II Prince Rupert Drops Second Game But Wins Provincial Hoop Series IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN W77rf Ilia Scries Totals: Prince Rupert 84. KamlooDs 79 Saturday Night: Kamloops 41, Prince Rupert 32 :Pints of tyin up the TC3 . total. Prince Rupert Jets Saturday night claimed the' The game was characterized historic Vancouver Star Cud. symbolic of nnwinl by considerably i?ss accuracy m 'id rX&h Cigarette Tobacco Senior "B" basketball championship, for the second pjj tune in two years when they won their two-game, total , aLXZZ point series with Kamloops Rainbows by a five-point had been brought to a in- point ...u..n, n inning me iu ni gallic 0.-00 anil UI Oppuiff r naay evening, was ueveicpju the second 41-32. j almost to perfectit.il Saturday MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT KICP YOUR NERVES 100 STEADY AVOID CAFFEIN - DRINK POSTUM Drink P oi turn all you like! Flavorful Postum contains no caifein (a tea and coffee do) can't upset nerves nor The goblet, bearing the' shields of more than a score VICTORY BY CLOSE .'MARGIN' V I R night. Kamloops' determination to win caused them to adopt a of provincial hoop winners over Prince Rupert's victory, how bout one-third! BuvPos'rumWjv. T CT I 1 YY . (Strategy wnicn Kepi me rnnce ever, was won by a narrower RuJm Too 1 .... team so well covered Prfnre Rupm Dullp mm Monday, April 25, 1949 margin than might have been! that thev had relatively few n.-v the years, was presented to Jet captain Angus Macphee at the conclusion of Saturday night's game by Harry Chapman, president of the B. C. Amateur Basketball Association before 700 expected on the basis of Its Fri-1 portunities to have undisturbed day night s win over the Raj;1. ; shots at the basket, while Pi ince BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Avenue D-v. "lents. A iirst JIT- Mttefe similar TT&tlliniQjj bows. In In the the first first Mm game. th "uw,fc inn &flDwri$ I tacucs. built up a 14-point ir.anrin fans who crowded the galleries in the Civic Cenue gymn. which was carried over Into Siit- ' Tfle tall-hatleo challengers ' AFGfed urday night's half of the series, f sfrapped lheir C'I' of get-j HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 'It gives me a considerable giving mem the edee thst re. r-u-.p.v Qiute "igiiamsian miles. amount of pleasure to present suJUd in the championship i.f Uis I 1 I trophy rill tt t to -vl mm b-,n T . . a - DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST BUTTE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 ARROW CABS your Prince Ru MIXED FIVE PIN Lh,U,lh STANDINGS ... ... W L Pts Saturday night, KamlooDs ab Civic Centre - Dates . Building and repairs of all kinds unloosing a shot. ,In. tcad, both teams lined up on the hoop at every opportunity, , because of the close personal style of play, the average of accuracy was low. sented a more hard-driving front Uian they had the previous evening and late in the fourth quarter they had victory within tneir Roof?, Chimneys Oil Burners pert team," Mr. Chapman told the crowded hall. "Last year, your team went to Port Alberni with the definite idea of winning. They obviously had the same resolution in this series." Sports TUESDAY Both teams took 70 field, shots grasp on - the basis of a 10-point iU-JOIIlvl 24-Hour Service PHONE 646 " Prompt and Courteous Service lead which left them within four ' at tne bas,!et r which Kamlo.ips PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 a.m. 9:00- -Bo Me Hi Gym Class muceys AAA 33 9 Kinsuinners 30 i Headpinners 31) 12 Pushovers 29 13 Hioner Laundry . 