PROVINCIAL LI32A3Y, VICTORIA, E. C. 181 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRJTL8H COLUMBIA '8 NEWSPAPER TAX! I Blue 1 fmm Phone Jl ) STAR Cabs I ulACK AND WHITE CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Kupert, the Key VOL. XXXVII, No. 27. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1948 to the Great Northwest." PRICE FIVE CENTS THIRD AVENUE BUILDING SOLD (WRECKAGE FROM Sent of 5k Passes Stakes G PLANE IS FOUND The building on Third A cnue between Fifth and Sixth Streets, occupied by the T. Eaton Co. overnmeiii& Taken As Indication That Air Liner Perished In Atlanlip i,k,,n Sninnry of mail order office, was sold last week by the owner, John Bulzak.l to Henry Meyerhoff. onerator of HAMILTON, Bermuda Flnd- f(l M'Uilrral Dead at If 5! . x if A ) 7" Cresccnt Shows. Reported Kale lnK of an 011 drum and several price was $12,000. The building boxos in lhc Atlantic Ocean 300 j will continue to be used bv the mlles north ' Bermuda at the. nr i-rFAL (P Ueorge wu-!I)nfy, aged 59. Nova sident and chief 3yn r cacc un Eaton Co. week-end further confirm the! fear that the British air liner missing for .several days with e officer of the BanK oi , clu'd in hospital here Mr i i twenty nine persons on board, j crashed and perished at sea. Sir entered the ser-, jF;)iini'' MEEK HERETO COMMENT" Russia Protests At U.S.- 'Observations' the tank at Yarmouth, utia. his birthplace. In r i nruiur i-oningnam, retired British air marshal, was among those on board. , :,i became president in K r rtiiiB up from the pool His Irul manager. Report Much Interest In Port Development I'rnjrct J.Czeclis Still Kenneth Meek, who has bee PRIME MINISTER" PLEDGES HIMSELF TO GANDHI AIM N E W D E L H I (CP)-Prime Minister Pendit rsehru told the Indian Constituent Assembly today that he had accepted the restoration of peace in this troubled land as an issue on which his government would stand or fall. "If we don't do that," he said 'we are not worth being in this government, certainly not of being his (Gandhi's) fol-I ID CI PACE lowers or even saying words of . the last war irom ivit Mr Spinney was chair- the Canadian War Fin-nmnitiee and directed war bund dirves. Yarmouth. Mr. Spinney uferrcrl tu Edmundston, Ui,vi(k. and he als.j n the Quebec, Hamilton f lalieal branches. In 191a trying to develop the former Am-1 1 I 11 1 eriean Army warehouse and 1 ( ( I llOCriCiY ' j facilities here into a peacetime I 'J j .shipping project, arrived back ln ST MORITZ, Switzerland J-the city at the week end after Canada moved into a second a month's absence with a "no pace Ue wltn Switzerland today comment" response to questions ln the unofficial worlds hockey regarding progress. I championships by shutting out Mr. Meek Indicated, however, Poiand 15 to 0 at the Olympic that his control over the winter Games. It was the Dotations remains on option, the minion's third win against no basis on which he controlled t osscs and lhe second straight them last year. The option, ap- Canadian shut-out for Goalie parently. has been renewed. ! Murray Dowcy of Toronto. The Calgary businessman, who! Chechoslovakia retained Its appointfd .secretary to LONDON CP Russia has filed a protest with the United States against actions of "Flying fortresses in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan in making observations of Soviet shipping." ASSASSINATION PLOT ON NEHRU Prime Minister of India and Two Cabinet Ministers Targets NEW DELHI Plot aimed at the killing of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and two of his cabinet ministers was reported to have been uncovered Sunday night by India's Home Minister, Sardar VaUabahai Patel. Whether or not the con praise for his great soul. ADJOURNED "I have a sense of utter shame as an individual and as head o a government that we should have failed to protect the greatest treasure we possess."' Supreme Court Trial of New Liberty Editor Et Al Delayed to April 5 j last month tried to raise $250,000 hold on first place by walloping EDMONTON The Supreme1 Court of Alberta hearing of the! defamatory libel conspiracy case! against the publisher of New Dy local subscription ia nuance England 11 to 4. The Czechs the purchase of the buildings' have four straight wins without from War Assets Corporation,1 any losses. said that he had met a "tre-l Sweden defeated the so far mendous interest" from