Pr int Rupert Daily News Friday, March 17 1 jj) Nominoted for 1949 Aa4ah, TMf $TOtv Of so r. . TEN MONTHS IN Rt'SSLmX PRISON CAMP (Continued irum raje li Wings Cinch first Place Art Tvi ttid a zt.ti where we had to yiie U'.e Curpr's up to ur.dtr the celUr.;. We h; d to step on them t j do this. Wl-o ref-jd mas h;: with Lie rifle butt. There tss ro m rry. Woen the sited ens full. German prbonrrs had to lead tiic corpiej on a wa;on wilh the truth j'-c.;t it all. We were in Si'otru. many ' 1000 kiiorceteri away frum Ger- many. stUl in our hearts ' to get rescued some time. Many gave up and t?ut iiisr e. I ro' sick also, and in my deliriu:ii I saw the Russian bt-a-.U f jllo.'. ic.i me. and in the shed I saw mv-. Ml mm " Wallace's" "departm eht" " store" ': yard goods AH M UAL l.w ad AND DRAPERY flt-hforks. They biated holes i.i he xmonrl in which they dump- ed all these tortured to , pf-tv. ca. in mutliu i r ujt to tre?? over tnem. was u" "ut-"r We still S'-t 'tally 300 gr. bread ; and a cap gruel cooked vith fish- ! heads. Now me had to ro to mork. ' We had to fali trees. Our ?.v-k mai 7 cubic .niter a day for 2 semen. Who e--uld do that sot ; jr. bre-id a day. Many ?ot wh!prvd. For 15 women were 2 fecf-i's Mjst o us sot typhoid. Wi had ci.v raes on our bod v. j our z sr.. rr ,-inl mnxlrt shoes C2 not en ?e-i.vrca. A.l the--37? v -vnd I'i td.. me mrapod around our feet Of the 300 per-1 At WALLACE'S t h . ind. ,' I- r, cn-.Vr. Tt 1 1 r. '.'.IS 7I.-p T '''r !. I r-... SHOWS AT 7 PM - 9 25 SATURDAY MAT 2 00-4.25 ' of course by freight traia i..e i.-;p tasted 4 eekj attiin each day me ert 'ei a arm soup and bread. The cioors mer? not locked any more e ww a 'tt'.e more of Uus-iar. country side. No s:7n cf hib.tation or worked land fo-many miles At the station v !' a lot of diint,uent children clutchina to th? trains and o.:;- from place to place. Naw me iaa.'.eu ia Frar.k.'urt where they let us eo. We me-, but mifiout home. foi. We Bend Over Backwards To please our cuslmrs mith take out orders of :is. !? .ween, a; tne Kus-iWe -tin Dcuiajr.v or.iv a small har.d.ui cot I:.t over. Most of ur irk again. I vois'ned 85 lbs n"'rlf" or clothes, sick and th ati;.t --.-t typhoid. compared mitn lormerlv 123 lbs J RUPERT BAKERY LTD. JUNIOR CHAMBER ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Friday, March 17, Civic Centre Space Courtesy l DETROIT Detroit Red Wii.i-s cinched first place in the Jia-I tiona! Hockey League Wednesday I by defeating Montreal Canadians 4 ?o 1 Toronto Maple Leafs lost I thf-ir chance to finish first by I iosin? to Chicago Black Hawks ' 4 to 0 i' Silver Standard ' Increasing Output ! After seventeen months of op- oration, the Stiver Standard mine near New Hazeiturt is planning o increase production even further The objective is o hold millheads at SOO rxr ton on a b is.s averaging 53 81 per ton. BfTna.'d Alien. 'cr.v,il r .-n-a?"r of the Cana-'l.