Prince Rupert Dolly News Tuesday. November 7, 1950 Bootleg Hais John Good, Imperial 01 tm has received word of his .arJ !;f ir- :T fer to Vancouver at the en t f'! J the month. Mrs. Good anJ i"1 Women of Moose Annua! Banquet Blackwood On Bridge By Easley Blackwood C. Ft. Levelton and J. R. D. XThite, Dominion Department ofj "u ra'eia, r . 7. -" J There to: o orvruH a'n..rr.i ,! dinner, the Evening was spent playing wh'st. . Mrs. O. Ste gavi5' was wis high with iL" Jlrs- Mrs. u' G. McGinni ' E. Auriol, Mrs. R. B. Skinner and Mrs. T. Glenn. t . . . .. ," ' ""'second. Committee in charge last night at the annual banquet s consSs:ej cf hirs. H. Pauison. Mrs Pjjri! M,,J wvvivi 56Cl'l?l PARIS Reuters "Bootlegged" hats are a 5cret of Paris mil linery circles. Theyre on sals only to those who know their way arcund the Paris fashion underworld. The first step Is to obtain the j address of a good hat-bootleeeer i oi tne women oi the Moose a the Broadway Cafe. Folio1ri3 If you don't know Mi?s Lucy Brash, I'll bet you know someone like her. She's middle-aged and & spinster. She's jolly and popular. She's optimistic. She's VERY optimistic at the bridge table. , Miss Brash loves to bid "What's the fun of a rare bird because she musti playing if vou can t bid? have a quick eye, clever hands L ... . ad many friends I her Paner cue-bid because- un"1 Just didn t have a thing." But Then the Inevitable climb 11, 11,1 1 . J 'she doesn't need many, broth- Now and then she Will pass , l queen short of an opening forc- game U a moral certainty, even I J rZl An ::;Z:Z '.youarereallyoff to the races, DDUDLE DISTlLLiD Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Kease refrain from telephoning. Cla.s?!fi-ds, 3c per ord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Fun ! ersj i.'otices. Marriage and Engajement Announcements $2.00. I SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE FOR SALE T 7 r mi-t it Jt-ll luray un mtr Camosun lor Bella Bella on de- partmental business. Want Ads, Sure Results! ! IIKLP WANTED j DISTRIBUTOR wanted for T new- nf'W ' lesai cob, machine. Called Wrist Twister." Franchisi . now oeing eranted. Small in- ( n-sUiieit. Wriie Box bai, Daiiv New tOST rv?T. "Pete." Phone Blue 892 Re- ward 260c LMT-Donald Howie of Prince I Georee has lost billfold con-! taininst husoital insurance rec- I ords. etc. between Post Office and Bank of Montreal. Bx 1000. (260p LOST Hydraulic jack between Terrace and Shames. Finder please phone 109. Reward. (2G1C) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five-room house ! with oathroom. Dartiv fur- j nished. on Enali-sh Kill. Mc-! Bride Street. Apply Green V 2. daytime. (tfc I . . rvin r. t t t i .ei1011 "n A? 'i3 1 " x Danien1; 'i ern- 11JO mvs -ove TFD ! 'ur JiAKivti : PRrr-F-a pm fnr nrran iron steel, brass wnmr. lead, etc Honpst rraiilrj PtArrnt nuv. I You'll enjoy the mature per-fetiioii fur uhich tliin famoii Canadian Rye lii-Ly la$ Ira'lilioiially leen noted ... frfeclion rrci(;niz.-.l ,y ,e j.eople of .C Jio appre- ' -v- f , ... .. peep-hole. Credentials are check . nlre closely than If you were bt - ing admitted to the vaults at , , , .. . ique" (one price! system 5.000 francs $14 for any hat But the choice Includes the latest models fynm t V. n I&ami v ( '. 1 1 . " "1 "t" "a" "r"'1 " Dior or a wonderful Legroux number which has tempted you. tnere t is for soon franr in stead of the 20.000 francs which caused you to quail at the lnuu6i "i your nusoana s recep- tion of the bill. . ttlT!? l " dame Bootlegger suffices. She knows every hat in town and Is capable of copying It so exactly that even Its creator would be ; mistaken. Officers Are Nominated Nomination of officers for the'! election In December formed thet greater part of the business , hanHlpH last vaaV of tv. r,- "Z:. 1 " - ".v . . . . BIRTH NOTICE j MeLEOD Born to Mr. and Mrs, nea MCLeoa on Notfmbpr t 5, in the Prince Rupert Geneialj Hospital, a son. Douglas Georee. I ,.a itcy. o0p FOR SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES ; Linr-oe.t SDeeder Snovels: Rnzs firrt2?" litH.fri IK-: EaufDment: Owen Clamshell i Buckets and ROCk GraDDles:! i i Claris Furklift Trucks: Neison ! Bucket Lfjaders for StockDile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable j Centrifugal Pumm' Na- I w'!?kitiPravlH1inr.?frarfr8c;?ro(i Gasoline Hotets: National Portable National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Fall inlormation from Na- tional Machinery Co. Limited. riale the full lKMli nav.j our ami nicllnw rirlmm l.rB.C.D..illeDislilIeJ. Vancouver, lii'.'FOR SALE Used radios THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTlllERYCd NEW WESTMINSTER I C This advertisement b not published or display Control Board or by the Government ef BriushC .,303 BRITISH calibre Reming-, ton. Savage and Winchester P-14 bold action 6-shot sporting rifles with 26" barrel. Ex- nlrplv finishpri aalnut storks- splPfl. nnntltv rrrvif-tp:t'rf : Price only $27 50. If not satis- i fled, return rifle at our ex ! meeimg oi me Laaies pense for full refund. Imme- nR oAIp Two m tinor 1 B'on' Mrs- V. Hanley and Mrs. dlate delivery: will send COD. : hoii'p withTtow hf?? Fnr F0R SALE Six-room house. 416 Twaites were appointed nomin-Mail6 &f Hoise- Boxti rVationwriteG.6 Dud ! JBLZd Biue iJW I ating committee. TOYS TOY TOYS Dltawfl . Ont itfi - , un saj-jk .ew cnesteriieia hArt- r.H mmniPt- nn Mint. eri rhpst nf rlrau.'Prs- wwinu I 'Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- i wu new inemDers were mim ted. the last of the vear No mnrp I aoDlications pp-u"o"s will win be oe ronstr1prd consiaera untU January. RpnorfJi frnm tht iat anrt vpi Committee chairmen for Legion Week reported all evenu Twerc hand Mn W Mfif.rni. .... ment made. Atlas Iron &,sick committees were heard. machine: kitchen stoves: heat- Jn- Pnone 349. P.O. Box : 985. ers: hardware; coffee tables,; "V. i;bjpi s?odresaofe8othebretS Sfurnii FOR SALE-1950 Meteor custom Ui it lowest "nrica Sel 6 Tc "dan exceDtionallv low miie-Fumnure aKe- Pllone Biue atil 36!iwkt5 B ack 324 - SHOP EARLYJ ,'. . ' ' ,u. .T.-'ly . i, . . w- t , .... councu. Mrs. tusie Anaerson wui: Choose them now fit huge selection convener' for the Christmas 91 THE SPORT SJ ophite Mia. Brad's modest holriins ' But note that Mr. Abel did not pass. Me overcalled the opening spade bid with twj hearts. Now it Is not necessary i or desirable! lor the Nortn hand to "stretch" for a spade raise. The overcall automatical-: !y gives Mr. Champion anotht r chance to bid If he wishes to do so. Aa a matter cf fact, a single raise of partner's suit, given af-, ter an opponent's overcall, ha3 a special meaning. It means, "Partner, I in not stretching my cards. I have a good, sound raise." Mr. Champion read that meaning Into Mlss Brash's bid today. He had well over a minimum opening and If his part ner had a free raise, there should J5? U?T f-"! to four Jumped straight spades. wnen lne aummy went down. Mr- Champion let out a roar that shoolc tne window panes. Mr. Abels owning lead was the king of hearts and Mr. Champion J, "Zrlflt played low .he went right up with dummy's king. The right' .lay. as usual. I Now the nine of spades was led off the board and permit'ed; t0 ride Mr At)ej won wiln tne kln8- cashed the queen and Jack J xris then ,ed, " B:e of diamonds for the setting trick. Remember don't give your partner a "chance"' when he doesn't need It. ZO Gillette BluBIds ;H,ndvVispenserwith USED BtAvt QVmrww-" UP! From one tide of ihe Uitpenier yoa zip out new Gillette Blue Illadet. unwrapped nd ready for use. Turn the Ditptnier oer and there't handy compartment for easy disposal of used blades. 