"Announcements f Prince Rupert Daily Ncwa Friday, March 17, 195a For Anfly Glover Joins Legion I Accepts Position as Chief j Saturday night. ," ( ! Publishers King Edward School P-TA.Book iTea, Home cooking and White! Hove Record Year appearance long life low cost 1 Elephant Sale, Friday, March 17. ! Steward of "27 Club" . ! LONDON, CP1 More books were .ight by the Fripc Rupert ! for a last night on the Prince p,,, United Church Home CooUng -..uh-i-.j ... . trip to Los Angeles. Return to the city will be wel- Sale at Thompson Hardware, j""" " lor Vancouver and Victoria on a Announcement Drs. R .O. and A. W. Large announce their office will be closed March 14th for the purpose of moving to the new location at 219 2nd Ave. . Open March 17th. (65) SP ASPHALT SHINGLES short holiday trip. S.O.N Whim and Dane, svi comeri by many friends of Andrew ' March 18, U to 4. ;m ary Previous year, the trade K. Clover, who arrived on Wed- PH, lfB.rt m,,. an 'J" The Book.seller rrporU-d. dcy, March 17. Whist 8.00 p.m. Butts. Shades: red, green, green blend Sacred, Concert United Phurnh TVinfnl . o.ie "r riZr r." X o-. lne vear s output or new titles nesday from Kelowna to take the ! muMc oy wise colussl. Refresh- position of chief st.Ptt.fi ph nf tv, !.h m was 11,924600 more than in the blond nciiverrn per square jiiLiS menu. Everybody welcome. 64, Combined choir of ,oEeI "ioi m i. ii - i Drevious record vear nf 1Q37 per square $10.00 ;rfv Green ,rnT o MTAECCDV ITh O. P. Tinker, afWr spending ths "enry A Pluym at the orn. adln L lJZ IZT FlrTt 1 n nd Home Book, on hobbies, sports, art, I pa two weeks here in cone.ee- Adults 50c' chdren 25c , Avenue J architecture and musi showed bvThIli!?lii5Cal biwine"-"a" I K.F. Harding, eencralmanasor March 29. cSfnSTSl the largest increase,. Biographies ' hl l, , UP"- tiaSLnW'ton o' the .Prince Rupert SWier.ueT.T. ' 'W b well-known locally, ! S ls p m ' lUmped in number and novels .nui return to Narar.wta on Okan- Co-operative, havin6 been tZ. ' were sharply down-3,500 against sailed by the Prinoe steward of the Prince , , -agan Lake where M now mar. RuJrt las, ;,hta.y. Rupert Club for VMr. h J ! .. Wh,t Elephant Sale Tea and 5100 ln 1937. jKI ntvMiiLrvi Liu. PHONE 116 h knm. ' o-.v .i . Home llOOKirtS Q.L 2 Pm ADlil 1. in. inc. trt trip to a tr til I 10 ti oi- - I,:.. 1 . - r r Vancouver. v... .. llls jciuiii irom : conrad St. School. , the war, he accepted the position " i For Friendly Service And Advice in Your i Building, Insulotion and Decoration Problems S7iK- , ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 Meltride St. Blue 820 Outfit the whole fj.milv at t rw.J ct Hear and see artlst-evanselist Grocers Butchers Cafes Oorden Si Anderson, Ltd. have prices and iiwin.aii. nn .. v.. vn. vmiftuittii nrv the me i Liacncss oi Edinburun ' r s.. . .... . . . .r-i.-";r.: ir "o. .r. on: M-KHui urancn ai Kelowna which cu. maiun - apiii a. rhmtp innu i . i I'llll Kffri0rllnn n t " -w K'k tin hn. filial .u. ... n I r-l. i ' i - & if 'mat v if S7i I rt...w., .ijjiajf usrs bi- .iit. i . . iw"u i r tne nasi live; lwLw" twuu iaijiuici piu- -Food and Beverage Coolers fJl U..ho,n c.ookl8. at. 320 .years. His .kill In th. Rram tea. Presbyterian Hall vva sniloci Inst I L. W. Lefler, who returned to li:icc Hupert for J the city on Wednesday's train v.liep- hr jfrom a ten day trip to the inter-l, r M:irie Hart- ior as far as Burrs Lake or. bmi-f ,r a mils.' at jness, sailed last night on the ana ice cream Cabinets. ",,u "vc- J" ua oniuray. 