Prince Rupert Daflp f3ctos Monday, April 25, 1949 CANCER CANVASS STARTNG TODAY J it $; Aa tndepeiMleiit daily newsTMDef arrotec to ae upbuilding of Prince Rupert fcnd U communities comprising northern and central British ColumDU (AuUtariaecl Becocd Class Mall, Poet Office Department. Ottawa) Published ererr afternoon except SundaT b Prtsxse Rupert Daily Neva Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUN 1 EH. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. tfXUBEtt OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION IS canvass fof the Conquer j C.'.ncer Campaign in Prince Ru- ' pert commenced today with Mrs. . ; William RoChwell taking charge f of the downtown canvass while; MINISTER'S niCHT Editor. Daily News: CONSERVATIVE POSITION Editor, Daily News: BUBSCR IPTION RATFS CUt j earner. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. E5Li :.ltr , , . . ' . " ...11 n cr Per S5.00 An We wish to express oar appro- ' borne dicusion has arisen re- o'her teams of women volun- By Mall, Per Month. 60c: Year, val of your editorial of the A. garding a remark which yo teers are operating in the rest- j which pointed out the necessity at:ributed to - Rev. Dr. Peter j denial areas. All are under the! for co-operation between the Kelly in your issue of April 22. ! direction of campaign chair-1 An Economic Victory f two political parties comprising m your amcie regarding tre man rpv. Fred Antrobus. HE ORDER bv the Board of Transport for the -if remeval of the historic mountain differential . . m rate on freight hauled by the railways through the J Coalition. Our approval is not native vote you said, "To those ( Tne canvassers are Mrs. Wil-j of the eleventh honr type as we who ask him, Dr. Kelly has i;am Rthwell, Mrs . W. Wallace,! :have consistently maintained been suggesting that it might j MrJ v. J. Richards, Mrs. Glen j that only by complete co-oper- j be appropriate for them to exHebb, Mrs Frank Ellison. Mrs. J.J ation could we hope to defeat press their "Thank-you" by R gifer Mrs. W. Davies. Mrs. the socialist forces in this con-; means of the ballot to the gov- A' nolbrook, Mrs. J. Addleman,! stitnncy. We have repeatedly ernment which took the step for M'rs Fred Antrobus. Mrs. G. A.l emphasized this in our conver- the first time of granting them ; Hunter, Mrs. J. C. Giiker, Mrs. sations with representative Lib- the franchise. Assuming that Q y Hanley, Mrs. W.' J. Line-erals on numerous occasions. It you have quoted Dr. Kelly cor-! jn, Mrs. rj Kerr, Mrs. W.i was the dominant motif in ourrectiy there are two things j Murdoch. Mrs. R. Scherk. Mrs.i ie-organization meeting of j which I would like to say. j Marshall, Mrs. A. Everteigh.i three weeks ago and has inspir-! First, I want to defend a min- Mrs R. Nesbitt, Mrs. W. Oar-j ed us to refrain from proposing isler-s riaht both to have and toj butt. Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. I T . . 1K any candidate or taking ar.y ex-Dress an ouininn nn a ie Pihera Mrs A. Wallin and 1 would in cal question. The fact that you Mrs. W. Anderson. public action which any way jeopardise the prin may occasionally disagree with them is no justification for demanding that ministers in gen- ciple of Coalition. The developments of the past week have caused us to wonder ' eral be deaf end dumb politi Rocky Mountains is a great economic victory for British Columbia. For many years, British Columbia has irked under and protested against this discriminatory differential. It had seemed at many ' times an almost forlorn hope. Now the Transport " Board, at long last, has seen the justice of this western province's contention. To Attorney General G. S. Wismer and his staff who argued the case before the Board with such evidently convincing success congratulations are due on their long hoped for and truly climactic accomplishment. Of primary importance and benefit to the province is the removal of the differential cn freight shipments. It means a saving after July 1 of twenty-five percent on haulage between the Pacific and the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The existence of the differential has long been a handicap to shipments of products East from the coast and likewise a hardship adding to the cost of commodities brought from the East to the coast. The present order of the Board of Transnort i cutive and have ben informed 1, rri-nr,prA:iin i.s r,v I that they do not a?ref t0 anv ible. Co-operation, Mr. Editor. WHAT IS IT? This unusual looking animal is believed to h the offspring of a Holstein cow and a deer. Sam G. Clarkson, farmer er Hamilton, Ont., hcv.T. v,-;th the aiiim!, says tne calf is reddish brown, unlike the mother's black and white color. The head is furry, rounded tn top, and