6 T ST. JOHN TENT Prince nuprtl Daflp J3.cffif Thursday, May 2G, 1019 - ' -4Ui. I ... E. W. Becker had been appointed Northern British Columbia's delegate to the National Home and School convention to be held in Vancouver May 30 to June 4. , ,As a result of representations recently made by the P.T. Council, it was reported that a curfew for children fourteen years of age and under was now in force. P.T. Council voted to write city council a letter thanking them for their prompt action on the request. Those present Included J. C. AWARDS FOR LOCAL P.-T.A. At a meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Council held in the Civic Centre Monday evening. Miss Jean Urqu-hart. local PTA delegate to the B. C. Parent Teacher Federation convention held in Vancouver during Easter week, presented three special membership certificates awarded by the convention to local associations. One went to the Prince Rupert Parpnt Teacher Council for a "MUSKETEERS" SHOWING HERE Famous Alexandre Duma Story Is Filmed at Capitol Theatre Here Alexandre Dumas' immortal tale of romance and adventure in technicolor filmization is now showing at the Capitol Theatre here for four days starting last night. The famed story of the Saxony bumpkin who joins the musketeers, becomes the first June ALLYSON-VwHEFti. luiiu duuun h Yniiup SATURDAY SHOWS 200 1 m?TM . , piiiCT swordsman of France, pledges his loyalty to the King against the sinister machinations of Cardinal Richelieu, the ambitious Prime Minister and the Borgia-like Lady de Winter and who becomes involved in an ill-fated romance with the lovely lady-in-waiting to the queen, moves along ai ngninmg pace, unfolding its narrative of daren devil exploits and fantastic feats of heroism against color- ful period DacKgrounas. f T',,t.f ia past. QC tVip - SI'KCIAL SATURDAY linn, ' ' ' Sarvivwe ' Gilker, Mrs. Dan Parent, Mrs. G. A. Hill, Miss E. Pinchin. Mrs. II. Marchildon, Mrs. E. W. Becker, Mrs. J. H. Black. R. D. Cleland. Miss J. Urquhart, Mrs. D. Gomez, Mr. R. E. Moore. Mrs. H. Lindseth and Mrs. R. E. Mor- t Irnur The meeting adjourned early t so that members could attend a meeting of the Drama festival committee . held immediately afterwards. The next and final meeting of the Council will be held on June 20. IN THE 8UPREMR rOURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND In the Mater of the l-tate of iu' f'lerf, IXH-eatwd coiaiy oeauuiui aim cruei wuj!tomr9t. renorts on the conven ianiul JHEATRE MAY -21-28 5c L, pCrc,nt increase In member ship over last year, one to Conrad Street School P.T.A. for a 63 percent increase, and one to, Kin" Edward School P.T.A. for , a 33 percent increase. nt nf the 425 donated bv each of the four local P.T.A.'s ' toward the delegate's expenses. .. rerun-ted that the con Utm had ret,urned $30.32. ! $7 58 of which will g0 each !pTA In future yearSi iustead oi the delegates having to mane iour tion, one to each P.T.A., Council voted to hold a joint melting of all P.T.A.'s upon the return of the delegate from the convention next year so that only one report may be given. It was announced that Mrs. I.AMI KKfilS-fKY ACT Kr: lertiflintr of Title No. IHH'M-I In the North Westerly lUe (. ' aire, more or les of Lot TluiMjitil Two Hundred and lift' (li'.'.'rfi). KaiiRe Kite (j oaH 1H- Irlct. WHEREAS Ratlhfactory prxr of IK8 of the above Certificate of Title. Issued In the name of Oeoriie William Hoult has been filed In this office, notice la hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the, date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title m lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection bu made to me In untitle DATED at the Land Registry Of- flee. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 2t)tli day of April. 194. AD , ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. liS! I ; in the supreme court of bri- TISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the Mutter if the rXatc of lHim.ui Morgan and In tlir Mutter of the Ailininl-Initiiiii Act TAKE NOTICE that by Oiuir i.I His Honour Judge W. O Fulton, made the 20th day ot May. A D. 1949. I was appoints Administrator of the fcs tale of Duncan Morgan, deceasea. late of Cousins Inlet. near ocean Falls. British Columbia. ALL parties having claims ; against the said Estate are hereby j verified to me on or befoie the ninth1 day of July. A D. 1949. after winch : date claims filed may be paid with- out reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. all parties indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to; PneL oC meTrtnw"tfhtheir ! dated at the city of Prince mi- j pert, in the Province of British Col- , umbia this 20th day of May, AD. I 1949 CORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B. C (130) THREE ONE-POUND ' ' FROM COUPON'S . BLUE 111 H BON S WALLACE'S SUMMER WEAR Beach Wear And Way "Clothes . FOIl GIRLS or ALL ACES Wall ace s At present rates a railway boxeaf has earned less than 80 percent of its replacement value by the time it is retired from service . , "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" I I ; ; , Excellent i I For t Babies .'"IIDJ'CO. c Nil iM i t'nsolicitcd testimonials continually tIl us that babies thrive when fed with richly-nourishing, irradiated Pacific Milk.. Get a handy vacuum-packed can today and prove this fact for yourself PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed - y.v.w.v.w.vivwjv.v.' , mm t Commodore Cafe i "Better Thn Ever" JlBest Food and Service in Clty COFFKi: -. TKA - BAKIM; Wiek de Winter who meets fate at fearless and flamboyant d'Ar- tagnan. June Allyson is the winsome lady-in-waitlng. Van Heflin has the part of Athos while Angela Lansbury is the Queen. Frank Morgan Is the amiable but simple - minded King and Vincent Price is Richelieu. FINED S400 ON LIQUOR CHARGES In city police court Moniiay, iMike Martin was fined $300 on a charge of keenine liauor for sale and $100 on a charge of supplying liquor to Indians with nn option Of four months 111 , , .... , ja. tie picaucu (juutv w j charges. Km TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton.! Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 8th day of May. A D. 1049. appointed Administrator of the estate of Oui Clerf. deceased, late of Terrace. BrltLsh Columbia, who died on the 9th day of December. 1948. at Vancouver. British Columbia. All persona Indebted to the said entate are required to pay the atnount of their Indsblattriesa to me forthwith, and all persona having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of June. 1840. falling which distribution will . be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. this 10th dny of May. AD. 1049. GORDON FRASF.R r"ORBE3 Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (21) DON'T MISS THE FUN AT LIMBERLOST GUARDS PUBLIC Prince Rupert's newly formed St. John Ambulance Brigade went into public service for the first time Tuesday at the Kinsmen May 24 celebration at Roosevelt Park and, although it had no major mishaps to contend with, it proved that It Is alert and capable of sustaining Its traditional trust. Although they lacked uniforms these will come later half a dozen Brigade members set up a first aid tent on the park grounds and kept a watchful eye on the crowd for injuries. Prior to the events at the park, Brigade members accompanied Wie parade from the downtown area. Only occasionally were they called to render assistance, such as the case of the small boy who cut his finger and was immediately patched up. However, the public was aware of the volunteer first aid corps and appreciative of it. "We have never had anything like this before when crowds gather. With so many children about it's good to know that! there are trained men to give! them first aid in case anyone . hurt" one woman coni- mented. One of the outstanding ser vices of St. John Ambulance Brigades is attendance where crowds gather. Attendants at the Brigade nt were J. A. Teng, II. E. Blair. John E.volfson, Ragnar Eylofson. T. J. Boulter and K. R. Slater. Canadian railways are turning to the use of dicscl loco-; motives in order to reduce high I operating costs. I It HUNTING, SWIMMING MANY OTHER SPOUTS early and be sure of vour DELIVER Phone 311 THE - P.O. BOX 167b ) For FISHING, IIOATINC, DANCING . . . AM) SnKvmt'Smum Fun for the Whole Family at LIMIJEULOSTl Make your reservations Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST LODGE LTD. . PHONE 563-OR UNION STEAMSHIPS :; f J . pi !" .'$10,0 3nee ."spue CAI HE) 3 Ilea net He: ( . , arrt ,.Tho .. ' ri1 WH rtss o fBllP(l Joult lotice it tl torn Jon .1 'jficat JerUt alld vritln F5 k Q ' ,. tubU ncoi ; Be, rr I'R " 1 I hjr -- ' 4 i TU ;' ! I i. t i i b i w i i . 01 l 5 Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders? WHAT ABOUT Self Winding Watches? Some iK-rrple" are afraid to buy them because they do not know how they work. They have a weight inside tiie case uliich swings to a different position every time the wearer's arm is moved and this winds up a small wheel a tooth at a time and keeps the watch always wound. The watch runs more evenly than one which s wound only once a day. They are satisfactory and convenient. Two of our staff have been using them for , some years. Trices ranpc from $15 .to $!' No luxury tax now. BILGIUS OFFICES PHONE 568. CLFAN UP! PAINT UP! BEAUTIFY. For your gardening supplies, paints of all kinds, and tools and equipment. MiBritlc St WE BECAUSE those appetite-pleasing, mouth-watering Canadian pea tlie finest in any land -are now available in any amount-" everywhere and any time you want. Buy them by the case for economy's sake serve them every day for appetite' sake and enjoy them today for foodnesi sake! with HEALTH (ARE COMES FIRST You cant buy .iraHMj bargain counter! Cd.JJ ta the result, of daj-W enre and prPr " treatment "" " s for J us Depend on pharmaceutical Itlallaa' Pjaruuiry sin kXxm Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. f . 'vvm,.,.w.v-"W'". nMMMHw WANTED ' ' Empty -1 Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WEPAYCASH PHONE 950 f ' "t" This promotion I T? PtASmTME s sponsored by: l WHENYQO'RE IN A SPOT Canadian FfMld rro.cssrS S MAKSPRmTm YOU SR 'M QUICK Association DISHES SlNQ I i COLD OH HOT I Dominir.- Dept. of Apiculture, GO WLL I F Marketing Service "W tVERfJHmQl j I f J PtAsmnuMow M nutritious. - rj iNMRymv I mE my pish taste f) tNJOi THEM ZTL . -J MM DELICIOUS I Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND . REMODELLING Houses built untler the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy nmiilhly payments over a period of 13 to 20 years. Free Estimalces FOR FURTHER INFORMATION hours:. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily I 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and' Holiday. FHurtE BLACK 221 CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Th.C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Fbone BLUE 413 for Appointment IIOIRS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to J p.m. KVKMNOS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. fot those unable to come during th day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoon. ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made r VALENTIN DAIRY ' . Your Dally r ALL-WEATHER SERVICE NEVT ROYAL HOTEL lA Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot .and Cold , water ) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 , , , y Advertise in tne Daily News! For that SHOWER, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY or i Hni i Ywnnn cafe ANNIVERSARY The VAR lf;TY STOIIK has a wide assortment of lovely gifts including Greeting Cards for all occasions I ! ' : ; K j 1 . I , ) 1 j f j W MM W -rrt MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THh CAMMED PAS are plentiful aym GROCERS ACROSS CANADA ARE CELEBRATING THE EVENT fffrovti utcctA, wire re f Afwtrtf(ir OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M We Specialize in Chinese Dishes 9t 518 3rd Ave. W. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME Phone Red 400 For Outside Orders PHONE 133