Prfnre Hurrrt Daflp lottos Tirarv-iay, May 25. 1&45 r Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces turn . . n tnoepenatnt JS newspaper oerotwr a opbufldte? of Prlnr Ropers Ba f&munit: eoroprairif ecrtfira and central Bnclab Coiun.aia - (Auioothm u gecood Caa tUli. Poet OfTL DerTOCil. Cnt) ' "I :' Published w:t iftmoon ercrpt S'indT b Prince Rupert Daa.y Nrw LuL. 3rd ATeaue. Pnx.c Euprv Brtt!Si Columbia, O A HLJilKK. htanazinf Editor. H G. PERHT. Dim-tor. mEES OF CAXAOIAW FPFSS A TOT! BrPtA" OF CTRCCLATIO3 CA.SADIA1 DAILY ITEWSPAFER ASSOCIATION BFBRrpTT-Hr rtw "loves England; canada more ' Mrs. -if. A. McLean Tells Women's Canadian Club Story of Long Trip ; Mrs. W. A. McLean, as the speaker of the evening, at a (membership meeting yf the . Women's Canadian Club, gave a highly interesting and detailed ta:koX her travels on a holiday which took her away frca; Prince ISi P.: From early in her hUtory, of ships. or actual T Carrier. Per t 20c: Prr Mcnta. 75c: Pr Ymr. M 00. - h r i Prince Rupert haj had electric Its something By ktftU. Per Moot a. 50c: 'per Yrar. 5 00 casualties, and goe3 else iigns, the more th prou-th the Jar. i greater number of signs that' " ; became all lit up eTery ni-ht1 " 80,1160116 ' from Prince Ru-i without fail. 'There's everv- T'' "J " tmr- notd v team to Swim Safely - Rupert for ior two two years. years. She She des- des- i I VERY SUMMER many Canadians die in water !-id the trip from Montreal ' ir e iji. ; to London. London. Errand, England, her her hoir-e- hne- E SMITH !! vEARSCp AND PHONE in aLxiueiit. ian v ui me:-e xaiaiiiies cuuiu ue pre thing to be said for the bright- on toe nex Z' Mt ly lighted towns. They are liv- eJemhing Kad in U ln , ing. ofdeying. , eoZas'nd" "rSi t Britain is said to have "lost mSntw y" face" as a consequence or naval ing Tokio recen'lv h,nT losses along the Rlr. jjr r. The case or the sloop Ame- of Herald and Trtbmi t tnyst was enough to do It in two seconds he had and to lose fae In Mia is . paper ck)6er to hii enous business for anyone not glaas 0f suds. Under ' . . the ule 'ame ae an Asiatic Ir nnt r. mK Salt Lab .,.v... circumstances, they all reel vented by common sense precautions. Swimmers should remember to stay oat of the water for a reasonable time after eating. Non-swimmers should .not use canoes or other light water craft. Don't wim alone, and don't, dive into water you do not - Jcnow welL Swimming is a healthful form of recreation. Make sure you do it safely. Above all learn to swim ! The new swimming pool and classes to be conducted at McClymont Park will make possible swimming infraction for .mam-Prince Rupert children. The Gyro Club i? entitled to the gratitude of the community on this undertaking. . aU 11U10rr Jfjp S3me Uaj'y Service j coming to Epsom. Surrey, the j pces of interest visited in lxn-jdoa and eUerhere ia England j noib".e amijr.g which mere j Stratford -on - Avon. Constai3 j counay. the Midiands, and vari-iM sea -side resorts. A trip to" J Scotland where Robert Burns" j birthplace waa visited was des-i cribed and also other places of j interest. Next her travels tooi her to' France and Switzerland. The difference in the living cor.di-' "ens between these eotitrie ari these in England was discussed.. The return journey was made from Southampton to New York on the Queen Etizabeth, from New York to Prince Edward Island where some months were Mond? S Htbl 1 NANAIMO OPENS' NEW TERMINAL MadcasT TOURLVG WESTERN CANADA Thomas A. Stone, Canada's first minister to Sweden, is pictured above with Mrs. Stone, In Toronto. Ont.. as they entrained for Vancouver. Mr. Stone, minister at the Canadian embassy, Washigton D C. for the pst two and a ha'.f years. Is spending three weeks touring western Canada prior to taking ever his new post. They visited Mr. Stone's home town of Chatham. Ont.. prior to departure for the Pacific coast. They will sai: from New York, May 20, for Sweden, upon completion of their tour. I f : 1 :. : 3 1 1 - r. j I SaturdajiT,.7 : in? at 5: 1:T ! SundjTy-c r r La..-,; . : TONIGHT 6:15 P.M. be enforced in business a ia every other; Honesty should activity. spent. From Prince Edward NANAIMO Prt t.iier Byron Johnson Tuesday officially opened Nanaimo's new 12.500.000 pier which combines steamships, buses, trucks and railways In one terminal at this Vancouver Island hub port. O. F. Baillie, company vice-president, also took part In the ceremonies which highlighted a memorable May 24 celebration. Iiland Mrs. MacLean travelled to Toronto and from Toronto a CHARGED WITH ! motor trip through the United POSSESSING TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:00 p.m. From the Ft i THE VICTORIAN ERA : ,. ICTORIA WAS. BORN when Waterloo was Spates foLlowir.2. eoine as far r- w iT-.n,t . r-...- south as M:s.souri a n d rrtUiil "UKuLAK IVVLb the country throuzh Denver. V still fresh in the memory of Europe and died when the Boer War was regarded by some as a Gu-tav EgneU. aho arrived in Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdaj the city a week ago from Van-! 10:45 p.m. The average Canadian - T- WMUll woman IfVlItAU appeared appeared in in city city s The population Of Newfound- 15 years of age and over used land. 320.000 Js less than that 76 pairs of rull fashioned ho-of Greater Vancouver. : iery in 1948 Colo., the " Grand Canyon, to Los Angeles, San Francisco and up the coast route-to Seattle, thence to Vancouver and from Vancouver to Prince George and home to Prince Rupert. In closing. Mrs. MacLean said he would always love Encland dearly but during the cours? of her travels realized that she is . v. rouver, police court Monday on a charge of beinz in possession of burglar tools and was remanded until this afternoon for hearing He was taken into custody in a downtown rooming house Sun-ciav nieht. now a Canadian in eirerv w w nnoi iiapjTC-jitru in iv mere is a len-,..dency today to sniff at the Victorian Age. Perhaps it was an "era of propriety, correctness, a straight-, laced way of looking at life and righteous or sanctimonious homes. Doubtless, in a national sense, there were blunders. But rarely, if ever before, had British prestige stood higher. War was not un- known but the nightmare like uneasiness that -.broods over the earth today was absent World peace, in large measure, blessed our lives, and a supreme British Navy had something to do with it. rrJy m4n7 fanCy th'y have had experience simply because trey have groin old. and is thankful that this is so. After the sineing of "O Can dJv5 7l Good Income -ii i I Consider These lutetfmenls ANCMTIJ f trn Fri- 5 Sur.iiT ;j - to the club during the coming year. A letter was read from Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh expressing; deep appreciation at being elected honorary president of the club. Mrs. Blackaby Introduced Mrs. George E. Sendall who dplizhtert ada" at the opening or the meeting, Mrs. Blackaby, the President, welcomed the ladies who were attending the meeting for the first Ume. expressing the hope that thev wo.i!d IIEAK HON. BYRON I. i ici mi oenve much satisfartinn from the audience with two sohs. JOHNSON "l"su, wa c,uo aim is The meetin ckwert m-ith th Saa;. n FOt VTTfi CEuc.:m 1 s s C'.;-m,a.x J. 1?m P v,0" ,Ur Canadian rtngJns of "God Save the King" ,MrS" K"."'-" aft" which refreshments were urged the members to try to rved by the members of the at least or. new member executive PRMHhk Or-ISRITIMI COLtMlilA rt4 wars TOO MUCH REALISM I jP-JTO THE ERA of great wars, realism, so called, had its limits but, by this time, exploring of the ur-conventional is commencing to wear thin. Many folks would not mind a return to common decency just for a change. Onlv loner f'J, n Ana rrr. cr.ii:... IXAKT. J. SKI Thiri i 'jt. m Bcbw is a list of bonds and stocks w hich rrcom-mend fif safay of principal and regularity of income. We shall be pleased to supply full information about any or all ot them, if you will write to us for it. A A Dominion of Canada 5 Bonds due Sept. XJWf, lol.25 2.8"V B.C I V-t trie Bona$ due April lly8 100.00 3.7 - Prej&mce Sharet - t . H. R, MacMTlUn Export Co., Lti Qass A Convertible .Shares -Divi Jend 50c per annum 9.00 5.55S Canadian Investment Fund Ltd. Special Shares Indicated Dividend Rate 21c per annum.. 4.00 4.895 Common Sfoctt Ik-U l elephone Co. of Canada Annual Dividend $2 0 41.21 4 Mi ' We steel Products Ltd. Annual Dividend $2.00 plus $1.00 39.75 7.55 James Richardson & Sons CSTABLKHCO 1W f ocific Coost Office VANCOUVER VICTOWA eing shocked. Something clean, wholesome and ) 6:15 P.M. CF1?R 1 S&rlaniA iH a. nm n'KNmi: "A C--c Se Or- v SPlMn trti a 'CC S nm 127 ifl A 'A'St eieer might be made genuinely welcome. In other words, we're getting fed up with the idea that nothing can be interesting unless it concerns the body -of the victim, problem children, divorces, a morgue suggestiveituations, an abattoir, or scenes of anxiety and suffering. Earth can be made a hell but "there is no necessity for it. " A bndget 1 like a girdle, you always squeeze a litUe more toto Highway hazards I N SUMMER most Canadian highways are jammed I. with holiday traffic. Many cars are driven by persons with relatively little driving experience and our traffic accident rates are often high. Remember it takes only one accident to bring tragedy to rnany lives. So take it slowly, drive carefully. If Will rtri-a Ar.n . 1. t i . . . J Plumbin? Tr U1 t-s- SAAMCl T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN YVFD.XEKDA V .Ml I. IGIIT Plumbing & PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT Notice of Appointment of Official Agents NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robert McKay, of 11th Avenue East, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Poultry-man and Farmer, ha been appointed Official Agent ol John Duncan McRae. Coalition Candidate rr Prince Rupert Electoral District in the Provincial Election to be held on. the 15th day of June. 1949, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Edwin Hills, r 1501 2nd Avenue West Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Manager, has been appointed Official Agent of William Henry Brett. CCF didate for Prince Rupert Electoral District in the Provincial Election to be held on the lath day of June, 1949. DATED at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, this 26th day of May, 1949. Mother KhousTgest-J For Reserevatlons Write or Call CITY CHt DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Don t let your driving be the cause of injury or death. Don't let accidents spoil your summer holiday. DUTIES OF CITIZENSHIP THERE ARE OVER one and a half million I people who abstained from voting in the last election, or one out of every four eligible. There are eight million people eligible to vote in the coming election. It is the duty of every citizen: BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT.DJUES IN.FOUR HOURS MEN'S ALL "Of ERS Bif artmf ' Spcrial .- MEN'S SHOW" WINDBKEAKW- Sporial - MEN'S KHAKI madr. Speriil MEN'S FINE sroi fTSll-1HMll. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED A. BRl'CE BROWN, Returning Officer Prince Rupert Electoral District. (It) MEN'S FIXE fl R. E. MORTIMER S24 2nd Ave. Wear CFPRi ... v v auAuu nimsen with the Questions af SMTS Perfffl 'l! Special MEN'S tKEs A DRESS PANTS " prrfcrt fit. t- S 1 i ITS ALWAYS GOOD TIMES J. H. WAIR BOYS' KHAKI rA ORMES DRUGS shrank, all a 1..- iir AUCTIONEER XDRUGSy noi'S' TEE SHIRT ' issue and the attitude of different parties. (2) To choose a party or support an independent candidate. 1 Part SeIeting 3 candidate-This - voTE6 (4) jo is the only way in which the people at lanre can share m the government of the country. Only by expressing their will at elections can they de- Lt.-Col. L. D. M. Baxter, 1)0,111,11011 President. Canadian Legion. vih and SW I Auctions arranged at yur WHEN FRIENDS GET TOGETHER for a LUNCHEON DATE at the VtUl'lifin convenience. . Sales every Saturday, 2 p.m at old Post Office building! ,KESS MXTS" I and (food fit. List your goods with DrI.uxe prci' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, fi A.M. TO 9 P.M. fiUNDAYS AND UOUDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. ' . 1 P.M. TO fi P.M. Dally car delivery service Emergency bicycle delivery from a.m. tiir pm. Irom 7 pm' U11 9 p m ; , v and Sunday oeiivery for every sale. PHONE 383 Civic Centre Dining R com Keeping one's business on an even keel Is easily " troublesome phase of commercial life. the most For Reservations and chicken In The Rough Phone Rod 705