3; I )rlncf Huiieti Dailp T3cU)S( Monday, April 25, 1949 Local News Items . . . Caadian Club meeting Wednesday, April 27, at 2:30 p.m. Common Lounge, Civic Centre. Members please attend. (97) lid ftetfek Hemes ivitn. BABY DIES AT PORT EDWARD Air. ana Mrs. ll. w. Lockyer f were passengers aboard the Rev. Father A. Royer O.M.I, sailed at the end of the week for the Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesiastical duties. RIGHT FOR A SMOOTH TAKE-OFF Chilcotin last evening return ine to Alice Arm from a trin tn Vancouver. Mr. Lockyer Is ac-! 1 4 COUntant at the Tnrhrit. mine. ', ' Henry Bolton, month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bolton of Port Edward, died at his , home there Friday. The funeral will be held at Prince Rupert Mrs. Dan Parent and son returned to the city on the Chil- Donate your unwanted but cotin last evening from a trip i H. H. Thorn left today by air on a business trip to the Queen Charlottes. . John Thompson Is sailing on Tuesday aboard the Coquitlam for Vancouver, where he expects to take employment. Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Bazaar, Wednesday, 2 p. m., Legion Rooms.' Crib and Whist 8 p.m. (98 Mrs. W. Wasyk and her niece, i saleable articles to the Kinsmen to Vancouver. Auction. Phone 11 daytime. Complete Stock in Thickness from "4" to l'T with the B.C. Undertakers in charge. Death was due to natural causes. Aid. George B. Casey, who has Green 213 or Blue 603 .after 6 been In Vancouver attending ths p.m. Help Kinsmen help kiddies. British Colum'CTA iioeral Asso Persons interested in enter- ciation convention, returned to Albert & McCaffery Limited the city on the Chilcotin last Industrial ExhiBltHa the evening. EARLY ' CONSCRIPTS Conscription is known to have existed in the form of a national militia in Anglo-Saxon England, but Its first use in modern times was by Napoleon in 1798. "Everything for the Builder" PHONE 116 Civic Centre during Carnival1 Week please contact Don Forward or Ed. Mussallem not later than June 15th. (97) Mr. and, Mrs. Steve Bright NOTICE Installation of officers. Following a short Busine s's Meeting at 8 p.m. Miss L. Turko' .are sailing Tuesday on the Chllcotin on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. SmUh, M.L.A. sailed Sunday night on the Chllcotin on a trip to Stewart. Mr. Smith represents the Atlin riding. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ardagh and son returned to the city on the left at the end of the week by S h a r n. Ladies' Rkppna Air Transnnrt. nlnnp on THE I Chapter ivited to attend instal- their return to tneir home at lation ceremony commencing at Aiyansh. Mrs. Bright has been 8:45 p.m. Refreshments, "Enter- in hospital here while Mr. tainmcnt. '' Bright had been at Port Ed-, A. M: Hurst, principal of Booth, ward- i Memorial School, returned to j c McCutcheon, manager' the city on the Chilcotin last of silbak-Premier mine, was a evening after attending the Das en er aboard the Chilcotin Chllcotin last evening from a holiday trip to Vacouver and 11 C i 1 1 JetluuiB 1 pajble In adrance. Please refrain from ulepocilua, t m word per Inaertlcm, minimum chart. oo. Birtn mooh of TluoU. Death Notice, Funeral Notices, UaxrlaiM . and Engagement Announcement: tJ SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK FLAGSHIP elsewhere in the south. Martin Grasdal of the ITiun School teaching staff, returned Saturday afternoon by plane from Vancouver, where he at WANTED i BIKTU I last evening bound north for a visit to the Portland Canal pro- j L-Born at the Prince WANTED 1 or IV, ton Truck J7orai HnsDltal. Sat- Kuuu LUiiuiuiuii, nr., lie Odj. fpril 23. to Mr. and C. Barbour inee Pat British Columbia Teachers' Federation convention in Vancouver. Albert Ewald of Booth Memorial teaching staff also returned on the Chilcotin. ' ' Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite returned to the city on the Co-quitlam yesterday after mak- a. a son, urauioiu WANTED TO RENT 3. 4 or 5 room Apartment or House till Sept. 1. Apply Atlin Fisheries. (98) (H) perty which has been closed for several months now following a strike. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kameda, for many years residents of port Essington where Mr. Kameda tended the annual conference of the B. C. Teachers Federation Miss Jean Urquhart of the Conrad St. school staff returned to the city by plane Saturday afternoon from Vancouver where t (HuEMOKIAM Whetlier you go by plane or train, you'll look smoother in the Flagship. It's a trim, lightweight, and jaunty Stetson. Makes you feel like going places and helps you arrive in style. See it today. HELP WANTED DEPARTING CHURCHILL GETS "VICTORY" ASSIST Homeward bound on the S.S. Queen Mary, Winston Churchill flashes his, famous "V" gesture and grins with pleasure as a little boy joins him in the act. The youngster was one of a group of visitors who crowded the sun deck to catch a glimpse of Britain's wartime minister in New York. .memory of my son, ;e,l ho passed away i ' 1A48 WANTED Girl to clerk in business office. Annlv in own igg the round trip to the Queen operated a general store, arriv handwriting or cali at Eaton's she attended a conference of the Charlotte 'Islands. Mr. Apple- ed in the city on the Chilcotin Mail Order Ouice. City. (99I R n Tpnrliprs' FprWatinn ns n whaite will be back by plane j last evening. Mr. Kameda has on Wednesday. been living in the southern in local delegate. . The Kamloops Rainbows bas terior since the early days oi WANTED Girl for general housework. Sleep out. Apply 812 6th East. Phone Blue 163. (102; Kenneth Caple, regional rep- SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES ! the war. resentative of the Canadian knows how much I r vou linows the bitter pain, ve suffered since 1 VJU. t'nevcr been the same. neart your memory rs. lender, fond and true, I not a day Dear Edwin tl do not think, ql you. membered Daddy, nd Brother Karl. PERSONAL BOATS AND ENGINES C. F. P. Faulkner and C. AIR PASSENGERS ketball team which made an unsuccessful bid at the week-end to win the Senior "B" title from the Prince Rupert Jets, left Broadcasting Corporation, i s paying a visit to Prince Rupert today to study local radio ser Forbes, engineers for the feder-i FOR SALE Fully equipped Halibut Boat Reward I, ready to al department of public works, To aVncouver D. A. Hay. H. vice problems. He is making an umpitae wiui imuuui i tncinv waay to 10 rpturn relurn i0Uln nul h hv Dy au air Ac AC gear. Powered with a Crown , iBSCU uuuubh 1 Fouiger A. fcarion, 3. Ellis, C Inspection to the local station CFPR and is to meet with the Chrysler five vears old with a companymg the players were new block. Length 45 ft Beam ! Harry Chapman, president of 11 ft. Enquire at the office ofi.K r. t !,ii,ii the B- c- i,, - Basketball the Fisherman's Credit Union Amateur McQuarrie, A. Webster, H. Person, S. Laidlaw, H. Sellers, M. Cochrane, H. G. Chapman, C. Laidlaw, W. Willox, Dr. L, M. Greene, R. Wicks, Mrs. N. Rvj, or the owner, Julius Johnson, i Association and Bill Willox, tt, DRUG SUNDRIES sdsi twelve samples postpaid in plain seal-ipoer, catalogue in-general Novelty Co., REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Phone Green 192. (97) REAL ESTATE vjmicoiin evening w "'' the round trip to Stewart. They will disembark here tomorrow and remain for some time in the city and hereabouts. Mr. Forbes will be making final surveys for the breakwater to be built at the Fairview Bay fishermen's floats, r , HOTEL ARRIVALS V, 71 Major St.. Tor- radio committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce before proceeding to the interior on this evening's train. Announcemetits All aavertiAent - m r mu column will be charged f or a t all montb at 36 cent a word Mrs. C. Thornington, G. Lanibiy, P. Richards. president of the.B. C. Basket, ball Referees' Association. fOK RENT Commodore Cale FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. ttf) FOR SALE R. E. MORTIMER Small House Trall- COMPLETELY RENOVATED To SandspiWK. Thorn, S. Koz-tiuk. From Vancouver M. Grasdall, Miss McKenzle. Miss Ilazlet, 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) FOR RENT Housekeeping Room 221 5th East. (101) rrh Good tires, ideal FOR SALE 4 room wartime "house. Unfurnished. 2nd. Overlook. Phone Red 872 (98) I "Better Than Ever" fwr hunting and fish-k Will slppn three. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent with hot and cold Miss J. Urquhart, D. Morton. a w Newman. Ladnei , O MO, Call Suite 4, Levin FOR SALE Apartment Block, April 27. Rotary Club.Daf f odll Tea, water Phone Green 780, 613 3rd Ave. West. . (tf) LOST AND FOUND central. Three years more than pavs for self. Private home for owner. Apply P.O. Lambly, Terrace, K. P. Capie, Vancouver; F. C. Hamilton, Van-tt t. rvmv Vancouver: i-Toilet fixture and Civic Centre, April 28. Box 1815. (98) Musical' . ,, T Tor. St. Peter's Y.P.A WE HAVE 3 empty houses Show, "Spring Fantasy . ; mi. aliu iviia. iuiumi.j, V,, race; M. Martinson, Giscome; G. LOST Several checks endorsed hv Spero's Quality Grocery. Anyone finding same please contact -Liudsay's Cartage. All banks have been notified. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue centre, Aprn irvipi TPiprrranh Creek: A fsly 976 Ambrose Av- , 197) i-Troller Osuml. 40 ft. ( j. High speed engine water coo'jed. At New Phone Blue 852. Sell vonable. U01 tE"wine tapestry In Id and chair in good on also 5 tube DeFor-mcv short wave radio. Red 7G7. (96) CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment Horns 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. tVFNINfiS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. foi those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST in attendance afternoons. C.C.F. Public Meeting Thurs- Croves' Vancouver. Mr. and Mis day, May 5, Civic Centre. j g Kameda, Vancouver, .r. The United Church Spring an6 Mrs. S. Sokuda, Vancou -er. ready ' for immediate occupancy priced from $2400 to $3750. and a small four' very smartly decorate. Come in or call us and see the listings on hand we may have exactly what you are seeking. Armstrong Agencies Hhone 34. 307 3rd W. (97) 4 Room Wartime House 6th East. Reasonable on terms or cash. Phone Black 935. (96) Best Food and Service In City rhonc 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Sale, May 5. , R. Bricker, Victoria; C. L. Bin- FOUND A Blue Love Bird with no band around leg. late Saturday afternoon. Information at Daily News on paying for tills ad. Oil Catholic Girl Guides tea- ! chard. Powersville, Mo.; F. Kcr-home cooking sale May 5, 2:30 ince.'Ga.; A. Wade, Shelly; D. to 5. Hamilton, Butedale; T. Rippon. Rpsular Card Party, 8 p.m. West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. 1942 Chevrolet Se- METAL WOrti 1 verv Eood condition ly owned. Can be seen Good News from GOODYEAR I Motors. UI) PLUMBINO -i Installations and Repairs. SHEET META! WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letoumeau & Sons. 629 Sixth Weat. Phone 543. (tf) PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. IluiitiX! l-nr S!ll Prince Rupert Florists LE 1942 Dodge special sharp, Catholic School Hall, G. Stephanik, Vancouver; Mrs P. May 5. Tessem, Massed; T. Read'-. Gyro Klorldyke Night. Civic Transcona: Mr. and Mrs. P. W. W. E. Boi- Forbes. Vancouver; Centre, May 6. tomley, Smithers; F. Lalonde , Kinsmen's Auction Sale, Sat-; eaan, good condition .5 Rooms and bath with gar 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers lor All Occasions terms. Phone 223 or II (98 T J 1 I I I I L. IE - One Man Power fd one week, only age l DIocks irom Mcuriae , .on 7th' Ave. E. $4000.00. 5 Rooms and bath with glassed in verandah at rear. Hot water svstem. This house is in excellent condition. Price $3700.00 cash. See P. II. MNEEY (97 frite A. D. Flowers, Port n. (9u GOODYEAR FULL-POWER, STORAGE BATTERIES Price Redaction due to lower material costs now in effect Factory Fresh GOODYEAR , Batteries at urday, May 7. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. 1 Music and Drama Festival, . . . AND I PROMISE LE-Skauit BU 30 Don lircury power; lines nd leads; mounted on led. For details and ln-) see Armstrong Agen- $3000 with terms buys 6 room Wartime House on 50 loot, lot. Includes large range anrl nil hpat.pr CHICKEN DINNER AT THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM EVERY SUNDAY." $2500 full price for two bed BUY mil May 12 and 13. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. May 24 Is Kinsmen Day- room house wan Dasemem, on two lots, includes con- cirlpruhlp fumif.tire. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. Phone 632 , $1250 down buys 4 room War A MAN LIKE THAT IS THE MAN TO GRAB 'CAUSE OUR SUNDAY DINNERS ARE time on waicr siac oi rirsi Overlook. $1250 down for Cottage- vp MIGHTY HARD TO BEAT. style wartime hiciuuiuk stove and heater. On high cIHd nf Hlh AVP East. ne m, Box 927. ivu lE-New and Used Fur-r. Hardware and Office Slightly Used Ar-Wood and Coal Stoves. t Bicycles. Office S Folding Chairs. Ra-teotric and battery sets, nicies: Floor'Covering, Cups and Saucers, Kn Rucs 50 less than 1 ' I'rice, 52-picce English pinner Sets, Enamel 1 75 quart, etc. All at 'Driees. B.C. FURNI-tO. Black 324. a,E! 4 Cook Stoves. 4 .Stoves, Tables. Chairs essers. Applv 454 11th E. or 307 11th Avenue W !)7 1 Queens, Parade, Sports, Dance, Grand Prizes. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. $600 down lor Small 4 War Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken in The Rough Phone Red 705 time on 6th Ave. $3000 down for large family United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerson, Borden Street. rvfrrtff sere TIME TO RE-PACK FRONT WE EL BEARINGS To ensure safety, prevent undue wear and expensive repairs, drop in and have-us pack them correctly. Inexpensive but vital ,to longer and safer car life. home centrauy locaieu. Two lots, garage, basement, hot water heating with coal. . . $3150 full price for two bedroom house in central location, with cement basu-ment. Besides these, we have many houses both large and small. At the present time we also have several building lots available for both Private i and Commercial building. The only way to buy a t. i, fr, c,p it. We con- E 4 room- house and eoou condition. Ap- 9th Avo Wad nr fRcd 170. ' (97) t.E - Buffet, table and s'Kurs, walnut. Phone r- i90) Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 sider it a pi'ivilege to show BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION you through our many ouei- FATHEII ! Take the Family to Limberlost This Year! ADVENTURE! EXCITEMENT! ENTERTAINMENT 1 OR ALL CHILDREN Sports- Swimming, Games Galore MOTH Ell Bathing, Croquet, Bridge, clc. FATHER Fishing, Hunting, Boating, etc. All these can be had at Limberlost at rates to fit your pocketbook. For further information contact LIMBERLOST LODGE, 2nd. Ave. Phone 563 or Union Steamships offices, 3rd. Ave., rhone 568. ings. For appointment ruum. ROBEIIT E.'MONTADOR Ud F0U SALE Safe, fire and torglar proof r particulars sec Fl'RNITL'RE CO. P1IONE 701 Second and McBride or BEtlDIX automatic Washer saves4ways- 1 SAVM HOT WATtll Bendix, with 1 patented Witer-Sayer cylinder, sei less water than any othei washes. SOAP OAlOB Because 2fAVf5 u..i:. .. Im hot water, it . MACHINERY tTT,rMAtiv ranwN NAMES We offer complete ine ot equipment for Sawmills, tte-Vo ,, fPinnnfr. Contractors, rinu-.Hpit. Soeeder, Adams, n.iinrnfH owpn T. L. Smith, jrs and Contractors I NOTE "'" Paper, Red, Min-L; special, roll $4 INITURE CO. (121) HOME BUILDERS! Property An a new sub tf-'rr Natlo a etc. Full. in- (nmuiifm from National Ma -V-V. .. ri th Vancouver, ciii..jr w. (t) FEATURING TOYS All Year 'Round KIDDIE CARS PEDAL CARS TRICYCLES WAGONS SCOOTERS No matter what the occas-sion is in anv season, you will be pleased by the selection of TOYS at .... wesmuchcoM BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL I OR I LOORS, LINOLEUM AND WOODWORK is, division available soon . . . Choice view lots at reasonable price. N.II.A. district-Place your reservations now with . . . ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 3rd W. Phone 342 Real Estate Insurance (98) ! Golden Maroon Tan Dixie Grey saves agmts io nuiui J rub or tear. ExchisiTe "Tumble Action" getlat of all! A SAVES YOW All h '"' Bendia H washes, rinses 3 tiroes, damp, drys then shuts itself off! OVER 1,500,000 NOW IN USE Mae Bros. LIMITED Orange Sage Green Dutch Blue Russelt Brown ism mv&te ! J ruction Alterations Repairs , See iREER & BRIDDEN I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS l 66l Floor Sanding a Specialty Box 721 jj J Navy Grey Mahogany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W.