the Swedish Association for Sex- Prihc Rupert Daily News Tuesday, December 5, 1950 Q.C.I. Bear Duke May Have To Leave Nayy and churches. So far there Is no standardized system. In some schools children are told everything: in others, nothing. Belgium recently appointed a commission to consider whether sex is a subject for school chtl- To Museum Swedes Lead In Sex Education LONDON (Reuters) The countries of northern Europe are blue-printing the facts of life for their children, in the south, however, It seems they don't need to. m . A two-months-old brown bear uai inrormation has sfTVice centres in all big towns. Denmark starts its sex lesSOiis when children reach their teens. Unlike Sweden where teachers do the explaJning the classes are addressed by doctors. Adults also have a "School for Marriage" started last vear by a pastor. Norway is starling on a similar program for ' children Young , LONDON (AP) The Duke of , Edinburgh, a born sailor who HEATIHG )f ils Besl tHAND jE HEATERS Lenient, Inomlcal i mechanical fiit'iicy. cub, unknown previously to ex ist on the Queen Charlotte Is lands, shot last summer by W. Hitchcock, Fisheries department, aWM dren. An educational official , married into the royal family said the present attitude of reti- tnree years ago, is hearing that cence was "outdated" and "from f"r a mm ln nU Position It's . , . , , i about time to quit the sea and an exchange of information seule down ' abroad we have learned of the . , .... , travels today in . cold storage to Vancouver, where it will take Its place ln the University of A survey by Reuters Ne3 British Columbia museum. sters from 12 to 14 now are required to recrivc instruction in the schools. ' OPPONENTS OF SYSTEM benefits to be gained by EX ,uuuca in tile xvuyui wavy frank teaching of sex matters to;' The cub Is similar to the soon after his marriage to Prin- otic Burners Sunbeam Appliances Hearing Pads Waffle Irons school children in their teens.' Ttno t. .... .h. nm.."- cuiuoeui m Westminster saving in heating ine Norwegian plan is still Agency shows the Swedes in tha lead when it comes to telling; Junior about the birds and the bees. The Danes and Norwegians are cJose behind. Only the Netherlander raised shocked hands at the suggestion that sex is a subject to be discussed in school classes. The :TtZrr:nvy n Nv- 2. year learn fast enough anyway cuuugn io arouse protests sters black bear, common to the islands. It was frozen after It was killed and has been kept frozen since that time, it tyill probably be stuffed and placed promoted to Lieutenant-Corn MS ARRANGrD . ana religious lead- and don't need special teaching. ers. r One Village I, SChOOl board de- Pnmmnnlct nnoninn n;Wi trior) TanderJe took command of the j it Irons Toasters Kettles Silex Electric Coffee Makers Records and Players clared such teaching was "mur-t.n Pt. ,,r afi.r-.v,nnt ousspq nn ! f' igate Mkme. ln the museum. kith & Elkins any degenerative and refused sex were branded ln tw Catholic ' Prince Philip has been ln iu uiiueriase n. Anuuier village i press as "corrupters of youth."' Mediterranea waters most of sa,u. ls leacners reit they , The church says it's a rWtter for the time sine' his marriage, re- RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC French and Italians seem to think it isn't necessary. Swedish children start getting lessons on birth at the age of seven. Official handbooks guld were too old to tackle the lob The highest mountain In the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is 4406 feet, a dwarf among world peaks. LIMITED pilling and Heatlnp 1V, P.O. Box 274 . the parents. ., turning )) England only on In Britain, sex education leaves. t. , I i French parent , are trvided about 50-50 on whether svx is ueuig graauany accepted after a In tine meantime royal respon-slblUflies m London- havi hpen I . , utacners in Dom primary anu long struggle between parents a suitable school subject, It vas 1 .1 ikJh. 1. - 1 : f ' 3 uvjwiuio, cuucauuii aumonties shown In a recent poll.'-, iiiifitasuig auu binric in k iccriiiig fitiat as the prospective consort cook, and his cabin Is small, but he entertained King Paul and Queen Fredrika at dinner in his own quarters. It was an intimate qtieen be should be drawn I .-rJ7S - '.- : . of a more closely into court afSairs. occasion i :: - . This feeling was expressed i RE-VISITS GREECE most frankly by the Times, which observed: "It would seem that the duke cannot much longer be He visited Algiers and. on his wedding anniversary, he was preparing to fly to Gibraltar to spared, even to the Royal Navy, open the colonys legislative hMxi ,rv,.rtL 'S? I 1 1 rom whole-time royal duties. I Pr,,,nrii V... (til II . 