25 17 Dodgers 24 18 Brownwoods 22 20 Wingers 23 13 BC. Messenger .... 21 21 Silver Streaks 18 24 Cloverleats .. 19 23 Hotshots 18 23 Overwaitea 15 26 'Malkins 15 24 HiKh School 16 2( Bc'ks 15 27 Maple Leafs 12 30 Filibusters , 10 29 i iK-vcii ana nince Kuper; 'nine. In the matter of penalty shots, Prince Rupert sank 14 out Ifif ?Q nnr! lfsmlnnm 1Q nut ni on INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL SCORING Basketball Leaeue scorer Oliver R-ntrKv, v, ..... BRYDGES and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS PIANO TECHNICIAN " Tuning, Voicing and Repairs , MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 872 10th East of the ieague scoring records of he pas t s C HtPERT wm aney be b lished league by league as smcP rJU. !y,!..- ?.u" AT FIRST Special p.m. 4:00 Junior Boys and Teen Girls Leathercraft 7:30 Mixed Advanced Leathercraft 7::30 Civic Centre General Meeting 8:00 Little Theatre - uic iiiicrmeaiate ie , League records are given. . . Prince Rupert took a slipht Player Team G FG FGA Pn?. ptpti w r, lnrt in th rimt fom minnt.. r Income Tax Returns Compiled " - - - - ......vw . a tc i i rio B. McChesney S 15 46 Besner Block PHONE 600 Room 31 piay, men yiemea it to me itatn- bovfs who held the etlge until tlu final whistle. At quarter time, the score stood 12-10 for Kam-' loops and by half time, the lead had built up to 23-18 Li favor !of the invaders. DRY KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered , Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire ' PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 J. Hebb (M 15 A. Owens (Mel 15 G. Haugan (F) 15 R. Gill IF) 15 B. Ratchford (H) 15 S. Dumas (S) 15 M. Brew (Mo) 17 R. Scharff (Mo) 17 Phone f The first half of the gams was MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING , Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52(t 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. MACEY'S RETAIN CONTROL OVER MIXED LEAGUE Maceys, who.se persistence placed them at the top of the mixed five-pin league a week ago, held the position eomfort-tabiy at this week's session by defeating Malkin's three games to nothing, hoisting them three (Continued or. 1-age Five) MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE April 25 Leftovers vs. Miller Bay, Humdingers vs. Teeners, Guttersnipes vs. Hangovers, Alleycats vs. Amazons. May 2 Alleycats vs. Miller Bay, Guttersnipes vs. Humdingers Irffinvprs i IlinKKu.,, 1 B. Hill M. Webster (H) 42 46 45 44 36 34 37 36 35 33 35 31 32 29 31 27 23 26 22 ! featured by long shooting on both sides, forced by the tempo of the play. Within the firit few minutes, the fans v,cfe aware of the fact thai Kamloops was playing a far Detter game BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS - . .Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts 17 9 15 9 15 14 TU ,4 T. Boulter (Mo) ... B. Sunberg (H) .... O. Slatta (F R. Anderson (Me) A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS S. Youneman (Mp id than they had on th evening. previous Teeners vs. Amazons. I May 9 Miller Bay vs. Amaz 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C R. Christoff (Si 15 M. Teng F 15 J. Haugan (F) 8 O. Eidsvik (Ml 16 ons, Teeners vs. Guttersnipes.j Humdingers vs. Hangovers, Leftovers vs. Alleycats. In the second half, Kamlcops organized a series of terrific drives which time after time Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to out showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. May 16 Hangovers vs. Mille; were broken up, by 'prince Ru- ; S A V( !'H0T 23 ! 24 ' mrta eniintjr.nf fen !.- ; "Bay, Guttersnines vs. Leftovers L. Hill (Hi 17 H. Marshall (St 15 R. Smith (S) 15 J. James (Fi 14 At no time, could it be iaid that Humdingers vs. Allyecats, Teen- MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING ers vs. Amazons. rnnce Kupert emp'.oyt.i a vr- ' " ..io. , WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER Mav 23 Miller Bay vs. Gut tensive style of play. Well aware that the championship u tersnipes, Humdingers vs. Amazons, Alleycat3 vs. Teeners, E. Moore (Me) 15 A. Lien IMo) 17 R. Jones (Moi is A. Hartwig (H) " 17 Carl ZareOU rilONE 37 TO, I FRASER STS PRINCE p.:? ROCK and CONCRETE WORK roR YOUR CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed 176 26.1 25 59 42.4 38 117 194 21.6 19 45 42.2 45 103 184 25. 8 35 22.9 27 100 144 31.2 9 30 30. 22 99 160 27.5 9 41 21.9 24 97 195 18.5 24 51 47.1 33 96 137 24.8 20 34 58.8 30 88 216 17.1 10 45 22.2 32 84 140 25.7 12 28 42.9 44 84 142 24.6 14 39 35.9 8 84 103 32. 13 25 42. 17 79 151 23.2 7 25 28. 11 77 111 27.9 12 20 40. 15 74 113 28.3 9 22 40.9 12 73 134 21.6 15 31 48.4 19 73 155 20. 8 23 34.8 26 70 118 22.9 7 17 41.2 20 61 126 18.3 15 22 68.2 2o" 61 97 26.8 7 18 38.9 4 59 93 23.7 15 28 53.6 3fl 59 180 12.8 11 45 24.4 43 57 97 24.7 8 33 24.2 22 5fi 96 22.9 9 20 45. 18 53 75 29.2 7 Iff 36 8 18 51 130 15.4 10 30 33. 18 50 122 13.9 15 41 36.8 32 . 49 98 20.4 5 18 27.8 22 45 95 18.9 8 15 46.7 18 44 116 15.5 5 21 23.8 9 41 69 20.3 7 13 53.8 .11- 35 63 25.4 2 3 67. 6 34 72 22.2 2 11 18.2 10 34 7 19.7 3 13 23.1 13 33 81 16. 7 19 36.8 11 33 38 28.9 7 11 63.6 8 29 52 13.5 8 18 444 11 22 77 11.7 2 10 20. . 21 20 25 28. 1 3 33.3 8 15 15 46.7 0 1 00. 1' 14 20 .39 1 2 50. 4 13 27 18.5 3 5 60. 7 13 30 16.7 2 4 50. 9 12 13 23.1 3 - 3 100. 6 9 8 25. 4 6 67. 0 8 10 20. 1 3 33.3 1 5 13 7.7 2 - 5 40. 2 - 4 . 5 20. 2 3 67. - 1 4 . 9 JL1 j 1 3 33:3" 2 3 8 00. 3 6 50; 3 3 4 00. 0 0 00. 1 0 1 00. 0 1 00. 0 0 8 00. 0 0 00. 0 0 0 00. 0 1 00. 0 0 F-Fashion Footwear; H-High J. Sharpe (Hi 17 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 FIRST AIR MAIL S. Scherk (H) 4 initial lead, they rctahaU'd wilh . everything they had. t Prince Rupert's maximui was a little less than tt had ocen the previous evening, with one player out on aceount of injuries AT WILL COLLECT THEM YOUR DOOR J. Intermela (F) 16 A. Anrtsen (F) 14 D. Wesch (S) 15 WRAT1IAL! The first air mail letter, sent to Benjamin Franklin when he was living in France in 1735, was carried by balloon across the English Channel. L. Van Pykstra (H) 17 B. Pierce (Fi PHOTO FINIS Detfloiiint. fr,i QUICK St-'- CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASn PHONE 950 O. Mercer (Mei . is GEORGE L RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 , INTERIOR DECORATING , PAPER HANGING and SIGN PAINTING ' R. RAHMER PHONE BLUE 836 , Amalrsr ! 