Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 17, i9ia Simple "Rinse Test" SW Miracloth Cleans Clean s 4. ; it 1 -I - : 1 I i""i" i nnrarium to leme all A' with quick rinsing is drnmatitally demonstrated I pit'turrd hi:Iw. 1 ho more von nnnp mlra.-iwi. . y the, Lint-Free, Streakless, Chamois-Like in Use 7"Ws Long-Lasting, Hard-Working, Re-Usabte miroclolh Washing windows or woodwork ! soil for future cleaning. Bctherscrne and dusting too, there's no quicker j lint. too. is a thing of the past with way, no easier war no cleaner way convenient miracloth cleaning, than with nuracloth. For arune and i t i i . grease slide right oil with this amai-! , ,W absorbent as ordinary if1""1 ol we9ht' uxcoth ing new fabric with a simple soapy rinse, j colds moie water, lessens messy miracloth brings new lustre to 1 '""PP'rig. This remarkable cloth is furniture, forgotten sparkle to win- j scotch-proof, too, and contains no dows and mirrors. Its chamois-like j harmful ingredients. There's many action when slightly damp picks up a job in every household that durable, dust and smudge, doesn't just spread i always-clean miracloth will lighten. longer it. l.-,Rt " lUeclet it1- I f p -.uV- - - t- . ."t..,...,. .,... . , ?.; JV36&- .--'- ;w.-i(ci.ii..iMk. - m . ij a.- ,;'Wiwmjgy -''- L ..-- " . f r7 t x't'i 3 t , 'vj 4 Prlct lor washing windows or virion. bacauM milcUth leant no lint, work lik m chcmms. too. Um mil ac loth mill your favorite window cleaMt, or, tor e quick touch-ap. ujo by itB mlmott dty. Prlct tor dusting and paluhhiij Irni. tute, lor miiaclath woihoi cfan cj oil 01 wax. SUaMly amp, if picis ftp ali dust jm'antW, Invn qttJymg hiMrr on pol-u.'ied tuHacos EltmiualOT bundling and toting dtrty tags. LAia. ' i f ,, 'J - , j ilAJIillS lilBlQrate&E i . n ipe Miiii-a surwee witn a piece .1 dampened rniri,! un ordinary cloth. Get both cloths equally dirty ti ?wJ --.r j X. x tt'! 1 m qro hi Miracloth Sheds Dirt, Lightens All Housework ISnowy-White in Seconds; FTZ r ' I J-Triif . "ij jAlways Ready for Next Job M- ViS.rT H.,.-. Secret ol ! m!.oci.u,--o,iih.oStK,i,o1ico,oe, develop .tri)"- iviSi!' '"V'-A ? Rinse Rinse and and Re-Usi Re-Use ri', -r u ' . ' ' " ' 4 . v: i ' . . kit il'i.i.Hmi.ii ,. . .. Ki.iM" bulb t'lttlhM in warm water, flf eresav Biirf.- . D J ""W a little snap or deUTgent.) While its wet, notice how wit, J : menu 01 wartime rpssnrrh ic j 1 5 i nurat imn is. ec, loo, now much more water it holds. '1 i iicic luuuy, uiinging nome- jmakers new ease and convenience in all housecleaning. For 1 miracloth, the revolutionary non-woven fabric that shrugs off 'i1 . ?Pme ls always snovy-white and fresh for any house-ihold task! Just a quick rinse, and hard-working miracloth j Is clean to use again. ' J This means that no longer need (anyone Handle tilthy dust cloths B" . " M 9 i 1 miracloth is actually a fabric cf an entirely new and di!erent type. It's made of tiny ra,on fibres which aro bonded together with cellulose each fibre enclosed in cellulose. This coating prevents dirt or grease from ever touching he base of miracloth itself, eliminating the possibility of the fibre's absorbing and holding any soil or odor. In addition, the cellulose bindina mokes . uiiujcidut, wiinoul a cteooMT Um barely dampnd, mp. oH dual and intudce then ncM and uM again and again, i. Gimn and Hairn thai ac-eamuiat en porcelain ranaet and rcinasraton rnn b- pd up na water nut tpotWly clan