BOWLING LEAGUE 1HEADPIHIIERS Thursday, May 26, 1949 (jo-Fooling! Health is important... HOLDS BANQUET ARE CHAMPS B. Dunbar 177 206 195 MANITOBA JUDE Totals U80 1309 1240 StinA'n Prizes and trophies for the HEADPINNERS A. McMeekin 210 T. McMeekin 207 money melts these days! past season were presented U'ia Mixed BUmg League flay-off Pram Maceys Headpinners are champions of 176 WINNIPEG. fwMrJ Justice 165 William JameS' Donova. aged 218 73, Judge of the- Court oj King's 223 331 159 187 220 when the Men's Five Pin Bowling League held a banquet at N. Withers 216 B. Withers 194 the Mixed Bowllnor Ineut foriV. Wrathall 1K9 T" , 1- I tfnn;Akn Pta 1 0')0 267 the Commodore Cafe Monday a; DCUCIl 11H IVLIXILLXAJIJG. DUU.C t JU, 172 193 fh iai.Qnn mftiMi .MnH tt Comadina evening, Totals 1266 1313 1157 died at his home hera today. The awards were made as fal lows: League championship, high single game and high three TH y tliene are no time to klav up just look at today' prices first, I'm (bating tliit logy fee liac got to get lack niy vitality." - Nobody ran aOurd m nrglert iwali. Now. more riian nr, ernme m W safeguarded. 1 hal. .U, OU should guard again irMulrl" cause fej laA 1 U feod i the di. Pott's -the brttrr Bran Fhitei - furimh that aataral hulk awMtarr to help keep fuel wastes moving n.saptty -Mp remver yMir old i. You also obtain ru,lrome heart ttouruWt IW Bran TLXet are made itfa etfier part, ul klu-at. A 1 a meal good to eat. Alio artprrizmg fat tbc lorm .f Imdrr fcraa iullin, Made nowrditig to BaLae rettye. T nzet: large w regular. In.i.t on I'okl't the belter titan ilatei. mm VAlUU ' T games, Burns. a i i UJi-t the end of last week with a three game total point play-off which the Headpinners won over Macey's. Headpinners, who had taken honors in the first half of the season, won two games to one over Maeey's, who were second half winners. However, the total point score waa very close, Headpinners having a margin of but seven points. Men's high single was bowled By T. McMeekin of Headpinners if n MONTREAL, Mny S6(b Lady, be godjo your lr-Ky tSimiHer clitb and guard your popularity with NoN.Sl'I! Underarm perspiration w injur faiirkni i wWl at popularity . . . but Noftpi i8 coBHaljU'ly top perypiratioa . . . bent yfny- kno to gn joiir rlotlies aire protection! And o Aery siiii; le to apply . . . with the convenient, earlunveV. to-Nonspi applicator! Just follow the' direction-, in tie IwxikJct that comes vnh every. bStUe ef A ro4vO of GotwoI ti It was 331. I. Dunbar of Maeey's Runners-up, Continentals. Consolation, Alley Cats. -' High individual average, Eddie Mussellani. High three games, - Johnny Comadina. High single game, Tommy Me-Meekin. 1 The following waa the team standing for the third aeries. Burn 31 Brown woods 28 Moose 27 Mallets - 27 Continentals - 26 Scotians 25 Ambassadors - 22 Stones 22 . you'll Cnd, as I liave. that thja truly effective liqui antM Sure sfie needs bowled the high three-game ag persDirant a id (-km-safe akin-sale fabne-fate! labnc-falel Its its accepted accepted for lor advert aaveniwnz iwng dj gregate ior nn of 810. average the Journal of the American Medical Awociatioa! Protect oi rWu BRAN FLAKES- and filces fheml with Xodh . . . ijiiiy, be fyud ! of 270. your puiae your clothes WITH OTMI1 IT OF WHf Af Yeur family YfHI lev " teft-oer " . . . meata and Veet."hle ... when you "glamourize" them with SUIKRIFF'S wonderful new product SAI.A-JKLLl All you do far truly delirious salads meat loaves jHied consommes . . . jut add galail inRrcdients to Sala-.1H Ladies' honors went to Vivian Wrathall of Headpinners with top single score of 287 and three game total of 676 for an average of 225. Details of scoring: . ivic centre SATURDAY Sprt p.m. i'M foen ' Ap Badminton 2 :00AduIt Casual Badmln ton 7:00 Ten Age Badminton Maple Leafs 1 Maikins "... 