JJBBAHY r 1 A -- I . 1 ' . 1 onr.iES DHUGS Daily Delivers BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ... NORTHERN AND CENTRAL Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOilE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 64. PRINCE RUPERT, B. .C THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Speed yp naic ate j yime I " ! western pact to House May Prorogue Tuesday; Local High School Team Going South Indians May Take Claims BE REVEALED Members Plow Through Agenda !ALASKA!IS MAY TAKE PART III . ARTS FESTIVAL I There is a chance that Prince Rupert may. be "invaded" by a group of Alaskans early in May. The invasion, if it occurs, will WASHINGTON, Pi Denmark, Iceland, Italy and Portugal j were invited today to join the t North Atlantic security pact! and it was expected that all H To London be only slightly on the military side. Participants will be mem four will join the treaty. Details of the pact will be made public tomorrow. SPY SUSPECT IS RE-ARRESTED bers of the Ketchikan Boys I VICTORIA (CP) Morning, noon and night sessions, started this week by the British Columbia legislature mean only one thing to political observers here: they smell an election in the spring air. ; The 43-mcmber house, controlled by a coalition of 22 Liberals and 14 Progressive-Conservatives, has been marching through its work in jig time to date, and, observers say, prorogation may come as early as next Tuesday. Speculation for possible election date has narrowed down to May 30, June 13 or June 27. Band. Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers of the Senior Basketball League here will be sailing Sunday night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver and New Westminster to taice part m the provincial High School basketball championships.. Sixteen teams in all will take part in the competition and the local team has high hopes of capturing the provincial honors. The Bo-Me-Hi's wiil be away for about a week. LABOR RETAINS YORKSHIRE SEAT WINNIPEG 0 Seventy Indians whose forefathers relinquished their lands to the white man in the clays of Queen Victoria, threatened Wednesday to beat a war-path back to .the home of the departed Great White Mother. Seeking redress against alleged WASHINGTON The gov ernment Wednesday moved to re-arrest 27 - year - old J udith Coplin. until recently an em- ' ; r7 :x t ", $J' t. f" Sk Enquiries regarding the possibility of entering a high school boys' band in the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival was received recently from Ketchikan by the secretary of the "Festival Association. The Festival program does not Include a class for bands but II suitable arrangements can be made the wrongs under the Victorian trcaty rights, delegates to the ployee of the J ustice Depart- national convention of the North ment, after charging her with American Indian Brotherhood specific acts of spying against served notice that they are pre- the United States. pared to go to thi Privy Council She was first arrested 14 days j if action on their requests is ago in New York City along with Valentine A. Gubitchev, a Rus Pulp Mill and Community Project Engineer is Heard - Construction Camp On Watson ' Island to Be Commissioned On April 1 Buildings to Appear Soon sian engineer employed at the j United Nations headquarters. The two were jointly indicted by a grand .jury. SOERBY, Yorkshire, Eng., 3D Ketchikan entry will be wel--Labor retained its Soerby seat corned as a special feature, in Commons in yesterday's by- i Although the program corn-election, it was announced to- mittee had hoped that many (jay ! Festival participants would have Thus, the government party filed their applications by Marca maintained its record of not 12, the original deadline date of having lost a single constitu- March 23 still stands. Local ency since the 1945 general elec- school and church choirs, as tion. iweU as drama groups and in- Labor candidate Douglas dividuals are busy preparing for not forthcoming from the federal government. The appointment of an em-missary to Ottawa, armed with resolutions by the convention was considered by the Indians who came from all across Canada. ; One reauested that the' gov VICTORIA WIDOW FIRE VICTIM "We hope to become accepted' as a part of this community of Prince Rupert and that there will at all times be harmony, understanding and the best of ernment-appointed commission VICTORIA O. Mrs. Mary E. to deal with claims under treaty i Bird, 38, was burned to aeam tfOW ECTOR IN BERLIN RIOT Three bund the May event. Out-of-town enquiries indicate that Terrace, Hazelton and Massett will participate in the Festival. J. Wood of Victoria will ad Houghton had a majority of 2,152 over Conservative opponent Lt. Col. P. Ryan. ' The seat was made vacant by the resignation from the house four others narrowly es rights be reconvened immedi- and ed f! rsons and former concentration camp caped early today when flames ately and that, the joint senate relationships between us in our mutual, best interests," said C. H. Klotz, project engineer for the Cela-nese Corporation of America on the construction of the Columbia Cellulose woodi ' v; Berlin ponce recently juai. out-siue a rn- house committee review the In- j swept a two-storey boarding dian Act. He demanded the house here. Origin of the fire of John Belcher, former Parlia' tiuatrr, against the showing of J. Arthur aire version of Charles Dickens' immortal judicate the festival music. Mr. mentary secretary to the Board .wood has done considerable ad- Rupert and, of course, to derive .