1 '. ":'!" . - fm nimiiii "- Prince Utipert Dai'l? ttttos DO. Monday, February 2, 1948 Social Doings (Contributions to Uiis section will be welcomed) Local News Items . . . C.C.F. Club meeting, Tuesday,; W. M. Watts Is leaving on 8 p.m., Fulton Street Rooms. 28) this evening's train for Smithcrs Mrs. on one 01 hls Perlodical business R. J. Sproti, I ODE and Soroptomlst Club organizer willitrip8' He wi" return on Thurs-continue hr visit, in t, if.,iday night's train. FISHERMAN SUCCUMBS w Chapter MISS RUTH GISKE SHOWER HONOREE Carl Norlander Was Also Veteran of World War I Carl Norlander, 69 -year -old humintlea for another week. Miss Gunvor Asprem was lri(li" Branch of I.O.D.E. Stock Taking Sale, starting Monday, Feb. 1. Dresses, skirts, coats, raincoats, hats and many other articles too numerous to mention. "Star's" Stylewear. (tf) Canadian Club dinner meeting, members only, Civic Centre, Thursday, Feb. 5. iZQ) Miss Olive van Cooten is sailing Tuesday on the Catala on a ! hostess at a miscellaneous J shower at the home of Mrs. R. ! Giske, In honor of Miss Ruth Giske, whose marriage will take place soon. Formally Into Being members of the local Order, Daughters of Our stock of QUALITY Work Clothing is Complete I .4 ... . attended iTtpnr en :i a - mimi-i uinnei trip to Vancouver. l Mrs. John Linney entered the Prince Runert. fionpral TTneratnl iHil""- . , i i ue rooms were tastefully Civic Centre nm;,y n m, dpCOralP(, , plnk Bnd inspector of Schools E. E. today and will undergo an oper- Hyndman Is sailinc on t.hp ation trannrrnui liar m.. , Amrssed During the evening games were i . :4' SL v - x VV .hiirl,r to uuun.Ni o paypci with pHes fQr rKh." newest chapter ofilucky wjnners Catala tomorrow on a business , friends will wish her a speedy mnerman and veteran of the First World War, died Saturday afternoon while sitting in a Third Avenue Hotel. He had been ill for several months prior to his death. - Born in Eastern Canada, he served in the navy during the First World War and had been a fisherman out of Prince Rupert and Port Simpson for a number of years. For the last two seasons, he had been in the fisheries department patrol service on the Naas River. He owned a trolling boat called the Trepur. He had lived at Port Simpson until recently. He was believed to have been unmarried. There are no known relatives. recovery. in Pnnre Kuperi A brauUfuljy decorated h;is. Oficr "ijj m Vancouver. L. . Felsenthal returned on D c Stuart Municipal ket was brougn(. ,nt() The annunl mpptinu r.r (Vi htMP was omciai niy w,,h mnv . Saturday night's train from a j British Columbia Optometrie occasion. Uu gifts for the bride-to-be. months business visit onto and Montreal. yft lllCllKlen MIS. n. J. n,.pnll. to lor- Association was held in Vancouver last week. The execu provincial orwnrang:srrved by th? h . . ' 1,1 Vancouver. Mayor h,ch enjved . .., Urnl,l. Rev. and Mrs. wUh ' ' Mlsg Jesm Urauhart tive elected included Jack Bulger of Prince Rupert. Mrs. E. Meachem of Trail arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaSette have returned to their home at Queen Charlotte City after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Linney, Summit Apartments. piano . . . Those present were thn J haiici- was presented by , dames O. Steeavlo R prir p.,. GREEK ROYALTY ARRIVES FROM EUROPE-Prlnre Peter of Greece, and his wife, the beautiful Princess Irene, are shown as they arrived in New York from Europe on the liner Wester-dam Prince Peter is a first cousin of King Paul The Princess is noted as a leader in International fashion circles. The royal couple plan an extensive coast-to-coast lecture tour J Snrott and received ifrom the south to pay a visit Air, ' ii-itVi Vtcif cf.n .in In... J J i I George Furniotis, son of Husoy, L. Gastalcllni, P. Philip-son, J. Irvine, L. Husoy. R. Giske. and Mrs. I. F. HeviiiKton, the