Prince Rupert Daily News Mr. Palfullo Never late PRICES 11 CAN'T BE ister, for his all round capacity i and ability. Another matter J stressed and something euiy ! C'aiKuliiui .should ponder, was I what had bren said respecting national Yugoslavs Fear Reds To Start Sabotage Drive Friday, March 17. 19M Applewhaile Is Busy in Ottawa In a broadcast rrom Ottawa. E T. Applewhalte MP., described Ins recent journey from the Pacific Coast, east, in time to take his seat for the opening of Fed 1 . i m trie umry Newi 1 Hon. T. D. Pattullo. K.C, former British Columbia premier, is very much alive. Kotarians of Woodstock, Ontario, Mr. Put-tullo's original home town, were recently reminded. In the introduction of Georj;', MEN'S D,!F.SS " " pr pair MEN'S S0X-Pur u e Special pair MEN'S DREst Panu. SP(C1 Say Subversive Croups Trained in . Terrorism at Six Albanian Bases (Br RONALD PRESTON) BELGRADE (Reuters) Yugoslavs believe that! An irideperidnt daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia O. A HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, .Sf-. 58 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. 'Eftr MEVS W0BK H ! eral Parliament. The effect or stormy weather, on travel, w as still being felt when he entrained for the national capital and he had not oeen in h?t city long before pressure of legislative duties become pvidr-nt Having been already through one MEN'S TOPcOAtJ and summer see the start ot ,'the coming spring may gUBgt speaker at a Rotary lun. ! the third phase in the Cominf orm's campaign against cheon tn Woodstock, reference tj ! Marshall Tito. This phase, they think, will consist sme of Mr- Murray s political ! . , , . , . experiences included the state- 'of active sabotage and acts of terrorism by subver- m;nl. and bands formed by agents now believed sive groups "He was a member for 8 v?ai-s 1 to be trving to infiltrate into the country. of the b c Legislature uueier the . I mm mimflm jLV' i New International Situation MEN S DRESS OX,, with Goodyear"" latest BOYS' LONG PAXT c"lrs and ss ery special ;?fision, nowever, the new numbers were more familiar with routine. lr. Applewhalte, in descriptive brevities, made mention of government members 'and officials. He landed tne Min no definite arrangements have been j Evidence of the exUtence of leadership of the late Hon. T. D. ALTHOUGH made, American, British and French foreign such agents has be.n obtained by detet. since it unot thought here, fat,uI,!- naUve son of Wood- ih rf.-Mit raiiture of a numoer that she Li ready for such a. eon- Blul- BOYS' WINDBReJ This advertisement is not ministers are scheduled to meet during April in of persons who are alleged to met. London. First of all, it is a meeting of foreign have been smuggled In from Al- . jne possibility of a surprise at-ministers Md '?aria. izMack by Rusa is strongly du- of three governments which are now baf f . . , .. , , , , , sabotage and terrorism, counted here. Military observ- jointly responsible for Western Germany. Secondly, . Two Iacts; the Yugoslavs de- eis consider that the five or six it gives an opportunity for informal discussion and , clare, emerged from the recent soviet divisions now In Hungary exchange of views on all other questions of com-'?.b,a" and Roumania are not suffici. i union fivp A hinlan fltizPiis flnu - h tY - rK Th a rmon.- Mr. Murray hastened to correct the mistake. "Mr. Pattullo was never late at any time in a long career, ' he said "and will be furious i( an.,- , one tells him that he is now th" ' late Mr. Pattullo. Duff is at:.fc ', but he is hard and tough and HILDREKt OVER st quality er pair l puiiiiMiuu ur uijjiifu ! by the Licjuor Control Board or by the govern- I ment of British Colum- nib Ml uu Mic .VI. 1 I1C UTIlllilI13 much alive and while rHireO very they say, found between 16 nd from llfe ta stlU one of 20 division none too many Just Publl,c mon concern to the western system. three 'world powers Of the 'five Yugoslavs were found gull- ty of working for the Albanian i : . ... Dia- llMI to keep communications open In "6".c.. ri. a- ., i , . ,i e ycrei service, it was aueutru. Since the last meeting of these foreign minis- Tnat tfce MhSinlan mln!s. In tn audierlce alone, subdue many rf Yugoslavia, let tei'S in November there have been important