(",' cn; rgeu wie mm is aiiu-ocmcwt, oujev-w- is unknown. Mrs. Bird is the widow of pulp plant at Port Edward, in an intimate unofficial talk be- benefit ourselves," he said. a) of Figan as a Jew who teaches young boys of Trade. 1 judication work in Manitoba and ; jwas recommended to the local Robert Bird, who disappeared i c of lilt; demonstrators were injured and three right of Indians to elect their own representative to the commission. Frank Assu, of Steveston, president of the North Ameri fore the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. PRELIMINARIES OVER association by H. S. Hum of the HIGH WYCOMBE, Bucking- The most of the nreliminary . , Denartment of Education. Drama from the ss Princess Joan between Victoria and Vancouver a year ago last New Year's Day. Mr. Klotz described the vast 1 k hs now bcen ironed ouU P t"" ,ipT Section. The drama entries will can Indian Brotherhood, said set-up of the great Celanese Camp buildings were almost com- .Dhenomenally" when it was an- be adjudicated by a man appoint-Corporation Industry. He told pietedi lhe buil(Ung oI tne plpe detector van would ed by the Department of Eduv that under the treaty with Brit- She was trapped in her room. ish Columbia one of the promises) made was that one-third of all ln Till Dl ACTC A ! I cation. v itwiwd the police cordon several times. This jmi'ie at the second demonstration, a previous 1 ;i iw the nisht before. Here three police hustle .; ncaiby police car. ' liOt! board hearkW's (IMEN'S WAGE FIGHT " "v Jme was weU under way, tne visit the town. tegral primary producer of the dock warehouse was commen-1. revenues collected in the prov-l lJl, Ij 1Lf-wU ajph cellulose, wood, puljj,, would ii4Cf go t iHdlans. - cedsteer, cement and aggregate " . r . flj f? mI ' ' V" J were stockpiled, the railway spur I hffpI. Y CClT-UlU rQllieT DQTTZCL EXTENSION OF of Prince Rupert would soon be From Job While Family Starves CONTROL POWERS TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy B. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) ii thu Prince Rupert local of the Inter-;ali..n df Fire Fighters that its mem- a Vancouver scale of wages was f t-it v advocate T. W. Iirown at .Wednes- PAW PAW, Mich, iff In a two-room, tar-paper shack behind the city dump, a desperate 13-year old father is waiting today for something anything seeing the structures take form, first the administration building, pulp storage shops, sewer plant and digester. Mr. Klotz was thanked on behalf of the club by W. M. Watts. President Maurice Brydges was in the chair and, in addition to U.S. ARMY CADETS TO yiSIT HERE to happen. provide material to be combined with the product of the acid plant lij Bishop, Texas. The cellulose acetate thereby produced would be used in the corporation's other plants in various parts of the United States manufacturing such products as yarn; plastics, etc. ' Anticipating commissioning; of the construction camp on the site at Watson Island this April 1, Mr. Klotz described the construction organization and told! of some of the problems in con-) nection therewith. " I Administration buildings, pulp storage and shops buildings would go up first because they would serve useful purpose dur OTTAWA P Progressive-Conservative leader George Drew charged Wednesday that there.; exists no general emergency Which would warrant a government "drunk' with power"' to ' continue wartime controls under one bill. He made the statement while continuing the party's fight against a bill to provide a onc- Crowded into the tiny house Southward-bound after anAl- . Vancouver Bayonne .05 Bralorne (ask) . 