business, wlnless Austria 7 to 1. concerns throughout Canada fol- Switzerland. Idle today, is tied ONTARIO TOWN HAS BIG FIRE One Hundred Thousand Dollar Blaze at Mattawa MATTAWA, Ont. Q A $100,-000 fire here during Saturday night destroyed, among other buildings, the town and fire hall. From North Bay, twenty lowing publicity given his scheme with Canada spiracy was associated in any way with the assassination of : in December. Liberty Magazine, a writer and welfare worker has been adjourned until April 5 on the application of the defence. Meantime at Toronto Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers got their manuscript of the article "Babies for Export" Sat Mohandas Gandhi last week is; WAY TO WORLD PEACE THROUGH ITS STOMACH Preparing to set out on a fishing trip in Florida's gulf stream, former U.S. President Hoover, who knows more about the world's hunger than any other living American, tells reporters that there will never be complete peace until the peoples of the world art fed. He said that "it is a remarkable commentary on the free enterprise system that the United States and three other democratic nations, containing only eight per cent, of the world s population, are supplying 90 per cent, of the food moving in world commerce." He named the other countries as Canada, Australia and Argentina. He has been in Calgary. Montreal and Ottawa for the last month. He plans to remain in Prince Rupert at least until the end of February. Richard Button. 18-year-old Englewood, New Jersey youth, captured first place in compulsory figures of the men's figure skating division. CANADIANS DROP OIT Two of Canada's Olympic speed skating team, Frank Stack urday but the manner In which not known. Investigation of the circumstances of Gandhi's murder is proceeding. Patel said that he and the Minister of Education,. Maulana Abul Kalam, were also intended victims fo the asserted conspiracy In addition to the Prime Minister. they seized a carbon copy on which there were editorial markings from offices of New Libertv miles to the west, came fire fighting equipment to assist in finally bringing the conflagration under control and extinguishing it. i Magazine drew a verbal blast 'from Wallace Reyburn. man "Certain arrests are being Doukhobors Are Blamed aging, editor of the publication. of Winnipeg and Ab Hardy of Edmonton, today announced their retirement from ' active competition. "I've had enough," said Stack I made," PateT said." Htr declmeJ to say whether the assassination of Gandhi was part of the same plot, explaining: "That case is now under court deter Cancer Cure Denounced i-Ofnriie Wilson Spln-esidciit of Bank of I after finishing twenty-seventh LOCAL NURSE ESCAPES UNHURT FROM CRASH, LOSING MONEY AND EFFECTS Miss Hetty Black, R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Hlack of this city, escaped unhurt from an airplane crash thinner the week-end in the Gulf Islands region twenty-five miles northeast of Victoria. She lost her money and effects as she and four other persons on board the amphibian aircraft were res- u. VANCOUVER 9 - A series of fc(.hool fires in the Greater Van- ral manager at head ' couver area, the latest of which in the 1500-metre event today. "Let the younger fellows take over from here," he said. Stack Is 42 years old and Hardy, 38. maw assistant to the Sydney Newspaper Says John Braund Is Suffering -From Hallucinations cvnxrirv a . 1 1 - nanauer in 1 922. assls4, mination and it is improper for me to comment on it. But there was a conspiracy and there is no doubt about it." Meanwhile on the banks of the Jumma River ashes of the assassinated Gandhi were reverently collected and prepared for scattering on the waters sacred to orthodox H.nuuism. I cilwli, Australia v jonn was on Lulu Island Saturday night, may have been the work of Doukhobors, police reported today. Two Doukhobors. Nick. Bryan. 40-yeur-old Vancouver salesman, and John Pre.ston are in police custody following a gasoline-set fire at Queen Elizabeth School. Property damage amounting to ral manager in 1928 and mauler in 1936. ed was a director of n Industries Ltd., Can-infie Railway Co., Con-i Mining & Smelting FINED $300 FOR SELLING LIQUOR O N. Martinson, city taxi driver, was fined $300 and costs by Magistrate H. D. Thain in The two rescuers were Kay Prit-chard and George Richards. The crash occurred during a Canada Ltd. Interna- Co of Canada I high wind. The survivors were j taken to Mayne Island. Miss ' Black wired to her parents of $300 was clone i'JVal Trust Co.. Steel ..!., ...... i till.. Customs Receipts Total $51,285 Customs and excise receipts at the Port uf Prince Rupert in January totalled $51,285.50, the local Customs office reported this morning. Collections for January. 