuu Co Ltd ! yeslcrdiv Within an hour he kidnapped a ivilicc oll'ieer fureed a cabbv lo to a "nice (.pile1-bank" "Diiiihar St.-cet branch vi Hie Cam..' .n .Hank of C 'lll-inereei whh'h lie robbed of about $:!.(M,ll..t- S' li:-; part of It. to the cubby whom he had forced to scoop up the r. cy. saying "this is your share." Ktapdurd Time List night. W' st Itromv.k'l) '"'! , Middles- The case of Kenneth Panter, cl.uvi-cd wllh ereatlilK a disturb- e,i;;lle United I ....,. januarv 20. was adjourned Raiding Tactics !by Maslslratfl W. I. Vance In "''h- 'er Unlled IfH.y 1)0ire court this morning ' 1 unt il next Tuesday. Ball la set at ' w i'K'erers 1 , $l,m His wife. Harriet, charged ... . . ,wllli Intoxication .had her sent- 'VIMO,,) Hiiee reserved until the same date. THE. WEATHER Synopsis The weather over British Columbia 'remains mild. Only a few places through the province reported temperatures below freezing today. ' Minimum temperature : at Vancouver was 41, at Kamloops 30, and at Prince George 25. Intermittent rain Is expected along the coast over tlie weekend with cloudy showery condition in tlie Interior. I'wrecasl NorHi Coust Region Kaiu to day. Cloudy wit h showers to- 'Hun I'olxpur; Defense counsel Tor the pair is Rod MacLeod while T. W. Brown Is prosecuting. 'ntiirf city 1 W' "V ' ,-ll" ' " ' if . f . ' J- MIH babbbk; m jiiii'i-whiiW. - J s . i 4. 3 -.-VI'. iff fam"- -m.. Ctt'i ajiM. 1 -r-i" itrl Are Disapproved TRAIL 'I" - Harvey Murphy, re-loiial of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smeller Workers M.O.. said loday that I he 'J"iled M'f Workers of America (C.I.O.-C.C L 1 had expressed disapproval of "raldins! Iiidics" or tlie United . . r A ! lii-i'D l Hull Cy n l-i'ioii Town 1 '), li.irv 2 i,. ii ... J. K. .lohiiMHi. general if the New Fmrland Fish " "lacKUUiu Co. at Ketchikan, and Mrs. joim-son wefc passengers aboard the '"t' !. Weslllaoi o. e . - - , Steel woruers ...,.. ,iMil; Vancouver Bealtlc .r7 B.'vonne .03 i Bevcourt .25 I Bralome 9.30 Bobjo - X2V- p R ('mi 02's Buffalo Canadian . -"8 B R X (10 Con. Smelters 98.C0 Caiibuo QuarU l.V-'i Conwest 109 C-opKiess New 20 Donalda 53 1 ti HP v Mascot 24 F.ldona Pacific Enstem -00 Fast Sullivan .n Pend Oreille 5-4'J Giant Y'Knlfe 6 to ' rinrerr 3.40 God's Lake 32 Premier Birder 03'2 Hardrork M Privateer .. .14 Harrlcana "S'-'- Reno .(I2 " Heva f,b-M) erect: l.Ul Hosco "' Mt'hok Pveinier 38 Jucknii'e .. . -f5 Taku River -.12' Joliet Wueboe Vananda U Lake Rowan Salmon Gold Laouska -end v.dlcv 04 Little Loin,' Luc . U Lynx ,r Ao"l i '"rnadian 4.IK Madsen Red fike . 2.S3 Atbmtie 1.50 McKenzie Red Lake Calnmnt -53 McLeod Coikshutt S.M C & F 7.1(1 Moneta 34 Central l.educ 1.17 Negus t- Home Oil : 11.25 Noranda t 69.IMI MT-iiry 09 Louvicourt' f Okalta 2.05 Pickle Crow I-8R Pacific Pete 4.50 Regcourt 04 37 San Antonio 3.60 Royal Canadian -06!-'3 Sherrit Ooixlon 2 "i Royalite 9.35 stenn Rnck 2.32 Toronto Sturgeon River -21 Athmn 07V2 . Silver Miller .69 Aumaque .12 Upper Canada 3.15 Pri iee George Thursday nism going throuan to Seattle. Mnmhv said he "aiv.ers 1. Kb. r. chin. ge hi temperature. Wind - 1 3 a telegram from SUbv Barrett. CanadlHli director of the United Mine Winkers of America, ex- ..iwkIii!! his Union s (iisnppi AIR PASSENGERS soul.heai.ts 35 mph this morning, becoming wuthwest, 25 mph this alkrnoon. Southerly 15 mph tomorrow. Lows tonight and Idylls tomorrow Port Hardy. 30 and 43. Sandsplt 32 and 45, Prince Rupert 35 aud 42. of the tactics of the S W A. '"'sl:iy 3, Brenl.- ('ovi-iiry Ciiy ' 1- I!i-'-iisev li ;': Div h h": Aliiliu, i To Vancouver (today) Art-Llnd, R. Rocher, J. S. Robertson. To Sandsplt , (today) K-Smith. From Vancouver (Friday) Us t ii,, ,VflHlk , i BASKETBALL! f'l'illierwei i f'.". Aberdeen 2 PRIZE PHOTOS OF 1049 These three photos were judged best of in New York. Top: contest 1949 in a current U.S. news-picture "Checkered flag fur Rex Mays" records the awe-inspiring action in tlie accident in which the famed racing driver lust his life. Above, left: "My Turn" won first prize In the feature division of the contest for photographer Bob Doty. Right, "Lion Tamer," by Jack Gould won second prize In the action-photo class. No, the lion didn't claw the trainer. . Z niters 2 D. J. Brown, A. Chapman; G. R. Sunday, February 19. 19j0 High 2:69- 20.9 feet (I KalUi Rov-rs Martin. 20.6 feet From Sandsnit (Friday) Mr. i TONIGHT 8:45 Sr. Co-ops vs. Brow n woods t 4 9 feet 15:00 9:02 21.13 Low W'leen of Soglh.lPederson. . WEATHER 3.7 feet