4 (65), Pvilentiv evidently folowed fi, him . April . "... . " - 1 Canadian Legion Easter Sale miiu as no was detailed off for r. II. Sorenson, D. A. Bcntloj , three months' duty in the officers' ! APf'1 5th. I Prince Rnjx'rt for Ocean FaMs. MINRRAL ACT.. Form F. (Action 58 (l). Iiian uynnavn, O. J. Hanson and mess at Aklershot. jOle Waace. having -..Upricjd the ' HnTtep np inmtriT..-.., ... i Jobs Daughters Tea and Rale j of hnmerixikin?, April 6, at the i home of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth I Ave., West. Tea, Make Way For Hotel ' Queen Mary LODE. ' April 10. CKitTiPicATE op improvements. armual meetings of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative W"Tn2TWl X!; ,m. ""-'AwMclallon here this week, sailed l. Hun No. 6; Hull No. 6: Jean: i Hunh. by the Prince Ruja-rt last msht Siuiate m Atiin Minine Divim. on their return to Vancouver When- RltuntedOn the north Bide of the Taku Elvor. near Tulse- qimh. BC. ! Lawful holder The rvanntiritjui CANADA Cathedral Sale April 13 m t (h 11 Medicine IfrVT. !' rrnj 1 Your Te-U If,, t; W'JCLK t , j Rodio ' YVl :::Z: , a trip to I i,.,:. .ST- f.. ..tJ : I The ' St' PeteM Spring &ale Apr" buildings, former war built 20. -ti.'lni! Is payaDte In advance. Please refrain frun Classifieds. 2c per word per Insertion, minimum Mining and Smelting Compimy department of Ainioui.Ttir(E ; ' structures which for ' years have' of Canada. Limited. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office. h . .. I Number of the holder Free Miner's Providing accomodation for certifieate: 25SS-F. I TENDERS ' Hie CNR. porters are being dig- ' Women of the Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19. in the new ilirth Nutlces 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, M.imape attn fcnuaaeineni Announcementr $2. i Mtxwe lempie. & i - t Mttt Jatnen w.' - -. . . . mant ed. and win It i.. rf- SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE nm-itLtriunn nt Truii b r .,nn. .,nn. Sealed ofaiea Tenders lenders will win be ne received receivea ' 'v " mvi ! Prpshvterlnn Snrinor R a ' 'J j - - - - i' n ! i r.cu. 1 ii i k i . . i I April 27 i LOST a NOTICE ni;ent for the lawful holder intend? by tne nlerlt;ned until 2 00 o'clock Stood, be re-erected in the yards at the end of 60 m- n Tlme- ThurKday. April days but not later jn (h e RPrPral nf neielihnrhnnH ltnaornood nf or than one year from the date of this 1 195- oonstnicllon of th J-cnPra notice, to apply to the Mlnlne Re-. Cawstn Irrigation Project loci.tert the railway shops. They ' have I Orange Spring Sale and Tea In the ritv Tues- LOST Set of unner Denture, between Third Ave. and Sixth 1 cor,er nr certificate, of improve- ' ',,Z, ,L ,,m. bpen standing in the railway re I May 3. t I United Church Mothers' Day 14. ihdo. jxam-.v, Moved dauuhter , mx6,-i ifcxon',,, MuuiM f MM&mm 1 1 ' --! ."." W Cal1 B'lue 992 m m i i ,i ' mJ1 I'.'.'j. ' '"' tlrf).S" J ' 90 Day Guarantee St. Sunday. Reward $5 00.:"'" ",T Purlmse. omain.ng """Z," "Z,"'" : Z I serve Hnun wn,. , Please return to Dallv News' !Cr"wn Rran" of the above claims in rioiianu. m titles of each: Sale, May 4th. i. Reouiem men Ihe Christian Science premises, on the proposed new hotel Mle. 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 165) AND further take notice that I action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act.'' must be commenced , ,-. , , i LOST Pav envelope. Finder ! before the Issuance fo such certl- nlease mall to owner. Filtv-, new of improvements. his advertisement is not published or lisplayed by the Liquor Control Boord or Gyro Kiondyke Night May 5 j Ea.stern Star Tea May 18. j Sonja Tea May 13. 1. Placing Only. Wood Stave Pipe, 4" to 22". S4.025 ft. I 2 Placing Only. Pipe Fittings. 122 pieces. I 3 Piecing Only. Oitte Vnlvs f(2 only. 4. Air release unit blowoff valves, j supplied and placed 21 only 1 5. Steel Pine. 3 eauee. 