Princt Ruptrf Daily Htwi Saturday, February 18, 1930 RATEPAYERS Continued from Page 1 TOIHY 6:00 - 9 p.m. 'MY FRIEND IRv mm. . ill UNDAY-MlDNlTE0NLt V NATIONAL VV: V f Nil SEWING WEEK Patterns "' Also: Tim Holt in "Broth,.,. Power CV. franchise and rate ai'irCiiiciit. It was suggested that information be obtained from the or thorn 11. C. Power Commission rc-gardlni; operation reports and that other utility companies in BC. be contacted in order that rate structure may be ascertained. ' It was pointed out that the city, in future agreements, should see that a surplus of hydro power exists in order thai industries cumins here would run Into no power difficulty. A lone, discussion regarding the Conrad Street School playground Jed to a promise by Alderman George Casey that immediate representations would be made by him. In addition to Aid. Casey, Aid. Don Fitch was the secoau representative from the city council. R. Ferguson was in the chair and in the absence of Secretary II. Tlioistehison, F. Baldwin acted in that capacity. CAPITOL U Fabrics THE WALLACE WAY Mon. and Tucs. 7 9 p.m. , fHOHTIE V Ray Reflects ... .;. . and Reminisce rORDHOlCEi: fii mi j more and more re.strlct- j ed. There seems to be a stern re- solve, somewhere, that no one Is I going to crave lisli now. or in the I future. WrtfrowCoorfi! ' The Oovcr.micnt and Labor, cy without so much as a shot continue to djffcr about the, ", aiaun bell, a po'ice si FRANCO'S DAUGHTER SETS WEDDING DATE FOR APRII-Thc wedding of 23-year-old Car-meiicita Franco, only child of the Spanish chief rt state, has been officially announced, with the tentative dale set for April 17. This photograph was made at an intimate party In the El Parclo palace to celebrate her engagement to the Marqu Is of Villaverde, 27-year-old Dr. Cristobal Martinez Bordiu. The ceremony is expected to be he'd In Los Jcronimos ehurch with the Bishop of Madrid. Dr. Leopoklo Eijo Garay officiating. Left to riKht are Mrs. Carmen Polo de Franco, mother of the bride-to-be; Carmencita Franco; the generalissimo; Dr. Bordiu, the groom-to-be and his parents, the Count and Couitless of Argillo. ' rcn or even a cop's whistle, there number of unemployed In Can Adult Entertainment ada. Ottawa may be correct, but! m7 i CKUe u Arable, homey looking do they know very much about, . 'p'iJe as .'luch as Winston Chur- . u-usnes-a ceaseless flow of Nova Scotland are sinaitir.s i:n- 'extra lengthy rigars. It' all ri"ht being unable to find a Job. It is then one discovers that any number of foiktf are quite Indifferent to listening to hard luck j dor 'the sting of an inexcusable , There is something about a man Indignity. They want to know 'using tobacco- that gives an n- ; what the X Y Z. the bell of , reeable imprcs.-lon-whether he's Radio Dial .stories. Perhaps they, think it's CFPR 121U Kilocycles little Ule "Blurnosc," is doing in Ed- 'lead of a nation, or just another jrmmton, of all places. Tlw "Blue- man. H has that calming, rcason- " c. s.:, Itc-furds ji -s'Sili5 5:r Don M s4l IlillHlcrj Illlrrna!,, Divi'iii,!,,,. - Betty Pi:; leading up to soliciting a loan. '. - 2:00 j 2:: ' 2:45- I 3:00- i 3:15 ! 