Consumers' Co-op and H. Burrows (1 year) j To the credit committee were ! elected: Don Forward , .... : LADIES START Continued I -am Pae Six Decoding Prince. Rupert Doiiy Newr . Friday, March 17, 1850 Meflakatla Wins Easily R Gressel (3 years); C. King vi years); J. Hewsick i To the suuerVTsonr mmmiu,,. i Brownwoods 3, plungers 0 j Toilers 2, Noble Si Wick 1 J Plnhead? 2, TJnlteers 1 Seal Co'x 2, Black Cats 1 j Wallace Pharm. 2, Boosters 1 Ind.vldua'l scoring in the Ladles' Bowling League this week was as follows: Variety I. Kristjansson 678; I. Lykegaard 384; E. Sandhab 705; I. Emerson 413; R. Ramsay 448; game totals 823, 876, 909. Belmonts A. Denton 532; M. Lewis 553; P. Andren 408; Low Makes Headway Of special Interest at the an-'nual meeting last night of the Kaien Consumer' Credit Union, was the treasurer's report and reading of the balance sheet which showed asseU amounting to $33,346.34. The report showed the progress of the Credit Union in the past year In which the assets were again doubled. Elected to the board of directors were: ! F. Grimble 3 years) ; H. J. Mar- baskets, only to have Port Simpson tie it up at 4-all. From this time on Metlakatja walked away with the game by a comfortable lead., The score at the end of i the first quarter wa 17-8 for ,Metlakatla. At the second quarter Metlakatla made 30 more points to Port Simpson's 6. The score at the end of the first half was 47 to 14 for Metlakatla. The third period was a repetition of the second stanza, Metlakatla scoring 26 more points, Port Simpson 7. Score at the end of the third quarter was" 73-21 for Metlakatla. Several . time ouia were called by tre "visitors ih',a futile attempt to stay the barrage of baskets made by the locals'bui, to no avail. The last quarter was Port Simpson's biggest bid when they made 14 point?, but Met!a-katla retaliated by adding" 28 more points for a final s,eore which read 101-35. . George D, Ryan and Arfrofcl Leigh ton referecd the game. fc. Leighton was scorer and J. ijs. Ryan, timekeeper. t METLAKATLA The Rose Island baskstball teanj of Port Simpson paid a visit to Metla-katla recently and the locals administered a decisive defeat orj the visitors, Ihe score being 101 to 35. . The early part of the game looked promising for the visitors when they were awarded a free throw but. unfortunately ; for them, it did not go thrugh the hoop. The locals scored . ; two George Viereck (3 years, and A E. Field 12 years) were elected. The annual meeting of the Kaien Consumers' Credit Union was held in the common lounge of the Civic Centre on March 18 1950 at 8 p.m. J. Hewsick, past president presided at the meeting. The reporu ot me Board of Directors, Credit and Supervisory Committees were leaa and ai cepted. ; . Following the meeting a short program was held under the chairmanship of II. J. Marchant .Solos were rendered by Rowland ; Allies and Leonard Sykes, accom-! pjJiieu by H. I'luym. ; Mike Coluasl and Robert ; Wol Jr . gave selections on the aoi (lions. ReliesliiuenU were served by the luuies of the entertainment committee under the eonvenor-xfiip fu Mrs. A. RilchJe and Mrs. A. Gomefc. . M. Magee 486; G. Brown 527; tolals, 869, 779, 712. Plungers I. Hague 379; K. Thomson 480; D Johnson 463; J. Naith 455;- B.-Armstrong 351; totals 700, 740, 688. j ; Toilers G. Hill 497; M. Wide 663; A. Wide 3G5; B. Ellison 383; G. Richards 333; totals 624; 703 814. Noble & Wick M. Baxter 407; P. Black 488; B. McChesney 416; A. Holkestad 650; Low Score 296; Uitain 574, 872, 811. ' Pinheads-B.; McNub 444; L. Poturney 520; D. Ardein 443; M. Symea 509; m. Urcughton 357; totals, 736, 70S, 879. UniUei:i-,L. KnuUiCn 490: I. Jensen 4r,t; M. Sleeves 408- F Hullnn 419; F. Chaplin 4U2; U-tals; -Ua, 733, 720. " Seal Cove-E. Mulder 356; C Willwm 4i6; H. MeGlaslwn 403; I. Stewart 417; Low Score 393; ' Cu-Wli tiA, 577, TiS. ' . Black Cals-J. 305; H Sfrs313; L. Ewart 384; 3. Micks 316; R. Eastern 4.85 i toUils 508, 677, 518. . .' ' Wallace Pharmacy G. Thain 456; V Waltaee S!2; Hlen PorJ 51!:; a Dibb 481; L, rhiilir);,m h2l; totals 055, 744, 820. i Boosters- N. Gedcles 458; M Atltone 392; V. Kryklywijz 482; ' '".'?! ' 445; Q. NewUm ' 499, " Score 375; E. Anderson 405; game totals 829, 700, 764. ' Annette's P. Dickens 405; B. Windle 474; B. White 453; E. Smith 685; M. Flynn 470; totals 896. 896, 755. 1 Gordon & Anderson S. Ram chant (3 years); W, Brett (3 years) ; F. Greenwood (2 years); MILLlt ,.m. DAILY j i Avenue Orders B'ue 92 . STATE ANCE Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices ' Chinese Dishes a S(iwislty ff TAX uKKI'AKKD JT1MKK V"J A: V- av2 fin Classified ads. nrlne result.