1 THIS AND THAT t?ritrrr Unvm Oail? rjrius UO. M..iuby. rru5rv 2 JUS . ' SCORING IN LAST j WEEK'S LADIES' j BOWLING LEAGUE i jF.COMADINA BOWLS TOP FIVE SPIN SCORES tn Spoils CO-OP BEATS Classified Advertising MIXED 'A FIVE Cl.ivsfiedv 2c pr wf-d rf Inw-rtem. minimum fhsw 50c Eir-h Notices , SOc: Cards of Thani. Dt Jivti. F--ml NotM--. Mrr.-e rui En-emer.l A-irjiTiriffTnnw. t2 j I PIN SCHEDULE 151 131 j itj'J 34 i'U 87 U'4 lo3 1 0 7 ' Hi Hi; Trie seasons ritg.nest score lor ; lUU FOR SALE CARD OF THANKS I 'the Mixed "A" ieasue or any F-b 4-HeadDinners vs. Kilo- . . - Hoii V DlUh..!-.!-!- S. Kerein. to the FOR SALE Ollice de.k. Apply '- 1:1 Ai.rr.ics vs. Goid Seals. Me.Metk To Dr. W CO.METS N IjuKherlv K. Reia u M'--K.erz:e U Peai-nev B MoB-t:i Hal'iCicaO , loia i MANSONS 1 B Matisvil T Deii .-. ioaiks B. Cowt..l R. Chmu nsen Hana.fap YAttlETY I Kritjan.vsoii conference was bowled by Fran1: ir.s vs Mao Lea's. Kinamnners li 46-3? SCORE 138 ! 91 City Transfer or Phone 950. Comadiaa of the Kin-Dinners v 1 tust.es. Doueers vs. Pioneer 10 I 30' " r XT r W 11 13 . . '-, r , - r - r-. A 117 14'! il 70 1.4 US 13 142 10 io lj-i -1 104 102 131 lrli 147 67 777 . S'-a!v Dodder vs Kilowatts. Laree stl cniar. weefc when he u-pped the UrM-ekin vs Thirties. Kiru- Led by Lir.d y. the C look the Bowi;wid er.'r FOR SALE Matron and nurses at the hospital, to the Rev. B S. Prockier. to the Principal and teachers at the High School, to Joan's clas and sch-ol mates, to the Advisory Council. Officers and with mattress. $12. Good con- 300-mark for three i3J Hi hJ3 1' 6 ' 144 173! 91 91 j 771 8111 269 12-'! Iso 1"j : dition. 1063 7th Ave. East. .30. emerge with a total of 1.010. ' Atomic? " ' v,,; s.-ore ,1 40 37. Members of Jobs Daughters. FOR SALE Five loom house. 17 .I;.- rr.arkec a ... teo . iAi.agets , rioneers. At ,ve ha:f.a- mr B or.- I Ltetaura I, Ciouajl and to the many others whose, lets en block at Port Clements. ' . 4 5 ' ' . " r, r,-.-r vs c.iA Seal Ai,-nV? wocis had the .ed 2o-18 but. i of warm-up. then scored hi? Ma ale Leafs. Pushovers vs. i.i the third and fourth quar- Citmoeiia What offer? 1223 Park Ave. 100 189 101 2o8 2O0 136 67 67 MeMeekns vs. Dod- : highest game, a 387 during the Kilo i ters. Lir.d.-ay of Co-op gut 16 A. Mi-Lean 1 30' Blue 773. innumerable acts f kindness did everything possible to ease our burden at this time, and ; wisc numbers make individual ; second round. CI 992 87 - j His third earr.e ters- Feb. 25 Kinroinners vs. Kilowatt Mr-Mt-ekins vs Atitrri.-s: TuUtlS U 23 puii.t.s to a-ir.f fnm -.d and take the iti.-k'.e--. FOR SALE 1935 Ford Tudor. 1 score was 312. SAoY SA'INGERS- ber.J 212 new engine, seal-beam lights D Mji pii.'e tus virtuosity pa?a ni5 team Head ini?'-r V H00,rs.- inis-.PrownWlk,di Alth 13 rA,i;;ts acknowledgements impo ssible. " E. K:iiit.vin p P M-n:es In the In'e!i::tdiate ::a".: ,1 brakes rlined, good running. well ab.ve anv of the leagues tes vs Gold Seals. Mauiiets vs UiU- Pu'i",,vs vs P:j" 1, order Phone Reed. 322 after! eleven other teair... with a score ,MP we wish to take this means expreving our sincere th of 3.633 ?orthree ga.