9.00 B. R. Con 03 ft B. R. X .09 Cariboo Quartz 1.22 Congress 03ft Hedley Mascot .30 Pend Oreille 4.35 Pioneer 3.15 n - K';-sion of wage conciliation hearings ' " ' " v (i (.roups, i' TTT" . tel lUreW P0I1 in 1946 had the high- ui MBrown ln the than have Provlncfe' it l I'-'-m -tnd city spent loss on fire protection are Carl Harvey Blake, the 13- a good turn-out of- club mem-l training cruise which will bers, there were guests in the . ar north year old husband - and father, his wife Winnifred, their three-week old son and eight in-laws. Victoria or New fl i tne r.i'htinr Uu,n Nc,son WcAminstcr. i ii... i.,.i,.,.o Carl is jobless and has no of controls on Premier Border 034 year extension domestic rent, some food prices. prospect of work, despite all his efforts. As icy March winds seep persons of Col. C. J. Strong, Victoria; Don McEwcn, Telkwa; C. H. Orme, Victoria, and Ray McLean, city. A new member was welcomed in the person of Mark Goftnely, district forester and former Nelson Gyro. through the cardboard walls, the main diet for all the family is , building, priorities on steel and , lumber. The buttle moved ahead when as Skagway, forty student officers of the Universities of Washington and Oregon will be in Prince Rupert March 26, Saturday of next week, aboard the. United States Army Transportation Corps freight supply vessel FS-210. Last year a similar party was here in the course of a cruise which then' went only as far north as Juneau. The former Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald - 2.31 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1-25 Silbak Premier 35 Taku River -26 Vannnda 25 1 v.-:,pe scale Using the same background f meo those ffgures, the city presented a 61 i!ir size and table yesterday which showed ; that the relative amount spent 8 nn s session!10111 the clly's toU1 tax lcVy " sala,'lcs was thC '.menus of both inrcmcn's f?" fi bmrri u-w-h ! ond highest among nine cities bread and potatoes. ing construction. It was described also to have the power plant building erected as soon the members voted 143 to 53 to ) go into committee to study details of the resolution after a Salmon Gold' .. :.. -MV vote indicated the house's posi in tne province, lower oiny uiun W. 0. Fulton. 4 Walls, city icp- 1 Thnma.s Elliott, IB ir as possible so that the boilers, j irilff kiT AH ADC generators and other equipment' JCff J Aril AKAD3 might be accommodated immedi- i k ftr fffTT ately on arrival, thus eliminat- MAl H At I IlKIJ in double handling. I 5F, rVl Reinforcing steel bending shed II M I .pm F P 1 1 A I I F M tion that the government should introduce separate bills covering each of the various types of controls it wants continued. Winnifred : recently tore the baby's four ragged diapers into halves to make them go farther and has sacrificed her own food to buy him canned milk. But in spite of everything, she and Carl want, above all, to remain together. Officials are silent on the question of whether or not Carl should be sent back to school. United States Army waterfront installations were of particular Virlmia. The chart was based on annual reports of cities fo. 1943 supported by telegrams from municipal oificers. interest to last years group. Spud Valley Oils-Anglo Canadian 3.80 A. P. Con., : -20 Calinont , -38 C. & E 4-65 Central Leduc .-. , 105 Home Oil 10-50 They also spoke highly" of the hospitality accorded them here fi'l consider the 0 1 KT-oniinenda-Y U a date not 1 ' 1 ' ; a conctlia-f an arbitration which they said almost outdid thai, which they received at and carpenter shop had already vm rffciiwrfmbi i bcen set up. RHODES Israel and Trans- Speaking Of the water line Jordan agreed last night on ar-tunncls, Mr. Klotz said that two mistice lines dividing the Holy ' portals were already opened up, City of Jerusalem between them, one being in for a distance of ! but left the issue of mutual use .12 The table showed that.Prince Rupert spent $30,251.60 last year in salaries to its 11 firemen. This was 10.43 percent of the city's total mill levy. Victoria's percentage was 12.68 on a lower mill rate. Mercury Such bills would bring an end to the arbitrary powers in the hands of autocratic controllers, Mi. Drew said. Parliament had to declare that a general emergency exists, as in wartime when the bills were first passed, to warrant the passage of an omnibus bill covering all controls, he contended. Mr. Drew said that the general emergency of war no longer cx- may or may h cither of the Okalta 1 15b Pacific Pete 2.22 Princess 28 Royal Canadian 00 South Brazeau 16 Juneau. Some of the students coming this year were here on the last cruise. Northward the- ship will proceed direct from Seattle to Skagway where a side-trip will be Even though his plight has gained wide publicity, his chances of getting a job are dim, because Michigan law forbids the issuance of child labor permits to youths under 14. Carl, who weighs 176 pounds and is five feet, six inches tall, of roads and accessibility of holy places for further settlement. The agreement, based on the Mr. Brown cited Nanaimo, where 1949 agreement calls for a first-class fireman's pay of $205 monthly, Trail, where the figure is $211 and Victoria, where November 30 truce lines, covers sixty feet now. The project engineer spoke of two current problems the organization of personnel and telephone service. In connection with the latter, it was hoped that the necessary lines would taken by the students over the White Pass and Yukon Railroad J1"'. although it ln.it, if a coin-ff'UMionded, both f k