Prince Rupert Dallp f3ctog LtO. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21. 1948 SBUEES 0 25 BUSES Jon For immediate deliver T!T""'-J ' Published even afternoon except Sunday bv Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia An iua-prudf in aaiiy newspaper aevoted to trie upbuilding of Prince Rupert , and ,i communities comprising northern nd central British Columbia . (Authorized as Second Class Mali. Post Office Department. Ottawa) . O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBEH OF CANADIAN PRESS ATXDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION capacity 24 to 37 paT:: construction and lat deBi regular operation ann i 8n- Bu o.w "Ptii THESE Bl'SES ARE VP In.. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES . City Carrier, ner week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, S7.00; By Mall. Per Month. 40c; Per Year. 14 00. new iv REGULAR BAPTIST SERVICES Suspended during months of July and August. Will resume (D.V.) in New Church Building (Sixth an1 Hays Cove Circle), Sept. 5th next. (Phone 369). WAV FOR SCHOOL TR A T r- . 1! . 2 White engines, Model 20A, nauiea with Units Special Supplement 10-- SATURDAY SERMON DIRECTORY Services In all t hurrhes at 11 a. ni, and :: p.m.; Sunday School al 12:1.1 except an nhown. Pair (32 seats, of Tf ic nh., iuiu 5-passenger s-pussenger rear rear mohair covered. WRITE OR Pi,nv GREYHOUND LINES, Sorry They Cannot Their M, , have not R"lert u, . Creed, nor the confessional Nothing but the living God will satisfy. If our lives are not bright and happy with the gluw of Christ's forgiveness and companionship, it is because we Wuuki not have It so. If you are in trouble, In need of pardon and new life, why not try Him? He will give you assurance and make you strung, COME AND SEE By REV. A. M. McCOLL, Vancouver) 'Come and See," John 1:4(3. These words are wholesome, frank, open and above board. The Gos! courts inspection. Take sledge and ?ound every stone no room in the Temple is locked. Knock and it shall be opened. Free is the Holy of Holies to all. Personal experience is the vital note. The Christian religion has everything to gain from thorough probing. It has!- no favors to ask. All its favors Ume but of seelng. Tnat has AMil.lCAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsimiir St. Holy Communion 8:30 am. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Busil 3. Prockter. B A.. B D (Blue 73 J I FIRHT BAPTIST 5th Ave. K m Young 8t Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Green 81i) FIRST I'RESIIVTLKIAN 4th Avenue East (Oreen 98 FIRST VMTRD 680 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. MA (Green 613. IT I.I. OOSPKI. TABKKNACI.K 221 eth Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen 630) whil-h iKime. Stay Longer Here Among 55 round trippers on board the s.s. Coqultlam are Miss L. G. Parmiter of New Westminster, Miss Rose White of Vancouver, Mrs. A. Curda of THEIR REGULAR EDITION of the Daily WITH News today our readers have an eight-page supplement timed for the occasion of the annual Civic Centre Carnival, which opens this evening, and the annual Port Day, which is set for next Thursday. The special section, made possible with the support of local business people and others who have taken advertising space, attempts to publicize the two big annual celebrations in an effective way and, at the same time, to a limited extent, draw attention by word and picture to the industrial life with particular reference to the marine and port aspects. We hope our modest effort will prove of some interest. A limited number of extra papers have been run off and are available for those desirous of sending them to friends or others who might desire to be brought up to date on latest developments in this area. cluau and happy. are gifts. It It submits submits ltseit itself to to ; n Droven in science with all A joiympia. Washington, MUt Rutherford oi New Westmin the test men to or science, n bsks1u miracles." It is so in rethink and prowe. it n i d , christian acceut- Oordon Daniels sailed Friiiaj ' evening on the Catala on a business trip to Klemtu. ster, Mis Abrrson ox New Westminster and Mr. and Mrs. Wrtehtson of Fraiter Mills, B.C. They are making the. round trip via the Islands and fin th? sail north of decided interest SALVATION ARMY Fra&er Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory Class 2:30 p m. SundHy School 3:00 pin. (Black 209) olaces us on the hills yonder in the north and in the south, the east and west. It wishes noth-ng secreted. It is for the daylight and the uplands. Let there be no political wire-pulling, or dating or doctoring in 1 a nee. Personal experience and ; sensuous perception cany with i them the logic unanswerable. ; What cared the man born blind that the Pharisees rejected : Jesus? He knew He had made ihim to see. What cared Fulton ST. PAI L'S 1.1 Till K 5th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: S. 8ol!and (Black 610) PARADOX IN WILL 1 VANC I AST) into, -each; i AT Hi; I ForKE HE WILL of the late Joseph E. Atkinson dis ST. PKTKK'S A.Mil.H'AN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Hunday School 11:00 a m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Blue 837) T for the laughs and jeers of his cynical countrymen when he proposed to take a party up the Hudson River on the" Clermont? The great inventor smiled wait and see. Then the paddle wheels began to turn. Is not the best proof that which needs no proof? Self- closes that control and operation of the Toronto Miss Margaret Klinn left by air today fui Vancouver wher". she will attend a Pro-ltec leaders course lor the nent . weeks. I t ST. AM )ii KWS CATHE1MAL August 22, Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. . 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon. The Ven. Archdeacon E. Hodson officiating. 7:30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Mr. F. E. Anfleld. ",he dark. Let nothing be done ;n a corner. Let the examination be merciless and thorough. Let the whole truth be told. Search, sift, satisfy, question, 'ross-question! Neglect not hammer and scalpel, retort or ilectric coil. If the investigation be open and accurate and lonest an dhealthy and keen here is no douot of the verdict. Never was there such heart lunger for truth as there is to-lay. Never did the world ask uch questions and so many. COMMI'NTTY SI NDY SCHOOL East End Hall, 3:30 p.m. evidence cannot be proven. It ff Info; Ctvj nr M Star should not be permitted to fall into private hands. The property, having an estimated value of about eight million dollars, is willed to the Atkinson Charitable Foundation. Why the seeming opposition to private enterprise is surprising to some conservative folk because in private hands' conducting the Star, it grew from a small, struggling paper to one of the largest and most prosperous establishments of Canada. is its own proof. Religion has nothing to fear from criticism. It is an angel and thrives best where the light i Is strongest. It is for the ros Never was an age so interroga- trum and market place. It : brooks no monopoly. It Ls the : friend of the daylight. The world has tried to slake PORT EDWARD FILLS ROLE (Continued from Page 1) a and it, therefore, qualifies a one of the major industries dir ectly tributary to the city from which it Is a mere eight mile? distant. Nelson Bros, have developeo, iri this plant an all the yea: round operation with a minimum payroll of 125 and scalin? up to GOO at the peak of thf canning season which Is righl now. Modern six-line canning plant GREER & BRID tive! Never was there such a cry for evidence. Is it a healthy sign? Surely. Inquiry must lot be crushed but, rather, courted. "If my faith is false, I want to i ,,iil! '.;'' ''i j '' y ' i , its spiritual thirst at the wells ! of criticism and position and a "RAIN HOLDS : UP HARVEST BUILDERS AND CONTU i Christless society but today tha wail comes back. "Give us back DRAW GAME IN SOCCER An eagerly fought out game last night in the Mobley Cup Football competition saw the Repairs inow it," said Bishop Berkeley. "I want to know it now." The hope immortal must not rest( on what is perishable. The) Bible is a book that welcomes! Construction - i Floor Sanding a Spwa But Additional Precipitation Is Benefitting Crop the Christianity we have lost. The cry of the world today Is: "We would see Jesus not through a glass darkly, but the real Jesus." What the world wants and it packs as many as 5000 or 600C Battery overcome a three-goal Phone KED 561 cases daily and Jias an average annual output of 100,000 cases. the strongest light that can be: focussed. There Is nothing ! close or stifling in the temple of revealed truth, no bad ventila deficit and earn a draw with the young