200 ft. iy the Government of British Columbia. HI". 1011 Dated this 22nd riav nf flnt Vou fr it In The v 'vs Ity a.ClassUiea -ta lor Results I. AD 1649. PERSONAL JAMES WILSON DONALDSON. Aent for the Consolidated Mining nd 8me!ting Company of Canada; Limited. (hi stine ai unun-n jicaiion bv Rev. i'iwn at 9 a m larch 18. Interim In Fairview npr Drivers will Rev. Father F. tends kindlv as-iravers at Gren-Cluuol at 8 p.m. mi. BC Under-mse of arrance- i: m,f. 1040 Four d(Kir v tires and tulx'S. uii next to 1034. 65) Last Day Tomorrow . PLUMBING and Hyaline -8heet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 2tf. Sixth Ave West 11 Letourneau and Sons. (tfi OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stov1 Service and retviirs. G. D. Roiifwm. Black 9oa. (65) i MR RENT FOR RENT Light hottsekeen- ; ing room. 539 Sixth W. t64t 8. Corr. Iron Culver.. MB inch. RO n 7. Corr. Iron Culvert. 30 Inch. 100 ft 8. Concrete. 70 cu yd. , ' 9. Timber. SO M F.B M. 10. .Rock Protection. 6.000 cu. yd. 11. Common Excavation. 2 500 cu. yd. 12 Ptimphouse 18' x 20'. 1 only. Plans, specifications and tender forma for bidding may be obtained Irom the undersigned at his office In Reglna. Saskatchewan, or from PF.R.A. Office. Victoria Ave.. Kam-loops, B C. ur)on the deposit of Twenty Dollars i20 00) cash or a certified cheque for the amount IN THE SUPREME COt'RT OP nRITISH COLUMBIA in pKoit.m: IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and ESTATE Mrf 'uY.unT FOR RENT - Good sleeping TN matter op rtiv. J,Te iter, snare. uoia l room for worklna eirl. oim op ami!EI. bei.i,. dpc DECPASMl Take notice that by order of His whlch. oeposlt will be re- Thompson St (65t Horn Jndn- W. O. Ftiltrm. local il-emtible upon tlie return of the ft snnnes and !il M Steoliens. ( t'.D I ' f. . L . ;vL"l T .k. P'""' n siiecifications in fod h' '" " "der. Murch" TosO. P"1" dav A D. nppol.ited r.ave closed. ,i ut. -,.n .vori T'" ""er is not ol U,e'm of Samuel Bell, late ! , ; of BU-wart. British Columbia. h), """'J . ' ' By Order. FOR RENT Board and room or room. Phone Black GfiO. M FOR RENT Suite or five of-llees. Modern in everv respect. Available March I. Phone 57. O. P. Tinker and Co Ltd. (tf) HELP WANTED' WANTED Slncle girl with good Ciert on the 211th day of December. 1949. at Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Pafkini barrels i'liuiie Blue 6G8. 1641 ' babv carriage Uun. 61i( Sixth iG4t rrvmore Rutr. 9' rwn barkerotind tmli W. Phone DR. L. B THOMSON. Director. PFRA. B10 McCatlum-Hill Building Reglna. Bask. 6A All persons Indebted to the said t I! IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COI.DMItlA sewina experience for permanent position. Aonlv Slneer Sew inn Machine Co. 166) t63) , TOMORROW ONLY COME AND BE CONVINCED IN PROBATE estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mo forth-nth and all persons having claims aicainst the mid folate lire required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 16th clay of April. 1950, failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this ?rd Dnv of March. l'Jr0. OORDON PRASKR FORBES, Prince Rupert. BC. REAL ESTATE time kitchen ; 7. Sixth Ave. i Red 910. even- In the matter of the "Administration Act'' and In the matter of the estate of Resi-nuld Herbert Johnson, Deceased, intestate. i64t ins boat Venus WHY PAY RENT TO OTHERS? Choice lols are still available here so plan vtmr future home on the lot vou choose now. Consult us for new N1LA regu mler. Mav be Qualify Garments Clearing At Outstanding Reductions Take notice that by order of His :ins shipvards lations: plans, ideas, and the Administrator with the will