-;. National Railways for BriUsn rc'uri'-ra. .ailed by the frmcj it r;"r. night on his return to Vancouver aite. spending n"e or. THE DISCOVERV. OF CHIROPRACTIC B? 11III S DINTFVFASS Dt. b ru t. pracve o-es ".-js jt:t n to Dr. D D ;urp in tAS Di'.er! affl.c;-e-3 w.-r. anl-a.n mvfTr.T:? !. the p..-. by hind, vs to rerr. v fm . rf P.r.-r In. tic . prac t a r cor. d. ;n! ,--?d v bra. Tv:;s lvi h:m :r 3 i,t.-orient frt in nca:i -,rPi n j0. Me Laid d 'n jt.n f r a s'.eT.i'Jz" j st -."? riral fteil.r . i nc I'JC 1 4s major t-t. ir.e r.Tvoui t - rr ,1 2 :t ma rjilr tn -,'.r.- a re .ed ''i d?".vt i fr-.-rs GrTfi C.n;r - prri.? fr,m cr.p-,"o; "hri. ar I prckw. rh.rop-arlic mn- 5 . nn'r r d '. n "-i i.-.: af 3 i-v;n ' a art rf r r .. f u n i - r i! i' ciTprV-r.i i rf'ri rrj.-ir. tr-i rr-trofirr;? ad;u;- ur.i f -ffr, of ne b -dy by rrnvv-i?? i ' f i' f'T'.'ii w 1 1 h J h 5 n or m j 1 tr.r -s.on of nerve impula. CHfROPRACTORS ASS0C1ATICN OF BRITISH COLUMBIA f Thn ifoncfc He9 Art solders women, chiidren zi.imaU ere .veryhere oa the it;eeu to walk o" r tr.e.m. Rila. ere diivin; us ;th plitola and whips. We tr.ousht He colIu no. iar it. At r.i?hu we w-re locked :ttJ churches. pn.-;on or penitentiir-les. 35 ornen in or.e cell. A:t-r 2 eeki of tha e came to th R'ia-aian boundary, mhere a !jr; freight traia jj aitini f-r u.? Now w They put 30 pr-aorji in ea.vh Irclgh; car. The transport u J'jC9 men ar.d women. A hole li' the floor a. cur toilet. The first fcr- days were not 50 tad. I; was not too coid. Thro-:.-h the crack? in the wail we ff e went into Russia. We got ater and br. o. Tne fir.' pi'-I.:e ;ot sick, the first dead ore. the second, liu third. We kt: k-t-d. Bat the Ru.s. Ui.s laughed tt us ar.d kepi the door shut. After this they s;e us r.o more water, only now. It pot colder. Whoever had to sit with hi back as-atnst tne wall froz? aja"..iit it Th? iice started to vlat us. It -zot unbearable. The Sick or.e3 re cryins tor water and food. Bi we sot rLth;,.? but sno and 200 gr. dried bread. Throti;h the cracks e saw R jja. bush pnir-rie ad desert, nothing rise. Vrv ieldom a lo S- we travelled for 4 weeks. From the 50 we started wit tt our car. lifff a were dead t nov. It was a torm-e. N. w we hjd to et off ;he train. ro-bodv could alk. Saotr 1 meter M?h. 52 dc rc cold. Marty fr'l cown to perivi. We others dri-red ourselves 2 km to our cstt 'i tne Kon Ural mountain ""-nm the jrifl we started o:it. w vr-re mlv :i01 a!iv Vuni arrival we (f;t I rop wann wrl. We sulDf-d it doTi. It was th feoth f r m.n'. But whjt 6'A e !fok l:kt? T.te men we eou'-i have cried ilrty ions be.irds and only skektor.5. Is there no nev took tir eh ind eave o Rusian ctothins. He iad to Mrip. We Sot shaved. The rinnio- Kavsians were watrhinj Ds. Ih. the hame on women! We Had to parade in frent of the i.'usian. still wifn-eut clothes. ! be judged hirh work e were strong eri'ii;h. inn mas r-reilril errrv Z -"-'. We all wished we, were dead. . T " "V fOrp'I to mjf jsuffer-'n'r. Tlie fir.,1 3 wcks we vere ';n!v 1" om' -: rn-Our HQ-ryt; biMt of luu-jher xi'.h a:i e-rt:ier fif or. on which we had o s!