Prince Uuvttt Daflp Ottos , Monday, April 25, 1949 TODAY AND Ray Reflects . . . ... mw Reminisces CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Su";ect to Change r- I ''V the better. The longer neglected, the higher the cost as well as damage action possibilities Some one is sure to say. when a few old sourcjoughs sit down to grin and bear it, that "oh well, I ".4. rv i. 1 i.a V.- S , i WW1 A AlONDAI -J.M. 4:00 Chitho Valle 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int for a twisted, ankle or fall. Onel ! we all came here about thirty- five years too early." Ponder the past, and strike a balance it you can. Instead of buying a has only to think of certain cities not so far from here where streets are no wider thn a Rupert lane, and sidewalks with the breadth of a good sized table. SHOWS AT 7:00 - 9:10 P.M lot at the wrong end of Third 4:30 Songs by Simone i 4:45 Magic Adventures 5:00 Music in a Mellow Mood 5:30 Don Messer and His Islanders 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party to realize their own good fortune. THE Avenue and letting it go for taxes, you might never have seen Prince Rupert and enjoyed peace prudence and good digestion. Instead you might have become wealthy in Medicine Hat or Kalamazoo, caught stomach ulcers and a lot of new relatives all ACADEMY REV. ALFRED WILSON DIES III II Ja. F waiting for you to die. Former Local Tastor Succumbs I W m JA The Anchorage 'Times has re to Heart Attack in Nanaimo! Rev. Alfred Wilson,' who was) pastor of First United Church' AWARD list Actor lJt f icturt of tht Yeor 7 n Prince Rupert from 1927 Ho 1931, succumbed yesterday to a heart attack in Nanaimo where for the past several years he had 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lom'oardo Show 9:00 Musical Program 10:00 CBC New? 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Just a Memory 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TUKSi.-iS AM 7:00 Musical CIock 8:00 CBC Newf 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 1 'J & fused to sell a subscription to the Soviet Library at Moscow and returned money and order on grounds that such a subscription would be contrary to the best interests of Alaska, nation and world. But what is to prevent Uncle Joe's agent from buying his daily copy from the first newsboy? AX J I I ; IMMU been pastor of St. Andrew's Church. The late Mr. Wilson was the officiating pastor at the marriage in Burnaby of the present incumbent of First United Church here, Rev. R. A.i ' r; ( zrv Boys' Sport . Clothes VV r. -T w - 2jr y m m wt There Vas once a time w hen people kept late hours in order to find time in which to think un Wilson. The late Mr. Wilson was born in Eneland and was nhnnt r.r RUPERT MEN'S AND BOY'S STORE j I "HAMLET" COMING The great British moving picture "Hamlet, filmization of the Shakespearian tragedy, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Wednesday with Laurence Olivier in the leading role. "Hamlet" was awarded the Oscar of the Academy of Moving Picture Arts and Sciences as being the best picture of the year. Here is a scene from the picture. . new terms of r.buse to apply to years of aae. After leavlnu x-rmce itupert. Last place on 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signs' 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time . Advertise in the Daily News! earmi uoes it ever stop raining? Why bury one's self here? Lot worse than I ever imagined. I like fish, but not all the time! It's different today. Croaking has been silenced: instpnrf IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRI TISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE FINAL BILLIARD too big a lead on their oppn-enis (J-. R. Brett and R. M. Mac Prince Rupert in 1931 he went to St. James Chinch in Vancouver, then to Burnaby whence he moved to Nanaimo. During his stay in Prince Rupert. Mr. Wilson became highly esteemed ad his former parishioners here will learn with sincere regret of his passing. Beside his widow, who has herself suffered from heart trouble for several vears. Mr ! 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernle Braden Tells ; Story 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11 :31 Message Period 1 1 :33 Recorded Interlude IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF CARL POULSEN. OTHERWISE I Leod, playing scratch, who were Prince Runert. is th. up and TOURNEY OPENS KNOWN AS MARTINUS PAULSEN. slow in getting started, with the 8 l m' OTHERWISE KNOWN A8 CARL result that the game ended in a 150 to 103 victory for the Brem- MARTINUS POULSEN, DECEASED, j TAKE NOTICE that by order of His The 'final Enclish billiard 11:45 Midiadia ; coming city of the north with j everybody admitting it, busy 'streets, active harbor, boosters j everywhere and a cheerful con-j fident line of talk. And such I wonderful air. Honour Judge W. O Fulton, made on . the 26th day of November. AD. 1949.' 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies mv &DDointment as ITviit.ri rf ' Wlison is survived by three sons ! Ronald Wilson of Port Alice: estate of Carl Poulsen. otherwise , known as Martinus Paulsen or carl , - ner-Nixon combination. In the first match Detween "foursomes" of the "Old Vets" Jack Judge and Alex Harvey, playing scratch, were bo'h in form from the start of the game Leslie Wilson. Kelowna. and tournament of the season st the Canadian Legion got off to a god start over the week.epd. thre matches in the "foursorr.'," event being played off. In tho two matches between the "New Vets," F. w. Comadina and w. II PR0.MPT FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Until recently, tourists have been quick to notice with obvious approval the width and fine attenthw to all woe; Jack Wlison, attending University of British Columbia in Vancouver, ad