42 WOMEN ("Continued from page 1) Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. November 7, 1950 Hew Sawmill At Meilakalla 4 j campaign received a boost from I IN THE I Vice-President Alben Barkley on his recent political visit to Call-i fornia. Her opponent, Richard M. Nixon, well-known Republican, Alaska Village Also Getting New Hydro Plant BASKET , , I was an active member of the JUNEAU. Metlakatla's new House .un.American Activities mill will be ready to start saw- committee. His supporters claim ing lumber in about a month's that he is a "sure" victor, time, according to George SunU- , borg, Alaska Development Board (The only other woman consultant, who has just return- If? forJ;he sen,ate ls Lulian R ed to Juneau from a trip to thelNar,?' Progressive party Annette Island community. ' ard bearer ta Pennsylvania. Ob- I re-election because of 111 health. Of the 16 candidates for tho house put up by the major parties this year, eight are Republican and eight are Democrat. In the 1948 election there were 10 Democrats (one less than in 1946) and five Republicans (one more than in 1946. The first woman was elected to the house in 1916 Miss Jen-ette Rankin, a Republican from Montana. Since then 47 women have been appointed or elected to Congress seven to the senate and 40 to the house. Nineteen were Republicans, 28 Democrats. Mrs. Nellie Taylor Ross, Democrat, was the first woman governor. She was elected Governor of Wyoming the first state to give the vote to women in 1925. The only other feminine governor was Mrs. Miriam A. (Ma) Ferguson who finished a two-year term in Texas 15 years agx JUST ARRIVED! BOYS' FUR TRIMMED Parka Jackets Sizes 616 In Beige, Brown and Green The mill, built by the Metla- ,",c's 've ner nuie cnance 01 election katla community, will be able to I Dliru are againfesked to whistle. He didn't and we are . produce 100 thousand feet of I 1 lumber per day, making it one of the most productive mills m . f nmateur spois writers have men with his background c , . U ....... J ONE WOMAN IN SENATE The only woman senator at present is Republican Margaret Chase Smith, a white-haired business executive from Maine. will sign tneir cjy m aivunu Gordon and Anderson look a3 munner oy aixuiB me though they are going to be the weak sister in this three-team FRASER AND PAYNE the territory. , Progress is also being made, Sundborg said, toward obtaining a new hydro-electric power plant on the island with R.E.A. as- She was a member of the house before she was elected to set-up this year, due simply to the! ar "A Fan- oy i-nun. e of these kno-f-it-alls and, onallv thrrieh these you will oesuDjecteu w r about this nd that sign- senate in 1948. She does not up for re-election until IT'S A RECORD Edgar (Special Delivery) Jones, so nicknamed for his ability to plunge while playing with the Cleveland Browns, has set an all-time individual record for the Big F our by scoring 102 points to date this season with Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Jones, who tips the scales at 210 pounds and ls 30 years old. is a trinle threat back. (CP PHOTO) """""- come Sundborg accompanied a party L above but prompted Dy no of Corps of Engineers officials .... Seven of the nine t MMiairatia ty rii.,, wirh women now the ract that they lack experience In many respects and will' take a while to get used to them- selves. Rupe Holkestad and Jim' Flaten appear to be the back-' bone of the young club but from I there out It will be youth and Tight only. Big Bob Gill could prove himself with them, how-1 Mayor John Smith and others the house seek re-election, Mrs, Chase Goins (Dem. Conn.); :Ls. Prepare For WINTER! 1 win wnty .usuj uuuut tball, about those in basket- about fel-iiKe ert-abouts.and Due rwntgomcry, An-ta-Phee, f 'X Bill, who are to be rtponsible for the ling of tlf British Columbia dents to keep their boats at Met- j Cecil M. Harden (Rep. Ind; lakatla instead of mooring them rs' fdlth Nourse Rogers (Rep., The "e fish " packer W. R. Lord of ever, as he will be called upon to , a;Lnrtin 1 at Ketchikan as is now the prac do most of the tough rebounding p Frl"?e r RuPertran an aground in tho the u (hampiofmp 10 me nuiui. mis. ru"a r. K.eiiVi (Dem. N.Y.); Mrs. Katharine St. j George ( Rep. N.Y.) ; Mrs. Frances j P. Bolton T?pr ") onH Mr against the tall lads on the other ,nun a,rm 01 tne Taser Kiver, t plavefc that tne doing and arrfn't doing well and iaoi, wccn, as t result 01 log. ine. I.WO tPHmR U;IM houa haln . I J MXC RRRP l i 01 (Z ( III Alys Prompt ana Courteous ( L I ' J U Li J We're Here to Serve YOU 1 Commodore Cafe! Hospitality and Good Food" TlA -jUTl Jphone 17 for Send-Out Orders It? ' Cm jO- (; 'd Ave- Davlci Chow. Mgr.l i yf k u . ii LAND OF BABEL I Reva Beck Bosnne (nem TTtah i ! from youthful Steve Dumas, who 1- wnlh had elnty tons rf ,ccas!orlil sidelight on visi- herring aboard, was soon re-' Hundreds of different lan- Mrs. Marv T. Norton. New Jer- win definitely take a little time that iilways makes good Every word written will be floated, with no damage of con- guages are spoken in the Inao- sey Democat and veteran of 22 before he erninit thp pvnjrieir.o npfriori in oat omi.n'H mor, ,,,, i