5 rrince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 17, l'J5U WORLD FAMED ific Coast fishing negotiating with P. industry, Is E. HarrijjCo. Nick Bez Takes Harris Interests SEATTLE Nick Bez, one of the outstanding figures in the Pac- Belter English 1 V'hat is wrong wnii thiTs7'iT-tence? "They are badly in nei-d of money." 2. What is tin; cornet pronunciation of "delete"? 3. Which one or ih-vse words is misspelled? Adequate, adolescence, adhcreance. of Seattle, to take over the? extensive interests in'Alaska. ft (I rt.M "(ipjxir Salada Tea Bags arc handy for afternoon tea Wlnit does die word tune" nean? 5. Wliat is a v.ord b, with Ra that means barjili and larin"? L" V t II! " ' ,ho-vy; ! , y ft . 1 I iApt -r-ll IV Answers 1 .Say, "They are very much (or, exceedingly i in need o't money." 2. Pronounce d.-let, both e's as in n;e, awnt first syllable. 3. Adherence. 4. Reasonable; timely. "The opportune arrival of the grocery truck solved the family's food probli m " F. Garish. 'l! TEA 1 1. -y. v7-'" L m r , -itr- i wxvrsj--- - 2 lJ as I . 4tr'l ... : '- '4 fcnrMnoEaoMnuaa FEEL LIKE LOAFIN'!!! I in named mi milt ! 1 f IIJ ABUSED CARS A lot of good cars took quite a beating when a section of a storage roof collapsed at Victoria The accident, occurred at Wilson Motors Ltd. Thirteen new cars dropped on a similar number of used cars on the ground floor. One man escaped death or injury by diving under a car. (C. P. Photo) ID MOIf H WHtMC r 6.95 8, 7.95 , Outboard Motors : Not Frightening ! I Outboard in jtois. and (here are i a good many in Prince Rupert, do 1 not iiy-dikn iish, ai curding to; . Ir. K. P. Laglcr at tin; University 'or Michigan. He has made ex-I perimcnts to hack him up. One I was the employment ol lilicr- ! men lor months. The use of out- j board motors, or not, made but little dilference in the size of Cnnlrnli 2f' -4 HOW CAN 1 ? ? Plain or Double Strapped Ray Reflects . : . jie' ert:srmciit is not published or dispbyed by the .iUlir I Oiunii l.u.u (i ur me fcuvci imiciii. catches. and Kmninisca . . . of J'.ritish Columbia 4. How can I take proper care of leather furniture? A. To clean leather furniture, add a little vinegar to warm water and then wipe dry. Restore Most of us gamble and here' of Windsor contemplate a sojourn betting that there Is not much at the ranch. And all three have the polish with two tablespoons of turpentine mixed with whites wearln' o the green In Prince Bu- yet to behold a stampede! of two eggs, beaten slightly but l)crt on this day, March 17th. . .not stiffly. There never has. But there arc A crab, of unusual size and O. Ho ran I drive nails into towns in Canada where things without a flaw, caught at Cap- KNtil 1S1I BONK rniN CI PS and SAI CFUS 79e s?em more Irish than Ireland. hard wood without dificulty? A. Dip the nails into oil or grease, vr rub the poinU over a j0m Murphy, Vancouver gar-cake of soap. This also applies to ddier, saved his earnings for screws. twenty-three years, finally ac- " cumulating $3,742 which he kept mb ceeb mm cs tain's Cove near here, was brought to the city yesterday and was turned over to the Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co. for pres-ervation and display. Sometimes perfect crabs have been seen in Prince Rupert before. But, all wore clothing and remained ashore. t 14 1 .V t una In a black wallet In his right-hand back trousers pocket. There w;-rc three one thousand dollar bills. His age Is 74 and he was planning on retiring. Two men AC. C.V rOV Moose Vomen II. Advertise ir. e uauv New" MANSON'S overpowered him and twk his Seven ladies were initiated Into cash- john had sometimes de-Uie Women of the Moose at a ciare(i there was no bank in the re-ular meeting of the organiza- world as safc as hls trousers' lio'i Wechn sday night. The seven cket. By this time, there is a were Mrs. Fannie May, Mrs. suspicion he's thinking of chang-i-i!g:-.rct Flcwin,' Mrs. Gladys mlnd. There's nothing CHINA SHOP Across from Liquor Slore 3id Aytnu else to change. fl ate' i RUB IT WITH Nellie Postula. Mrs. Betty Roy and Mss. L'thi'l Johnsem. Draping of the charter was executed for late member Mrs. Betty Gomez. Fol-lovi:is a routine business meel- ing, the social service committee t under chairmanship of Mrs. Jack flli.'