the horn buttons are further back and higher than on the head of a normal calf. "It doesn't bawl like a calf; it doesn't make any sound at all," Mr. Clarkson says. '"It runs like a deer and wants to Jump all over the place. Even the hind legs are crooked like a deer." (CP Photoi change m their procedure. It means working together and cally. Secondly, whatever Dr. Kelly may have said, I must point out that he is not speaking for the church but as a private citizen. R. A. WILSON, Chairman, Prince Rupert Presbytery, United Chrch of Canada. that implies mutual confidence in each other's aims and intentions. As you know, our "party called a nominating convention for April 18 as the Liberals had taken similar action previously. Also, we appointed a committee to meet the Liberals to discuss is therefore, with extreme regret that we take our next step which is essential if we are to protect the interests of the anti - socialist portion of our community and call a nominating convention. Although the possibility of co-operation from the Liberals now seems entirely remote, we are still Dfeoared j Mr. and Mrs. T. Olsrn were spend the summer, Mr. Olsen ; passengers aboard the Chilco-. bring in charge of the cannery i tin last evening going through which is now operated as a fish-to Wales Island where they will ing camp. Advertise in tne Daily New?! the mechanics of arranging i Joint action and. at the same to do everything in our power to' JO - ! time, call off the two nominal- cause lne selection and election : ing conventions. On April 14 of a coalition candidate to re-our committee met with theira flect the wiu of the P0 of i and, after a lengthy discussion, thls constituency rather than it was agreed to call off both that of a sinIe political party. .Commissioners, it'is to be noted, applies only to ZZ;",:: freight. There is a similar differential on passen-ger rates which is not such a fundamental hardship but the equalization of which may likewise be reasonably anticipated. nominating conventions and "i mis spm-t: I am. 1 appoint delegates to a Coalition : convention at which names of R. G. LARGE, President, P. R. progressive Conservative Assoc possible candidates would be I nresenter? Tf vrat fnrthpr anreeri i - . . . . . . - . -. that no nominating of candi- j I dates by either party would j WT-M I il 1 Tf il 111 WMITlmnil "- '.r It's been o busy year!.--' take place previous to that I meeting. These decisions were : subject to ratification by the I Liberal executive as their com-: mlttee had no power to act. j The Liberal executive met and i following the meeting, the pre-j sident advised us that the executive agreed to our proposals' ; and it would be in order for us ; to cancel our nominating convention. They, in turn, would I change theirs to an annua! j meeting at which delegates !6fll6EEJ would be appointed but no candidates nominated. We cancelled our convention by notice in your paper of April 16. It now transpires, Mr. Editor, ARE YOU ON LIST? j -THERE IS just one more week up to next Mon-' I clay for citizens of British Columbia to make ' sure that their names are on the voters' list for the June 15 provincial election. It should be understood that there is no automatic registration. Because one voted in the last provincial election does not .. mean that he or she is still on the list. For some months there has been a deputy registrar actually canvassing for names but, in spite of that, there are r believed many citizens whose names are not on the list. During recent days, it is reported that no small number of people who had been sure their names were on the list have found, on checking, that they were not. Since a primary function of citizenship is to exercise the franchise, it is being suggested that every- body ascertain definitely that they are actually reg- istered. It would be better to be sure now than sorry later. The registrar of voters, who is the govern- merit agent, has stated that his staff is being detail- ed to concentrate in the time intervening between -now and the final registration date May 2 on the answering of inquiries of citizens as to whether or ' - not they are on the list and to register all those who are not- While the electoral authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that everybody qualified is on the voters' list, it is after all the personal responsibility of every good citizen to see that he or she actually is. ' wilh ! KNOWLEDGE and MONEY O that the Liberal executive did not agree to our proposals and in fact, our suggestions were not ; even presented to the Liberal j convention on April 19 with the; result that candidates were nominated at that meeting and I delegates appointed and in-' ,1 . Support RESEARCH structed to support the Liberal candidate. We will refrain from calling this action by its proper name, Mr. Editor, but we wouid like to point out the inevitable eon-sequences. The Progressive-Conservatives have no alternative now than to call a similar nominating convention, nomin This week many thousands of Canadians will be reading the story told in Imperial Oil's annual report. It U a story of how, to meet your needs. Imperial last year found more crude oil, produced more erode, transported, refined, distributed and marketed more oil and products than ever before. EDUCATION WELFARE J 'FORMOSA'S POSITION FORMOSA, , named "Beautiful wiiunu felon-!" r,r.. ACf i.