3 I3tfn nupetl Dafl Firtrjl Monday, October 3, 1949. ii FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY T REASONABLE COST District Mining Engineer Fred Hemsworth left Sunday evening on the Catala on a trip to Alice' 8nm M?Ub ?CC,tln8 Tuesday Civic Centre Tiny Tots class Arm on official duties. 2:30 ' u) starts again Wednesday, 9 Oeneral meeting Prince Ru- p m' Ages 3 to 5 vear- ANNOUNCEMENTS Good sized flocks of wild gee.se flew over Prince Rupert jj thicknrsscs in stock from " to l'i" At New Lower Prices Phone now lor your copy of . . . -Extra Living Space In Your Home" MAILED FREE i:n oki uiud, Thursday, Oct. 6, 8 p.m. at Civic Centre. Ski films will be shown after meet-inS- (233) Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 8. last. Friday evening, on their way from up north to a more southerly clime, for the winter. CLOTHING Attention all Oddfellows Special meeting next Tuesday evening Oct. 4th on trip to Smi- w&McCaffery Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 7th. St. Andrew's Cathedral Congregational Dinner, Monday, October 10, 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Tea, October 13 Job's Daughters Fashion Sljow Jarvls H. McLeod, former collector of Customs in Prince Rupert, returned to the city at the 1 1 thers. All Interested please at-itend. . (232i week-end from a visit to Eastern LIMITED I'HONE 116 Mavis Colclouijh announces and entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 L-anaua. Montreal was among : , re-opening of her dancing the cities visited. p.m., Civic Centre. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 UNION MEETING There will be a special meeting of the Const ructiun & General Lab fEHTISINO IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! jUVERTISINU COPY IS APPRECIATED St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, ourers' union, Local 1427, on Tuesday, October 4th, at 8 p m Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 17. in the Carpenters' Union Hall on Fraser St. Let's see a record "I was telling Mr. Enrico about your delicious attendance this time fellows. bciiuui ior cnnaren. lniormatlon and appointments Blue 480. (235) Ratepayers, Parents, Alder-ir.en. Teachers, Trustees, meet at Booth School Tuesday, 8:15 p m. to 10 p.m. for forum discussion of school bylaw. Under sponsorship and direction of Parent-Teacher Association. (231) Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson and Deputy Attorney Oeneral Eric Peplcr, who spent the week In the city in connection with the Assize Court session, made the round . trip at the week-end on dear.' veal scaloppini, Prince Rupert Symphony Be There and take an active Interest in your Local Union. (232) The better British Woolens, comprising the Shiffer-. Hillman collection, are now ready for your inspection. Your selection will be endowed with character by the skill of Shiffer-Hillman tailoring, and fitted with a care that is in keeping. HOTl . ARRIVAl William J. Crawford of Stew- Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I.OD.E. Chapter's Fall Biz aar, Nov. 24. , art, accompanied by his nephew, Prince Rupert . I MMarshall Behnsen, were brief T A Trpmh aw Viftni-io-' St. Andrew's Cathedral Fail u payable in advance. Please refrain from i 2c per word per insertion, minimum ijliceb 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, j-mee and Engagement Announcements: (2. til DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Motion pictures of the road link between Prince Rupert and Prince George were recently shown to the Juneau Chamber of Commmerce by Ralph Browne, formerly of Prince Ru- Visitors the C"y Sunday eve- O. M. Abernethy. Victoria: L. I" Bazaar Noy 26 Saturday. Ford, Vancouver; D. R. Card- ZV7e, Orange Ladies Sale. Dec. 7. ner, Toronto; R. Coburn, Prince S.O.N, whist drive and dance LOST AND FOUND the Coqultlam to Masset and George; W. G. MacKenzie, Van- i . , Y()11 New, ' t eVery Friday. (240) nd nw asslstant proceeded south to Vancouver P.ert manager LOST Two months old Black ui uie n i a s k a ueveiopmeni couver; G. McMillan, Vancouver; C. Coolican, Vancouver; F. Mur Labrador puppy, strayed irom on tne same vesscl last nl ht 419 6th E. on Saturday. Please ( , K Phone Oreen nv alter live. (236) 0TK.'E j .y Friday.; Tristan Nik -1 , 4 niontlis, ' ! Mrs. Mare-' ; o 329 9th nil be con- J's Lutheran jm Tuesday, FOR WENT phy, Vancouver; T. Kaye, Vancouver; P. Carey, Terrace; M. P.' Parkinson, Vancouver; J. Ad-amsky, Watson Island; H. Simpson, Hazelton; M. Cherban, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. F. Starr, Board. The scenes were in color and were screened in the Gold Room of the Baranof Hotel. . In a democracy, the ballot of the mast ignorant, the most misinformed and the most antisocial, is Just as powerful as the ballot of the wisest