nt Furniotis of the Bay ,ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thain. o hkoR, R. Haugan, O. Giske I view Hotel, is making a satisfactory recovery from an ODera- sir.!.' tne 12 cnaner j Graham Avenue, Westview. C. Gi.skp. R. Montpnmprv anH1 rw t . . HE's. all overseas war brides i irott spoke of the work' tion for appendicitis which took ; Deane's Quality Cleaners, place at the Prince Rupert Gen-I pick-up and dtlivery. Phone 283 Hotel. . eral Hosnital recently. He is (tf) MANY HONORARY DEGREES Alfred E. Smith, for years mayor of New York, attended school for seven years only, but had honorary degrees from six universities. Mother KMaHBHM Relieve dis able to sit up. the Misses Ruth Giske, Laila1 UU1ULI PLAN Husoy, Jean Husoy, Edna Sand-j 'COOKIE DAY' als, Evelyn Skog, Gunvor Asprem. Angeline Greening, Mary Pnnce Rupert Girl Guide Dybhavn, Irene Gamula and Association is laying plans for Jean Urqnhart. ! the observance of Boy Scout and !Girl Guide Week, February 15 qrnRFQ at hic'1?.22- . Among p,an beiiie wn- CALLING. CANADIAN WO- arrivals :s performed by the or-1 ion. strewing that which' in help those less fortun- : the old countries. Many) .,n oriumally came from! ;ip countries as the new ' Harold R. King, mayor of , MEN TO PRAYER ! The Wo- SEE US FOR BIB OVERALLS CARPENTERS' OVERALLS PAINTERS' OVERALLS OVERALL JACKETS COVERALLS MECHANICS' CAPS DRY-BAK CLOTHING RUBBER CLOTHING WORK GLOVES WORK SOCKS all weights NATIONALLY - KNOWN BRANDS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION trravenburst, Ontario, and a resident of Prince Rupert a quarter of a century ago', is a Prince Rupert C. N. Siiears, Vancouver; A. Short, Vancouver; J. G. Reid, j-i t mwOL.oerpa is that of a "cookie dav " s had. she said, and; doubtless, prove to be visitor in in the the Citv. Hp amvprf WHIST AND DANCF com"sponding to By Vancouver; K. Meek, Calgary; Scout apple day" during which cook- i Mr. and Mrs. P. Croft, Queen here on Salurday night's train. men's Inter-Church Council announces the observance of the World Day of Prayer on February 13, 1948. Trans-Canada Broadcast, February 12. 4:45 to 5 o'clock E.S.T. Check with local stations for correct time. Her Excellency The Viscountess Alexander of r-h.-j ',Un fitv I 7 flmmlai . ""u P'aus to remain in the city andini; and hospitable newcomers. "Don't be dv to notice our differ-shc admonished them, l and we are really verv tress of baby's cold while hesleeps. Rub on Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. Soothes, u m relieves during v I WR 9 night. Try it! V V a p o R u a Smithcrs; J. Hogg, Smithers;' untiI Th"rsday night. '"" L.ooge. iiyai ies may be sold on downtown Order of Moose, was host Satur-j streets as a fund raising pro-day night to scores of members ; ject. It will be the first time and friends who enfoved an such a nrni,.f k ....i . ihkc and have the .Tunis has graciously consented same evening of card playing and Prince Rupert. There are two dancing. Card playing, under ! Brownie nacks in iho ,o tu,. Mrs. E. G. Abbott, Butedale; j Mr. and Mrs. A. Pinder have Miss F. Ryan. Miller Bay; Miss ( returned to Prince Rupert after P. Etenza Miller Bay; A. E. ; an absence of four years and Hamsun Vancouver: O. Lane,, have taken up residence in the Jasper; E. W. Brooks. Vancou-, Summit Apartments. Durin ver;-A. Hottl. Hazel ton: H. Khiff.Uh. ... , . " ;d heart '' to speak on the broadcast. lt ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING r Nora Arnold brought direction of William Terrv took FIRST ATTTn SHAW' Gravenhurst; E. Tottv. Victoria: Girl Guide companies and three First Cathedral and Second First Cathedral, First Catholic Catholic companies and t!v and Second Conrad Street packs. Canadian Red Cross Society Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 1948 at 8 p.m., Civic Centre laentmed with an American; The first automobile show in construction company here. Mthe United States was in 1900. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomanway, Terrace; E. Tomar. Hawlton: R. i Forgie. Vancouver; Miss R. J. j Radford. Hazelton; Miss R. Yar-I row, Hazelton; Miss M. Lehman. eetinjis to the war bride1!, up the early part of the evening, ou&ht they had sh jwn , Winners fur the ladies were Mrs. in I'oir.ire; to a new land fa.-by and Mrs. Dupont with o Kood iudgment in sel- J. P. Moller and L. Weatherby Canadian soldiers for! tallying high scores for the men. l)(is I Dancing to music provided by standard, donated by ' Stephen's Orchestra commenced cutt. and slowly unfurled at 10:30. During intermission renew "aiuiard bearer,! freshinents were served and W Whidden. was dedl- prizes distributed to winners nt Business: Reports for year 1947; Election of Officers; Vancouver. JANUARY WAS WARM MONTH General Business. v tin- it. whist. . Basil S. Prock-t he- Municipal Ci R S. Black - BLENDING IS AN ART Some well-known teas on the market are a blend of 30 different varieties. isted t ;tm, M: 1 IS L I Aniiouiicenients A. MacKenzie Furniture J B Gibson, wliosp All nclvi-rUwmcnt.s in this cohimu will bf chiircfd for a full month M rents a word I M 1 II LIMITED 6 ins' rumeiital in) the !..".: I o D E chap-1 MA GOOD PLACE TO BUY" DoyMi like fanned" " j M How Deafened People Now Hear Clearly IP-inc' K, inert, the Oueen ' Ski Club Dance. Valhalla Hall, Feb. 6. Weather In Prince Rupert in January was brighter, wetter, and considerably warmer than it was in the first month of 1917. according to the monthly summary issued this morning by th Digby Island meteorological station. With an average temperature of 37.7 degrees and a minimum of 29 degrees, Prince Rupert was probably the warmest city in All of Canada during January. bnuidit greetings irom ' Friday :r ..im-n of the city. I Tea and Hume Cooking, Lu-iM so; t!ie other chap-! theran Church. Feb. 7. ro conveved by their! Cambrai Valentine Tea, Feb. "WIN. Mrs. J. A. Tciiu'h. CHESTERFIELD SUITES - BEDROOM SUITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring-Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Plione 773 - 327 3rd Avenue j nmnotli, firm, and fjMiMllIij I r M jtenerons in size? Then fjtt,H'tii V i f "Koval Cilv" is your AfV V l j brum!. Vour grocer J' jfr.-?' I Ij I can supply you. (5,"J J M I! Science has liuw niuiie it possible for the deafened to hear faint sounds. It is a hearing device so small that it fits in the hand and enables thousands to enjoy sermons, music and friendly comnanionshiu. Ac- V " ' United Church Valentine Tea w . (aOlbr.l Ch:ltnr , . .... . Certainly, It was warmer than was January, 1947. when the ' ''" P'eci by the American Mencal .,. ' 1 ti'i). la. Mrs. a. uominato, 500 oaii.,way;TayU,r st- tlnrs taking part! S- O. N. Basket Social and ,.,, 1 .. i Dance, ladies with baskets free. temperature dipped to thre rtsaociauon s council on fnysi-eal Therapy. This device does degrees below zero. Minimum '. "I'll' .Mrs. o. v. ! . TRY . . . SUMMIT ICE CREAM last month occur-1 not rf'iuire separate battery .everyone welcome. macKS urcn-i temperature Municipal. Mrs M t estra. Oddfellows' Hall, February red on January 2. the dav the ; ' l,at'k. battery wire, case or ear- vi Of Que, n M.h v Vfr T also received its heavi- 1 m('lU to bulge or weigh you the city "i Cambrai. Galloway and Mrs H w. Whidden "' of Edinburgh. down. The tone is clear and powerful. So made that you est snowfall. During the month there wcr? ; adjust it yourself to suit C E 20, 9:30. Job's Daughters Dance, Masonic Temple. Feb. 20. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. George Mitchell's, Feb. 25. Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance, Civic Centre. Feb. 27. 