1 Jay Cees - - -- 17 Alley Cats Dates . it tliKieosl Mere, fajr instance is aa out-cl-thi- world calad eas-to-frrpare with this savoury,- herb-flavouted atpie jty misl . . . MEXICAN SALAD Wtin Sain-JeH cnuoiiai to act. diet and add: 2 cup elery ' a lour. . v , .. i pimento 1 rte pepper ' . .'J. Ak your grocer for ShirrifT's Sala-Jell next time you're fhoprunl? and enjoy the thrilling new tate existence it bmtarn. In every- packag it' Sla-Jll youll find a booklet of recipe suggestions just aa good the one above 1 . ' 4 ' r MACEYS XXX I. Dunbar 24C B. Uzick 16 J. Thornton 178 H. Price - 186 A. Matheson . 226 290 145 181 249 180 274 208 2t3 153 285 FRIDAY Sports a.m. Yon Saw H In The News. JR. BASEBALL BUYS rtwa't N NeeW to be resigned 9:00- Bo Me HI Gym Class (Continued from Page 4) )THE I RLE BIRDIE! let winter weather V J P up on you unawares.' , jj v Safe! Order your coal supply now and "be sure of a jj snugly comfortable winter ahead, jj " tA,L 651 to Place yur order. fjlSf ft jj to uwg shampoos that 1c are the hair dull, lack - lustre ! Not with league supervised by members tUia wondfrfiil. SDecial 1 v ffer of the nitr ViJ of the staff of the Civic Cen p.m. '7:00 Adult Badminton (Casual) Special 8:00 Camera Club (Teen) 7:00 UtUe Theatre 7:30 Red Cross tre and the 'work included in the summer program. In this lotk ft Sptciml Ditplay at your grocer's tbia ifiOHtli . . . (li4)laya ieaturing the famous 67 nrietifi lebratmg HrjNZ 4triH A.- manner, members of the Senior League will be spared the task of umpiring and supervising the Junior games and will thereby have additional timo for their I DftYALflTV iSilS, moid new ' f1 !KSe? PHI! POTT FVITTtrn UAHDURGERS KRKXfL SHAMPOO 1 The makers of famoua Krenil Shampoo have told me I esa aendi yoa a 3iJc bottle of Kreml tliaai-poa on receipt of your letter and just 10c It's an opportunity yoa won't want to miss, . . . for JCreml Shampoo doe everything; you'v. er wanted a hampoa to do Ux ' your hair. You nee, it aaa d natural oil base leaves ym hai? soft aa a lamb to manage.. Anil Krcial bhampoa contains aa amniiac new ingredient called;' "Folisan" that makes rinsing wink-quick" and thorough! Re-' suit naturally gleaming, klosajr1 hairl S. writ ocrMfaf' your " Kreml ShawsM " 4 'mm . . Barbara iireet, 1411 CreaceOt 1 own practices., KIVKltfiARY in Canada! Yes, it was forty years ago that Hcins installed their first Canadian lithen at Lcaanington, Ontario. Aad. today the folk at Heinz number their Canadian friends by the thousands and thousands! The Home of Heinz has grown became we Canadian! like good eating . . . know fine quality when we see it! And we ran be Hire that ia tiie years to runte, lleini will continue to give us the quality we've come to expect from tliem the good food we appreciate so much! J P0RK& fSJ RFANS -f ) Senior players present last evening to lend a hand included Cliff Dahl, Al. Simund-son, Jay Northcott, Alex Bill, Alan Smith, Benny Windle, John M.' l,,"r,D L-JBoU ) Lumlier IJuiWing Supplies . vAl srss:?rrT 1 Better SjKv : Rosedale, Hector McKinnon and Bert Boyd, a newcomer to these IV - 1 Montreal, i-.y. i ving, Packinif, Crating hipping and (ieneral parts, who will stand watching once the Senior League begins. Wmmnt, ' to hear your t arlacc ana storage It is planned to have both r husband bote about vour p(4c- DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone Junior and Senior teams in ac iim? One good Complete. Reliable and 5 J tion this coming Sunday after Efficient Service, call " noon and every Sunday during way L Know to put btisbBtl3 ia "boasting mood " is to ptiva If EIIIED FOODS AlM the summer. - - ,j hdsay s uartage & Prompt and Efficient Servlc PREPARED MUSTARD Storage Limited ANYTIME ANYWHERE More than three quarters of all homes in Canada have a 2nd and Park Avenues EMiibiKhed 1910 Plumes 60 and 68 ! '. 