,. ... Lodies Initiated I hTTFRBOX Into Moose Women Sv Yi'AT. ....1 J& Prince Rupert Daily News DRESS lit r.i 9 ! - ...... Mrs. Maude Marshall and Mr? ' "Servi Saturday, May 20. 1950 .vim. ciirrt A'ircvuicu Elly Ciela were initialed Wednes- ; day night into the Women of the ! Moose Lodge at a meeting In the DIKLCiUKY SATURDAY SERMON Moose Temple. The hospital guild was in charge of the evening's entertainment which consisted of card playing, followed by refreshment. Chairman of the committee is Mrs. E. Blair. Senior Regent Mrs. H. Muncey was in the chair. Editor, Daily Hews j It would be appreciated If you ! would permit '.pace in your valuable column to be- used to publicly express the gratification of the Department of Transport for the very able manner in which Mrs. J. R. Eiftrt has carried on the joint duties of Harbor Master and Shipping Master of the Port An hKf?penderit daily newspaper devoted to the upbulidmg of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia a A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ey Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai. s . S8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. Z&JiF For Summl HERE ARE just OF THE GOOD vj Men's Pure Wool i JACKETS blue ari(, Aeg.$ 30.00. J Now . Men's Gabardine Stic ?t styles and color, fit. Special lY'oung Men's c ?ANTSperfect fit irjj ; From (. Srrfk- In all rtorfliM "'' ) 1.-J Siiiiilay 8'hmil at - : 15 xepl stHiwn. AMil.lt'AX rTHFlRAI. 4tl) Ave. W. t Duiismutr 8t Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sinday School a OO P m. Canon Basil S. Prockter, B.A..B.D. Rector: (Blu 7fi3) of Prince Rupert during the past ( qualifications. It is expected that fear, pending an official appoint- s art appointment will result at an By Capt. W. C. Poultori (Salvati(n Army) Text: They Were.All With One Accord In One Place. Acts 2:1 ' On Thursday of this week we were celebrating the anniversary of a great day in the history of the Christian Church and an even greater day in the Divine Plan for all mankind who are either in or out of the church Ascension Day. Jesus said to his followers that it was expedient ment. FIRST BtPTIT 6th Ave. X at Young 8t Minister: Rev. Fred Autrobui (Green 813) FIHST FHUKHYTKRIAS 4tb ivtnuc but early date. - " J. C LESSARD. Deputy Minister Men's Union Sirrs needle. Reg. $3,011 i Catain J. R. Elfert died on May 5 1949, after holding' the Import The Key Control ant pot of Harbour Master at tile , Now Only Mens HANDKERciib soft texture. R,.g. 25,. 1 FIRST I'MTED 3 6th Ave. West Kev. U G. Sietwr iGreru 6131 Port of Prince Rupert, foe twen-tv-two years. lth the exception of the period he served with the Royal Canadian Navy during world war II. Since her hatbands untimely death. Mrs. Elfert hss CARRY A TUtlE j WHEREVER ABOLITION of exchange. Control WOllid be wLrdTo Serlund His resurrection. Talked with equivalent to Opening a free market for gold, jand much harder to take. When them and expounded the tl.ipgs Canada's e-old rnirrinrr infWrv wnnlrl Cither ! He was taken from them in pnys- that they had only understood !W I Boys' WINDBKEAKI showerprfiof, all siz'i J1.00. N r lll.l. r.OSPFX TABF.BSAIXE 202 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett Service 11 a m. and 7.30 pro. Sunday School 13.15. (Oreen S3K industries . i . . u i , . .' , : ical death on '.he Cross, the blow imperfectly while He was it. the ooys- r.i$-iu d would be put in a sounder position and there would no longer be need for any control of YOU GO... with this wnooi wear, gjod strong. From hit them so hrrd that they scat- flesh. Ii had been a wonderful Itered and fled and hid behind experience for forty days. Not i closed doors. Peter, the bold until ah had oeen gathered back i brave fisherman, who drew his into the company and all had be-1 sword and would have started a Heved in His resurrection . .' . scrap in the garden of Gesthe- even Thomas who wanted physi- mane, ran awsy to do some fish- Cal proof . . . dW H? tell them that ' 12m ( i r i- ,- Men's SOX-biggtst ; iri town, for dress or iFrom 40c 8A'AT10N ARMT Taser ettaet CO.: Capt. W. Poulton nirertorv Claw 3:30 p m. Sunday Scboo) S 00 p m. (Block 20Bi HT. PAI 1VTHKB AN 6th Ave. at McBrlde fit. Pastor: E- Bolland (Black 610! carried on most of bis duties in a most efficient manner and hod earned the resurct and admiration of alt the citizens of Prince Rupert. Regulations require that a Shipping Master be In possesion of Certificate of Competency as a Master (4 a foreign-going steamship. I.i compliance with sueH regulations, the position, of big and thus hide himself. ; Then can.e tne Easter Day cf ' the Christian Church, and Jesus ;was with them again. Slowly, , verv sSowr- mcieeu at. first. H re-grouped them again proved BT. Pf.TF.R'S ANOI.ICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. !' 