1947, were $38,857.36. Police say that Preston blames i"1-' v , ... .. I n A M V, r. nln.iflnj n till... RUSSIAN PROTEST FLATLY REJECTED United States Says Visit of Warships to Italy In Order WASHINGTON, D.C. CP The United States today rejected outright Russia's protest agairist the visit of American warships to Italian ports. A State Department note said that the Italian government had granted permission in advance for each such visit. It said that the calls were "in straight accord with the comity of nations." BIG STRIKE IN GERMANY FRANKFURT (P Nearly 3,000,000 German workers will strike at midnight tonight In the biggest mass demonstration yet against shrinking food rations. Labor leaders report increasing Communist efforts to foment mass unrest throughout the food-short British and American zones. v f Canada Ltd. and Assurance Co. of Can- Braund of Sydney, Australia, who claims he can cure cancer, today rejected an offer of $54,-000 by E. J. Hallstrom, wealthy Sydney philanthropist, to set up a cancer clinic. In rejecting the offer, Braund said arrangements have been made for him to work in Melbourne. The Sydney Daily Mirror used its front page to denounce Braund and issued a $16,000 challenge to him to perform his cure of a patient suffering from malignant cancer before a panel of doctors from the British Medical Association. v nan iii.tu oi me n Advisory Board of xchaiiKc Assurance. ''nutr uf McGill Unlver- her safety. Miss Black was about to leave the service of the city of Victoria after acting as a school to join the nursing staff of the Royal Jubilee Hospital from which she graduated a year ago. Last summer she visited Prince Rupert and for a short time was on relief duty at Prince Rupert General Hospital. Bryan for the fire and said Uie latter was a member of the Sons of Freedom. ASPHALT HOT MIX PLANT ARRIVES HERE niu i ur pi' am-u t;uuiy iu u charge of selling liquor. He was given an option of three months in Jail. Lloyd McGlashan, who pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy, was fined $25 and costs. John T.sjaski, charged wltn supplying liquor to an Indian, and also with Intoxication, was remanded until Thursday. He U represented in court by A. B. Brown. John Mearns, who was charged with intoxication, was HOCKEY SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE tSaturdayX New York 4, Montreal 2 Detroit 2, Toronto 3 , Chicago 7. Boston 4 (Sunday) ' Toronto 0, Detroit 3 Montreal 3, Boston 0 PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) New Westminster 6, Fresno 3 Seattle 5, Tacoma 4 Oakland 3, San Francisco 2 San Diego 5, Los Angeles 4 SUNDAY Fresno 1. Seattle 2. Tacoma 4. Portland 4. Los Angeles t, San Diego 3. LOCAL TIDES 1 Royal Victoria Hospl-Spiimey was awarded 'wfte (,f civil Laws by University in 1942 and l"H I the Most Distlnjt-Wer "I St. Michael and V in HM3. Tuesday. High February 3, 1948 ... 7:52 18.5 Teet 21:20 15.1 fee ... 1:27 9. feet 14:58 7.0 feet oumvcd by his widow a new hot-mix asphalt plant Low remanded until Saturday for 1 uie former Josephine ft),Uh has been on order for the' nearill ONTARIO MINER IS ACCIDENT VICTIM BEARDMORE. Ont. W One miner was killed and four others were hurt, one seriously, in the collapse of a "blasting" set and bracing timber at 2,150-foot level of the Leitch gold mine, six miles east of here last night. """Hi. ana tw- cuy Sjee lu-st fall, was delivered p rs His son died from today and will be set up at the sustained while on ae- Morse Creek w.i, ' "V in nromtratiim . . . . - - ..