... rh cotm Rotary vs. Gyr Charlie Mills, Bill CrulckshanTc, Prinee Rupert Daily Newj and the doctors In the Gyro Club. . 1950 Saturday, February 18, M'.iwr'" . kiwine.SR Friendship Ends It is hoped to preserve the city i, ' on . ..... a cimti- Waterfront so that these Rotary Giants will ld M, at least leave the Gyro playgrounds With Basketball for the children. winy Ne On Second Avenue anytime of : '-'Em day orte can see Tom Christie, It is now apparent that the manager of the Rotary Giants, r '. 1. ft:-: Rotary Giants are really prepar- ing for the kill and it will ake .?'Uli5leVllh-an.dJik lIoLtn! noticed the other evening that 0 irv f r I V nm., Rotary " " tr'uo " 0,lse'' Manager Christie was doing extra t aDDefite. roadwork at the Gyro party. This However, with such power fellow rart..ilnlv tnkp his lob sert- Another 10,000 Ton of Herring Allowed for Bait Stormy Weather Hampers Fishing i An additional 10,000 tons was added thin week ( to the CO.000 ton herring quota for the northern ub- division last week. Although the extra tons were I added to the latter area the central sub-diviion quota Bill Stone, Joe Scott, Bill Lam ously rrL?m JJ5?l8al' Seuby taatoo doing lot of trato- alone whh nt n,rT o 1 f Alex TarVfa.n,C iK although already he has 1??t' Hunter- enough weight to offset any of .. f , the Gyro gentlemen. V WERE WELCOME - i AT KFTrmiTAU j remains the same at 40,000 tons, still not reached ' if (v -v - t - ' "ZTZ i ' .' "V 1 flM. One of the reasons for the HOW CAN I ? 7 1 Increased quota In this area was j Prince Ruoert Gyro Club delegation which visited Ketchikan Queen Charlotte points. Passen INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE CHIEF Gerald O. Ryan. OBE, Montreal investment dealer, has been elected premdent of to enable the filling of Prince Rupert halibut bait stocks gei disembarking for the city 1 Q. How can I remove Insects ' while the steamer Princ George I I mil a in i r nut I 1 :. rwvl t ' which had been Interfered with ! Included O. Antonson A, Whit- was port there this Thttrsdav i from vegetables when washing by power shortage I lan, C. Leeman. L. Swanxon Mr i e, ". 01 ; may not have been Iar'e lit mim- them? I hers but it received a hearty re- j a. By putting a little vinegar stormo a'enthiT h-n hnn 1 . . . ' international unamDer 01 eepuon. Mayor Jotm Talbot, Sec- i or a. pinch of borax into the f retary of the Chamber of Com-; water. This will bring the live! Commerce. Mr. Ryan is president of L. G. Beaupien and Co. investment dealers, and a past-president of the Investment Dealers' Association of Canada. , (CP. Photo) i merce w. k.. uoaraman and Pub- ! insects to the Surface of the isner W. L. Baker were amoni I watrr almivu. immeitiJitelv ttiiu mis. Eoward MISS E hampering seining operations in ,,. ,..,.' ' '' Jrench arul Mlss both areas this week but to date Jess,e- Also, only 9,127 tons remains to be j aboard the Chilcotin Friday were ; raiight in the central sub-dlvis- 14 loggers enroute to Port Clem-' ion by approximately 3t) seiners ; ents whence they will be taken to operating there. In the nor- JuskjlU t, f"r ... operations. tliern sub-tlivi.slo, the catch re. ! m.all,'nR tl-2n i In northi-,., water, for the past f those on hand tr ureet the vlH- Com. The three hours that the Prinee George was in nort e:ive Modern Etiquette ! Mr. and Mrs. Ormc Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone. Mr. and ""r'"'" r ten days ' natrollinir " ' ' K the le herring! Q. How can I stop the Need-in; of a cut? i A. It is claimed that a bleed-i ing wound can sometimes be checked by applying very hot ! water, as hot as can De borne. ! Q. What is the best way to wash rugs? I A. Do not wring them after washiiv' Hang them on the centra! sub- st or the fish from the j ,'1 t