20 BLADES 40 5H A VINO EDGES . . ci," REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. iNear CF'PR) f- JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Business and Profes FOR SALE Child's crib, chest of nrasers. rnmnination ward- robe, all in cream enamel, like new. English pram, good cor.-. u.liun. lol aIuu Ave.. itiUn 6 D m. 262p nf - One chesterfield. v-,.i . ..ii.. -i c I Hht fixtures: also picks, 120 5ln est- 2Aw FDR FOR SALE RAI.F1QSn 1350 rntlnm custom Plv- mouth live passenger coune. Miieace under 3000 miles, Pnone 234 or Blue 003 after 6 D.m. (260ct POR SALE One bedroom suite. ffifchrnUeW JSte,.f ?2rtilf; '2' lamps one standing lJmDDt50r,?Pd ble5- oictures, etc. Red 9H after a pnv 259p) with marine band. Standard and thort wave. Floor models and table models. Guaranteed. Phone 6. McUae Bros. 265c) UK bALfc MCClarv UUCnf'.SS range wick burner, coooer r coil grates for reconversioi Rorie. Green 944. Ufi wiu, luvcriicas viiiuierv. d.. ' i ncin . 1 Ihl .'OR rr,p catp SALE ioa7 1947 i-v,i-i,cw Chrysler oi Royal and taxi Stand in gOOd lOCa- FOR SALE 1949 3 x 1 ton nick-uo. low mileaee. A-l condition. Phone Biue 872. 2S4p ROOM AND BOARD ROOM ANB BOARD for two business peoo.e Write Box 830. Daily News. (26op FOR RENT FOR RENT 41 U Drive. When, friends come, show them the. city with a 41 U Drive Phone f 41- Grenvlile Court, Fraser St.i (215di- - FOR RENT Room and board in auiet home. Phone Biue 596 or call 124 8th Ave. West. 263p) FOR RENT T--o rooms, self-; contained, semi-furnished.' Ouiet counle onlv need apolv. Box S29 Dailv Nim 9rUi, "- - FOR RENT 2 -room apartment,' no children Afternoons 743 9 h Ave- West (261pi 1 FOR RENT Sleeping room, : clase in- Phone Green (9, , V FOR RENT-SSeeping room, close to town. Phone Black 973 after.' 6 ptn' 2Glpil FOR RENT cTr Room. "w Men " only. ' , 7 I Green 404 . (200pl ! FOR RENT Room and board . for one man. Red 6G0. (tf PERSONAL . IZBIPI 1 baby ki iter Reliable woman vour home or mine Phone Evelyn. Red 738. (263p) Compromising Women! mm GREAT SCOTT- I VAJII I Vr-li I 1 V THEV COST THPSF i fiUV MF A . THOUSA)C DOLLARS MINK CCAT I 4 ' m SD&ttslt' -A (jjyt f)V ttttvtti ijtviHitt. In, . WWM n(., ,IMr,d Super Snooper! mum i' -V -v . it yv HM-M-- NDER WHAT C , , , V. r .i r Neither side vulnerable, ! ' North (MIm Brs-h) i S J 9 8 4 ; H 4 3 D-K J S 1 j C 9 7 , la.t j (Mr. Atrt) (Mr. Kfrn) S K 3 8 3 j ; H K Q J 10 8 H 7 2 i D A 7 2 U Q 10 3 j C 10 8 3 , C K J 3 4 2 ' ' South (Mr. fhmpln) ' 8 A Q 10 II 1 ! H A 6 5 j ! D 8 4 ! C A Q 8 I j South WX North lat f f IS i H 2 3 pass j ! 4 S All pass ' j There is an Important point In ' today's hand. It comes up fr?