-r.s and 6 p.: - Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thain 1 friS f i'ir T'-i. s. rha!p uinld J-fin..rc ' Mr-Hi kept their undefeated L. Enckson reci.iu hit-ct b tluaii.a! Mil.- M . '"' ch.'.t.ts 34 to 2 Tue stuar.-.ts. tu!j1.s led bv Shier and S.herk took COSMOS 'H'iFOR SALE-5 room nouse. full,Kin.ninnirs uJlk :h.:. Watch the Classified Ads'. East. basement. 1723 0th Phone Blue 336. . HtU WANTED from Mc?4eekins. I Team Scores: ' .27 230 139 1 19ii l')l 180 222 ' 183 lf.'j 173 lu2 J 6 1 965 889 j 188 157 1 lo3 130, 103 118 ' 201 '.'3 ' 113 208i 125 125: 838 81 i i 189 179, - l.It 132 ;j 47 112:1 151 230,, 165 13o 208 211 6 '.'32 183 ;46 H)4 113 133 I2o 814 114 73 127 133 13) t70 Why dear, you're tn autiful tonight! Kilowatts 3. Atomics 0 V. Duncan Maple Leafs 3. 0 i ' Pushovers EHS Kinepmners 3. McMeekins 0 j R.amsav Gold Seals 2, Dodaers 1 E. Garn.r Midgets 2. Thistles 1 ' Ander HELP WANTED Experienced F0R SAL Min , bicvclej male able to man- bookkeeper, ! ponditiMK 326 Avenue, office. State oualifica-, age Phoue Rf.d 367. ,27- tions and salary expected in: . own handwriting. Box 305 FOR SALE New ar.d Used Fur-Daily News. 27' : niture. Hardware and Office tht lead in the fatal !e nun- A. Hoikesiac. . , P. Bia.-K anrt vvv nteT 111 lr"jD''- 145 142 H0'uu's A LiiK-ih 118U 1255 1198 H-bt wiih 9 points, was too M Peu tm n i man .'. r the Merchants. B M.-Ch.-.-o.e 1?8 216 -56 ", ,1 Footwear stopped' th, 128 81 Ti' pov.nful Port Eci-Aard entry 28- ORANGE 151 222 161 20 m the second Lnterrr.ediat ? Arider.M.n J 185 189 L'ame th(' evpni:;K L-ac!i!V? . Garo:ier 17 17 17 bv or.ly one point at the half- A Wide 915 1066 1007 Wj. maik the .huemen e-.t goit.u Handicap .n the -r,j;.d half to lead by Totals Pioneers Headpinners 1 S. RamsaV Month-End SPECIA HELP WANTED Housekeeper j for small family, good wa?es, no heavy work. Phone Red 879. , 13) U 8'aS 907 ' 140 132 ... ; ts ,.t Ye liiv.l hel! OarufV WATTS ii tf N1CKKEKS.N -177 209 191 ijt- 133 17 Gurneys Kitchen Ranae.s, Bookcases. Chests of Drawers. House Deks. Dinner Sets. B.-iU.sh India Rugs. Electric Double Hot Plates. Cooking Utensils. Hardware, etc. Slightly uafcd articles Chesterfield Beds, Radios. Type- man nan f for or Port Port Edward Edward , ''. . . WORK WANTED 12W 145 124 L3 129 1.-XJ 154 171 223 240 185 146 35 35 996 1132 ii'i 119 24 ; was top with 9 puir.ts while Slatta .- tops for the winner with 10. followed by Vutkovilch with six rxint. In the Junior fixture Gvros J Oilrl.."ii E Mux-i-v A Wiatiiau V. Wra'Ilali Handicap Totals lOiLERS-R V .'.:. MlDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonr Green 588. tf) 159 192 141 150 151 35 968 148 113 78 Blouses 2o'. 23-: 24 983 !25 I. Dunbar Handicap 'I -..lis GOUO SEALS McN-;i H. Tnom L Schrotcier M. Christenson ai. Potak Low' Score Handicap Totals MIDGETS P. Rooerts R Rooerts M Smi'n R. Sntith I ov S'ore D Wi.-k Handicap Totals THISTLES Mrs. J. Davidson 122 1 Ho FOR ftCNT 203 100 110 211 u. ubled t::H Hieh S:-hoil'a score o Ru-nat d.s bv wiiir.inz 14 to 7. Gyro's led J. Hill 140 133 160 193 151 143 'I Dumas 213 155 313 ;N. Douanerty 2oj 118 115 R. Ruaaerham 210 220 194 J. Norm . .. 134 i2 115 K. Paul .... 16J 127 68 L. Vanttta 156 21; 143 Hanaic.ap ... 