nerr'nB; Q. What Is the best acknow- M. w M w?tts. Mr and Mrs. ub-dlvUion are being' IZT'T, '"n ,cr"iKer lament to an introduction. Norman Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Butedale. Namu, nnd " , ll,, , , Rel T "p A- Tne V1 .and a'way8( William Crukkshank time tn be stal poinU. Uu. forlh e week-end The C01.rect thing to say. to. "H'W,snown noints t.f interest in town U -u. taken to I i I". i ' -Tf f 5 1 1" " : ,P fe,ora;o yo d"" "I am very glad j fm, Vk-inRv and- alno-to enjoy Motorship Sydney, Capt. O. "7; .,; ' " , "'LU a 'y to meet you," or I am tiiugniu ; some matulinf.l hospitality. line and play the hose on them ( FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE IT'S THE HEIGHT While External Hendrlcksen. arrived in port on " 'V .r p u7'u 10 moet yu may also De usea: r.:.i.. .i.w . i' j.. ... element weather which nreva s Nvor R!v -Pleasert to . meet Then let them drip1 to rinse., and dry. ' along most of the B. C. Coast, -you." ' . '- " '' I r Id It nltirnlra nivluutarU tQ Friday with two car loads of fro; en fish from Ketchikan for transfer by rail to Anierlrari! points. . . I be written promptly. Drcn Si-a Fishermen's tint-. 1 writ a note of ' thanks for at Q- Q. Should Slwtild ono ono pust push his chair Affairs Minister Pearson attends conferences and Investigates possibilities of trade with Asiatic countries, crew members of the plane which was flying him around the world had opportunity to make friends and influence people on their own. Fit-Lieut. R. McKee of Port Dalhousie, Cmt., radio operator on the North Star, climbed aboard an elephant at Kandy, Ceylon, and found the back Into place after rising from has been busy overhauling its by- wedding gift received? law. This was the principal sub-' A. Under no circumstances WOODS MARKETS a dinner table? A. No; but this does not mean that it should oe pushed two or three feet from the table. Union steamer Chllcolin, Capt. ject of a meeting of the Union on should a bride tender her thanks H. E. McLean, arrived in port at Tuesday night of this week with by telephone or In person. A 1:30 p.m. Friday enroute to north President II. Mark in the chair, personal note of thanks should height too much for comfort. ' fresh Initt Bananas, lb 25 , Aooles. cookine. 3 lb 30 Fancv Macs. 3 lbs 29 j Lemons. lare Cal doz 42 Oraoefrnit . 3 for .29 Oranges (Navel). s Dates t s Vr eetaoies Celerv. lb. " i ; n rr w ' - Ill Rhubarb. 2 lb Beets, bunch 27 i V i '4 nan. . Parslev. bunch Turmus Sninach. 2 lbs. cello . Radishes, bunch Mushrooms, lb Head lettuce Cookine Onions. 3 lbs Cauliflower, lb 29 . r HCWmM Tomatoes. Colif. lb. .. Cubbane lb Tomatoes. No. I lb -i3 V'' (. . Potatoes. 10 lb 47 Cucumbers, lb. 21 Vegetable Marrow, lb. 61 Sotiash. lb. 16 'A Canced VneiaMes n I Dill Pickles, usu. 1 j65 I Cut Green Beans, fev 17 No 5 Peas, fancv 18 Mixed Veuetabli .23 1 tn-ea Beet. orr-f.m --i Wax Beans, choice 21 Mixed oea.s and carroU 2for.35 Puinokin 2 for .23 I Baxed Beans, 20-oz. tin n! EISLER'S FRIENDS PUT ON A SHOW Police of the western sector of Berlin form a human chain to hold back Communist demonstrators who tried to enter the French sector of Berlin duriiif; a Red rally staged by Gerhard Eislcf, propaganda chief of the east (Soviet dominated German republic. Elsler is the same Eisler who once was called the No. 1 Communist in the U.S. and who jumped bail while awaiting trial in the U.S. About 2,000 Communists attended the rally and heard Elsler demand that every Am Jr-' ican should be put out of Germany. Berliners of the west sector gathered at the border and yelled across the line to Elsler to "pi back to-Moscow." Baked Beans, 15-oj. tin a. . Tomatoes. 20-a. ej 48-oz Ouart '. Mut uam. 