- Qiiently. Mr. Champion opened ;Rh One spade. NowTf Mr. AW passed, Mis Brash would be per- fectly jusUfied in raising to two spades ' Thia' would be a chance raise,! sometimes called a courtesy raise. It gives partner a chance He ma ust I LETTERBOX rrrr-r- HAVE DONE oooo JOB j " Editor, Daily News: I I would like to comment on , Mill Opening" in your Issue of I November 4th. i Tour reference to the construe-1 itlon worke" I feel, unforttin- fw- n,je.IVen "ave ne a "mendous Job under most dlf- wuin-uiuiiijianmana certain any operation of the mill in iiir i ii l ii i r will i rr- i-ii i i rp v nr.. PfndeJlt At up?n tnf ?d j ort , tnat uu"c " "ic il"CJ A; Jones- miii Manager NOT UNWORTHY Editor, Daily Nes: I am very concerned with the editorial entitled "Pulp Mill Opening" published in your pape r Saturday. November 4, 1950. To say the least, we were surprised to read that as "Constructionists" we are undesirable people, this by inference, if not a direct statement. It Would seem that a small noisy minority ha so impressed you. that you have concluded that all on construction are unworthy citizens. We take strong exception to this thinking; and would like to have you consider the fact that many ' on the construction personnel will be transferred at a future date to production. I would appreciate it if vou would publish this letter TIt; ideas expressed in your ditor'.a' do not represent the thinking of anyone In an official capacity in this company. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. LTD. C. H. Klotz, Project Engineer. ("The editor certainly had no Intention of reflecting upon the construction personnel as a whole, those holding responsible positions or those of the con struction personnel who are deemed worthy of being trans f.erred at a future date to produc- noisy minority. ) Prince Rupert Folk Get-Together in LA Former Prince Rupert residents have travelled a long way to meet In Los Angeles, according to word received in the city by friends. Mrs. John Farrell, the former Edna Unger of Prince Rupert, came out recently fron London, England, to visit with her mother, Mrs. Ed unger, in Vancouver. Now Mrs. Unger and Mrs. Farrell are In Los Angeles for a visit with Mr. and Mn. Jack Joy, also formerly of Prince Rupert. j Archbishops of Canterbury are enthroned in an early 13th century chair of Purbeck marble. ncc Rupert Florists iPrini towers for lit Occasion i I HKI 3rd Ave Box Mb lei I- 81 REGAL FINE Phone 24 FOR SALE latest edition En-i cyclopedia Americana 30 volumes i. plus 10 vo'.umes chil-' dren's clawics. Brand new. .' Cost $19fJ,00. Best cash offer. Write Box 828. Daily News. ,263d) FOR BALE Bedroom suite con-Histine of bed sorine. dresser with bench, chiffonier; almost new. modern design. AUo ' . chesterfield and chair. Phone Black 971. (2G0p FOR SALE Coal and wood range with water coil. ALso enamel bathtub. Phone Biack: , 548. (2C3p FOR SALE Electric Hotpoint ranae. good condition. Inquire 70 Taxi Stand. (2C2p) ; FOR SALEElecTric-Hotpoint, good condition Inquire 70, . Taxi Stand. -.- (262p) i FOR SALE Ranger kitchen : stove, u.sed three months $35. Daily News Box 527. (2G0p ' ruR vnu' bALE At v trnn Wood ,tTrT and coal Ti : , heater. Call 107 8th East. ; 'Wl FOR SALE-BabvValNstrTelcrlb. 1 size 51 x 26. Apply 1450 Piccot.t Ave- 261p) i vno'an'r7Z. 77r FOR SALE-Chesterfield suite. I I like now; camp chairs, eta Phone Black 338 (270p) i - i FOR SALE 9 x 10A rug. 447 ' 6th Ave. East. (2i5) I FOR SALE-1948 Ch'-v. sedan, I A-l. Phone Green 279. (tf) I tree. New sick committees are east. Mrs. Adleman and Mrs. Pat Anderson; west, Mrs. Skinner and Us. Anderson. Mrs. Hanley reported on the card parties held in October. Mrs- Keay.' group will look after tne November card parties. A letter from Provincial Com- mand cohcernlne- iuhniarsr,inc " r wa . th,, taD,ed The monthly rafne was won by Mrs. Dorbthy Keehn. Enthusiastic About Nine STEWART John Hovland, owner of the Urticorh group of mineral claims Situated In the Upper Salmon Rlver area, has left for his home In Seattle. He Is still enthusiastic over the pos sibilities of hu group of clairm and states that development