4 Profe5ion4l 1 22 : 22 20 17 20 18 i8 14 16 16 15 13 11 7 9 7 7 6 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 L. Helin (Hi 17 D. Johnsen (F) 4 F. Simonson (F) : 3 B. Watson (Moi 14 W. Anderson (Me) 6 r. Young (Si u TRAIN SCIIEDl v. For the East 1 t o , i. and another playing with a damaged leg. i Sev Dominato, who had a badly sprained ankle, watched the game from the bleachers, while Jack Lindsay, despite s strained leg, played a yeomam game am: was the ihird Highest seorer of the evr.-ing, exceeded by Ellis and Barton of Kamloops. At the third-quarter wntstle, Prince Rupert had narrowed its game deficit to one point, trailing by 29-28, but in th-j fourth THOR HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Lindsay was hi;?h scorer ior Prince Rupert with 10 On the whole, the ganw did not have as much opecUcular quality as had Friday night's game, particularly btc me the shooting was poorer, although its continuous split-seiood p-xwibti-itics kept the fans on"cdge at all times. Game officialswere . Wtllox, R. Wilson (Me) .... N. Sather (Me) WASHED J. Walsh (S) 8:00 p.m. From the East . Tuesday, Thursday, Saturc. 10:45 p.m. 6 4 4 11 4 n 204 4 th Street Phone 65i H. Martinsen (H) ... W. Wong (Moi . ; L. Kristmanson (St D. Young F 2 WITH. r referee, John Comadlna, umpire UK! U 1.11. tl-b . .LIFE -TIME MUltlX r, 4 wv' ulflxr.r.U A. Currie (Me) 2 quarter, ttamioops capitalized on J. Marchant. linn keeper and O Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service QUALITY REPAIRS For Dnwmroddrn Heh and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second At. Crating Packing Cartage penalties by sinking 10 out of 11 Santurttane, scorer. " " free shots and a field goal,; The lineups: while Prince Rupert sank four; Kamlops McQuarric fi, kar-free shots out of eight and scored ton 11. Ellis 13. Hav I Foulp,- 1 J. Ketcheson (F) 1 S. Hills (Hi 5 B. Morrison (Mo) 1 (S-Stones; Me-Merchants School; Mo-Morgan's). BLUE 780 RED 511 BLONDIE -As You Were! By CHICK YOUNG no field goals. j Laidiaw 0,' Person 3, Sellars. 41 Bus Ellis, aggressive Kair.loops Prince Rupert Flaten 5, Bey-centre, topped the scorirg with non 5, Macphee 2, Lindsay 10 13 polnls, followed by Art B.i,-- Morgan 2, Arney 2, Thompson! ton, forward, with II. Jack Holkestad 6, Davis, Lavigne. 3? THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point for Point- Dollar for Vto Here's the BIGGEST Washer v alue Only $150.7 Northern B.C Power fol REMEMBER PHONE 210 sTEffART I! PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. M ODUCTS i s, I .111'11 rv RETURN IT wiul DO VOU I "! H I1 i v& fffii uK P I r! If' WWJ - U fgS; ; ; g i , ' Booby Trap! . HMVU'l t PLiiiiMiii r''i i1'"""" ii ;r npi niiuin j i m'h::: POPWHENVOJ) ' J-l--v' V 1" ? THAT'S CCt ) ( I.UCKV Boy TO M I ! 1 1411 1 1 - . 1 WBEABOv Y "N -N NOT THE VOSD Jr P4W1D f V HAVE AN Q XXI W WR J THEZ J HE V WAS BRILL.AMt) GHtf ! FATHPR-1 I HUH?! i VVOODBUILT PR WE DESIGN, (Mil i '-' S rT?45ifcil STORE FffTffO ; jjj UJ oFFICE rffsnrtf, You need a CAMP-FIRE PERMIT A camp-fire permit jrnist be obtained before lighting 2 fire out of tjoors for warmth or cooking during the FIRE SEASON May 1st to September 30th Permits are available free from your nearest Forest Officer PREVENT FOREST FIRES British Columbia Forest Service Department of Lards & Forests HON. E. T. KENNEY . C. D. ORCHARD ..Minister . . , Chief Forester ' MAILORDER PROMPT ATTENTION wv PRONE BLUE OB Mt 3 Second Avenue r