a9ain. J. miiacWth M Ihm poHect djj, cloth SoH aod pooblt. it roacoo. into orory hard toHjetit corner, is nvr hartli to haitdlo Tfcos, uw,plo .and rancid dish rags. Too, mira- DIG .fiOueV QUVI W C III U ItUth eliminates aronmo i - ' 'u-'ne- cjxiner a inn nop inny tenovM aj rtaia and odor dirty ragbags for old cloth sea scarcely KeSICUTOr.K. Kr TH 1 4t J eieaner than the job ahead. B nmazina xmxaelntlt i tnnir!lu 1. i- fe "if J miracloth lint-free in use, as the fibres aro always held firmly in tie cloth. miracloth more absorbent Millions of microscopic holes surround the fibre, nrmnnlinn In ..- ' 1 1 ml Jwf H v -k J '' TOsacjom carries no arnr.e lo smear is lint-free, streakless, , chamois-like in use. mixocloth is perfect for dusting, J dishwashing, cleaning windows and j wails, polishing glassware and silver, ; and any other chores around the i house that require a cloth. Ideal as i well is miracloth with prepared 1 poushes, wases, and cleansers. For i I making a qreai norr,e Sir itsell for 1 its convenience and cleanliness m tars, reslaurants, and soda fountains. Because miracloth is mo e absorbent than ordinary cloths, telle tops, fountains, and other surfaces that must be immaculate are wiped clean in a jiify miracloth leaves no lint or streaks simple rinsing keeps it always clean and 1 1 . .. t cloth's remaikable absorbency . . . holding two and one-half times as much water am ordinnrv r-lik same weight These anm. finw i. ( no matter how soiled, mirnrlnth ! always rinxA dnn nnrt !odor!ess i ' j i . cloth pick up and hold dirt and grease. Then, when miraclotl. is rinsed, arime and anil 1 plain water for ordinary dirt, a little j Cfu tau'"Jry Expense in Hair 'I'Hlll'illiM W.I-.II Mi mi iii.-j. -W.f d fhf C'"'h 7r "','"om cwofiiq litat'i ney.r rancid. 01 soap or aeterqent tor ground-in grime nHre are ercerpts from recent or grease. , letters received from satisfied mira- out of the holes, leaving the miracloth fibres Still in KrnnH.nay, u,.. parhallT oild blinds damp Riasing attr ich lat tntori a clean cloth lor th whole ob . Evrn washing and poli-hina automobiles can'l riom miracloth. Waiti and clranMri, and tilthy great Tanih instantly as you ritue in soodt watr cloth users: Now - compare both cloths. See how fresh and white rinsetl, how filthy streaks and blotches remain in the Notice, too, thr.t miracloth holds no odors. No wondn clemiH cleaner, is always pleasant and dainty to handlr! S. tnteeKloth loke. th. diugd.rr out ot ci,nii,o .ntian blind. Doubir abwrbant. it Inuti drippug whil. wathing, and liness, never retaining stain or odor. j Miracloth Ideal ; For Many Uses Miracloth Eliminates Handling And Storing Old-Fashioned Dirty, Rancid Rags rinsing in soapy waer instantly removes all grime and grease. Convenient Package And the bia. red mirnrlnlh nnt-V. age itself holds extra conveniences "Wr find savings of from 40' tn 60' ', hnve hrtn effecte-d in our laundry bills hv miracloth. It has taken the place of ordinary cloths in every department ..." Calrleria Chain Manager "We .ire saving at hast 50' , on linen rem fs . . . a fxx) no saving each month on thiy item alone, miracloth far ext-es regular towels in cleanliness and appearance . . ." Drug Chain Fountain Supervisoi "We have drfiintely decided to use miracloth , ;,aCe of oii lautu'riccl towel service. We find ellect a saving of at lea:,t Ml' , '" Rn.-:tritinnlChnin Own-i SfiTial Institnlionol Tcrkege -rctintmns, Ni.