- ractori bfM)llKl.l.l.N(; CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Cafe 2nd Ave. Opp. Ituprrt Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders ations in vou plan Iminp under say 776 I. Garner 561; B. Smith 433; L. Anderson 387; Cls Barrie 520r totals 808, 835, 914. LYONS V. "Wrathall 429; V. Anderson 339; P. Thompson C25; J. Shenton- 690; A. Pierce 585; totals 893, 915, 800. Rosa Lees Post uk 526; Nelson 421; Furunes400; Woods 584; Mc-KinnoH 460; totals 089, 930, 822. Rupert Radio C. Wilson 553; A Ritchie 400; C. ParleUe 474; A. Jeff erics 347; C. Bellamy 464; totals 728, 775, 735. Stars G. Mclntyre 552, L. Keays 523; J. Dickens 515; H. Fufness 437; K. Hills 390; totals 713, 771, 033. Savoys F. Morrison 346; E. Knutson 491; p. Mcnxies 427; L. Eiickson 532; R. McCallura 447, tolals, 779, 673, 816. Lucky Strikes J Boulter 3G4; P. Smith 352; A. Smith 407; J. Warren 451; B. Dunbar 654; totals 681, 787, 7G0. Wrathalls B. Peterson 690; P. Roberts 476; M. Pett 360; O. Keswick 455; Low Score 462; totals 701. 997, 745. Scuby's J. Thornton 612; W. Steeves 421; G. Van Meer 485; E. Wasy 374; H. Holkestad 454: totals 869. 779, 712. Big Sisters E. Bond 433; M. Bond 414; M. Smith 754; E. Roth-v.oU 428; I. Muncey 497; total.-:, 804, S94, 828. Commercials T. Stewart 450; M. lloban 228; W. Slater 50?; H iuniie :i08; J. Hclgerwm ?75; G. Murray 'oi.e came). tS8; tolals, 734, 769, 649. Brown woods L. Dona' Usui. 494; N. Stone 382; L. McKay 471; MS Box 5K6 FINAL REHEARSAL IS SATISFACTORY i The final practices' were held last evening for a choir concert to be given tonight in the First United Church. The Junior Choir, twenty-five voices strong, sang their numbers well and combined very effectively with the Senior Choir in two other numoers. The Senior Choir of twenty voices showed real power and interpret ation in their two iiumtfers. All vocalists were in fire voice with Mrs. C. Roberts, a recent arrival in the city, making an effective appearance. Othc lndrviduals tailing part in special numbers are Mrs. R. O. Large, Miss Yvonne Larson, Rowland A. Miles, John JE. Davey and Dr. R. G. Large. Organ solos by Henry A. Pluym reveal his musicunship and the capabilities of the new Hammond electric organ. Mr. Pluym U also accompanist for the choral n umbers. The choir leader J. B. Wil-.son is in charge. rrts s-44 mm WW lll!"J"ll"?l . . drink Postum ; ' Do tea and coffee bother you?.Do they frazzle your nerves or cost you sleep? If so, switch to PostumJ You won't suffer over-stimulation no matter how much you drink ., , yet you'll be completely satisfied with Postum's wonderful flavor. Postyrn , saves you money too about one-third! Order today. A " E c 0 n I Clearance Sale WAUPAPER In order to make room for our 1950 patterns we are now offering our 1949 patterns at 50 OFF X Li r ,:v ," .a Aid. George B. Casey sailtd lint night on the Prince Rupert for Vunco' vr where he eypectH to epend t:te nexi few weeks rw.eiv-' ing eye treatment. . - - , , -. ."' I - 1 ntemtm i nii wumm m I V -1 ' Canadian Educalinri Week March 5th to Utt: F,dueation Everybofiys Business 'a 1 Phone 31 9w0m 3R0AD WAY CAFE Best Food nest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a m ake-Home Orders Phone 200 n . . . -i v Ti f i i i J iii jiii iLn t-i lz t.u iiiui m a e 'P M suede ,oother N JM N WITH SHAVING UP :- W:;; r , 0 J, X tiZfU and fabrics in . XTTj A ? - P THE GYRO OWING CONTEST TODAY I Jl(mntlRodl -n to Everyone Enter Today A Canabi I 9 CJfJ mm jf The latest in style and 1 '"UM do clean bhaven when entering iffls ' , . I: Sf X Colors from- -v- r.n l r.IV NOW Al JERRY'S BARKER SHOP CAPITOL BARBER SHOP No Entry Charge 8 95 Axy 10 Tlis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. fEST CLOSES MAY 5TH PYR0 KLONDIKE NITE r ':. ! A fhilrlren ' ' . ; - 1 mi vC-sv tak s -mm wb : - - MARCH AND OIL HEATICUS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS I Ssjy A RUIINIIIb 5H0t5 i V Full FOR.JjE 1 ONE! COME ALL! Plumbing & Ileatinjr Altera! ions ; DsnnA a( , FAMILY I1 .0 New Winn " c!' SsStf SMITH & ELK1NS LTD. kk's Day rilONF. 174 22iLii --J ri'. - All Styles O DANCING O CONTESTS O PRIZES O FUN Iance . MOeS , A.iPrices KCAAIK ; VclrrLmaW I FIT RIGHT- DON'T FIT TIGHT FIT BY X-RAY : ; ;: . ' NOW HERE CENTRE FRIDAY NIGHT I Fro 10 till 2 I SpACE COURTPsv op IT DUSTS IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES IT SUAMPOOS RUGS IT SWEEPS ITFVRIFIES IT CLEANS IT DEODORIZES IT HUMIDIFIES IT KCRIUS .'FASHION. JOOTWEAR Phone Red 324 Box 71 . j1! ; s 1 3rd Ave. 'AllACE PHARMACY Phone Today for Free Demonstration 14(1 9th E. . A. Gustafson l.lack 990