56 56 56 T-.tais 1143 10a4 1004 ATOMICS A. Haia 114 243 135 ,V. Wnitina . . 107 101 122 IB. VucKovich 13 137 135 iZ. VucKovich 2'ty lf;5 ' N K.n.Mor 185 220 215 M. F.yiui 2u0 143 224 Hanc.cap . 18" 13 18 Totais 956 1057 935 PCSHOVERS- IR. Johnson 165 135 134 J. Wa.ren lo3 81 133 IT. Graham .. 155 192 200 ! A. S I...-K-. . 113 132 144 B. Smith 136 158 137 R. Sparks 185 210 223 I Handicap ... .. 29 29 29 Totals 896 987 1000 ! MAPLE LEAFS G. Thompson .. 103 140 203 J. Thompson . 166 135 184 G. Denni.son 94 150 105 G. Denni.son Vj'j ng 14 R. Shearer 86 145 08 150 164 185 1 Handicap 117 117 117 FOR RENT 3 room furnished modern house near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Phone Biue 825. itf Have you any good furniture for sale? See us. it will pay you. BC. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. 21 2?4 "52 93 169 307 100 100 872 1155 128 12i 138 167 108 178 ll'O 945 127 10-1 148 WIDK SKLKCTIdX 1'.3 fcci7 141 lrl UV0 8f0 118 155 143 23o all the way. at half -time the store was 9-6 for the winners. Har'wig wis top lor Gyro with five points while Smuh of H:gV. Sfhool was tops with our point.-. . Individual scor.i.g: Senior ! FOR RENT Sewing machines,! for SALE Simplex 116 93 121 l'LKASK KVKi:Y(.N portable electrics. $5.00 per, 1 172 12.1 i m 24 fcll 107 low 74 19.5 13 108 736 149 151 2-V4 184 178 4 930 116 105 111 !','.) 170 123 714 149 174 145 Pa-i- .11 XV 146 137 130 20 998 101 119 194 149 155 863 month. Includes prompt de-; livery and return. Singer j Sewlnir Machine Co. Phone 864. i 28i ! 4 4 849 857 M VI 101 J M"P..;es Hanriu-ap 1 o: ai.s ANNETTES M irif-'dinei y (J-ii.WUlT MoMrecin L Smith P. Dicto ns Handica u Totals WEST VIEW - V. Mi Don.uti B Saviiie D D;oo A Parker . S Hariwis M Fivnn Handicap Totals ROSA LEES 185 HP. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern BC. Agents. BYTOWN MACIUNE WORKS. t) 159 234. 171 190 155. 155 961 1005 D. Owens J. Davidson H:nriicap . Totals 'OUR PICK OF EVERY BLOUSE HEADPINNERS FOR. RENT Warm, comfortable ; Brown wrxKis Hal twig 6. La-' viene 13. Gurvich 4, Thompson 5. Form an 7. Pieice 2. Co-op -Lindsay 28. Beyr.iin 5. THE STORE . . . AT A REDUCncl Heaiev 156 278 142 209 123 179 room, reasonable, apply 806 FOR SALE 1938 Ford light cel. R. R. Shearer Shearer 124 ll:i 9! 19n 110 93 728 K'4 154 186 2'0 165 93 ;i2 150 150 99 Fraser St. frAfl 1 .... ...r. ..n. T r, C r. ! ft M I carm 30) itfi 215 178 Hau-.-an 2. Flatt-n 6. Fitcli 2. new tires and battery, S250.I McMeekin 1939 Oidsmobile, damaged B Wick .. 915 1030 1008 P. Withers .. V. Wrathall . 212 243 218 j comadina . 94 1?4 174; Totals l?fi 97 "ii Tvrrot- 207 1' nl M'"-'-es 2- Pier:e- Gii! 1 924 1130 1126 Intermediate ' condition, $500. 1930 Graham A K,af.r F. Morse Merchants Scherk 4. Ha agar. p0;..k FOR RENT .Two single sleeping : rooms. 221 5th East. Red 807. j 29.i I FOR RENT Two-room furnish-', ed apartment. 221 5th East.1 Red 807. (32) 176 184 160 sedan, $350. 1923 Pontiac coach T. McMeekin 177 168 207 : F tni "Tin "ulsoii r.. E. Barber 19 11a ,c'f.- 203 126 13i 234 150 192 Five) iuu. wans aerv.ee o.uuun, . r,-wrii,i ',ZT. ii.?. VX"- vvir.oie 162 10 f-ij , r.,rrip , Hf.hh o M.iore 2 S Ramsav 345 Third Avenue West McBride St. cio. 10" io'j 19.3 p Men7ies 141 183 141 - - - '28' .Totals 1017 1075 1172 V ,t? U 49 07 Youngmar. 2. Owen, 4 Sur.b-- Cant.n;.rr. 1. Mercer. FOR SALE Best tourist camp A. Pierce 13') ISO 210 t? Mnv'.v fflt? 182 24 9. Scherk 9. 1013 1093 1189 tio-,vie-hii &..1-! Totals : site in city, directly at head t"a,dina , 1, , , .... . J Shenton r of Conrad St. and 11th Ave q Shenton Area 100x165 ft., with city R. McCalium 311 182 242 150 387 312 143 175 15Q 177 239 193 RUPERT MARINE REAL i 1 ra v ri water, street light and pre- i.wn KM.I-TRV T ROOM AND iOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping! rooms for rent Table meals Mrs. Law!-, C22 Fraser Street j ftf) ; PERSONAL I (J. CLAUSEN k SON) We Take LUtlngs of . . . Spring 6. CI -on 4. Davalstm 2 , CarlM o 4, Boulter i Port Edward-Vickers 5. Slew-! ;t, V'-nr: 2. H Gum. v. Wuouv Ear', it 1. Hrri . 1. Dar.iels 1 ; Gu-ri'.v ,- Walker 1 f u- :.i,in Fo .twa: - Slalta 10. Menzies 2. linu 1. BalchlurU AillsU-Ii 5. uckovitch 6. lame:. 2. Junior Gyro--Mat-snail 4. Saiher. Mc-. BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTB parea parsing space. Appiy .!: -rtuifai ..i ihip . Gei. B. Casev, 1122 11th Ave. , '' i"o. Cta t Hui.i-.-n j ,, I .'Xi. I'lHIIMlf i.( M-Hiirt. M.l. tl'il uy WHEREAS satisfi.cu.ry pro,,f ! : . low, of the above Ort:Jicat of Titif i FOR SALE Immediate occu- uisued m the name of Eiiztbeth Mhx- ; pancy, house, 5 rooms, 2 bed- 'v;p.'! Your.km has been filed m this! .... , olflf-e. notice is hereby riven that I rooms, hot air furnace, splen- EhaU. Bt the expirnou of one month: did condition, good location. fr"'n th'- fw ot the firt putjuca- BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE AND FISH1NO IQIV TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY ) FOR QUICK SALES OR CILUtTLRS (Just Eajst of Llnsett'i. Waterfront) IF YOU HAVE an Alcoholic problem, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 276 Daily News. tf) a i tf?" " . . r ,.. a t . t-i-iii luTit-oi. js.iue u rro-. lsion.-U ' Fifth Avenue East. $3.5'io t.ficate of Title in lieu of the sairl t tj. ,A. .. Your.K 2. Hartals 5. Siater fJ il. M Fai lar.e 2. Toderas. lLlls. ( i High School - Smith 4. Si- cash. Apply G. P. Tinker Co. lout Certificate, unless in the meau- Yt n r-' v- 1 H Box 48 PboieUfKUM F Phone 57 27 tlni valltl objection be made to me c7i:F9fZlt ' DAXED 8t '-h' t.and Registry Office, t)ti bALt 28-100t oi'lnM ho-,t gnmet DOat.;prmce Rupert, BC. this 12th day of Chrysler motor and spring net. January. ij4S. ad. Nelson Bros., Port Edward. ,32. j j mundson 2. Large. Johnson. h.et-cheson 1. B!a-k Hamilton. Weiss.1 Webber, Jordan. WOULD CONSULT financiers.: maximum $1000. Self-invested , employment for manufacture of newly registered patented . stove and furnace, Fay B. JOHN a Gamblin, Station B. Hays Cove FOR SALE Small suit case size Circle, Prince Rupert. Phone ': automatic electric and battery I.N THK KfPRFME COURT OF BRITISH COLI'MBIA TV uurir. a -T-c- I v V Jp t ir - li I : ft--tv -i BULGB INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Be R. E. MOItTIMEIl 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Green 471, evenings. i32i radio combined. Self-battery in the mittkh of the - ' admin- -j charuer. 