5 ' Eytche&on & Ponder radio, 48 per . cent have : telephones, 51 percent have refrig- Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers foe All Occasions leration and 24 per cent, have electric vacuum cleaners . Sura Ta Wok. Up The DrowilaH Dreamer . . . KELLOGG'S ALL-WHEAT is a cooL crisp breakfast, dWi just imwiff for rarm Majr morning! And it's such a won-C derful way to add extra whoto ' wboat to your family's diet I Made by Kellong's in London, Onjario All-Weat is choice whole "whrat magically trani"formed inl cri)iy4 orimcliy toasted flake that taste just grand when you tap. them wi! milk-'n-sugarl It'a fun ta add fruit ta a bowlful of AH-.' IVlieat too. Makes a breakfast- dish as merry a the xuiath of i i meat a happv psding " wilh BENSON'S CORN STARtlll dessert t Try tliis one, lor in-fitunce: VANILLA BLANC MANGE 2 Cups hot milk l4 cup winte sugar 3 tbpns. Ben- i tspn. sait son'c Conn 2 tbspns. cold Starch milk 1 tspn. rani J la Scald 2 cups milk over boflinf water. Mix Benson's Corn Stared, suiar and salt with cold milk. Ada ilowly to hot milk, stirring con-tiantly until thick. Cover and con-tinue cooking 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, dd vanilla. Pour into erving disit er iiito individual molds lightly oiled with Mazola or rinsed tn coLd vater. Chill. Unmold and serve Aith Crown Brand Corn Syrup, jam, canned or fresh fruit, etc. PACIFIC Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED May! General Stevedores and Contractors Calling Ml Pecipe Collectors! . . . levedores for Canadian National Railways ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF -ELECTROLUX- READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORDER YOURS NOW AND JOIN THE THOUSANDS of CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES who find Cleaning, Demothing, Air Purifying and Dozens . of Other Household Duties EASIER, BETTER AND QUICKER with ELECTROLUX WITH NEW AND EXCLUSIVE FEATURES , Here's ft tree recipe "-T hnrL-lt. vnu'll not want to missl 75 Year Ham W r Be No Heme Al AM To Mr. Aiofhf Kot whia yu mothproof you clothes the fa-mus "LAat- HEAD OFFICE PUINCE RUPERT. B.C. CABLE ADDRESS "PACIFICQ" wonderful recipei in tht "SwiH'ning Re el's Book". . . and 1 it'a vours if you'll HOM SHEET METAL LIMITED about the worth of :.yf BlLWB Shingles hj wishes to announce that the atest in Portable Welding Equipment HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP xj'- . l!TV T I Phone n. A. ' Hull, now at Prince Rupert Hotel J . - i&r through the house . j A "d . . - I Jr Witt dobr Sonny 'a . : VEX" wayl And it's.eo vety tasyl Just spny your waolTena tiiits coats dresses or nigs witfc Larvex! There's no need to wr? or store away . . . one spraying actually mothproofs the cloth itself for a whole year. And yon can wear the Larvex-ed " gar-tnents right away for there's naj-unpleasant "moth-baH odour t! tell talcs! Larvex is eompleterjr effective 1 Moths will starve to death rather than eat anything sprayed with itl And another thing you 1! be glad to know j&ot.t Larvex . . . it's so inexpensive j. eosts no more t " Ia-ven a suit than to get it dry-cleaned. Xo wonder Larvex is fast becoming i; household buyword " - in thou-' sands of Canadian homes. I urge you to try it and discover its a.' print your name and address and pond with one Swilt'ning carton top to we: Harbara Brent, 1411 Crescent .St., Montreal, P.Q. You'll anjny cooking with SWIFT'NIXG Ilie new kind of shortening that mak it easy to bake delightful eakes and pies in less time with less trouble . . . Try this recipe from tlie booklet:- CREAM PUFFS ' Yield: 18 mdmm cream punV ',i cup Swift'ning 1 cup airted flour I cup boiling 1 tpn. salt water t!K . . , Add Swiffning to waier and bring to boil. Add flour and nit alt at once and stir vigorously until baU forms in center oi pal. Cool slielit-ly. Add unbeaten ep,i;s, one at a lime, beating thoroughly after each Kg. Mixture should be very stiff, bliape on greased cookie sheet by dropping frui.. spoon or pastry bag. Bake. Cool; fill with cream filling, ice cream, whipped cream, or chicken salad, ham salad, liver sausaee or harp cheese. Baking Temperature: 450 deg. F. Baking Time: !5 minutes. Reduce to: Baking Temperature: 350 deg. F. Baking Time: "Phone Black 884 Convention City-Prince Rupert First Ave, E. V'Jaycee" UiUft .....