1 I 1 . I 1 i lie miuse oi taiiiDurgn is ce- Next month he and Princess coming more ana more indispensable as an indivisible unit--mother, father and children." Elizabeth plan to make a Visit to the King and Queen of Greece, travelling in separate shins. The If he does return to take up i prinr-ess- shin, the rilsnath ves- 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 . - PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. 1 I Second Aventie and First Street the "whole-time royal duties sel Surprise, will be escorted by the duke's frigate. All these Journeys are squeezed in between stretches of routine naval duty and a few swift dashes to England and Scotland. Highlight of the duke's year, v.ndoubtedly, was'the birth of his the Times wants him to assume,; the Navy certainly will continue to be one of the 29-year-old duke's major interests. It is taken for granted that in his privileged position the promotions will come regularly and that some day he will be an Admiral, rear or honorary. j REAL SAILOR j But Prince Philip and h;s friends find satisfaction in that as far as he has come up to now. 3 fe PMHIivilMFl.: 10 M first daughter, Princess Anne, Aug. 15. He came to London on a regular leave between the time he was relieved as lieutenant on the Chequers and the day he took over the Mugpte. The duke has retained his interest ln sports and he is extremely active, often at long dis r i lie has earned his own way. The II V; ' " I VIRGINIA CIGARETTES . e j ! duke served through the grades all the allotted years and his on your next (attainments in naval schools . . ..... ... I i --vvij? it-.i ;, .;, .i i - tance, as president of the Nation- have been creditable. Ial Playing Fields Association. The frigate Magpie Is a trln CHARTER FLIGHT - r ' J You get more enjoyment ana relaxation wnen yo - :, ; j- - IJ dinoke I'all Mall. For the liest toltacoos of all gointi f V. V Z ij I'aB Mull -fresh, ami milil as mild can lie, and I ' i ... A a I inntk "W.lnrnof" BODH that dol l.S ship, operated with high efficiency. On board the duke delegates none of his work or re sponsibility. ITmuotmi. cvnn act a rlpafrnvar r. v -trJJ .rt.N.i.ih.iip.. k -i I Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE lieutenant, Mie mine carrieu oui, functions which fall into the i' 'T't"-:f tv ' V Twin bundle, wrapped In lomlnad foil ,' I , i ""Lv. ' lo giv you cigarM at it. ba.l. " L j l ' - t v I category of being "royal" rather than naval. As, the Chequers and the Magpi-e- steamed about the Mediterranean on various as signments it was arranged to BAILS FOR VAIICOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN have the duke step ashore for courtesy visits where Britain CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS . . For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 . QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. wished to keep relations warm. Svirh ca"s were unofficial but. marie bv the husband of Princess WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Elizabeth, they nevertheless had results whirh pleased the for For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE eign and colonial offices. On this round of visits the duke went to Cvorus. where he attended a cricket match and got a lot of cheers. In Turkey he visited President Bavar. and at Amman he called PRINCE RUPERT, ' B.C. on King Abdullah of the Nashe- ipf Kin Air s & Christopher Bldg. Freight on oil Flights mlte Kingdom of Jordan. He paid h's respects in Egypt and went to Athens abqard his own Magoie to see his cousin, King Paul of Greece. A Llputenont-Comms'nder in a British frigate doesn't rate a plain end or'corlc tip i w iiniMirtcd cork '' ww".- ' '' " - " " wiwwmiiiiwj.'JI . -w. j - wW-"! y-'-- WWW- f 1 ""fwtw MU n i iliU Uu U U V! u l)HU FLEETLEADER SPECIAL 2-DOOR SEDAN 1 oiiiimre PonliiirV price w ill) oilier cur prices you kmw . . . ami It l coin. M M-lf--i.leiil that "Dollar For Dollar You Can't Heat A IN.iiliae." For, at a price llial's sliirlliiifly low, you pet all of 1'oiUiac'H lm.lili.mal quality, ilcpciulaliilily, comfort, beauty of COUPE line, mid Kuf. iy of invcNtiiH iit! roiiliar, reniciiiiM r, is a iuornr amoiiK UKcil-car Imvcrs as well ai new-car lmyorit. This earns you a liiher price wlieii you're ready lo Ira.le lor anoiiicr i onum Hint won"! lie hooii! For Tonliac is Imill l satisfy ami built to laM. You'll be Ii(y with it for years longer. Lei your Ponliac V I lealcr show you why! c8 It Hit1 Lit fjLULLUJ K Tr Delivered in Prince Rupert, and Includes standard factory equip ment, Doihinion Satcl and Excite Taxes, bu! fioti ncluding license t ' fee, provincial or municipal WXe wnert mete appiy. s r-7S0h crwv (or nJduUiJJ A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE xj Corner 7th and 3rd Avenue LONG MOTORS LIMITED