-i, ipstuunnls, hcffls, 'ind cthrr iiisitittitional and ind-istrvii fsois r-an buy miracloth in n 'pe'.-i'il SO-foot roll. Ijrtnbiitors !" "re i'..-liiut;onal pcckie me lifttd in the tianl in tins po.jf here's v.izftE to buy miracloth Housewives Buy ii At Your Grocery, Drug, Department, Hardware, or Variety Store Dealers Buy !f From Your Wholesale Grocery and Paper House: Kciiy, Douglas fi, Co. Ltd. Smith, Davison & Wrigiit Ltd. The W. H. Molkin Co. Ltd. I There's a host of chores that 1 miracloth does easier, for this araaz-t ing re-usable cloth is fresh for every t use. Rinses so immaculately clenn j you can actually polish a car with , miracloth wash it out, use it for a I face cloth next! 1 Here's a partial list of the many fobs that miracloth does better: windows, mirrors washinq, poljsh-rTtf?; dishes, glassware washing, '. drying; furniture waxing, polish- ig, dusting; Venetian blind? i washing, waxing; floors, woodwoik I swashing, polishing; silver poli.s'n-I Ing, washing, drying; automobiles j cleaning, polishing; ranges, rein-! eerators, etc. cleaning, shining . . ; end for napkins, bibs, inner dinpers, . hoeshine cloths, face cloths, h'nid 'owels, pressing cloths, and draining ' bacon, straining fats. Pictured above aro six of the hundreds of chores around every house that require a cloth. Each of these jobs, and all the rest as well, can be done easier, quicker, ond better with miracloth. Old-fashioned cleaning methods mean that countless times throughout eoch day, hnuse-.vivcs must locate, use, thrn lind storage spare for grimy bits of discarded clothing or othpr raci, usually os Boiled as the surface to be cleaned . . . oily, oHorous, and full of dirl that .ilrntika'. Now women can know the joy oi cleaning with fresh, snowy-while miracloth ... can urn it, rmse j. Enthusiastic Users Hail Miracloth Here ore excerpts from typical comments received from elated house-wives, who know how miracioth lightens chores: . "miracloih is a joy lo huve Icr all work." "mirueloth i-ithe best household product of 1!)40." "Ni one v. ho l as ever use ! miracloth von'd be without it again, miracloth ii a super, uo-every-thing miracle." ior nomema Iters, (irst, it provides a neat, handy, sprfe-saving way te ntor? utility cloth. It eliminates bulky ragbags, and frees valuable drawer (pat e previously devoted to a collection ot tilth v rags. Sacor.d, tlio convenient culling edge on the ent'en n.-.siiirs hnvu -j a cloth the right size (rr the job at hanu . . . jn-jt t .ar iniroclo.h to lit. All thpe iimiviin! f(iil,,,f. use tr nqatn and anain im bine to make miracloth an out .tunH Ti man hoA ' contribution to buny women s-.k ..t-u ."U..v.ii may Become, quick ing relief from household druJcjciy Liut-free, tlrcaltless, chamois-liko in uce. O Conveniently packaged in the big red carton with the handy cutting edge; 0 Ustedawi?1 inStituti0nal users the special 50-foot roll. Distributor Always the iighl sizo for every job-just tear it oil to fit. Ideal with polishes,' waxes, and cleansers-stains, odors iinso away O o o Buy miracloth today at your grocery, dm a O I i : . ... . --' umps s aosorbenl as ordinnrv r ntl, -.,, i:: variety, vritw. ' h.rrfw hardware, or j department . store! . nates messy dripping. ' "owl BUHU' ZZlLZlZT Z " - t3n ZZI!-' "rr5 1 VLii.2 "ZT- John-Berk Ltd. (miracloth Division), 83 Duke St., Toronto. Elgin 0449 J I 4 t. r.rii.-n. irn .jr. -v ivn-i 'rt'iVi r;t.' ,