-en. eovjrfd onlv iith ,w overcoat, rmd a few r.frs. whi'-h we s'lll had under our )rrt. Bd- f" !is nr.rt life pt jt i",, 'ah ourselves was a luxury. The Piiswn mejtftl snow in their mouth x. .spit it in their hand. TH ? thev ;)!hed their fates. Many died, some days 25-30 wo-' ' ten. At r.ittht nc had to carry the tj "CHiCKtN IN Civic cent; DINING ROC Reservations & Tat- C-Ph'.nr la a flit n THOM SHEET METAL FINE PRIN7P FOR HEALTH'S SAKE Try a SUamiath at Horthern Sports & Health Springs' STEAM BATHS SHOWERS MASSAGE Open From 12 Noors to 3 a.m.. rilOtW 7 days weekly fcth Si. &. 3rd Ave. gpjEGAL Pi IM GALORE ! OF COURSE Truly a Treat The wide variety of del (cious CAKES will amaze ard please you Ford Sedan Mew PI ION K 21 222 S Modern Dancing Taught Quickly and Ec.ily Expert Instruction in Inxtrnl, WalU JiUrrlmi;, Khumha and Tan;u Private Lessons . iie'f IvinF U.ldfr ali the rr.r-w-i 1 JewUh doct0f4 afJ ter us. r.tey ere deported to Si- bei aid also ere most of th sentries. Number Din.inishint We sick ones Sot k. v v;u.. cooked in oil. but most of us co-r.d not dlest it i:y ntore. We ncr lying on faadust. Of the 3W Tit rrioiteri wer- oily 372 alive ana or cf these 127 ere very k.k. The ether 243 came to another camp. 'rrrt So we 127 sick ones stayed he-hind. After 4 eeks 47 m ;e - jvc aad coulj walk a tie itp- 5jn Now they ."-ent us to a no' her ramp mhere me had to mork vr.-ttn. but work m ithout s n.-e :rd reason, only be mean. Stons earned on 1 day We had to pack mPi h.eV back th. next dav. I rot fte Mv feet brotc open In sots. where water .eeped out The j .van I still ot today. i Thank erjodne-js. they sent me i back to Germany with 200 others mho vert not able to 1 00 Flatter Parade 2:00 Musical Pro-rara 2:15 - Ballet Club 3:0O-Thi Wiik i 3: 15 -CBC News 3:2o-Rec. lnt 3:30 NBC. Symphony Ouh. 4 00 Sports College AGONIZING PAINS OF ARTHRITIS i 'a rwn ISr ri't with 1hM IH I ... f sr-tO-l", (ct,tvt -a. t . r,g !! M 4i iff by .f ltrt ..f fcif- turn ni Jttfii. - tltw jii' . f4.t for lHtA IN r Win u.ujiIf? f tit . rr y i for ni w t iw .ff-i IN' lb.i. TH- tfe-r "" w 'mr4 on r'ry HA IV JmV Uhi-f Fr f J. V tn i fw- 1 1 - a'- in hotiV u taU-lfc PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts S'e our fin'- s Irc'io:i of ttla-. and tntal franu-s WRATHALL'S Poto Firtishinq T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Inlrriiicdiate Ports Each Thursday at II :l i p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN y whksiiav Mnir,nr For Rr.vrvatiocK Wrile r Call ( ITV H lKPOT OlMCK I'KINi K iJHi l.K I BC a fc f i ilTJislirn pr ilisjil lyi il hy Hit' or liy Hie Kovcrnni! nl Coiumljia ' ' BUILDERS. WE BUILDING Re-Roofing Concrete ond Foundation