develop try of the interior Is recruiting Marshal Tito's Partisan force in Duff's byhood friends who pot a good laugh out of the incident, the mountains." ments in the field of foreign affair's. Indeed, there numbers of people for subvers- , , i xii ,, . j.. i ive action on behalf of the Corn- has been a fundamental change in the international iliform lnside Yugoslavla. I Classified ads b-1ng Bert Wilson, old time W'ood'oeic i business man, recalled that he j found Mr. Pattullo very ac:ive i and very much interested In tusi- ; ness and public Issues when he visited him recently at Victoria. ' JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMKTKIN1 France Accepts American Arms Movinr, Parkin, Yugoslav public prosecutor stated at the trial that thare are six "bases" In Albania where these people are being trained. 2. That . the , Immediate tasks of the agents wnen they reach structure of the world. The Soviet Union and its associates have withdrawn from all participation in the organs of the Uni ed Nations.' That may be only temporary. The immediate reason for it is unwillingness to take part Shipping and (J cr'ate and StJ Complete Rpiiahi. PARIS O Amid banging 71 of all fires are in residential properties! . Dwelling Fire Insurance is in expensive APE TOU INSURED TO PRESENT-DAY VALUES? Prince Rupert Realty Co. P. H. LINZEY Green 667 Yugoslavia appear to be to con- cries of Fascist in any work or any organization with representa- tact opponents of the regime and desks and ent Service, also J Canadian LlnnM 1 Jpn Bulger Ltd. i ! . 'ihlrd Avenue 'ur Oxygen. Acetylej organize them into unuerground Swlne-" lne French NaUonal groups. Action in the form of Assembly yesterday voted 416 to sabotage or terrorism would come 181 to accept American arms for 1 . J ! . , . . . weiainu supplies. Lindsay'j Ca tives of the Chinese Nationalist Government. But there are some indications that it is intended to be a prelude to permanent withdrawal. And permanent or temporary Soviet secession is a fact. It means that at the present time the United Nations Wln '6nai irom ai- use aBainst the SDread of com- bania. Storage Lid , munlsm. j Om of the defendant at the Satin-Glo, cor. zr,a and Park Est. 1910 Phwlf, Skopleje trial, Ahmed Pero, told 1 the court that he had no idea ; - - Organization has ceased to be of any use for settlement, or even discussion, of any matters at issue between the "Soviet camp'' and the West. Incident what tactics were to be employ- ; ed against the Yugoslav ties. His first job was to organ- CHANDLn PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. rvJKTRAIT Finishinr - ally, one may note that to talk m such Circum- ize things. Arms and directives Ktunpoc ftf Kvool-m f dorll1r K,. nnli; o ononiol ! would come later. Flash Photot tikn Phone Oreen 389 PKINCi Riml Try Bulgarian Agents ! A similar trial of Bulgarian i agents Is to take place at Nish. ' Vlado Dedljer, the Yugoslav 6.1- rector of information, recently1: ' dismissed the sinuggling of Com- inform agenu into Yugoslavia as "trivial Incidents" and declared ', that hi governrrent was not ! meeting of the Security Council in Europe, or by holding a special meeting of the Assembly in Moscow, is completely unreal. The Russians would neither welcbme the Council nor attend the Assembly. Nor is thia all. Even "ordinary diplomatic chan HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE nels'' bet weenie two camps are very nearly closed. - taking them ..eriosiy. , OPEN FttOM 3:30 P.M to 1:31 AM A fl Pi V m i HUP. SUE V CHOW MEIN Western diplomatic missions in Eastern Europe are n tne otter hand. soviet of-. isolated and almost boycotted. The Governments to T which they are accredited constantly denounces them westerners that the conflict with 1 as "jiests of espionage and sabotage." Their official .Marshall Tito win end in the j , -L , , , . . . , favor. One of them, dismissing contacts formal and restricted. are ,lhi ,defl of a;1 fltta2k by the R9d j The new regime in China has not yet for any Army on Yyausiavia as "ridicu-! practical purine' established diplomatic relations ceny declared: we are ; ' .lui.. ., il no hurr- There is plenty of, - t t i. i j.r- u r ilulsitlr rrlr PMONK 13 viuiex nun tne uiuitrti riitigiiutn ur any utiit-r nun- MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Communist Government which has recognized it. , time one year, .two years they ; will toe thiline In the end." j The possibility of an armed at- '. 1 tarlr aoolncf ViiDnolmrln ln(B. V.f ' Wholesale Warehouse carrying a reprrseniatiw H It has no effective relations with the outside world. And with Russia itself, . 11. ..ww. wt,.v Mgwata t la label 'Ilia t ..j diplomatic relations , year ag tne on)y means of riddin? WASHDAY prompt service to the trade GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, lubes, hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamp only, fluo and incandescent, 6 to 230 volt. Western diplomats in Moscow i the communist world of the "ts- : are very tenuous. III N are kept frigidly at arm's length. Soviet diplomats JS in the West "keep themselves to themselves." There it is not exciud?d. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Radio bal Jftbaaic t is hard v anv intercourse excent m thp form of!. i"e Yugoslav view , a? expres- " ... 11 j i sed privately by a senior official recently, apnr-ars to be that flashlight, ignition batteries. O. II. WOOD & CO.Industrlal sanitation, paper tr deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal, Janitor s hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING RAO CO. and othen v i iiLcn v:uiiiiiiuuiccttiuii uuclly ui inure ui less unpleasant character. In fact, within the past few months, the segregation of the "two camps" from each other has by the deliberate actions of the Soviet government and its i It's easy to make clothes sparkle mur.h depends- on the attitude of the western powers. If they make it clear that an attack on Yugoslavia could not be isolatei and' would probably lead to a third .world .war, Russia would PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 SERVICE BY LICENSED PLUMBERS with an Electric Washer Your clothes will be cleaner, brighter, tay new-looking longer if you use an electric washer. Its waihing action is gentle, but thorough. And it'i so simple and easy to operate. It has few moving parts and is built for long trouble-free service. Come in for a demonstration and see how an electric washer can save you time, money and hours of drudgery. 1 V-. o 9 c rmes D. associates become far more definite and complete. A situation is being created which has no parallel in modern history. It is against this background that the three foreign ministers have to consider world problems. Public opinion has been stirred by the sudden reali- ' zation that all efforts to reach agreement with i Russia on the control of atomic energy have been suspended. Public men rather vaguely call for some "nev approach." Put that is only one part of a far wider problem. It is almost true to say that there 'seems at the moment neither opportunity nor machinery for reaching any agreement about anything;, either" with the Soviet Union or with any member of its group. And that sombre fact is bound to condition all discussion on all international problems whether it be atomic bombs or Germany or the defences of : Western Europe, or pacifying South East Asia, or all of the complex world economics. the Pioneer dnm PRESCRIPTION SERV k j u r w w x v mm m m m hmmihim When you call you may be sure of expert repairs by top-notch men. Try us! PHONE 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldg.) Mil Daily Delivery Service Phone 81 ALUMINUM WARE SPECIAL urns est E TO MARCH lUi -CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! Kitchen Utensils uys 2 ,0' Pineapple Juice Q.T.F., 20 oz RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Used Cars and Trucks $435 Down buys 1 947 1 Va Ton G.M.C. $445 Down buys 1948 V2 Ton Chev Panel . $375 Down buys 1946 Dodge Yz Ton Ponel with stotton wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 1-ton International $300 total price For the Best in You'll Find Every Item For Your Kitchen -- ot - Watch Repairs Sweet Mixed Pickles, 9 oz Cloverleaf Whole Clams, 15 oz i Nabob Marmalade, 48 oz j Potatoes, sack, delivered -.1 BURNS BEST BUYS Phone 755 Formerly Johnson's Grocery 104R HaTs Free Delivery Service SEE GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER You'll be Satisfied 527 3rd A. J.C.'s St. Patrick's Dance, March 17th Box 1188 7i n r - i