233 1st East. Red 844. i.si ration act- I ,00, nd .XN Tt!E MATTEH OF THE ESTATE MACIIINt.Kt fOR SALE OPTOMETER LING THE TAILOR v are taking cleaning- and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. i'HONE 649 220 Sixth Street .. . , , . j ' ()E JANE ROSS DE('ESFD TO SAW better lumber more F0Pv SALE Sealed tenners will NOTICE is hereby toven th:it nil be received by the undersigned persons navm? claims against the e.stau- of Jane Rk-,, LH-eeaHod. lau- John Bulger b until 12:00 o'clock noon Feb- of Burns Lake. Britmh Cohimhm u-lm economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac-l tured by National Machinery i Company Limited, Vancouver, Third Avem ruary 26, 1948, marked -Ten- died on me mt. oy ,,i March, 'is.47. der I.OJJ.E Hall" for the ure t,'r'-fjv f-quired on or before the , , . . . c(. 1st day of Mstrcb. 1948. to deliver or land and premises at 5th Av-iK,.,ul by ,,ri.p.UC .u,.r fu!1 priruo. enue East near McBride Street,' if n f tiwir claims moy verified to n n (tf) Yes! Wc Have METAL WORK. Lots 19 and 20, Block 2, Sec-! "''''-fVtl ,i"x 638. Prince . Rupert. B C as sohntors for the tion 6, , known as I O D E. Ha;!. , Rwutors of the ,id estate. Premise.', may be inspected by ANU take notice that after the '"'St m',r"-",,":d l"tf the Atu.rney of nrr-inpcmpnt uith.Mr W D airungiment WltnMIS W. U. ,he Exeeutors named in the will. Weiss, 101 5th Avenue East James Teem-l Harvey, will proceed to 'Phone Green 955 Highest or t"strlbuu' u,p ass"ts of lhe deceased , ., among the persons entitled thereto any tender not necessarily ac- having regard only to the claims of Ct'pted. Brown & Harvey, Box hlch he shall then have had notice. & Complete Autoir mm PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. F u r n a ce s , tanks, eavestroughing and stack tivA Service work. Letourneau & Sons, 629! Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) 1 44 658, Prince Rupert. un i '.u tins ;jiii.n nay oi January. 11148, SKATING TOGETHER TO THE ALTAR? Can it be a blossoming romance? So they say about lovely Sonja Henie. ice skating queen and her new Canadian-born skating partner, Michael Kirby, both shown above in New York. For the first time in her long career on the ice. Miss Henie will skate with a movie star in her 11th annual personal appearance at Madison Square Garden, New York. The movie star is Mr. Kirby,- who is under contract to M.G.M. The two have been seen together a lot, on and off the ice. FOUND FOR SALE Boys' bicycle, 503 7th East. ' 29) i BROWN h HARVEY. Solicitors for the Executors, Box (158. I'rmce Rupert. B C. MODERN LUBRICATING FACILITIES FULL MECHANICAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT COMPLETE BODY REPAIR FACILITIES REFINISHING FOUND Students wallet. 