25.2 hours of bright sunshine, i (an ii'iin was accom- FOR YOUR PARTY It is Good, FRESH MADE and Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY A T. Parkin rvi.:-.-. as compared with 10 hours in January. 1947 and 18.32 hours in December. j your hearing as your hearing j changes. The makers of Bel-jtone. Dnpt. 22. 1450 West 19th St.. Chicago 8. III., are so proud ifasure of the members of '"r lt h.iVlllO C . . . rreenmai on tot a ert i ti Phone 657 (tf) . ...i... v'vitor iiDon Kii.-l. coniaai-i. r nite nepnant. r nch as aR.Unst 199 ,,. of their achievement that thev C- . I T.-i . oil . j w ill gladly send free descriptive no. -o. ... December and 10 63 inches Women of the Moose Spring , vrar a(;a There was 11.9 inchc "''d a Vote of lor the hisnliM. "id pro t her " instills :" and tsazaar. March 4 ana s. i ,,f un(lu which melts down to by her own en- ! n. en .si in Hip i booiclet and explain how you may get a full demonstration of ! this remarkable hearing device in your own home without risking a penny. Write Beltone ! toclav. "'' individual S Of tl'.P Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. Orange Tea. April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. '; '!'tfy3& I -i rye or Snuill . . . Sentimental or XmJIp t'asual . . . we've every imaginable TpCjpfjff tyjie cf Attractive Valentine (ireet-in Cards sure to please whoever receives one. Come in and See Them 1.19 inches of moisture. Rainfall during the month totalled 12.06 inches. Barometric readings showed a high of 30 44 inches on January 8 and a low of 28.44 inches on January 1. T nieiul.rx ()f (hil f Edinbi,,.,.h chapter Leslie !(,,,;.,.., Mr rs !,,. r,.... Home-cooked dinner from 6 to j i ne wmn readied a peas vei- JJreidert 9. 60c. Bosun Inn. (33) U.F.A.W.U. whist and cribbage, Metropolc Hall, every Saturday, ocity oi ia nines an nour on two occasions-January 5 and January 9. I'.uuin iviee-Mrs James Moran (2nd "ntl' Mis. Douglas H wretary,. Mrs. Hiiro,d ""t secretary!, Mrs ;art 'treasurer i, Mrs. 'Echoes Secretary I. For Fast Service on Transmission Air-X-Hausters (43) at 8 p.m. write or call PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Wholesale Distributor Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. bidden i Standard f,r' Donald c. stew-it:::::1 T-"l--'' Train Schedule For Hie East Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 p.m. Dr. Jens Munthe is leaving on tonight's train for Smithcrs on professional business. He will return tu the city Thursday night. P.O. Hox 1118 518 Third West RED 400 j - I Just For You! MC tl f'&- Clark, and Mr u v (12 Second Avenue Prince Rupert " 4. Ij, Provide POSITIVE- VENTILATION for HOMES, SCHOOLS, BUILDINGS, BOATS. FACTORIES, BARNS. No Down-Draft, no matter which way the wind blows. GUARANTEED EFFICIENT Rent a RADIO ed-a - ""'"an tor light fr" 9 to 5. Phono. MY BALLER I NA & ! S.UITL ! tf i THE MEEK OR BY THE MONTH At REASONABLE RATES All 1948 Models Moving, Packing Crating-, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 108 EW OFFICES ThomSheef Metal LIMITED 253 East First Avenue rilOXE BLACK SHI taaret McLeod RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC I'h.iie 641 313 3rd Ave. Reliable Service On All Makes OVERHAULS OUR SPECIALTY SHORTY ""OMEIinsr . fk I' : t Hi Am ii Mill if I I i'lUDMW ' ' " .11 V 6 .? COATS Itooni io 2? " PHOTOGRAPHY STOXE Kl'ILDlXG 3l'd. Ave West ELASTIC GIRDLES NATURE'S RIVAL BRA TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISnES OUR SPECIALTY S i iv- ' GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding. a Specialty Developing, Printing LnlarKins:, Picture Framing: Chandler and CowjriJI 21G Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NKW I'UOXE 'LI E .-,!; for aPpointments OPEN 5 A.M. TO 2 ANNETTE MANSELL (Upstairs in Stone Building) A.M. SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL i Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721