and the moat Bigger and Better than ever! The Catholic Bazaar in School Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 5 and 8, afternoons and evenings. . There will be afternoon tea, sale of home cooking, hot dog, fish pond, fancy work and novelty booths. BINGO in the evenings. Grand Drawing, Thursday evening. Everybody wel FOR RENT Furnished suite clean and warm, for couple. HBO Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (231) FOR RENT Warm. Two newly decorated double sleeping rooms and board. Phone Black 660. (tf) , E. fioiland i Bella Bella; R. Spencer, Inver Tient to fol- CtmeH'ry. B. u charge of idealistic. The demands of democracy require a broad educational programme. An up-to-date programme of education imiui. 5 ' fja iiJ- j May we suggest that you choose early and take advantage of the season's new patterns. ness; G. Kearley, Prince George; D. Wilson, Vancouver; C. W. Bar-.ew, Vancouver; J. W. 8purrell, St. John's, Newfoundland; J. Herre, Naknek, Alaska; W. Lind-gren, Naknek, Alaska; R. Fannan, FOR RENT Tourists sleeping room. Phone Red 471. (tf) come. (234 til requires modern school buildings. Vote for modern schools October 6th, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.. Civic Centre. (It) Naknek, Alaska; C. Roberts, 3r.'.;a caliore, WANTED Wartime house kitchen ranire. P. O. Box 1432, 4 nvA'l r-i SONS NORWAY Prince George; H. E. Van Luven, Vancouver; N. M. Birt, Vancou ti nite win price oniy lie delivery. Write for nptiun. Money atisiacUjry. City. (233) WANTED TO RENT Two room' suite, furnished or scml-fur-nlshed. Quiet couple. Close in. Reply to Box 590 Daily News. (233) ver; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peters, Kasaan, Alaskar C. Cameron, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mu-helm, Smlthers; Mrs. A. V. Granger, Belia Bella. CITY TEACHERS GET ACQUAINTED WHIST, DANCE Weekly whist drive and dance sponsored by the Sons of Norway Friday evening saw 14 tables of cards In play at , the CO. 326 Queen ,12031 New teachers on the city WANTED TO RENT By Dec 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apartment. Apply Box 583 Dally News Oilice or Phone Black NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN schools staff were welcomed by' their colleagues at a dinner held by the Prince Rupert and Dist- V BALAGNO Florittst lodg hall. Dancing followed the card playing with music ;r chesterfield eaer, cheap. '2321 t :, soiling boat .40. ttwae a tud 2 p in. 1 235) ikoi o niihlip hrarlne will be Wt a 1 ill 1 1 1 ah- m -v v " . v. - . . 1 n la Box 1193 11 ' 1 n t 8 rnone urecn tot supplied Dy MiKe uoiussi on wie net reacners Association at me - ... - th work-1 6U8. (tf) WANTED Metal, copper, brass, end car batteries. See B. C. Furniture. Good prices. (254) ..wC. -r . romnensation Board. 411 n the nature or a "get acquaint- " - ,rr Dunsmuir Street. Vancouver - fV,-. ,t. I ii n rOj&fl V 1'!! ITU II V Wilt L VllUil - KtttUCi IK. , rtl- nc on October 17. 1949. inin nt at in 10 Tat 6 . tools, ex- SITUATIONS WANTED maiisdip ui j. o. wusuu, wjiu - t--i a i m fnr the Duroose of con tea til?:k SITUATION WANTED I will nil f i in iit'iiTi 1 1 (ii r-t hn iihii i, r piano accordion. Whist winners were: Ladies. Mrs. H. Orindstrand, Mrs. Olof Skog; Men, Gunar Selvig, Ole Wick. ; . , Jean Johnson was winner of a chicken which was raffled. Committee in charge of the function consisted of Mrs. Carl . i..t i ...t. t i .iHprlnir the adorjtion of revisedJ look alter boats at rairview m records1 J. Blake. Boat K.O. 242i 7 ftrnacette ; HKl.l WAN"T.n A'teAve. W.i . i231) BOYS AND GIRLS Opportun school kJ viL'iajiii, wiiu la at. fjnr.-ciiu in " . - a Vancouver as B. C. Teachers' RegulaUons for the prevention Federation geographical repre- of accidents in the construction sentative, the impromptu pro- industries which come within gram consisted of singing, danc- the scope of the Workmen's ing and vocal solos by Mrs. Compensation Act. Grace Christiansen, accompan- Dated this 1st day of October, led by Henry Pluym at the piano. 1949. ' j WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Yom saw St in the News! BOARD Strand, convener; Mrs. F.! Schroeder, Mrs. J. Freidham, I Mrs G. Gustafson, Mrs. Oscar LUXl'RV STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports ' Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations ' "a cycle A-l : "-'w. Phone j i232 ity for earning, after hours by delivering News routes. Honest Daily reli J Improve foctory output ; I --:rrr:.-- L : 1 ih.wwB." od;rIIl,.y.u,p..n I'll il byt-.'n,t,,7;l"h!divwu.i.p.'