37 FOR SALE 1940 Dodge sedan.1 er may have same bv GOVERNMENT MCtTOR ACT I idpnjjfying . artf TIStfEuL. Tort'- M - ately owned, perfect con- N'0' is hereby i-ivm tliat on. tf) I this advertisement. dition. Phone Red 278, between the 1st of March 1948 the mniei I X TIRE VULCANIZINa-.All sizes) from 450X21 to- X LARGE STOCK of GENUINE PARTS & ACCCES& 6 and 8. Applv P.R. Barber it?i"il Canadian I,cKion No 8ft In-1 . cu,.., " i9Qi i,,nd to "''I'1'' t0 thP Liquor Control! " on(J, v. al j Board for a veu-rans' club )leen-.e'. j n respect of the premises slt.tiiit.er1 ' " FOR SALE Lady's C. C. M. : "t NW Corner 4th and Columbia Kt, ! nnn n n 1 r d I I M T T E E GURVICH & SON (jmliavtors I5ASE.MENT FOUNDATIONS OUK SPECIALTY LAND CLEAKINT. HOCK WORK TRUCKS For Hire PHONE 32 or RED 511 SIXTH STREET l rt l l L. I pi,,, u'wan- B ,fit ,ltxr- c" uf,f)n limtls hicvcle Ditycit. like use new new. Phone rnone Rl-ick biuck , . described b u as , Lot No. N 13 , & 14 untl l'.ox 38 . roitO-MON ARCH DEALER i : : 128) ,niock 15. section -. map 1087, Prlnr I . B84, after 1 pm. N THE SUPREME COURT OF . BRITISH COLUMBIA ' IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Calbert Harvev Thorp Otherwise Known as Culbert Harvey 3'horpe. ) and , IN THE MATTER OF THE ' "ADMINISTRATION ACT" Take Notice that bv Order of His Honor Judue W. O. Fulton made the 19th of January. AX). 1948. I itupert L,and KeciKtratinn District " I In the Province of British Columbia. IOST ! to entitle each member on the prem- j tses reasonable quantity of liquor for Red and blue all-steel nPrsnna' r"simitinn on the pmm- LOST- " Him trii lii,iiiik Liie ciuij lit mr-peddle tricycle, corner Fulton .i. , chase liquor from a vendor nnd sell and Sixth West. Finder please j1' the glass the liquor so purchased Hollywood Cate PRINCE REFER T"S NEWEST AND M0S1 tP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT rii?v l kom t .no l M T 3-30 A.M. I was appointed administrator f or the Estate oi Calbert Harvey j Thorp, otherwise known as Cul- bert Harvev Thorpe, deceased. wj u iiiemuerw unu KUHib, jor consumption on the club premises In accordance with the provisions of phone Red 918 or 730 Sixth West 28i S. CONSTRUCTION WORK WE DO IT Your Remodelling, Addition, Repairs plus Finishing given prompt attention Our new Wasop Rock Drill and Floor Sander at Your Service CALL BLUE 610 P.O. Box C.74 Prince Ruperl, B.C. IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT the GOVERNMENT I.IOUOR ACT" and the regulations promuli;iited WANTED thereunder ' cj t: is c i...r n.m. All parties having claims J against the said Estate are here-J by required to furnish same pro-f perly verified to me on or before uaied this 12th day of January. WANTED Second-hand Morris , 194a- oijviidi iiiiini Cier auiiuuj - r CHINESE DISHES A SPFXIAlJJ CHOP SUEY CHOW chair for an invalid. Urgently! R. H. SHAK.P. Secretary, Canndian tieplon B I 8 L. Dranch No. 115. f tne ztstn aav oi reoruarv. a -. ' 1948 after which date claims fil- ed mav be paid without refer-f ence to any claims of which I l then had no know ledge. r All oarties Indebted to the said needed. Apply Box 309 Daily I r FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE News. (381 .-V.V.r,.'.'..V,.V Estate are hereby required to pav the amount of their ln-dented ness to nie forthwith. . DATED at the Cltv of Prince ' Rtinert In the Province of Bri- lad , tlsh Columbia, this 19th day ofi Call 99 - "We ain't at Nobody" January. A D 1948. GORDON F. FORBES Official Administrator, i Prince Runert, BC. (27) i