5-.ulay School 1 1 :00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p m. (Blue (Kill Harbour Misier and Shipping Ma ter at Prin-e Rupert has been thrown open, to competition by residents of British Columbia who have this and other required imports beyond that exercised by the customs tariff. Most important of all, Canadian industry would attract investment domestic and foreign on a vastly inoHased scale. In sum, the full benefit of the devaluation policy adopted last September would at last be felt ; an artificial obstacle to the expansion of trade and industry would be removed. ?oThere should be hardly any unemployment in Canada today beyond the inevitable minimum due to 1 weather conditions and . job-changing.' Yet so acdMomd have we become to war-necessitated controls of one sort or another that the abolition of the key control the control of all controls has apparently received scant consideration, although it is plainly hampering the return to a reasonably free economy. Nobody would pretend that exchange control' is the sole cause of joblessness among Canadian wo'Pkers: some of the workers themselves, badlv I ft business wise k, RCA Victor ur-vj First Presbvteriai: Church. Kl.l.U K BAPTIST 629 6th Ave. E. Blue 803 t . tfc-.ard A. 'a- . Service 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. , Sunday School 12.15. SHIHGOL He must leav.: them again. Leave them! for me second time in six weeks! But what a different effect this time! At the Cross only a iew could b kwnd to watch Him die, whereas at the Ascension they followed Him oui to His beloved Bethany and, after listening l.i iurther words of instruction and guidance, they were able to watch Him leavs them in a' cloud. There was no scatieUng now. no cringing in iear behind clos;d ioors. no .rushing back to their fishing boats. Jesus, their Lord, had toid them to tarry at Jerusalem for further instructions. What then could De more sensible than to start a prayer-meeting and wait on the Lord. The Prayer meeting lasted ten days and then came the Power that enabled these ordinary men i The ideal fini! 4 V rcaVictor Portable Fxira rtnpe and power art yours with the RCA Victor BP-fiC amazing wmitiviiy, pleniy of vol-ume even for imidoor dam inn. That handw)me ca ii of putuic and lij-htweight aluminum with special, weather-rejisiant finih. Play on its self-contained baitery the second you ii(t the dial covet, or on AC-1C house current lt'i a star performer with the marvel f Shingles, Fence rough lumber. a variety of at colors. prayer and all too often to those who are the paid ministers of the Church. These cowards who had run for cover at His Crucifixion, were brave prayer-meeting men after His Ascension. They were men with one accord and were willing to meet in one place. Why??? A advised, have priced their labor out of a market. But the return of freedom of international. exchange ! Thompson Hard ' Co.Lfd 'CV-TJ-' lJuiI11- "! ule unit-r ei i ui s ui puuiic aim yii air Fourth Ave. East policy that are now obscured by the greater error I Minister: Rev. e. a. Wright, dd They had met the risen LorC to go out and do what had been Take away the fact of thf resur- $84.50 ous tone of the famout "Golden Thruai" .... Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and cenieu even to ihe:r iorG during rectj0n an(j y0u will soon lose the VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun TMesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON iMovinf, Fickine, ( Shippinx and Oi Cww in for a Benonstratio C.krUre and Slol and indicate their correction. yTft should be worth trying, at least for an ex-pSgiental period, as a high financial authority has suggested. No nation in the world can better afford ttfan Canada can today to show its faith in a free enomy. No nation's ex ample, would be more highly His earthly ministry, tne poe: '.desire for prayer. to sway crowds to believe on Je- We wiu be in the week 0f the sus. celebration of the anniversary o! Tins is a day when prayer- that great prayer-meeting until meetings are not popular places, next Sunday . when we reminc John Currie Morning Worship 11 a.m. Junior Choir Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Communion Anthem: Jesus Complete Reliable a lent Service, also a Canadian Liquid Air for Oxygen. Acetylrv weldlri? supplies. In fact this is a day when prayer our hearts of the coming of Tho Other nations which are disposed to Bread, of .Life, I Pray Thee. itself is left tu the minority-- Holy Spirit to live with and in r cjarded 'by j,"' 51! 1Ile oacranieni ui tne Loras except in nines ui uauuuai ui- men. , l c t-- fyke the same step, borne nation, some time,.wiuSupper at both mornlhg and astPr when tnere usually comes how many or you wui piedg-? McRAE BROS. LTD. Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. s 1 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS , ss. Camosun, May 12 "and 20 FOR SOL'TH QI EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May S and 19 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5CR Lindsay's Carli Storage Limi letrd-the way: it mifiTt a-S well be Canada as any evening service. a demand for a national day of. (Continued on page 3i (jther. Cor. 2nd and Park Est. 1910 Phones . IV I 7. 4 iMiiii!imiimiiiiiiij)'fjBii(i'1 Ii EST AN INVESTMENT could be further from the truth than NOTHING to sav. that sleep is a loss of time. Sleep is a T.S.S. STEAMER i FENCING ' PRINCE GEO . . . inost important factor in our daily lives. D'uring-sleep, the body recuperates from the clay's hard- j f SAILS FOR ; 1:1 n. wOER Bli- ships; nervous, tension disappears mereoy inuuciny, Complete relaxation; during sleep, the heart works it a minimum. Such complete rest increases resistance to fatigue and disease and enables a better use '1.. t i Ir'. -,.l4 i Posts Roils Cleor Cedar Gothic Pickets Complete Stocks on Hand Order Today Albert & McCaffery Lid. i.tMFR-c:)Ai,-ni ii.i)iNG srrruKS Phone 116 r m r m t U ; Vancou I .rv1 Intrrmedii Thursday, ' I at 11:15 p FOR KETCH ' V WEDNESDAY Ml B For 0 ft Write ( I CITY OH rRINCK ' ff In f all faculties. Some adults have died relatively young who would have enjoyed a much longer life span had they iven proper attention to the importance of rest, pthers may have failed in business or home duties pecause of a bad temper, or because of jumpy nerves because they tired easily. Lowered resistance due to overwork and lack of sufficient sleep very often predisposes to colds. Such troubles could well be avoided by taking more rest. The average person requires a minimum of 8 hours sleep every night. For young children, an average of 12 to 14 hours is suggested; for adolescents, it should be at least 9 or 10, if at all possible-. Be Bop Saddles for Women i. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! CLASSIFIED Extra Special I i THE BES in Plumbi Service PHONE V PRINCE RUI PLUMBING HEAT1NC ' BUUSCHUM (Old Port ttlce LAMPS! '' ' ' ' ' ' '' sl ' pdttem n etermine amount i ' , ' , ' T---. J$ ' Wlt'1' ou Wl" note ere ,,,- j 'sn'1 e suPP'y f tlrr)ber there ',", V""T: ' fa t . The conservation -'j , tvj-, V?t. ft and wise use of what remains fay? I ? is imperative. Avoid waste . t t T 'Kf'cv X' , i 1 IrifQtfilt 'firsgfi TOSll rd " BOUDOIR SHADES . 98 BED LAMPS 1.95 TABLE LAMP 4.95 TABLE LAMP 6.95 TRILIGHT SHADES, SILK 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE 17.95 TORCH I ERE LAMPS ... 18.95 AT Celebration Moy 232425 GREENVILLE, NAAS RIVER Children's Sports Water Sports Field and Track Events . Baseball, Soccer, Softball Challenge Trophies DANCE EVERY NIGHT JOHN H BULGI 0pTOMETRI! John Bulge' Third A"'"1 ,VER CO. II.'DRTIIERII B. C. IS ADDFD ATTRACTION Formal opening of the New Band Uniforms by the Greenville Concert Band on May 24 Come and hear superb music by the band. All Welcome (118) STEWART, B. C. PRINCE RtJPERT Blue 210 ti mwTwiiBi nua imiii Tr iin Tii'iMiriifi' i' mnim i n . i . . ' - v j S V