Prince Unpen Dailp rectus UD. Monday, February 2, 1943 New Shipment of An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia iAuthorized as Scor.d Class Mail. Post OJflee Department, Ottawa) NEW COUNCIL OF KIKCOLITH KINCCOLITH W. II. Stevens has been elected chief councillor of this Naas River village for the year 1948 with other councillors Ralph Clayton, Herbert Doolan, Solomon Doolan. Fran SPRING ADVISES FLYING CLUB EXECUTIVE Executive of the Prince Rupert Aero Club Friday ninht received valuable instruction on organization work from W. H (Wopi May, Canadian Pacitic Air Lines oftn:u and former director of the Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association. Mr. MtRGHA! SUBSCRIPTION RATES m City Carrterr per m-ee. I5c: Per Month, 65c; Per Year, 17 00; Bp!Vjfc Dy Aidii, rrr Muinn. wis. nr x ear, tiuu. cis Watts, Abel Stewart and 4 Styled with a to match the season-, are our new Sl'f COATS. Of m interest are ()lir j, LEONARD CAMPBELL , SWAMP LANTERN Editor, Daily News: i Editor, Daily News; To all interested friends who! In your newspaper of recent have been enquiring about date in 'Reminisci-nces and Leonard Campbell, we are at ; Reflections" by W. J . was his this time able to make a state-! lament that the commonly Tnent regarding this case. In known Skunk C'abbae had not the past it has been a hardship in consideration of its radiant to find a suitable home for him. and majestic beauty, as it were, It must also be stele that Leon- been given a different name, ard has had a few setbacks in ! Fortunately, the swamps' Herbert Haldane. Charles S. Barton has been named chief constable, the other constables being William Stewart, Douglas Venn. ' Sam Doolan, Lewis Stewart and Charles Lincoln. wan or without May heard problems of the executive members ,uiu gave advice on organisational ami technical questions which w ere con sidered valuable. The meeting was held in the office of Jarv's H. McLeod, Flying Club president. Those present were Mr. McLeod, Mr. May. Bob Kclscv. Douglas Stewart. N. II Young. Fred Jensen. Geone Sian-bridj.'e and Earl Gordon. In one of characteristic and abundant flower nas another name. And it is a most interesting and inspiring one, namely: The Swamjilantern. VIOLET INGALI.S. regards to treatments as none have been available since last July. According to the latest report received, Leonard has again been examined by the doctor. Nearly Joined In Custer Expedition j m IKKSKY or pRl DKKSSKS v.iti, arresting splash .., , 4 1. 1 A ( I NANAIMO-G e o r g e Cassidy, You 'iw it r tr.f Dnllv N'fv' who reports an improvement in his condition and recommends Guard Your Henlth-Know How WHEN ANYTHING is well done; it is most likely that a lot of "know how" went into the job or ; else it wouldn't have been a success. . In the field of health, many people medical . scientists, public health officials, physicians and others have put a lot of "know how" into the business of making and keeping people healthy, but they still need the personal co-operation of those same people. Each person has a job to do in the matter of guarding his health, and the health of his family, his community and his country. However, if he doesn't "know how" he can't do much of a job. In an effort to reawaken in Canadians a realization of the benefits of good health and the appalling cost of sickness, much of it preventable, and untimely death, the first week of February has been designated as National Health Week. It is hoped that through this observance the people of Canada will acquire a lot of "know how" concerning matters affecting their own health, and the health of their families and their neighbors. In the field of health,' the "know how" as far as the average person is concerned merely means s ! 1 n g iVt unir, THIS FEBRUARY further treatments. These treatments will be of a six months' course -"The X ' 'in 2V Ttf.o is rter.c! here after observing his ninety ninth birthday, was burn in Donegal. Ireland. ' He c:ur,e to British Columbia in 1879. and had lived on the coast eve' -mre He was very Well known. In the early seventies he worke J duration at which time we hop.'; UNUSUAL MONTH to make a more cheerful state-1 ment ! f;i certain respects this month T SMITH !is somewhat unusual. Suiidav EASE neurnc 1 'February 1 was the first day, as a teamster out of Cheyenne. AIR PASSENGERS 'of the month. Sunday. fVbnurv! Wyoming and. by merest chance. From Vancouver Saturday 1 ' 29, will also be the last day or d;d tint join the expedition unit. Meek, 'the month. And, according to t'c-r General George Custer "th From Port Hardy A. Short these who pive such matters U.S. Cavalry 1 that was eom-From Sandspit M. Jenkins ) special attention, it will be 197C p! tely wined out by "Slttina To Vancouver D. Moore. M.Jbffoie thre will be another Feb- Bull." Sioux Chief, in the valley S. Burchell, A. Hotti, D. Burt.'ruary that commences and ends of the Little Bis Horn. Mon- 1PIR1 1 OINUIM! AJUtlN li MAIKIO THIS WA . L. Johnson. on a Sunday. tana.. if'7 0& 1 1 New! DirrcrfrV r The Wav We Sf. 