work this season has more than justified his faith In the ulUmate outcome of the property. He will be back next year to prosecute further development Work. HlGII PERCENTAGE Out of 7,000,000 population Sweden has almost 900.000 enrolled In civil defence organizations. If you want to sell It, advertise j it. News classifieds. W YOUR Fuller Brushl Fnn p at f ni- ,,iPHONE i7.i 7rt i7i r c?tV" Dealer between 5 and 6:30 n.m. size 18. Red 471. Of,, at Blaclc VM for denionstra- ' tion of Christmas specials. vr-in d it r ,o, , i our couver BC Phone Pa"i H 6357. HO I WANTED Scrao cast, brass i coooer. . batteries ... . -and ... radi ... i auj:-s. t-uoue M3 tail 6251 fitn . west. 'tfljbe SCHOOLS EveninTciaiis in Negation will be conducted during the winter months to assist a Urn- i!ed ?.!imbf ' 5il ?ea-t!oi"? - Certi2u5Uf Com''Svu1 Mates or Tug-Boat Masters of rr-.ssels engaged in the Home : Trade ror nirmer lrijorma-1 4. Federal Buildins. between 9 and io a.m.. weeK-days. ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Inromf Tax SDecialist. S. O. Furk 8tone Building. Red 53. '2omi BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS pLUMBINu and Heatlne - sheet Metal work Tar ah.. Gravel Rlxifine, Call 629 6tfc West. Phone 543. Letourneac snd Krn tf MODERN PalnHn and Decor- Xe - Snen"e-and Mtuik neJJ.ackp o1 BnVu Boxllll. nMt (til f . -"uijHi COMPLETE builders Sunolies fast aervice. Island City Build- Ing Sunnlies. Blue 820- (i8ml . . REPAIRS WATCH Hermrs prompt effl- Clent service fleore Cnolt Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-Stove Service Si Repairs. G. D Knnson Black 503 (tfl ANCIENTS DID IT Abbreviations to save time and space were largely employed In ancient Greek manuscripts. -ill'" OKW, WFl I TUFM That SEEMS MAY i HAVE DrACj Vi&ui c 'EN CFMTS FGS A CWuei E ICE -CREAM CONE ? fer (ft, &- mm W Wk f up r iin, 74d iorT..' " ' MUiJ FOR KA' .F vi(rir radiator z. new. call 441 7th East. (2G5pi BLONDIE , tion. We had certainly no in- -i 'tenition of including all the "coiir d ii by CHIC YOUNGlstructionists" with the "small P'; l 'ILL lM if FXPEJJSIVE rt - rk- QUALin For Downtrodc- and Worn 3 MAC SHOE HOS! Box 774 Buy the Best-B Famous ELECTROJ Cleaner and Air Small supply no .R. W. COLi Anthorfwd D PHONE 4 rv,ntnct above SERVICE & SU MARGARET OPTOMETFI Room ID STONE BCI PHONE BLUE 51 P.O. BOX SIDNEY GO' OPTOMETK Complete Visual' OFFICE HOC 9 a.m. to 5 P Mezzanine P" Geo. Cook's Jf' .MirinM 0" OIL BURNER SfE New wick trpot'yj .at All types oi serviced-! , stoves i.ondltlonai s- 1 feet aausiai- I A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, C.A. ' A. L. BELL, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavtni Beauty Culture In all Its branches ?04 4th Street ' Phone 855 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph. Black 38S RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE UENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all Kindt ROOFS-CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black S34 Red 894 P. O. Hot 1870 MATTSON'S . UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, . Prince Rupert, B.C. TRAIN bCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, rrlJay 8:00 From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:15 pm h ''ipppiiiiiini'1""'' SHE'S GETTING ( MOf? LIKE HE(? ) 7 MOTHER EVERV 1- L a " "finf- in ii'i " - i 1 i I 1 f ' r r r. i ' i riiiiiiiiiiii!iiiin I vamor for is B(?imflh. ( wo I 1?iS. A0 " S J WEPE HAVING . I J The? Npyfowp I WHO LAUGHS AGAIN 7 Ltt5 THt TABLE MKg 'T-n nairwr. mc , worn tifrfi rUrTTtrt y PRINTING AT PRINTERS 222 Second Ave. 5th West , j733