t'U' claims on Vuieoviver lire fi'.ct Rupert fire- is "level headed and. mature for .1 .18 .49ft .20 Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian his age," friends Say. ists. Continued on Page 2) Asked by Jean LeSagc (L-Montmagny - L'Islct) how the .lift .15 soon be available, relieving present confusion and incon the entire Jerusalem sector. It establishes an armistice line that starts at a point near the village of Al Walaja, southwest of Jerusalem, cuts through the Holy City and swings back west, completing a semi-circle. Discussion of reduction and withdrawal of forces in the en mrtr claim for . lor constitution could justify the venience. a first-class COCKTAIL BARS to Whitehorse. Leaving Skagway, the vessel will proceed to Juneau where a day and a night will be spent, the visit there to be highlighted by a party at Governor's House by Hon. and Mrs. Ernest Gruening, From Juneau the FS-210 will come to Prince Rupert. Aboard ship the students, many of them wartime veterans, will receive instruction in the Consol. Smelters 90-50 Conwest - 118 Donalda - - -48 52 Eldona East Sullivan 2.56 -'i. tiie reported Vancouver set-1,1 would range a month for pro- ARE RULED OUT extension of controls on matters of provincial jurisdiction if there is no emergency, Mr. Drew said that in the' cabinet there were "mechanics of a dictatorship" In the matter of purchases, employment and services, v the policy of the company was to provide the maximum otm benefit within the community, on the tire combat zone was scheduled THE WEATHER Synopsis A stationary storm centre lie.? 500 miles west of Vancouver Island. Overcast skies prevail over all but the extreme northern part of British Columbia and temperatures are a little above the normal for this time of year. Some rain has fallen overnight on the coast and there have been a lew snow flurries 5.30 for today. .39 and men "drunk with power." VICTORIA The death knell was sounded "for cocktail bars in British Columbia yesterday when a motion by Harold Winch l s brief 0f- Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Hanicana Heva Hnsr.o ITALIAN VOTE IS flCi. II HOCKEY SCORES 1Q .07 ft .07 .25 $215, coast and within the province, compatible with practicability and efficiency. "We hope to prove a real benefit to the community of Prince 1! HFI AYFn RY RFDS operation of the ship, actually I CL U I IVL.i-'kj filling ln .obs as crewmcn and 1,1 the m-esenf. P'Kl to Drohatinn. staff members. ROME. Communists delayed as transport BUl National League Detroit 6, New York 2. Chicago 4, Boston 3. Pacific Coast League b t() a (innernl Joliet Quebec -3 Jacknife - for a plebiscite on liquor act relaxation was defeated 37 to 10. John Mclnnis and C. F. Corsblc, C.C.F. members from- Fort George and Peace River voted against the motion. Mclnnis - Italy's adherence to the Atlan- Transportation senior Richard ii over the Interior Of the prov- treust over 1948 .08 tic alliance today by continuing : H. Bergstrom, 21, of Richmond lnce New Westminster 6, Portland; be Bcach. Washington, will FIRE DAMAGES MILLION their filibuster in parliament. fin (.lated Cadet Transport Commander in , They also churned up strikes in was sure the most or pcopie f v.hii,. Prj nee Ru-dld not want cocktail bars. I Milan and Genoa in protest. Lake Rowan - Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx --- Madscn Red Lake MeKeiwie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt ... 4 (Westminster leads series 1-0. Los Angeles 6, Fresno 2 (Los Angeles leads southern playoff series 2-0). ROUYN, Que. R Prellmln- arv tkut Unit f i fiia l.tuc in ITio LitUe change is expected on Friday. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with occasional light rain today and Friday. Winds easterly 20. iLttle changR Screaming Communist and mm .06 .75 .14 2.70 .38 1.00 .40 2.25 5185 fire tchlch wiped out nine Rouyn wcuui" aepuu b.h . LOCAL TIDES Friday, March 18, 1949 b sin establishments and "Auanuc oauure wm marie I Oil rk:.n -moloco worP ETOUPS On me llUOl Ui wrc Llicxii.- iETBSLL y-OFFS Moneta Negus l"v av-v t WVI lO A&VKAVKVUa . tit FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0:30 Kinsmen and Rupert Hotel 7: 15--High Seiool and People's 8: 00-Morgan's and Merchants 9:15 Ko- Me- Hi and Brown woods Norahda San Antonio ........j....... s 4.00 Senator : Romyn .40ft Sherrit Gordon: .:....; 2.06 Steep Kock ' 1.51 Sturgeon River .......... .16 .Silver Miller .45. 22.5 feet in temperature. Lows tonight 19.8 feet and highs Friday: Port Hardy 4Q 2.5 feet and 48, Massett 87 and 43, 5.7 feet Prince Rupert 35 and 45. High 3:34 16:12 Low 10:00 22:07 fixed today at $1,500,000 as ber as leit-wing memoi-i w firemen poured water over the 'out the debate and delay a vote ruins of a substantial part of of confidence in the deGaspari t'-u city's commercial district. 1 government. Louvicourt Z.Ul 05 ST tegular frices: Sac, 25c and 15c Pickle Crow Regcourt