an O. Pulton. IikmI i B. ..r Kiimnp n'limi .fuiic I.ru in vur 1 c . ,t f '3U. 1 68 n Chev. dumn uuuir , uni'ii uic ..m u v.. Bell, deceased. British Columbia. I was on the 8th (6M 11 tires new. Steel Bust, rack and jw unit. Will : n citv pro- i in Bux 1031 Pus- . IN THE SUPREME COPRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA duy of March. AD. 1!)50. appointed Administrator of the estate of Reginald Herbert Johnson, late of Lower Post. British Columbia, who died on the 9th. day of October, 1949, at Lower Post. British Columbia. ' All persons indebtet. to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me property most suitable fori vour laniilv. Chooo)e youri homesite and build later. : See Allan Armstrone at Arm-stronir Auencies. Plione 342 or Green 297 (Eves.) (73) FOR QUICK SALE 2 acres land, carclen. house 2( bv 3(1 mile from Terrace. $2300 cash. Box 073 Dallv News, ti ROBERT E. MONTADOR LTD. Have Seventeen 17 Seventeen Houses for vou to choose from. "68) in riton.vTi: nicv cream en- 1 In the Matter of the "Administration ' V "U . . , , ,, .,-.,- I.vi.1 In the mr I claims against the said Estate are ... u.,n..nn in,.A!i(l tntoatAte ram'', nil ranae Black 838. i (05) ; 'rvlindpr 7 h p. I f Cuntnlnl. i ir i. .,.Vi.' ih'.i m n,',.ir of His required to-lle them with me , to '' il w O Pulton h"il i Pr'y verified on or before the Iftth ?Z ot W t April. 1H50. failing which nf the Sunrcmcv Court ' lT the slh tr.butl.rn will be made having regard ish Colt mbla T9n."0.OnBppolnted Vf Whih 1 S",," 161 (tiS) One or these mav be the house vou are looking for. We have houses in everv section nf town. ' f'imnlete new nomillinvruwir in hi.- . i . - , b,.,. n,,rf n C this drew Hansen. late of Prince Ktiperi. i " - ',.' British Cohimbla. who died on tne ""J ; ''" "' Ml Uie laU.st "'-s. nins. braee-'k la pes, etc. "if bty .leu-el. ERNEST EARl. ALLEN. Mh day rif December. 11149, fit V11"-louver, British Columbia. Administrator of the Estate of Reginald Herbert Johnson, deceased. All persons Indebted to tne snm niTonmt.o. See l lastest stvl- SUITS Tweeds, Worsted, Checks, Woodwind Reg. Values to $39.50 Pre-Eoster Special $14.95 SKIRTS Gabardines, Alpine, Wool. Sizes 1 4 to 20. Reg. Values to $7.95 Pre-Easter Special . $2.95 BLOUSES Crepes, Sheers. Reg. Value to $8.95 Pre-Easter Special -'-- $2.95 TWIN SWEATER SETS All colors, including black, 100f, wool. Reg. Value $U .95 Pre-Easter Special $6.95 SUPS Embroidered, lace trimmed top and bottom, white, black, blue, maize and tea rose. Reg. Value $4.95. Pre-Easter Special $2.95 GIRDLES Elastic, two way stretch, small, medium, l,arge. Reg. Value $3.50. . , Pre-Easter Special $1.95 DRESSES Taffetas, Moirs, Crepes, SatinsWool Reg. Values to $27.50 Pre-Easrcr Special $5.95 Only a limited quantity so come early for these dresses HOUSE DRESSES Reg. Values to $4.95. Sizes 14 to 20. Pre-Easrer Special $1.95 SLACKS Reg. Value to $8.95. Sizes 12to20 Pre-Eostcr Special -: -- 3.95 NIGHTGOWNS Rayons, Crepes, Satins. Reg. Value to $5.95 Pre-Easrer Special $2,95 PANTEES--BRIEFS Reg. Value to $1.00 Pre-Eostcr Special 2 for $1.00 SOCKIES Ladies, all colors, including white mercerized elastic tods. Reg. Value 50c S Pre-Eostcr Special --k 39C estate are required to pay tne amount, of their Indebtedness to me forth Co Brown Harvey. Prince Rupert, B.C. (091 "" Ji'wellets (72) P,al'v Cribs. Un- ")les and eh..i ''IfVti ie. irons' We have houses fully furnished. We have houses with small down payments. Let us know what vou .are lookintr lor Mavbe we can tieln vou. , ; , Remember when vou think of houses think of MONTADOR vonr friendly audit at ROBERT E. MONTADOR LTD. tC6) FOR SALE Beautiful home ln Section 2. with view. Two bedrooms, sftonp fireplace, oil furnace, etc. Situated on corner lot. Good uaraee. Phone Red 813 for further particulars. 