-'ry, served refreshments. Comments an Ottawa citizen, complaining bitterly to a daily paper: ' The ward is full of great clogs which run in packs, damaging lawns and gardens, upsetting garbage tins, and creating havoc generally." The only difference between Ottawa and Prince Rupert is that the latter city has no Parliament Buildings. Two mi.os were rendered by Mrs. J. A:.,Ii w. In the chair was r,w. s JtMt ht and rub if MINARD'S. anri note the fiutch relief you eel. GreMf'etf. leel-Hiymf. no ttrnni or inrleenl oHor. Get hottle tftey; keep it tmnrty. . IW Mil, IVS ". Sei.ior iiegent Mrs. H. T. Muncey. nasi tcONOMint raj nry- y: a In various parts of the earth, Join liie Gyro Contest COURTESY OF FASHION FOOTWEAR attempts to raise h 1 continue, and while not always successful, are, neverthelUss, dangerous. In Frince Rupert, plenty of men feel the stir of ambition, but it is not misguided. In their case, it is the raising of whiskers, and from present indications, there will be ,o frustrations. let alone stark defeat. Princess MaiTarcl is (lend set on visiting Canada this summer and tlie outlook Is said to be en SMART NEW New & Better Service ' 123 ' NIGHT & DAY i 123 I'N.TKH CAKS YX j ' Stand: Cow Bay W:-DRESSES' Pro.iipt and Courteous Here to Serve VOU I f ? We're fmpact, New, Philco Long & Short Wave Circuit (IVi SCommodore Cafes 41 . with Unusual Power and Performance ! couraging. The Duke and D iebe.i J"IIospilalily and Good Food" il'lione 17 for Send-Out Orilcrs ILCO '87' Proven in actual field tests to be one of the most pow erful peTf !"'' in its class ever offered bv I'liilco! Kvcn in remote locations, under extra 3id Ave. David Chow, Mgr.J njrily dillicult conditions, it has "hroimht in" amaziniily distant .short wave you'll Fiw oar.' ll"s wuh tbrillio" claritv. Has specially dcsisined. compact 5 tube circuit, widi t1MOn fr Outside aerial. I-ir.. ill, ,,,-, ,t,.,l Inunnm. nt. m 1 Sr i uiai lor easy tuniiig. lintircly new, cabinet design Jl'ST AliKlYM) Tat tela, Jersey and Skirls n lilouses i Many new styles in Cn-pe priced lrom new ereatitms cotton prints 1 SI 0.95 Skirts from S,23 lrom St.50 sizes 12 - 20 Mouses from $355 ' f See our Babies' and Children's Wear ; DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE j full $61.00 L' ' mottled brown, gleaming ivory or rich maroon; or those who demand the in standard and BOW FLAKES AfZe ultimate Itim.it' Only. n atcmi.in .it ...e In JroM-r' EASY TERM$ Fswstie Locker presents for your LENTEN SEASON I 1 V" VVJll ' "' I i 1 Tjot, mo AHADA'S GREATEST L017 PRICE TABLE RADIO VALUE POPULAR PENS by fL ' J CluiU'i- Siilnioll Mlli-ts, II) Fusil Fro-n Red Spring Mut-moii l)y the plecp. per lb. 1'rcBli ITdm'ii Kcrt Sprint? Sul- , mm Stesik. lb. mill). it chunks, lb.- ti.illbut by the piece, lb Halibut Stenks. ID Aeailiil Salt. Cent. Ill l.lnn Cod Fillets, lb. lii'il Cod Fillet, lb. Hole Fillets, lb Kippered Herrliii!. lb Fresh Frown Hi rrinc. lb 3'.le. : I 45 tri 3f)C SOe 53c s.'in : ' 34e. 3o 3Jo 14c I 3!)C 4.1c 38c 4:ic 85c 95c . 32C PHILCO '8 1 ' You can still be among the first to) own this smart, new 1950 table radio that's a value leader in the low price field! Modern plastic cabti net comes in a delightful choice o ivory, maroon; grey or brown. Has quality of performance from l.M. slSi'iil. t ;niil nt'U-lv ilt ssmeked White Spring Salmon, lb Ei-.stt-rn Finnan Haddle. lb. . . Smoked Black Cod by piece, lb. Eastern Smoked Cod Fillftt, lb. Plekled Herring. 16 oz. Jar .... rihrtmp Meat Vi " Fraser River Smelts, lb Smoked Red Spring Sulmon, lb. ' wo rA$vE.izimJ 0ex.l NO WONDER no many petint? are rhanginff t KoHok'h Bran l'lokes! signed 5-tube AC-DC circuit iff 3 30.9 that more than matches its PARKER SHEAFFER WATERMANS EVERSHARP 75c compact beauty. It has world Equality through and through and sells for only In lirowil EASY TERMS Complete Stock of All Pens from $1.75 up J acker Toasty-crisp in milk. ( 3pt n .k today! Fresher, we guarantee! Kellogg-fresh! THY THIM AT NO RISK. If Kellogi rnt frwthwr thnn nny oihor hrn Aakes.Acnd empty carton to Kellogg's, Box 4-A, Iondon, Ontario. Get double your money bock! MADLY 'lAXATtve. Contain enourh bran to help regularity, many 1'olka find! Try them. x MocKenzie Wnite & Dunsmuir Limited Head Office Vancouver, B. C. Mant 230 Second Ave PHONE RbO 367 Branches at: Virtorin Mnnnmn Courtenav. New Westminster, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Trail, Nelson, Prince George MorHBfZ wows Asesr