f I !!:n'!ili!!(iiraiiil!ii!MV)iW'iiw;n., u;ti!.iiiiiiiiiiwiMiiii!.i;iiim;;;;;,i:i!ii ii.'...ini;il)H,lili;ii;ii,,ii:i;iJiijiihiliiiiii;,ihii,iiijiii iliriUiullir'liuiilllllil, inu)L Etina mm Dan? ncS3 Monday, October 1, 1940. SHIPS and Available on a Personalized Kenneth Johnston sailed last nigtilt on the Coquitlam for. a holiday trip to Victoria. James Bremner left today by air on a brief business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. M. Hanneson and two children of Sunnyside Cannery called Sunday evening on the Coquitlam for Vancouver following the closing of the cannery for the season. HBTDEDdSIET Li WATERFRONT C5 The International Halibut Commission, which rat here Wednesday afternoon, has since held well attended sitting in Ketchikan and Juneau. The question of the split season was further studied from the Alaskan angle. Ed Fabian, who took part In Uie Hawaii-California race, and returned south by way of Alaska andPrince Rupert, ha.? been S-3 ALL WOOL GABARDINE -3 i in EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! CAMEL HAIR-WOOL boosting the inside pasae of the north, since getting home. He sailed the ketch Resolute, and says the best way to get from Alaska to California Is by way of the north coast. Tel. Green 8B7 Days. Green 412 Evgs. SUITS J. ANNOUNCEMENT THE SERVICES OP A QUALIFIED PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOW AVAILABLE CATHERINE LAURIE Public Stenographer MADE IMPORTED OF ENGLISH Mimeographing Letters Composed Financial Statements These beautiful all-wool gabardine I suits are 39s 0 Hi W ' It; 1 :!r lis xuuru uouna to adore them especially when you can buy on our personalized budget plan. All items advertised are on sale at all Sweet Sixteen stores throughout British Columbia. beautifully tailored. PLAN This is one of the best bargains we have had to. offer in years, so don't fail to get yours. Remember, you can buy on terms to suit your purse at Sweet Sixteen. IUY ON luDCGETT Wherever you may be your Budget Account is good at the nearest Sweet Sixteen Store. Drop in and get your share of these bargains. - ,.n, t wwws tr-nsa KB it. n rjs'iii 4 p 1 401 Third Ave. (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Stenography Reports Mailing List? Bulletins Monthly Statements Minutes Pro fessional JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Green 828 F 3 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West B. & W. TRANSFER 3RY FIR KINDLINO WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 839 M. J. SAUNDERS a " New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Fhon. 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Perfect for Parties and Evening Wear LOVELY ANGEL SKIN BLOUSES . , Imported English Materials BIG AND BOLD, SOFT AND MUTED TARTAN PLAID i" $2M. and Business K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. C. McLEAN Phone Black 712 Sixth and Tatlow BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts . -Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are . Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. DR. GARNET K. IL MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1210 , ;. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 872 10th East , HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone C55 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 518 HANDYMAN , HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1870 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 529 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Reduced from $3.95 to Jmf ilCH THAT SKIRT SEE THESE FINE CREPES A' A SPECIAL PRICE . . . Don't fail to see these beautiful, authentic tartans. Included are Crawford, Men-zies, Wallace, Gordon and other tartans. pi Jni. OR SUIT LADY ESQUIRE a Special Value Price of S205 Mar $3.95 NOW Only .... At T'S SMART REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, dreen 181 TO BE THRIFTY!