3:30 I 3:10 4:(M) I 9:59 Time Sinal 10:00 -Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Rohison and His Biiekarmis" 10:30 Melinly Time 10:45 ' Rita Martin's Musical Kitehin" 11:00 Klli(erg;(ili il jf the Air 11:15- Rotind-up Time 11:30 -Weather Report 11:31 -Message Perioil (Subject to Change) Week-end Review Special SlH'ake:. Bach Bl-Centenary Scries Startime . " CBC Vancouver Slruia Orch. Vesper Hour CBC News ' CBC News 7:10 7:20 7:30- 8:00- 0:00- !):30 10:00 10:10 11:00 -Weather and Si-n Off . MONUAV-AM -7:00 -Musical r-iock 8:O0CDC Ncwe U: 10 Here's Bdl Oood B:L5-.-Morning Sjiik 8:,30 Mukic for Modems e:45-LtUle Concert 0:00 - BBC News & Comty. 9:15--Munilnjr Devotions 9:30--Monnng cuncun , it... ' ' Idosc , swiftest wind-jammer of 8 way Comments ihr St. Ijtuiis Star-' .v craft in till the fishing fleet t - Times, wi'll possible more truth I ll.nd winner r.l many a glorious; Some visitors to Prince Rupert than poetry." in reference to the jr'ace, was lo.U in the West in- dilate w the scenery to bo en-robbers in BuMon. When seven '.d'" a w years p. go. In a ! Joyed from any part of the town- SAl'URiMi -P.M. 4:30 - Sports College 1 Cv... c. ... ., men can walk off with TrtorMhani' -,rom l.dnionton the sil- it is ivji necessary to ask! a million dollars in paper mon II 1:33 -Recorded InU'dude 10:15 Seafaring Women 10:30-Prelude to Midnight I Soldiers Hurt i 11:43 -Personal Album P.M. if WIllTI-.HOIKe; .'.econd leiniM,: battalion mhit 12:00 Mii-du I.igiodle; 12:15 - CBC News Very tinkle of her bell was heard Wore than once. And now the query arises "Itow Come?" Here's a job for salty sailormen. There's only one permanent restiivr place tor that bell and it i.-n't belli? exiled away out among the oil boomers and wheat barons. It's down wit lithe Lunenbur-ers. or llaligonlans by the chill i r r v ii Program Resume B.C. Farm Uroadeiist Ret'orded h.trrlude Altermmn Conei'it erlse bweeUjr.a sol' r,i of th, p, : Canadian I.Mi! ; sliidiliv bunifti:;, slroyed the tni.t .tta.S the p'VI..": ers of the (".ma Col. DoimklCj,. tneir opinion. And this, brings i one around V) the course being) taken by tho Public Relations Council which plans lo have Mt. : Mays and ML. Oldfiuld sit uside as provincial park areas. The for- : mer is the peak overlookini; the! weslend t,r I lie eit,v iJMrl the' lat-j ter overl(Kks the ccnlcr.or! ness section. ComparMtivelv few of the p;e.seiu population have climbed either. It's worth the ef, I fort, particularly on a clear dav, in summer. Rut a bright idea anyway. Some day, there will be a motor drive from the Seal Cove ! neighborhood. A survey was run, i years ago. No conduction difficulties were tuund. Easv. in fact. iWilh Sprinrj on the Way! i Atlantic, on v hose bosom she failed to victory. "When a winds V 3iR 1:30-Beinie Braden Tells IV 'were humming ocr the floo:l. fti Mi n I and waves wrre white below". busiiii 1 nKUUCjH N H A ' v'iw.en fish totalling 100 million pounds, a few hundred thousand move than ever before United States. And this, with the : "" """ ua mou.u-,;h f rui,(1 5n, in i aineenng by car, from right in Consult .- A Greer Oriddeni t town some parts of the continent be- 4:45 Mu.-:io for Moderns 5:00-Music from the Films 5:30 - Prairie Schooner 0:00 CDC News 6:U5 -National Hockey League 7:30 - Or(?an Music 7:45 Armdate Chorus 8:00 -WliaU-hii Know Joe? 8:30 -Current and Choice D:00- nynt; Wliiftckar Show t':30--A souk in the Air 1U.U0 -CBC lit'.VS 10:10 - CBC News . 