ymATCHED PROVIKCIAL tIBRART, 113 VICTORIA, B. C. 0 Daily NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER J X. Delivery vn,bliv)vl0Co"aa', Mos S"te9ic Poeific Port "Princ. Rupert, th. Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS TPr-inni ir-v f r A M PzPl n; rp i n Jjtor Reid Assailed "Vicious" Campaign inst Aluminum Plant V y v . 1 1 i - South Africans for Korea w ar ree That Korean Be Localized , Applewhaite, M.P., Delivers Slashing ctort Itofore Chamber of Commerce As must thing retort to Senator Thomas Reid for what iribed as a "vicious and personal campaign" the proposal by Aluminum Company of Can- Europe Is More Istablish a vast new industry at Kitimaat, important " ' ; . , . h I- . fl I! 'J coast from Prince Rupert, with the use of ctric power derived from the Kemano River, !he Nechako River. - was matte by E. T. jumbia but merely intended to Alaska 'Statehood Udl Deferred Communist China Should Not Be Attacked So That Open War May Be Prevented WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee were reported today to te. M P. lor bKeena,. export electrical power to the 1 Prince Rupert Cham-, united States, declared that jrmerce Monday night. ! 5UCh an export was an absurdly ilrwhalte asserted that in the light of present and fo.f- be working toward an agreement that the West must iiuatcd by a desire to; seen electrical transmission Interests of his own technique. Any well-Informed WASHINGTON (CP) The Alaska statehood bill was pushed aside probably for the rest of the session in the Senate yesterday. Democratic Leader Scott Lu join an attempt within fiberal party to ln- build up heavy military forces in Europe with all possible speed, to offset the reverses in Korea. TCjisiV tn thP nnliev of both irovernments. in- rty politics in a weas electrical engineer would bear this out. The country was, tJC rough and the distance too far. As a matter of fact, Alcan's most serious stumbling block was the uncertainty of being able to t;y canipiunu samoi Men of the "Flying Cheetahs," a Union of South Africa fighter squadron, arrive in Yokohama, Japan, enroute to Join the United Nations forces in Korea. Left to right: Commander S. V. B. Theron; Squadron Captain P. A. LeGeorge; Major Biaauw, Deputy Commander; and Major II. C. Enslin, Medical Officer of the "Flying Cheetahs." mum industry project,.: formed officials said, is the idea that Europe is the critical area in any showdown with Russian feena memoer was re- cas . (111.) sidetracked the bill when he withdrew his motion transmit power economically communism and mat major a speech which Sena-made to students of rsity of British Colum- which the Senate had been de just 50 miles from the proposed powerhouse on Kemano River to NAMED TO BANK BOARD MONTREAL Hon. Clarence Wallace, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, has been named to the board of directors of the Bank of Montreal, the bank announced yesterday. ONE DEAD IN CRASH build-up of anti-communist power must be. .concentrated there. v f batijng for sixe days to take up the desired plant site at Kiti Six Indians Are Iced In Air Force Drops Supplies to Stranded Bella Coola Men maat. kber 17 when he was y the Vancouver Prov-thaving said that two Allies Continue Retreat A joint statement, issued after I companies in Canada Monday's initial conference. In effect predicted .that Truman J and Attlee would conclude their the measure. .Lucas did so to clear the way for debating the extension of the rent control law. His action apparently also sealed the fate of a companion Hawaiian statehood bill. rater cartels operating The Skeena member, anticipating a possible suggestion that, In defending the aluminum company, he might be charged with selling out the fisheries, told how, in early meeting with Mc- ' , Pyongyang Is Back In Communist Hands talks with solid understanding on major issues. , , fciblic detriment" .and Lid be strong opposl-L move to bring alum- BELLA COOLA 0i Six Indian TACOMA, Wash. At least 15 persons were injured yesterday one fatally when a car smashed into a crowded bus, which overturned. Dead is the driver of the car, Jane Hatcher of Tacoma. All evidence from official fishermen, trapped by ice in fcis into British Colum- Neely Dubose, vice-president of Alcoa, he had reserved the right sources now is tnat lruman Deane Channel, were to be sup like Attlee favors keeping thi plied by air today. fcr Reid's opposition to TOKYO (CP) Overwhelmed Allied troop columns beat a war-weary retreat today south from abandoned Pyongyang, wondering where they might - - s . to govern his attitude on the possibility of any danger to the fisheries.. However, such a dan war localized in Korea, ol f set-tine reverses there with greater. , Previous rescue attempts, in OttawalShould Pay Pensions num Industry Is no new '.ouch this Is the first cluding efforts yesterday to much build-up of military power m the United States and Europe. ger had now been dismissed and Mayhew Hot lew of him saying thai the stranded men by Royal stand and defend against Communist Chinas on- liuld be ooDosition to Canadian Mounted Police patrol if to bring any aluml- OTTAWA 0) Finance Minister there -was no reason why there should not be both aluminum and salmon industries. Mr. Applewhaite said he was not Interested In the future of boat, were rebuffed by ice and rushing swarms. The Reds rolled across Pyongyang's airfield and possibly are already in the North Korean Dropping Out A British informant in London said today that Truman and Attlee were Ceternunta that United Nations forces should return to Korea in the event of b-.t Into Brttlsn Colum-Mr. Applewhaite. The weather. capital itself. earlv opposition was Two of the men were trappe Herbert Anscomb, head of the British Columbia delegation, submitted a brief at the federal-provlnvial conference iodaj which declared that old-age pen- politicians but the future pros VICTORIA Hon. R. W. said here yesterday tlat he Masses of Chinese Communist indication as to where or when protection of the sal trooDS. the vanguard of more the Chinese Communists driving them out In a Korean "Dun-kerque." These sources said that ary and "I think we did not plan "to retire soon as the Eighth Army would make a stand. COMMUNISTS ENTERING two weeks ago. Others were iced in during subsequent rescue at-j tempte. ' . (.- ,-y- The Royal Canadian Air Force, minister of fisheries. Such', rum perity of the district. Instead of being hampered by unbased and unreasoned criticism he felt that such a great industry as this shffuld 'receive all the help and !.;m credit at that time rity.'' Apparently, how-j.as not satisfied when s!r2s should be financed entirely I by Vie federal government. ors, he said, Were disturbing to him, particularly at a time when "" TortTght Tokyo reported that Truiiian aria-Awree -ai -att that the United Nations .should do everything possible tj avoid getting Into a state of open war disclosing today's flight, said It rj were proven td be . Failing this, Mr. Anscor.ibe said British Columbia would require solid suDDort was needed. Mr. had been adv!;d thai ffod sup at nis Mavhpw exDects to be I.-.S so he switched his "larger sources of revenue to en home here until after Christmas, plies for the nieu hau run out. iti based his attacks on able It to meet its own growing than a million, had turned the tide of battle. In the northeast, marines and infantrymen fought to break out of a deep Communist trap clamped south of Changjln reservoir. Other Chinese masses mounted twin drives to cut off the entire 10th Corps of five divisions. On the northwest front, British and South Korean troops, in a rearguard shield, protected the f that there was no real t. to build an aluminum assistance it can get. He had taken the liberty of bringing before the chamber a matter which he considered of vital Importance, second only to that of defence. After hearing Mr. Applewhaite the Chamber of Commerce went on record as supporting the plan with Communist China. This decision was taken- during a U0-minute meeting in the White House yesterday, Informants indicated. The leaders of the two nations also asreed against attacking isponsibilities in tins field. , Renewal of the current leder-al-provinclal tax agreements for a further period of five years British Columbia but xport electrical power. Chinese Communist troops were entering abandoned Pyongyang despite heavy air blows that left an estimated 2000 enemy dead on the approaches to the desolate city. Masses of Chinese have been1 caught in a death trap by swift Jet fighters on the Taedong River, north of the one-time North Korean capital. Thousands of civilians, heading south, had abandoned Pyongyang before the entry of the Red forces. jy that was not too suc- with an Increase in the federal rental payment was recommend l.iher so now he tried to Communist China with bombing of the Aluminum Co. of Canada attacks including the "A" bomb. k party politics, panging tactics and the ed in a brief submitted ty But-ish Columbia to the conference. to come into this district, al and shoddlness or tne Canadian Northland Turned Into Look-out Post for Enemy Aircraft OTTAWA 0i The Air Force said yesterday it has' turned the Canadian northland into one lookout post for potential enemy aircraft. A spokesman said the move started about three months ago as part of a security drive arising from Korear Messages are communicated to Mounties, meteorologists, servicemen and others at Arctic outposts asking them to report any aircraft they see and to1 give what details possible. arguments certainly Increase In the federal payment Is estimated at $28,100,000 for 1950-51. fleeing Eighth Army, which less than two weeks ago was rolling northward within 50 miles of the Manchurian border. There was no major contact reported with the Chinese today. The Eighth Army retreat on wheels was too fast for the foot- point out the poorness ways subject to the best Interests of the fisheries being protected. The Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia will be memorialized with a pe and to throw consld-kioubt upon Its good THE WEATHER Mr. Applewhaite assert- view to obtaining support In slogging Chinese. There was no that quarter. Synopsis Gusts "Short Power Lines Premier Johnson :. Out of Hospital VICTORIA Premier Byroii Johnson left hospital for home yesterday. He left two weeks ahead of the expected time after eight weeks in hospital. However he is not walking properly yet following a fracture of the hip sustained In a highway accident Clear cold weather over Brit MUing on Senator Reid's fd blaming of the Con-f elements of the coali- ish Columbia is giving way to cloudy skies and somewnai supporting the aluml- warmer weather, particularly Nt. Mr. Applewhaite Heavv gust of wind hit both Australia Wins Negligence In the Shawatlans Lake and Falls was delighted to hear support. As for himself, GOOD ROAD NEWS Hard Surfacing Highway From Prince Rupert East Rivpr nnwer transmission lines Cricket Match during this morning's storm and not believe the Conser-were attempting to foist kpnt the Dower supply of the Leduc Fire LEDUC. Alta. ff Charges of city going off between 8:30 a m along the coast with the ap-j proach of an extensive storm" moving in from the Pacific. Storm warnings were issued late yesterday for a southeast gale which occurred overnight over exposed waters of the northern and central coast. These winds are expected to abate about midday today. Snow will spread in in anybody but that their f was merely based on and noon for interruptions rang- near Quebec September 29. He is also suffering from a sciatic nerve. The Premier expects to return to his office early in the New . Year. I the project on its mer- i lne from five minutes to an hour BRISBANE First of the test cricket matches between England and Australia, completed here yesterday, was won by Australia. or the Liberal party be- Thp downtown section oi me criminal ...negligence were laid yesterday against Leduc Utilities Ltd., and its chief engineer, W. To Commence Next Year Itrongly opposed" to the city had six such interruptions, I Columbia government's The gusts brougnt wires w land over the northern interior during the next twelve to eight J. Gray, immediately after the close of a five-day Inquest into F " the company, Mr. Ap-fN asserted that Senator gether in "shorts" first on the Shawatlans Lake line and soon 'similar shorts were occurring on Next year the provincial department of public works expects to commence a program of paving 'M no authority to make een hours ana temperatures, overnight will be generally mild : .TODAY'S STOCKS : i 1 statement which was the Remembrance Day Leduc Hotel disaster. Ten people died when the hotel blew up and was FnS he (Reid) could not the Falls River line. Tiien there was trouble on city distribution lines. 1 er than for the last couple oi days. (Courtesy 8. P and was an "absurd D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) t Pn the face of It. Highway 16 (between Prince Rupert and Prince George) east from Prince Rupert, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was advised Monday night in a communication from Hon. E. C. Carson, minister. Forecast North coast region Gale warn IRACIES razed by fire. The summons on the company was served on F. J. Symington, general manager of Leduc Utili Ping to a radio address ing continued. Rain today. Cloudv with showers tonight and Power company officials commented that such interruptions were very unusual. While they did not seem too severe In the city, linemen between tho city and Falls River were reporting that they were as violent as they had ever seen. , Wednesday. Milder. Winds "y Senator Reid on the 4 of the Aluminum Com-i'he mimeoeraDhed script transmitted through the deputy minister, E. S. Jones. Te announcement from Mr. ties Ltld, holders of the franchise for installation of natural gas in the oil-boom town. i shoudl also be asked for a com ffh Mr. Applewhaite read, fkeena member asserted p could not see how an The six-man inquest jury said the explosion was the result of mitment as to just how much of the highway might be expected to be hard surfaced east of Prince Rupert next year southeast, 50 miles per hour, decreasing to southerly, 25, about midday. Lpws tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 35 and 42; Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 35 and 42.! J . i Carson came in reply to a communication from the Chamber which sought hard surfacing of Users of power and -light on the dark morning wete in & state ffnced man could make a so full of Inaccuracies natural gas entering the hotel basement through an uncapped pipe. the section of arterial highway of uncertainty aU t ,.ing. The nailv News was hampered' ) Senator. Mr. ADDlewhaite within the city limits 01 rrince THE LETTER Mr. Jones' letter was as follows "I have been directed to ack was as taarllv mixed no In handling the day's new "d FtailA n, v.. In Rupert. The arterial nignway paving would be carried out at the same time, the letter indicat Ivertising. Telephone . 