sequence l nesian archipelago. I years in Jthe house, is not seeking k Interest of the promotion rt p yf are asKea to not. n lb cancel your subscrip-u this paper if you read iine about vour son that . . . . . " n 1 . aicutiu men i i r v, Beynon, Davis and Morgan. Co-Op, who oppose Gordon and Anderson this evening, are very happy over their first win over the Brownwoods Club. They were a bit concerned when they looked at the line-up Alex Bill threw at them and, for my Check your Fu ranee ond Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 THQM SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE to meet with your line of :ht. The editor of this paper gambler, printing this stuff r llrst place so give him a ng chance if your ire should money, Brownwoods appeared to rounsed. After an he mayihave an edge. I must admit, now a basketball from a however, that Joe Davis amazed l rT me the way he travelled through the game and Beynon, for that l. I A Heat Your Home The Modern Way! matter, was sensational avoirdupois and all. Tonight could easily see the Fishmen take a two-game lead in the league race by winning IM Lw Ciel Bmj4 W G ninmmt rraelon. jght D')c Montgomery will aself all excited again over -w entry in the senior divi-sponsored by Gordon and .-son. The Doc has been gh these first nighters in r centers than this many before but I am willing to r that he will be Just as before whistle time tonight has ever been. You see, the s just that way. In his first here, he broke in with a handily due to depth of strength j LA V DOIi'T BUY and experience' but we'll probably change our tune as the season progresses remember Bo-Me-Hi and their youth and inexperience and what they did when they got rolling. ART MURRAY. -A Man is known by the Whisky j he serves; GAS RANGE i that had been used to discipline and after an in-rer.t season we were much i that the popular little VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun Prize Fish ai Until you see the new ALICE ARM, STEWART AND Lac La Ronge lliGUS Vis? OUflLITV "TAPPWl" PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Comosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Nov. 10 and 24 9 p.m. REQINA W A 5-pound lake tiout was the largest fish entered in this year's Saskatchewan anglers' Derby, Fisheries Supervisor -M m BY - J COMPARE THE PRICE i ! HOT WATER A. H MacDonald announced. THE FLAVOUR m m - - The Derby is run jointly by the NOW ON DISPLAY ? HEATING provincial ' fisheries branch and HPHPUiM, We Stop Your PRICE FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Nov. 17, 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 I1X II kt " woia "pr Have our heating the Saskatchewan Fish and Game League. The trout was caught in Lac La Ronge, in the north, by Dr. W. M. Russell of Bremerton, Wash. Other prize winners: Pickerel Bob Benell, Moose Jaw, 10 lb. 3 oz., caucht in Long Lake. Pike Torn Britton. Pierceland. man call and give you estimates on hot water or steam" heat uOf l i A - DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF THE BEST BUY IN FINE CANADIAN WHISKY Catwrt MOUNT ROYAL ing PORTRAITS tims Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE HANDLER'S STUDIO 2Tt - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Ruoert Sask., 25 lb 14 oz., caught in Pierce Lake. No Job Too Brown trout H. Persson, East-end. Sask.. 6 lb. 11 oz., caught 1c " """" emn ii not published at Big Little Frenchman Creek. No Job Too ,fiTSV - Small lCrj CU BLUE 8 4 6 SAANICH RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC PLUMBING & HEATING Brook trout H. A. Randall, Hudson Bay, Sask., 3 lb. 10 o , taught in Fir River. Arctic grayland T. H. Waugh, Prince Albert, Sask., 2 lb. 9 oz., caught in Fond Du Lac River In far-north Saskatchewan. Goldeye L. Huffman, Prince Albert, 2 lb. l'a oz., caught in the Saskatchewan River. Perch R. L. Campbell, Mel-ford, Sask.. 1 lb. 9 oz.. caught in Struthers- Lake. I KjMmaaicm mum HERE'S IHE WAY TO BUY 1 2 Cor. 4th Ave. and McBride ? ,This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Gel Your . . . For Less . I KUPVOWlCA i t I W AU WINTER X I Ctt tils i I ccwien Xmas Cards How! CALL RED656 PRDER NOW CCTtMM uEEUpcanak (2mmQ d ! 1 1 FROM D g S, GROCERY 5 U Wnr Ruoert rna-me ss t PRINTERS STATIONERS - OFFICE SUPPLIES : ID: pl L HEATING al its Best szavics 6 Remembrance Day November 11 Poppies on sale os usual, give generously MARCHAND kPArr .. . ntATERS Com;. i. With the punishing months of Winter iheid, Hir CompleU S-WAV Winterizing will usard you of protection all winter long. Our expert serricemen uie fctory-pproed equipment, fctory-pproed methotls and Genuine ford Part. Cotfmf Sy&m ECONOMICAL - SAFE FAST - CLEAN - FUEL FOR COOKING Economical Hl8h mechanical fffi-t When voi choose your Vortex" Sole distributor for Prince Rupert & District J cigarette for mildness -you'll f omaiic Burners choose milbank Ugarerres Ward Electric & Marine Supply Fuel System Ignition System s Electrical System Lubricants P.O. BOX 786 PHONE 680 auvirg in heating TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins Appliances readily available thru your favorite dealer 263 'BoMParker Ltd. LIMITED - v. uua tt i -m