'A whit ; Medium cartons,. i'rilleis. cartons itutier First Orade, lb. . Mareanne. lb. - .17 .33 : i .25' .13 .53 M2 .7 .33 .53 Better English Chees Canadian Cheese lb Milk Evaporated Milk. . io-uz. tins. 2 tor Case Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. . CHANDLER'S " ' PORTRAIT STUDIO -, film Finishing Enlarging ' Flash Photo iaktn at Horn Phone Green 389 218 4th Sv FKlNCE RUPERT. B.C. ' ': .7.50 .. .80 I I I I ( OH.BOV VJHEN MR. PITHFCS H. ji V , rings his buzzes like that,! . HIC YOUNG- ' A 1 i M) ffiX ' . en NOjt u.:f K Lf" om-it I j Uesoa is waiting - J to vr LCrCEt k-- i.S HutAND-AunJ VME AS s ' Y i pap' LUT lTH-,tVtN.KS (irf-t HUH? tV BUlUPi!3 Ui, -ft fg ' I t foy " -J 1 " " - i i ' ! I I , 1 HAVE IT -"f vV I l COULD LET) ' ! f - 1 Of- BlOnCSES t;V A BO$aLrCE ' Tc 1 i 1 4-' T n I . ( how ix you por ) I -vj'.X: S. I I ; i , (1 I 1 J'te rTHEPE (WE'LL PUCK INTO THE TURKISH X' X . L. ' ' 1 U ONLY CV "jfrC BLONOiE-MXJWi-iSBAN.? jj, TH6V tr 6ATHS-THATS THt ' ( NNHV. IT'S) cTi? 'OS JUST WE,,nl eV -rfT ft 8S A 'VjCl GO J (PLACE VJF- CAN BE SAFE jisC 1 LOVELY NEWjRtrdf J G9 AWiS l! n Jj IfLfJ -VjLT PIW-P' A S?,iS' FnHir, 4s, ho. i nara Wheat . .3.60 Floarf 24's ....1.82 iea ana toffet Coffee lb 62 (12 ...1.05 DeLuxe' nuantltv lb Tea 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "The man with his two sons were in the house." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "Jocosity?" 3. Which one of these words is. misspelled? Proffesor, prognosticate, propaganda. ' 4. What does the word "effusive" mean? . ', . 5. What is a Word beginning with "fa" that means imaginary?" ; i . . 1. Say: "was In the house." 2.. Pronounce jo-kos-i-ti, first o as In obey, second 0 as In on, both i's as hi it, accent second syllable. 3. Professor.- 4. Pour- CHIROPRACTOR- l.ihn F, I. Iluehra. D.C Ph 21-22 Besner Block ;v .33 ' .19 .18 ..24 .3 . .29 jn .33 41 ! Fhone BLUE 442 fo yj OFFICE CLOSED ' During Cold Weather, Orange Juice , Blended i... : -i.. Grauetrutt :.:.. iomatoes. 20-oz. ea i 28-oz - .... A411UII - . 11,1'. 20-oz tin. 'i tor 4-o-s. tiannea rrults Pineapple, crushed ... "eres, 20-oz AlJ: ic.its. 20-O,. .'. Cti rnes, ancy, 20-oz. i, j.n..-.s. 2U-oz Feat: lies, choice ... Pure. Ib Shortening - ' Sean So, fare, bar .... 3i,ing out or lurui, uncimy cieiuou-138 ; stMtive. "His friend- greeted .291 him with an effusive welcome. Open Again About vtrT ;" End of. February. ; 5. Fantastic. ... .24 I 24! ... .311 .10 Laundry, cake . i iot Soan Powders, larse 38 PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing The Rights for -Your , Radio ttaee M.. Cherries, J'a lb. pkfe .. Coconut, lb. Almond Past, lb. . Kruu cake Mix, lb. ... Dates. Jancv. 1 lb. r.kt .45 .45 .39 .46 .34 .38 .2b .45 .35 .42 .55 .41. .8'i .54 A Complete Overhaul ; At SAVOY HOTEL Heedless itaisms. z ids. Heeded Raisins, 2 id. .Shelled Walnuts. 'A lb. Shelled Almonds. 6 oz. Shelled Brazils. 6 oz. .. Shelled Brazils. A Ib. Jams or Klrawberrv. 24-o Har Deiry, 24 om Blackberry, 4-lb Cherry, 24-oa. Peach, 4 lb. . Apricot. 4-lb. RADIO KEN'S CLINIC .83! .79 W. L. WOODS. ProD j l-HONE 37 P.O. BOX 1S97 j FRASER STREET PRINCE RIiPBRT Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service 518 2nd Ave- W. Blue 992 Meats Turkev 65-70; Koastlne Chicken, lb 65 Hum. boned and rolled, lb 911 Bacon, side, piece Cottage Roll, lb I.iver Sausage, lb - Fresh Pork Ham. lb. Pork Chons. lb Steak. T-Bone. lb. Pork Tenderloin, lb Ham. rea. lb. - Bolosna. lb. j Weiners Garlic Rausaee. lb Bacon. pkR. Vi lb. Fork Sausaee, lb Steak, round, lb. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PIIONE 24 222 Second Ave. ;M1 ( MV HANDS rTfTnT M LFGStf-' ' THEM JSsf' . k1 V 'iV fan 4 5 W ii 1 'fr-N 5s: k fel V ,1 v a (There mav De variations orices In various stores depend Inn on whether special or standard onalilies are luted.) Cupr. 1