Work Storm Windows Call at 215 1st Avenue West n 1040 Ford Df Luxe Sedan 1936 1310 Fore Di-Lnxp 5 paw. Coupe 1037 PonUae Co;.rh K33 Ford Uu.v-suif.ablc for mobile home, has good motor and riinnin;r i-'.r. Hours: 4:3 p.m. I 19:0 p.m. For appointments Phone Green IH .Mary Maeltonald Director Prince Rupert School of tl ii.cre c.f t my a few ramps i--. Russia, mere shown to Aaieriean and En'Sish Corr.mis- riens. Here the food was sood ard the men and nomen hardly had to mork. The morld never knew CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles Subject to Chance) FRIDAY- F.M. )j Stuck Quotations and Intertwlr 4 :33 -Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 - Trio Tunes 4:55 CBC Nt-ws 5:00 Ri nd'svuus Rjiu 5:30 -Music from AiOita 5:4 Bill GikkI f-poris Review 6.00 Dinn.T Mu.4c 6:15 Henri Rene Oreh. 6:30 .Maj'ii Varieties 6:t.-Sadcle Ro-.-kln' Rhythm 2:0(1 CBC Nem s 7:15 -CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8:00--Whafs Under the Label" 8:15--Mu.sieai Pr'g. 8:30 -Vancouver Theatre 9:00- Burns Chuck Wa;on 0:30 Talk 3:45-Canadian Sliort Stories i' I'hCNn' T IC CBfl News 10:13 Legistlature Report :0:30-Or?at. RecitaJ ll:(4l WeklhT ano Sl2is Off SATliUlA? - A V TOO -Mu:ica. C1.m -. ihi i. Hi: N' V a S:10 -Uef fi Bill Jowl 8:15 -Hits arid Encore. ..3j Mor.tlr.; Devotions i 4.' -Litlie Coticrl :oo hiv: News I: 15 .a.iii:e .S rci.ii(.. 8:30 CBC Stamp Ciub !;:43--The Answer Mali 9:59 -Time Signal I0:CK) B;i!d.tati(l 10:15 -WaiU Miwt "10:30 -".Melody Time" ' 10:4" 4.W H--ws jnu .'inty 10:.ri. W-i.Mie. anil Inlerlriui- I I "Ml Snhir.jav Date II '.'.O WealJuT Kree;i.,l , 1 1 -si Mr. sar- ivri-Ki It' orrifil I tiei !u'l-. -i '' i Ai'mm 'ntprY p" : !, "ir.'-Day Mi-lodieu t ; - Pribram Resume 12:30 -Musical Program li-.S i cTl l.-tf rriciil is iikt ;.;.iior i.'ontro! Iiiuii'il of Lritirih s ouj-iuss bc to Prince Rupert Florists lym.r for All 0-t;siin, I 3!(i Av;. Bon ; . ee. w" 0 John F. I.. Ilusbrs. D.C.. Ph.C 21-22 Bcsner Block Phone BLUE 413 for Appointment HOI Ki 10 30 am. to 12.30 p m. aud i u i p.m. ' ' I.VKMMiN Munclny mid 7.30 p m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attend-j ajicc afternoons. Let Us He! -,SyT XI-. 1.5 -JU-T -1 rWV' '. ,,,!,!, lit '. .i von IB like IIEI il JEW! &i th t -'Vi... .;, 4k I i. . fV...: ' s i . -if vS, ' i!;'-. i . --- . mum A Real Trcot for the Fa' PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER MARGARINE. -nd CONTRACTOR I 1 DO ALL TYPES OF :: REMODELLING Here's why ; You liowscwivcs Jwcl a hand in nuking tiic NLW MARGLNE. You were asked what you like best in margarine and now the NEW MARGEiSfc is exactly -what you want. It's new in flavor . . . new in texture . . . better than ever. Try it today ! Kitchen Cupboc-5 Floor Scndmg , l K--Tile rj.-hhrf Asphclt and Laymg I. A PRODUCT Phom' FREE ESTIMATES Payments May be Arranged OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED