'4 prlrue uupcr! Da ftp JrSJ Thursday, Miy 25. 1&49 FOR A CLEAII. COOL, 51,100111 S!IQ',(E NEYER WAS SHAVING SO QUICK AND EASY ! Jr. Baseball Boys Turn Out FURTHER PROGRESS TOWARD ORGANIZATION OF LEAGUE The proposed Junior Baseball League which has been in the making for the past week or so took a step nearer its goal last night when close to one hundred voun? houefuls. armed with gloves and spikes, show- VICTORIA DAY ! PRIZE-WINNERS I Prize winners in trie K!ns- men's Club Victoria Day ce'e-! bratiort children's sports were: Boys, 5 and under John Ol-j sen. Larry Mathews, Bruce Johnston. Gir:s. 5 and under Iiene Howe, Mariene Phillips. Anne Currie. Sk m m at r warn m m wm&fi One-Pece Razor . WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER led their stuff for the critics at Roosevelt Park. With 6 and under-Bryan ' the Senior brothers in charge, try-outs were carried j Boys, Patrick, ChrU Thom, Norey out for every position m th.? game and, a waa more or les - Cajoyreal shaving comfort, instant blade changing and double-edge economy. New Gillette One-Piece Razor and Gillette Blade Diipenser just can't be matched for shaving conve-nience! The complete set for 1 1.29 is the yreaiett shaving value ever offered. WEATHER COOL, PLAYERS HOT Downing. Girls 6 and undr-Karen Taylor, Joy Chiiburton, Diane La-sota. Boys, 7 and under Frank inevitable, aom of the boys went home disappointed. Four team will be picked from around seventy players who are z4 I 1 arf SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER The Old Timers and Rookies ready for Junior baseball and It I were on hand in full strength hoped that either the School Tuesday evening to play the Board or some other body will -opening game of the baseball i, an interest In deveioDina Man ff achat Ons-fiata (iar and Ciltxte Ois-aawaf with 10 Gillana season but heavy rain caused the younger iads who found the Art Murray to .officially pro- going Umgh ,ast evenlne. claim "no game." However, . hn Bottrt Warner, Rsaoert Knutson, Billie McLeod. Girls, 7 and under -Annette Yoiingman, Gallia Gimelson. Pat Bomak. Boys. 8 and under i3-leggfdi Rodney Pieree-Botby Fossuin. Dousr. Crosley-Joe Arseneau. Reg. Crozier-Bobby Augler. Girls. 8 and under iS-K-ggedi Jean Currie-Eleanor Lahti, Jeannette Turcotte-Louise Sand both teams were so anxious to test their spring muscles that Vau n'ont oVkaaaH and r1ivPi one right-hander and one lefthander as the nucleus of the Rtatar $1 00 Vatva. with Zl old Va practice balls : lor tZ four ,nt K Pitching sUff and it ia hoped r innings. No score as kept but s th f ows, more Rook- Phem will be developed. everyone agreed that the ies were in the lead when Umpire I Team captaina picked were .Andre Letourneau decided that Don Johson, Ray Spring, 8yd lor shipment by rail to the eastern United States. The Ketchi- SCOWLOAD OF LUMBER HERE erson, Anne coiiussi-Mariene Speer. Boys, 8 and under isaek raeei Robert White, Joe Arseneau, SMOKE 20 STATE EXPRESS Ta.tr all the flavour tf ri st irrn toliai nw . , . rollnl firm ami armiutll in vvrt-prtmf jaif. SMOKE 20 STATE EXPRESS kan fish packer Fairbanks was Paciae in iat night with a carload of Rodney Pierce. the liquid sunshine was getting scnera ana dick wescn. tom-too thick for playing. plete teams will be announced Veteran Jack Lindsay and in a day or so. Cliff Dahl formed the battery Finally the entire operation for the Old Timers while Dick of the league will be turned Letourneau hurled and Dave over t,, president Don Scherk The Alaskan barge roam docked here 7 Tuesday fresh haiibut from Petersburg. Boys, 8 and under f50 yardsi- with three carloads of lurr.ber aUo for shipment to the Ameri-; Teddy MarUn, Bobby Irvine, irom Ketchikan Spruce Mills can market t Abel received for the Rookies. afld hia secretary, Dick Weseh. Ronnie Eby. i Girls. 8 and under i 50 yards i'.njov miiirkinj jilraKtire that h clean, nail . . . auiiaitb all the way. SMOKE 20 STATE EXPRESS Am! in evrry park you'll ilirvrr 20 tint x it h minAiii rraiUMK fr aHilrlitiig jKiiuiii-iillv to Slate l.iprtu. It Is expected that a request will be made to the Civic Centre Association to have the Contiuueu or. ruge 5 'Shirley Haiiiday, Beverley Cal- i PRELIMINARY deroni, Marlene Speer. j AMC oil I lAPn C UAIYlti Boys. 9 and under 1 50 yardsi , DlLLlAKD Jerry Bowes, Jimmie Steinberg. I The preliminary biliiard game Coke and Music for Happy Moments Carl Jackson. I in the challenge match between ! teams from honorary club mem- Girls, 9 and under 50 yardsi -Marylin Farmer, Carolyn Wick, ' bers of the Canadian Legion and tJOVKRNMKNT I Kfl (IK .AI T" Satire of Appllrallmi fur a I lull l.lrrw Botle at hfb given that on the Seventh day of June nrxt. the undt-r-slgned Branch Number twentf-sevfQ the winners of the recent Old Vets vs. New Vets tournament took , place i Tuesday T..n., night ihi at i tho the OI l tanadlaii Legion, B BritlsU tm- Canadian Legion Hall When a I ply to the Liquor Control Board fur foursome composed of Dave Beverley Calderoni. Boys, 10 and under (50 yardsi George Branham, Jimmie Arseneau, Howard Johansen. Girls, 1 Oand under (00 yardsi Marylln Farmer, Judy Felsen-thal, Glenis Owens. Boys, 11 and under (50 yards) David Lowe, Larry Etchyson, a Clu Licence In respect of premises formerly krjwn as Mo. 8 Of fleets' quartets, a two storey frame construction, approximately 196 i 38' with addition 60' z 6' and situate upon certain lands describ a CLASS 1? TED Ai IN THE DAILY KEW3 WILL BRIM! Owens and Bert Morgan defeated Jack Frew and John Bulger after a close game by the score of 150 to 112. The winners, Owens and Morgan, will play Pat Rougeau. Miss Helen Dart, of Miota, Saskatchewan, will sail tonight on the Prinae Rupert lot Vancouver, enroute bftia. 10 tier home after spending several days in the city as guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McColl. He: t to i. acre Tim .. (:!.-"trlel WH Ofis o: ssiied Joult lotlce It tl rom ion .1 'jflcat rUt alld vrltin . D1 Ve, -..-,. , , ...j ,u I Camobell and Simundson, the t-ims, ii miu unuer oj ymu.it Jacqueline' tournament winners, on Satur-Moorehead. -Arlene Cameron, day night in a match of S50 Fay Trudeau. j PintS- Bovs. 12 and nnripr (50 vards) ed aa (1) Part of Waterfront Block E of tM auMlvlKton of parts of LoU : 2S1 and 1991. Range 6, Coast District, Map 19CS: and 12) Lot 1. subdivision of Block 8 of Waterfront Block k as shown on Map 1028. containing approximately a 90.3 acrts. Prince Rupert Land RrRistratlon DiKUtct. In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor Property Ownc FOR . . . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION V. l & al ' J r Aik for it either uay . . , hotb Dick Cameron, Larry Jonasson, Sylvia Bellis-Jacqueline Moore-head. Mvrna Crosley-Judv Fel- IraJe-markt mean the tame thing. Ronald Ciccone. Boys, 11 and under fsack race) . senthal Maureen O Leary-Ellen AtHt"4 W1 W Cca-Cla under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. REMODELING and ALTERATIG Linaun-. Rnner r nuuu,riiu, ijarr L.arry y ken, Jimmie Arseneau. i CEMENT WORK, ROOFINCS North Star Bottling Works Phone 132 PRINCE Rt'PERT, B.C. Girls, 11 and under (3-legged) tor personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchases to Its memnera and quests for consumption on the Club premises in accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated there Boys, 11 and under (3-legged1 Billie Smith-Dickie Boy, Phil Lyons-Art Turcotte, Gene Fefler-Larry Linklater. Boys, 14 and under Die JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Contact NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION PHONE 563 FREE ESTIMATES COMPrTEST WORKV AT YOUR SERVICE ! Letourneau, Dick Cameron, Rob under. I Dated at Print Rupert, BC this 1 10th day of May, 1949 in McColl. Girls, 14 and under Marlon G r !ubU ncoi Bei CANADIAN LEOION. B E S t . Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray I Seeretary-Manneer. (132) Howe, Hazel Hunter, Jeannette Cloutier. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled , . Besner Block Phone 387 Boys, .11 and under (relay HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 Larry Etchyson, Robert Duncan, George Branham and Layte Mc- IV . Niece. Girls 14 and under Glenis Owen, Judy Lloyd, Maureen KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 , 718 Second Avenue West O'Leary and Jean Currie. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS n t - t ' ! . Boys, 14 and under Pat Par- nell, Gordon Marshall, Alvln Phillips and Julian Parnell. 61 A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER -rilVwi a Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners hjr C U .xfAi S 1 I !... 6S4 j 'Tia k'-iVi THE PHONES (Black 687 Red 894 evenings I P.O. Box 1G70 " jla'C7"Z'"" --sw Classified Ads. C'1 mr I SSlMJ Advertise in tnet) - MfTw y. FAS1 !' 1 517 Seventh Avenue West , Phone BLACK 890 Box 29C '' ARROW CARS 24-Hour Service PHONE 648 Prompt and Courteous Service 0V W ' DEMEMM I rb: I DR. P. J. CHENEY KM Thit advcrtiiemant if not publiihtd o ditpUyad by tKt Liquo Conaol Board of by tht Govtrnmtnt of Sritisfc Columbia. i f u DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 , P.O. Box 1401 BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue V Prince Ruoert. B.C. Mttnrei Y"-1 V I. "it. V ;;; WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developinir, Printing Knlarsirie QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies . DRY KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Opeator Available for Hire PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 R b i ii , IA i i i CK . . A. P. GARDNER & CO. !l 1 1 ' U TRUCKS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MARGARET McLEOD . OPTOMETRIST 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. for BROADWAY CAFE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. t.ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW AVAILABLE BEND aufomaTii Drye ihe cloih Poo pothole .nd ' Safely. S""'y . 'hj tumbled in f cW cvlinder while clothe! are FREE DEMONST EASY PAYMEN-COME IN TO! PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 i s 1 p.lw BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Apents for SIMPLEX GA3 and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of In-" dustrial Engines are Invited to jur showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. f5 C 1 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating ' 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine New Vehicles SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY: SERVICE CALL BLUE 93 M. J. SAUNDERS .....New, Modern Equipment, All Work Guaianteed BEST FOOD BEST COOKING CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY t ' ; ta t j Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service ; QUALITY REPAIRS For Dawatrodden Heela and Worn Sole - MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Beconi Ay. LOOK FOR TBI NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL McRae Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avenue Crating v Packing Cat-tare BLUE 780 RED 516 i Phone Green 217 LIMITS