68 FOR SALE Four 'room wartime on 1st Overlook. Apply 1424 Piiicot Place. U8 Mm with and all persons having claims i nualnst the said Estate are required -to file them with me properly verified on or before the Kith day of( April. 1950. failing which distribution will be - made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. i Dated at Prince Rupert B.C. till?, 7th day of March. 1950. J OORDON FRASER FORBES. Prince Rupert. B.C. Administrator of the estate of An-j drew Hansen, deceased. (07) i .""'fine heater. 111 her articles. Sle the B.C. tf f. :.e- : 141 Chev. coupe. Apply wst or Rnippt tf r7.. NOTICE TO COVTR CTORS Sealed tenders will be received !' to noon, March 29th. 1950. by the undersigned, for the construction of vn IIPr.lTRV ACT Office and 8iores Building at Ci rl Iticnte of Title NO. 40HH-1 vu BC mny be FOIt SALE "A" I805AI, Range Five (S Coast obtained from the he District District F Forester FOR SALE 2-ton Chev. Dumn Adams ; Littlefurti Bixjs. , Mamtenanee I to Clamshell . "um Nelson ;,l.?.r Stoekoile ' M R'rePort-I rpal Panins; Na- truck. Good condition. Phone Red 903 after 5 p.m. t07 FOR SAT.K 1942 Chev ln C()d OUR LOW PRICES ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN ,', "'ijuers nnit shape. Heater, defroster, seat covers. Completely insured. Must be sold. $925.00. Black 785.. (67) " V 1 Prince Rupert, the Forest Ranttr t. more r,0 acres or"' "lei. exiting tneui nyl-" Charlotte City, or the under-or ess. nn I" '"h . ' s Kned. upon a deposit of 5 on. portion Imlnlon "f Telegraph V h'Tmr Une 'L Mvmgs rfeundable upon return of plans condition. and width of f, ,I""V,? 1 thirty davs of the date ot opening ot tendc,. nlso the Hlght-of-Wiiy of the Ornnd Tenders will not be considered Trunk Pacific Railway, containl.ig unless made out on the form supplied Nine Decimal Two Six (9.20) acres,; and signed and a deposit of 10 per-nmre 1 nt of the tender Is encloscil. or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss Cheques of the unsuccessful len-of the above Certificate of Title issued I derers will be returned when the In the name of Oeorge Hambly has' contract Is awarded, been filed In this office, notice Is The lowest or any tender not neces-herebv given that I shall, at the ex-lsarlly accepted. month from the date Tenders must be submitted ln 1V. the o ration of one p "!l.",n.,. ! i hereof. Issue envelope marked "Tender for the Complete Your Easter Wardrobe Now " Irom Na-! FR SALE Trolling boat Laura it)- vu. LimitPri i i-.. wo. z r nine nine u i" t(!7l Wtitp P.O. feox 1404. ttr 3 Lumber 2" ! S I 111". t . , inin t ii i nMfl V fitfl.. i, ft. usen ivov r-ivriimu,ii aruaii. Saturday March 18 ONLY ANNETTE MANSELL LADIES WEAR Phone 610 lie mav ,.......... ----- In construction ,.. of , , Call 629 niechanlcal order (tf) or Red 608. No Exchanges No Refunds ' Certificate or Title an Office and Stores n ul Provlslona Z ' id l,t Certificate, unless In Building at Queen Charlotte City. vaun nun . -the w meantime oujii SALE-Washlns machine. "1 3 C. D. ORCHARD, Call 527 Ninth West alter 5 , at th(. Llmd Registry Office D ill. (G9) , ,.m(.e Rport. B.C., this 20tli day of ' 101M (08) istln 1 Chief Forester and Deputy Minister of Forests. February 28. 1950. Phone 150 525 3rd Ave. n fo- "OvrrLmi- rii-ir. n . - n n ii February. I ..0om I'j. Phone hoi .f1 oaLE aunreme live puini Parliament Buildings, tliu) Radio Tester and Analyzer. Deputy Registrar of Titles, victoria. B.C. n..tl ,.rU Ulnnli Till IKKI 1'' 1 (fifi) Everybody; Welcome ST. PATRICK'S TOMiOTF CIVIC CENTRE