-num rumtr i ' ) ate their candidate and appoint an equal number of delegates and instruct them to support our candidate. As any one can see, the result is a deadlock and we deplore having to take this step which is utterly foreign to our ideas of co-operative action. We respectively suggest through your columns for apparently we cannot reach the rank and file . of Liberals through the usual channels 1 1 h a t a Coalition convention To do this we had to spend a lot of money. We sent men ranging over fhousand'' of square miles in the search for new oil fields and we found new oil. We built -new ships . . . new pipe lines . . . new refining units . . . new marketing facilities . . . and a host of other things. Again last year we spent more money than wy amed, but it was an investment in Canada's future as well as our own. j We raised most of the money we needed by borrowing and by selling some of cur majof investments; the rest was earnings put back into the business aftei , paying dividends. J On the year's business we made a profit of less than a cent a gallon on products old. Thtsomounted to 4 and 9lOths cents out of each sales dollar we received. ' It was a busy, successful, interesting year. When it began we were sometimes hard pressed to meet all your needs; when it ended supplies were assured. It aw new oil discovered, making Canada less dependent on foreign supplies; new equipment added, helping to serve Canadians better with the products they need. GIVE GENEROUSLY Theft it hop. Moi Ctnctr ems cn be eared if Atu . covered nd betted erly. your dolUrt will help M fight cancel with knowleds. BRITISH COLUMBIA 1949 CONQUER CANCER CAMPAIGN I years ago by Portuguese explorers, may be-:-come the refuge spot of Chinese nationalist leaders - who have fled'from Nanking, to set up, possibly, in r: the meantime at Canton. The nationalists have been ; for sometime concentrating capital, airplanes, man-t power and industry there. If the Formosans consent to this influx of high Chinese officials, the island may become a center of nationalist influence eventually seeking rcognition as an independent country. It might join the Philip-pies and provide financial and technical aid to. that little country, now embarked on a perilous adventure in extending western influence to the orient. It -;might even help organize a new nation of the United States of Asia, with perhaps Japan, the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies as members. History has done some strange things to the worlds maps through thrars, some of them even as strange as this. should mean something entirely different. Properly set up, both parties should appoint an equal number of delegates without instruction, and an election take place in a manner to be determined by agreement between the two parties and in accordance with democratic principles. We have again suggested this procedure to the Liberal exe- 0RMES DRUGS VDRUCSf Bringing yon oil b a iig Jofc- and a cosllv one. It you're Interested In facfi s ; j , 1948 set naw record tn oil phaws of Impsrial OTs eptioni. " HJSVZHH il'i"1 b71Jh.lny find ond Prod'" oil in Canada during 1049 were plaondl na to end thy would toa! 163 rr.iles. ?illi?Z? tan.krt wer 3ded to the company's feels; the Lwluc pip linp was extended to f1' Progressed (or a piM line trom Edmonton to fc'eaina; 4,71 1 tank cars moved ore than 1 50,000 car loads of crud oil and products. fcrftal' eight refineiiw processed an average of 135,027 barrels per day, a new reoord. ifoi'Tr''E19'?00'.000 I!0"- On its operations the company earned $1 6.873. 163-e. !r. Z.?ll!r the nt PtV'alk'n ,or " of the l,819,000,0OO gallons sold, trom its invest-nts company earned $5,Sfc8,907. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED AW Types SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME GREETING CARDS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. PENS AND PENCILS DIDD PRINTING CO. FOR Daily can delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m., and Sunday BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 608