5W- t .o lie was w i uiifs i fidamcntals. (Senator Reid nowledee erceipt of your letter Mr; , .Vins C.::fom Farr ed 0Ja that the Aluminum 'n6 Was rpnllu a thrre- he npws was warmly wel dated November 8 addressed ot Hon. E. C. Carson relative to the reconstruction and paving of the arterial highway within the concern oriinir under tendent Jack -Edwards repo. . -a minimum of trouble wjth'tiity telephone lines. New typa wire which had been installed .pre' resistant 0 wind eftee'..; adian National Telcgra 1. were out of commissttM. ..' i. , r--..;-. 1 laitie of Alcoa in the United comed by the Chamber which decided to dispatch a letter to the government expressing apprecla.. Beattle - 50 Bevcourt 41 Bobjo H'i Buffalo Canadian 20 Consol. Smelters 124.00 Conwest 173 Donalda .'. .45 Eldona 22 East Sullivan 6.75 Giant Yellowknife 5.85 God's Lake 324 Hardrock 213i Harricana 6 Heva IV2 Hosco .5'2 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec .70 Lake Rowan .06 Lapaska - .4'4 Little Long Lac 46 V4 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 2.04 McLeod Cockshutt 195 Moneta - 35 Negus 75 Noranda :.. 68.10 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow 1-63 San Antonio 2 30 Senator Rouyn 20 Sherrit Gordon 2.52 Steep Rock 6.00 Sturgeon River 14 , Silver Miller .80 Upper Canada 160 Golden Manitou 5.40 s CAr" THEN, Wales Lloyd bounds erf the city of Prince VANCOUVER . Bayonne .02 Bralorne 5.90 B R Con . .02 B R X 04 Congress 8 ask Hedley Mascot .41 Pacific Eastern 06 Pend Oreille 7.80 Pioneer 180 Premier Border ' .06 Privateer 07 Reeves McDonald 3.60 Reno 02 Sheep Creek 1.30 Silbak Premier 27 Taku River .6Va. Vananda 06 Salmon Gold 02 Silver Standard L90 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.30 Atlantic 2.05 Calmont .70 C & E 6.50 Central Leduc - 2.05 Home Oil 13.00 Mercury ... , 12 Okalta 1.C3 Pacific Pete 6.35 Princess 125 Royal Canadian BV2 Royallte 11-75 TORONTO Athona .-. 7Va Aumaque 22 f w th two subsidiary com-r 'n Canada one under "I wish ot advise pou that it is fame of Alcan and the DAVIS HAFT IS ADRIFT Word was received here this morning that a large Davis raft of Powell River Company was adrift north of Massct. High seas caused by an over fifty-mile-an-hour gale have made navigation in the region treacherous. Queen Charlotte Airlines planes, which were to look for the lost raft this morning, were kept on the ground by adverse weather conditions. our Intention next year to carry l"e Aluminum Co. of Can Applewhaite asserted R. F, "Nowe and two children were passengers sailing on the Camosun for Vancouver today. Mars$.-"1 ft Cleveland' won an easy 'tj-round" decision over Tommy " Out, former famous Welsh boKr r nd one, time king of British heavyweights, here last night, Frr,ppw on the comeback trail, outpointed by a wide margin in a blood-spattered contest. r . ... UllllJt.l. T w- Flca and Aluminum Hnm tion of the decision wuu.u v.... culmination to as an acceptable long agitation from both tne Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia that the road be treated Up to this time the attitude of' the depwtmmt had, apparently, been to carry out the hard surfacing from the southern end. Of CatlnHo hs v, nfYYl. out paving on Route 16 east or Prince Rupert at which time we will make every endeavour to also pave the balance of arterlnl highway within the city of Prince Rupert. "We realize that certain pre 'y Separate tnr . vpars and to - - - , . Wa8 mproW, a trails ! contraction of Aluminum paratory work will be necessary j 1 Canada ' A - ."PPiewhaite dealt, with LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, December 6, 1950 Any change of listings for the 1961 Telephone Directory musf be submitted to the Telephone Office not later than December 15, 1950. . ' J. E. EDWARDS,. . Telephone Superintendent. 28n J T Harvey dubbed tne announcement as a "gTeat in this -connection oeiore paving cain be undertaken and we &ti t.akine this matter up with amazing inaccuracies" in For Reiri'a ,,ji u j Insurance representative from High 10:27 21.5 feet Seattle, F. F. Albert!, arrived rUiriff tv- .. .. i. Monday aboard the Princess n, e 'awer s siatemeni e Aluminum Co. of Can reaii The Chamber decided to leave well enough alone for the time uiv, onH rpierrtAd a suggestion our divisional engineer in order to prepare a program that will not Impede the surfacing work we hope to carry out tiext year." Louise. Mr. Albert! will consult . 23:26 18.7 feet Low- 4:13 7.4 feet 17:10 3.9 feet with Columbia Cellulose officials, ,rg a P'Rnt in British Co- tmt UC1IIR the minister of public works .