( i ..iwl UlltfV j for the 1948 road building I ' : : TOD A YTS STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Juhnr.ton Co. Ltd. "ujfti v-rtll- JVV In June, 1945. I The plant was purchased out, TIMBER SCALE IN JANUARY ABOVE 1947 Sawlog scale in the Prince Rupert forestry district during January was 13.050.513 feet, according to the monthly bulletin Issued by District Forester J. E. Mathieson. Production last month was about 5.000.000 board if funds ranted to the city a DING PERMITS':; car ago by the Dominion gov PARY $7,025, ernment as compensation 101 damage dime to the streets by military traffic during the war. I "f but Buffalo Canadian 12 Consol. Smelters 100.00 'Conwest 88 Donald.i 76 Eldotia 79 Elder 58 Giant Yellowknifc 5.75 God's Lake 81 Idinu nermits t- It cost $17,000. ' Citv Tiio iiinnt. will iiroduce road I. "d"ary totalled $7.025, 'building material similar to mat "I Whirl was a permit used by the Air Force on Sixth ,i .... . f 'OI, "r construction of an ' Avenue East in 1944. J feet less than in January 1947. I Pole and piling production was much greater than the corresponding month last year, be- 'ine 749.508 lineal feet, as com i at t '' Home Oil Co. High on the list of work pro- THE WEATHER Synopsis . Skies remain clear over the major portion of British Columbia today. Increased cloudiness is expected in the northern sections tomorrow but elsewhere conditions will remain unchanged. , Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clear today and tonight. Cloudy Tuesday. Wind north (15 m.p.h.) today. Light tonight and Tuesday. Little change in temperature Lows tonight and highs Tuesday At Port Hardy 28 and 42, Massett 32 and 42, Prince Rupert 30 and 40. The,- 0 cre seven permits posed for the coming spring and r n.i """u me month pared with 40,130 in January 1 1947. nnson. First Avenue, Ha id rock H.irricana Hev.i Hosco Jacknil'e Juliet Quebec .. Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx "'avauoil. Whalen. Fifth Avenue impairs. Mimmer is suiiacing oi i"" Avenue between McBride and Second Streets. Tills section was given a new sub-surface last summer. The section of Third Avenue between- Ninth Strec' and Park Avenue also is scheduled for surfacing. .14 .07 .17 .38 1 i .05 .38 .08 1.21 .09 2.97 .58 1.35 .28 2.70 Vancouver Bralorue 10.75 B.R.X 09 Cariboo Quartz 2.35 Dentoula 13 Grull Wihksne 05 Minto 02''4 'Fend Grille 2.40 Pioneer 3.30 Premier Border 05 Privateer 27 Reeves McDonald 1.15 Reno 11 Salmon Gold 22' 2 Sheep Creek 105 Taylor Bridge . 45'2 Taku River C2 Vananda 18 Congress 04 Pacific Eastern 07 Hedley Amalgamated .. .02' 2 Central Zeballos OV't Silbak Premier 44 Oils Calmont 48 C. & E 4.20 Home 625 Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque 21 Beattie 70 Bevcourt 55 Bobjo H t .', u" Co.. waterfront. ""'ruction Railroad tie production, however, was slightly less in January 1948 than it was a year ago. There were 4.127 ties cut last month compared with 6.177 a year ago. Cordwood production totalled 134 cords last month while in Mad.M'ii Red Lak Avenue Timm.s, Ninth construction McKenzie Red Lake Sec i-ond Avenue, $25, McLcnd Cockshutt . Moneta Negus 80 1 - -'.'fin mmnm - iJtebt40jL January, 1947, there wer Seventh Avenue F,;ust, between McBride Street and the Hays Cove bridge, is to be widened and black-topped, according to plans presented to council although it is not certain whether 'S Drv alterations. no. " ViU w flJi' January, 1947 or not that project will be completed this year. The asphalt plant, made Dy the Barber-Greene Co., has a FIVE FIRE CALLS IN JANUARY There were five fire calls In Prince Rupert during January, according to the records of Fire Chief H. T. Lock. Four of the calls were to small fires with negligible damage, and one was a false alarm. There were 14 fire calls in January, 1947. , Noranda 48.50 Louvicourt '. 1.34 Pickle Crow 2.25 Regcourt 07 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn .54'i Sherrit Gordon 2.40 Steep Rock 2.15 .Sturgeon River 20 Pilver Miller 38 cords produced. Sawlog production by varieties was as follows: Fir 463,522 Cedar, 1.208,569 Spruce, 6,219.303 Hemlock, 3,323.857 Balsam, 956.024 Jackpine, 738,283 Miscellaneous, 14085 DANISH PRINCESS WITH HER PARENTS Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, whose romance with ex-King Michael of Romania has been making headlines, is shown in her Copenhagen home with her parents. Prince Rene of Bourbon-Parma and his wife, Princess Margrethe. Latest development in the romance was Anne's detour to Luxembourg while enroute to join Michael in Switzerland and a reported announcement by one of Michael's aides that the ex-monarch did not contemplate marriage at this time. csin.witv of 20 tuns an hour, me.,,. ' '' a'er-proof ,.,: 1,1,1 w"h"t affect- which will go on the streets ho! and will be rolled into a tough hard surface.