'Beauty Lane Si ?I8 4th St. 1 i"OTTA0E f mi an intelligent understanding of a simple set of health rules. Here are a few rules which, if follow-; ed, will benefit the follower's physical and mental well-being: , Eat right for health follow a balanced diet. Be sure the milk you drink is pure. Avoid dirt practice cleanliness. Avoid contact with persons known to be suffering from contagious diseases, including colds. Relax before and after eating. Avoid constipation. Avoid overweight. ' If dieting is necessary, diet only under expert insruction. Get at least eight hours of sleep daily. "Avoid undue fatigue. Be sure you and the members of your family have been immunized against such communicable but preventable diseases as diphtheria, whooping, cgugh and smallpox. Avoid chills if overheated. Exercise moderately in the open air unless your physician advises otherwise. See your physician regularly for complete examinations. Visit your dentist regularly. Avoid undue and unnecessary eye strain. New Creamed - t' VALKNTIMi'i Your DtEj ' ALL-WEATHES RT s i IS IS1 WhenYouNe! in a Hum m m s 1 'i O 5 Prince Rupe' Plumbing & hM St '.'ft' K1 iT ? 4 Pr Eft.'-'!! 4 M BAND IS SPONSORED THE PRINCE RUPERT Civic Band and the com-I munity itself may consider themselves fortunate in having the Prince ' Rupert Shrine Club, an organization of standing, influence and energy, go sponsor for the band resolved to develop the organisation, through instrumenting, uniforming and generally supporting it, a body which will be a credit and an enjoyment to the citizens. If we had been asked to name a body more fitted and capable of taking on the sponsorship of the city band, the perpetuation and success of which we have been solicitous of lately, we could have named none other than the Shrine Club. Armed with the necessary support and the active interest in its affairs of a strong organization, the future success of the presently known Prince Rupert Civic Band is now assured. One of the first results of this announcement of sponsorship should be an influx of new bandsmen which is the primary requisite. The community, if and when called upon, will, no doubt, co-operate in any way possible in such a desirable and popular project. And, as the Civic Band passes on to a new and 7 r .$M.. BY CRFAf W 'Jit DAN'S SERVI STATION 6 Ml'Rridr SUrrl HEALTH IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS tt : ' I , i ' "At 1 KNOX; i:on. "VCE KNOW it is possible to eliminate communicable diseases and to build a people taller, stronger, longer lived, more efficient and happier. The knowledge and the means arc available but that is not enough . . . We need an Informed public opinion. The intelligent and earnest participation of the people is essential. During "HEALTH WEI-K" an opportunity will be given to every Canadian to participate in a plan to "BUILD GOOD HEALTH by KNOWING HOW" . . . 1, Onict. I'M Place to I 'VI com rirTf it i:oVAii Rooms W New n ..!,,! fit more important era, it is fitting that tribute should be paid to the faithful and enthusiastic few who have kept it alive and brought it along to this latest happy development in its career, especially including the bandmaster, Peter Lien. RUPERT AND HAINES CUT-OFF DEVELOPMENT of freight as well as automobile and tourist traffic frowr railway and highway terminal at Prince Rupert up the coast to Haines and through the cut-off there to the Alaska Highway and the Yukon Territory -is-something that Prjnce Rupert might be working upon. Already steamship concerns which would feed their vessels out of Vancouver are considering the use of Haines and trucks over the cut-off to eliminate Skagway and the monopoly of the White Pass and Yukon Route. It is claimed that considerable savings can be made thereby on the cost of laying down goods in the Yukon. With through rail rates from the East to Prince Rupert competitive with those to Vancouver and the shorter water haul-by half from Prince Rupert as compared with Vancouver, the-possibilities of the advantageous use of this port become apparent. It has been suggested that the co-operation of CT17VE VRKlA' THE HEALTH LEAGUE OF CANADA in co-operation with HEALTH DEPARTMENTS KXrK.KTS r lj ON 1, MOVING 1 M "rant's kA This appeal in the interests of better health sponsored by McCUTCMEON IPIHIAIMACV LTD. riTY TRAN51 vrc menzip I'lMIONK 79 (K. C. WALLACK, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street such communities as-Whitehorse and Dawson might be forthcoming in Prince Rupert's representations along tills line.