one daughter, Mrs. John (Christina i Parks of South Vancouver. and showed - no - mercv on -- their - - - , r- 1 " " ii lui 11 ailLl i II it- uoger, with a handicap of plus ' opponents W. L. Gordon and J. appearance of Trlnce Runert 20. defeated Rnh Mnvi Lawrie, whose handicap was . concrete sidewalks. But. rnw a. usoorne, playir.g tcra'di bi plus 15, winning easily ' with a ' with surface looking the worse '5 . Ilegal Prinlei a score of 150-141. A well:played score of 150-56. j for wear, the city will have to Further games in this tourna- give this defect the npp.ipH Q . Martinus Poulsen, deceased, was con-1 firmed. . All parties having claims against, the said estate are hereby required to' furnish same, properly verified, to ' me dh or before the 31st day of May, 1949. after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims oi which I then had no knowledge. - And all parties indebted to the es-, tate are required to pay the amount' of their indebtedness forthwith. -DATED this- 21st day of April, A D. 1949. EVA POULSEN. Executrix, Estate of Carl Poulsen, otherwise known as Martinus Paulsen or Carl Martinus Poulsen, eo Brown & Harvey. Barristers & Solicitors, Prince Rupert. B. C. -106 SHIPS and WATERFRONT Taking over the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart run for j a month while the Camosun is withdrawn from service for hold extension which will in-' crease her freight carrying capacity. Union steamer Chilcotin, I which has not been seen here since last fall, arrived in port COTTON GOODS The Netherlands manufactures 19 different types of fabrics. ment are scheduled for fconiglrTj. tention and the more promptly run of 26 by Comadina was the only break to be recorded during the clay's play. J. fcrcmner and D. w Niv,i W. SAUNDERS i Second Avenue PHONE 24 P.O. Box! 09,v II with a handicap of plus CO, hf a !, J HOLLYWOOD cafe at 7 o'clock last evening from Vancouver and sailed at 1 a.m. for Port Simpson, Alice Arm and He II 9 Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City btewart whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail south at 1:30 p.m. The Chilcotin is in' enmmanrl nf rnv,t 1 1 1 i NOTICE I I r T.l. . , - OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M. -VA i,ix.SS0VIXCIAL ELECTIONS ACT PKLNCE RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT UMh naiciow wno nas been relieving the regular Ekippcr on the Prince Rupert-Stewart run. Capt. John Boden, for some time. Having had a bit of a rinstinn- We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUE Y - CIIOWiMEIX FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PDOXE 133 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Provincial Voters if at I useo in tne last General Election has been cancelled you have not reregistered, you will not be able to vote the ensuing election to be held June i;. iqio ti, ti.. of Voters for the above Electoral District will close on the 2nd Fa wcett Torrid Oil Rn while crossing Hecate Straits. Union steamer Coquitiam, Capt. Alf Aspinall, arrived in port at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and sailed at 10 o'clock last night for Butedale, Westview and Vancouver. !i! Beyond wdm-ikMi fim&,' Gives You ... CLEANLINESS CONVENIENCE ..EFFICIENT! ECONOMY uay oi may 1349 and no Applications for Registration filed with the undersigned after the said date will be accepted for insertion in the List of Voters for use at the hereinbefore mentioned Election of June 15, 1949. All enquiries and Applications for Registration should be filed at the office of the undersigned, Room 13, Court House, between the Hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Phone 74. Gordon F. Forbes, REGISTRAR OF VOTERS, PRINCE RIPERT ELECTORAL niSTllir'T 1 ' l j Advertise in the Pally News! NOW AVAILABLE with the Syncrom-matic Us! means tip to 25 saving isi- a .Id on Easy Budget Tec April 18, 1949. See them now at (A 18,19,20,23,25,26) I2333EZ33I M. Hridc Street TIIONE LING ihe TAILOR LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan-20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 13 to 20 years. Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE BLACK 221 P.O. BOX 1676 this it NOTICE! lviju.rji Clothes Glomes rvnitituui), remaining n- in - i ... i , . n hp nUta ARE YOU ON THE VOTERS LIST? Ihe provincial vler5- Iils art. n., l,,.iK revlw.d cial ' l W ab, , vo,, l lllc , pm,. KeSistral.n on (he Dominion ' or Municipal n your name is on Ihe provincial voters' h"ts T , v S dt's. not ,nt!an ur name must be on this proving rolere' list " U prov,nda election Ie a good citizen! Be re you are roistered, sure you vok. If you are no( registered von rinn.. vole GnVFRNMFWT m- , ami unclaimed alter one ,ytjai - r sale unless customer advises us to hold W-Please givp number. LING, THE TAILOR , n i lull 220 Sixtb blrecl-r ' - f EVERYTHING A MAIS LOOKS FOR A A SHOE GOOD LOOKING! Automobile Owners . . . PROV,NCE OF BR IT I S H CoTuMBIA . ; ir ' IS T1 1 ti FRFFZff-TTP n a wr. Kits ARE OV1.K. eretS For Building Supplies Ij " I "fftffr n . 1 DRAIN OFF ANTIFREEZE AND POWER rU R ING SYSTEM. A CAN OF CIIIIYCO VA T BK PHONE 363 NEW-ROYAL COMFORTABLE! LONG-LASTING! Acents For See US Today! THEN KEEP THE COOLING Ssi AAvniTIONS. V) FOR WARMER WEATHER DRIVING COW lC HOTEL SCATER SHOES i MITCHELL & SERVICE 13 INEXPENSIVE AND MAY av OF TROUBLE LATER ON. LINDSAY MOTORS HP GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors MLNTS-W fc HAVE THE MOST FUI I Y KQUIl'l'EDSUOl-INTOWN TH- 2,3 I1KSTAE.E. ?2!" METAL LIMITED ! PHONE BLACK 884 "JAYCEE" CONVENTION CITY-PPrvr-r. " i A Home Away From Home 60 Room, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, BC Phone 231 p.q. Box m ' rilONE mtt PHONE BLACK C9 P.O. BOX 737 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BEI