10:15 Renner Trio 10:30 -Dal Richards Orch 11:00-Weather and Sigh Off . SUNDAY 8:30 -Recital iiidO B HI News and Con.iiiL'iitary 9:15 Memo from LuKc Success 3:30 Harmony Harbour 9:59 -Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener !0:I5 Just Mary . 1 10:30 . Way of tlu Sjuiit J 1 :00 -CBC News 11 :03 CapiNil Report 11:30 - R.-ligioiis Peruxl 12:00 N.Y. Philhurnionic prch. 1:30 Cliurc!' w th: Air 2:00 Salvation Army Program 2:30- Critically Speaking 3:00 John Fisher Reports 3:15 CBC News 3:17 How About Ihe Weather 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 4:30 My Uncle Louis 5:00 -Nationa1 Sunday Hour 5:45 The Old Songs 6;00 Stage "51" 7:00 CBC News REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED ( 1 YOUR LOCAL BUILDER 1 For IMans k Estimates 21.) 1st Ave. West -Phone Block 3G7 " ". ,' ' ',- l&'-frx H I li Y Sew your own ?m S It. E. MOKTIMKIi 32i 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR" I 3 Fishermen ! CHILIS coUt. 1 QUEBEC GIRLS ARE COLORADO-BOUND All set for world championships at Aspen, Colo., are these Quebec members of the Canadian ski team, seen as they left airport at for Aspen. The girls, clothed hi nylon ski outfits, arc from left, Roserrarie. Schutz, Pat Ramage; Motitrcalrand Jacqueline Tracey Quebec city. , ... .;;-j;"' ' Wi' J We are headtiuarters for all thf A f Illi accessories you need to ejve your iLlfl Barmcnt.s that "fine finish" lout fry I We 'have 'the leading fashion "ill books and patterns to give you l i LI A the new "now" look . Newest fospYMrr QoodFood For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specially CHOP SUEY ; i CHOW ME1N RezkCafle 2ml Ave. 0i. Rupert Hulel 7:00 a m. b 3:30 a m; r --'--'r MYM eluding buttons, zippers. nfiiK WHEN IN PRINCE RUPERT TELL YOUR TROUBLES TO THOM '. THE SHOP THAT UNDERSTANDS MARINE SHEET METAL CALL BLACK 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. mLLll as' clc- J BUY THIS LARGE 25 PACKAGE ! Phone 173 for-puUiiUe Orders .1 I FOR -f pMTik I . aufSMIP" TfVESTROC Mitchell & Cutric W ! fUI& SALE FUR COATS clearing at the lowest prices in years : SPECIALS . Coney Coats ..." $75.00 Electric SeaL..::.. .; $125.00 Persian Lamb (sides) $145.00 Muskrgt Flonk" $195.00 ' 7 i 'Every CoafGuaranteed wm k iujTtli: Liiniwd Builder and Confraclc The Most Economic! Effective Iniulftion FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANCi For Free Estimates Phone 387 or Eve's N. Ncilly, 437 D. J. BROWN LTD. For Your Interior Pointing ond Dcc"' MATUIK CallSPENCE & Photic Ulue 215 - -- III!, I I Ij. HI I'lji ! 233 BROADWAYf Locker Plant Pork ttlblclli,. , 2&o llj. iiiiiiiini C'lKlllks lc lb. X rV I The Greatost Name in Cigarettes offers you I'rontin lioi-'i'r U1 Uv uiHiiy bHUslieu custumjra thiH bprlnn CitstuiiidH wiiu lmvp nu worries iitMiut their uicul supply. They tuw tbry lire sssu ml of a plcii'.iful suiiplv of the fluent incut obtainable. Tru importation UlllicuUle.s? Nonel They Just c mc down to the Lo;kcr Plimt and pick out htfak. tew. rotttt or baaibvu-ger iu they aosire. No huutlna Irom market to intukct for the ineut thut is not there. Join these happy pcop e rent a locker, tuve tine, muiuy nl worry Vv purcliaslng quulily ineuts by the quarter from tile Locker PUut. Rupert Freezing Company Ltd. CANADA'S GREATEST CIGARETTE TOBACCO Hi I loin s ' Box 11 DO 230 2nd Avenue Phoue IleU 307 For Take Home Orders -PfonC 1?