-. ulirffff" EW AND USED TRUCKS FOR SALE It looked bad. Our old wooden roof was tinder dry. "litre foe evrjr-thing," 1 thuught. "IS" )L J CREETING CARDS 947 3-Ton Mercury 1 78" W.B.. 2-speed cellcnce lor yoursell About 30 minutes. Wecome Tha Summer Sun with new-looking etirtains and upnoisrery -,ninnIt TintM-dved! Have fua under ihe! Wi ) DIBB PRINTING CO. Ik I BESKE BLOCK -1" But we were lucky. Fire hoses swung around, hurled water with terrific axle; new tires, new motor. Lxcellent condition throughout $1950.00 946 3-Ton Maple Leaf 176" W.B., 2- sDeed axle: new tires, and in A-l condition .. : $1900.00 "iurnmer sun iu gayly colored beach and playtiweKlotbe. made to look like new with the T'"'""1' ment" . . . neoecsary ingredients 1 1N1 Li. .,Ui.L REMOVER and AU-fabnc Tintex Tints and Dyesl '-tract faded color with the Color Remover . . , and add summer-bright color with All-fabric Tmtexl AM-fsrtine if X F LING the TAILOR poth above trucks equipped with gode! ot tastnonaDie siiaurs r nan h. . wide T;ntex comes in a range worry and guess-work from home dyeing! Just follow the direcUon. on the package! Ask for All-fabric Tintex tomorrowat your favont. drug;, department or variety store. Only 15c a package. "A Woman's Curtail y," "says ft philosophical friend of mine it mora. Ford '2-Ton Express $ou.uu ALSO FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY force and killed tht bUute in tima. After ards, I learned that aparka had showered down harmlessly on my neighlw's DUROID roof. So I made up my mind id roofed our new home with Forest Green DUROID Shingles in hexagon style. That was several years ago and our roof ia as bright today as when it was applied. often a good thing than a bad one I -iaKe myeiarioany about whv so many women are switching to LEAF TEA BALLS! Naturally, I tried them for myself . . . and what a grand discovery! . . lea " ' tasiiewi NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and unclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. Please give number. LING, THE TAILOR 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 res ne new, impiuvtu icu.i y. -f w- few DE6 3-Ton Special Dodge 9.00-20 Oranee f ekoe at its navour-oesi . . . mauc imm w.c - tires and H. Duty Timken 2-speed rear axlP .$3828.00 top leaves! And so easy 10 serve . . veiy . ... , You can get two eups of tea from jurt one tea hall! Im swt, alter , the first sip, you'll be one of the thousands of Tender Leaf left Ball fans! , Sfcowtrl Of Hoppinm for the ''bride-to-be ... or the sweet young itrad- iNew nPS9TT"n"a. 8.25-20 tires; Call yeur nearest i4Sidney -Dealer ' - w w 4M Jm m 2-speed Timken axle; T 1 20 motor $3225.00 WOVE PRICES F.O.B. PRINCE GEORGE Uatel Jna at iiiuug utviuu iu j Moon Cake made extra tender, extra delicimis wttk the fintU of cake flours SWANS DOWN. CAi ' 1LOUR. " SILVER MOOK CAKB - i S eups sifted Swans Down Cake 1 cups tufa ; . 3 teaspoons Calumet Baking 1 cup milk i ' V,Pteieoon salt J teaspoon vanilla 1 I SS cup butter or other , OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Chinese Dishes Specialty CHOP SUEY enow MEIN E00FIS3 & PAPER CO. LTD. v m victoria E. 4131 tnortenmg - I . . . add laklng powder snd salt, and ailt tojt.t filfl flour one measure, 9 tlea cn butterTil ur gradually, and cream together utl VMHWVW Sales Tax Extra Bryant Motors LIMITED Hodge DcSoto Cars Dodge Trucks !0X 759 PHONE 340 boiled frosting tinted '". ,.,ii Second Avenut opposite Prince Rupert Hotel f:00 jn. to 1:30 am phone 173 for Outside Order Gordon & Anderson Ltd. Selical; ptn"etwe.a "eu"' iUl 1 it Bktr CpconuW i I I