- , I l I r;;.T" 1 I I niclrn able boys and girls apply at E-0ne Wells- niufm log- Dally News office. (til with 15 In charge of the door were John Freictham'and Oscar Giske. Nels Gundersen was master of reconditioned I KF.AL KSTATK Analv to ArlvertlM the Daliy News! f r r i . ... i .... Iw.hl'o piin. On. Delivery, 1 B r r .on inf. . i i PnR rOK run ann. mviuviii i""L Ujl . ..i..i j .,...... kntrnim nnH nantrv with attic and Dase- Dominion Cir-1 oining room red chairs: ATTENTION ment. On main highway, suitable for Celanese Corp. em-ninvPM Furniture available SIX FIRE CALLS IN SEPTEMBER W; 1 M,.rri Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If required. Cash $2100. Apply wn 182 I (2311 Box 589 Dai v News. Ui3 'M lumber City fire department six fire calls during none of which resulted in FOR SALE Six-room home? with harbor view on Ambrose Avi.nne sasnnon With fur 1 829 6th Av. f I FOR .... )l AVE HAVE THE RIGHT BUYER FOR VOIR HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your listings with the .... PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. rilONE GBEEN 667 niture. Including Bendlx. oil range, Victor radio - phono :0N NAMES serious fire damage Total number of fire calls so far this year KfllveU Adam' is 67 as compared to 71 for the Highest Quality in Your Printing graph, $4,500.00 R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., Phone B8. FOR SALE Six-room wartime house with fine view on Pis- same period of 1948. 'n Clamshell Kot Avenue, garage. $3,000.00. k Oraooles: '"crete Mixerv Trucks: Nelunn AGED FURNACES, R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 233) BI'sTnESs" oirPORTUN ITIES SAVOY Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. lor Stnelrnllo ( ''. K CP Purl. Pumns' v , HEAT ROBBERS Scranprs "inn for sat f. Rmt buildinc and PHONE 234 reDair shoo with valuable BESNER BLOCK """" A steel s; Nut,,,,., waterfmnt lot on Cow Bay -""-imi it .j boat shed 70' by 60' with lour Briris. two under rxf with all 'uu t fintm,. ...... The owner of an average heating system 'five or more years old Is warned by National warm Air Heating Association HOTEL W. L. WOODS, ProD. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT tools, bandsaw, circular saw, ntirtjihle skill saw. sander. 3C w V," ; drills, electric motors, paint for the household ;kUsed Furni- spray, etc., all in A-l condition Full price $5,500.00. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. 232 that the odds aTe 7 to 10 his winter heating bill Is at least 10 percent more than necessary. This Is because 7 out of 10 older type systems of heating nouns -".nit Hut Irnnt n.iu. PERSONAL BRUSHES GALVANIZED TUBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS ., Sai-s. New BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS oro in tiperl of repairing ana PERSONAL Ambitious gentle cleaning. Air leaks in and Weekdays 9 to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon lo 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE around furnace comoustion chamber, soot in the chimney or Kieip Lin0: THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. furnace, warped burned bars, man 45 years, wishes to meet, refined ladv of means, who is interested in business. Matrimony if suited Box 587 Dally News. . (230) PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES twelve samples for 50c post-nairl In nlnln sealed wrapper. tCo-Black: corroding smoke pipe all create PHONE 101 255 THIRD AVENUE Moving, Packing, Crattnf Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 VHi shingles. .$1.00 per bun- loss of heat right in the furnace itself. Therefore using more fuel to keep the proper temperature. Heatine experts report that PHONE ' 79 cataWue Included. General Nnvnltv rv. rpnt 'PR. "1 thousand. Oil. Fargo Trucks home owners are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" through use of Improper firing methods and Major St., i'oronto, Ont. 35) Try a Classified Ad lor Result SUPPORT TIIK SCHOOL BY-LAW "s stoves , ... 242i negligence In furnace mainten a nop AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY - v,i en me Thn mainritv of costly repairs Ann , r. avoided If HOLLYWOOD cafe I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY f '2321 Coupe 1935. 1 t, radio, twn 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. owners had followed a regular program of having heating systems inspected each year says the heating association. Minor repairs can add longer service to heating systems and Insure hnnlth and safety of families. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 (or Appointment hoi as 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. KVKNIMiS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST la attendance flftrnooiii.. orEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 8:83 AM. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei ai,"tlonai d , EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N'.n.A. Pbnne Green 883 Boi 586 L Tc m"ths. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. t t"i;i i