battling High School must have is a personal Jesus. The fleet which keeps it sup The world does not want, does tion. Its window are open. The BUSINESS AND PROrTii air is pure. Walking through not need Calvinism, nor the) thirty-nine articles, nor the eleven. This game again provided the spectators with a good display of fighting football. Batteiy staged a great comback after being three goals down at WINNIPEG Harvesting which had commenced in early sown crop in the three prairie provinces haj beg held up this pat week by widespread rains, according to the weekly crop report of the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. The added precipitation will assist in good filling of the crop which is already apparent but plied with fish numbers up vo 200 vessels, consisting mostly o the typical gillnet vessel but also including ten large packer1: Of importance equal almost tc the cannery is the reduction plant-which turns out 4.500,000 pounds of meal and 150,000 gallons of oil per year. In the win SAILINGS MARC, A RET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST R0CKA); C. C. Mills sailed on the Ca- SPECIAL CHURCH NOTICE Saturday, 8 p.m. Armories. The colored sound film, "God of it one feels as if he were Inhaling a breeze from a mountain, a whiff from the ocean. Jesus trusts his message to a world of thinking men. Here it is in the open. There is no cloud, no concealment.- It 'earns every language, sets its foot on every slvery shore. Its wings were made to flap in the Irmament. Such faith has our Lord in the indestructibility of what He came to teach that He charged His followers to proclaim it from the housetops. $111 delay maturity of later sown tala last night on a business trip ttr there is the canning of her- New Offices 10 STONE BUILDING In ROOM : f. ' M.J.' Nft. U A3 1 "crops. It will require another , to Vancouver, two to three weeks without frost i they are to be successfully to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p a to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway August 27 and 30 to ALKU T ISAY and Vancouver August 21 and 25 ring which has developed lnio a 100,000 case per year business Yet another product are the fillets of soles and other flatfish and the handling of fresh halibut. Creation." i SUNDAY 11 a.m. Morning Service in the Presbyterian Church. Special p:a.-c New Phone BLUE 503 harvested. J Hall damage Is reported from several points, the heaviest oc- j curring at Doloralne in southern j Manitoba which ranged from 101 percent to 80 percent in this AIR PASSENGERS ' To Vancouver C. A. Smith,. Miss M. Slinn, Capt J. Purtell, J. Yates, D. York. L. E. Richard, R. A. Jones, W. Davidson, Lieu:. C. Fenwick, C Canovic, T. J. Right now Nelson Bros, plant MIKE is In one of its busiest phases Acceptance and proof of God's word to the world is not a question of reasoning half the canning the sockeye and coho ff. speaker, Mr. Fraser McRae, Moody Bible Institute, Representative. 30 p.m. Evening Service in First Baptist Church. Showing of colored sound movie. "God of the Atom." salmon which comes from the DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 I section. Some flax fields were j Connelly, J. Wood, A. C. Wood, ; so damaged that they had to be ' R. H. Cole, H. Bakkila, P E. ploughed under. ' Jeffreys. gillnels of the Skeena River and contiguous waters and the pinks most always thinks of the cela-nese pulp mill. The Nelson Broi. cannery and reduction plant is p.ea; an Industrial "bird in the hand " winuunfil, hi. an g.ui i.i inn m iiim i. .u ' A'hich should not be overlooked. Penu Bew'" which are moving in by packer these days from every direction M a s s e 1 1, Ogden Channel, Whale and Matheson Channels, Gardner Canal, and even as far away as the Namu area, 200 miles distant. Speak of Port Edward and one JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 8W4 Phon Blue 442 2U4 4:n sit fnASTER PORTABLE ELECTRIC GENERATOR PLANTS DRIVEN BY GASOLINE OR DIESEL FUEL ENGINES H0 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 mmmmammm' m w;-',Wf A I Jt t. rj '4 I A ;..- f- Bullllr. ROOf! Master Generator Plants are manufactured in 12 basic models from 500 watts to 1 7000 watts, and in 30 different types to meet all A.C. or D.C. power and lighting requirements, for operating a single tool or Master Floodlights, or for gangs of tools and lighting entire areas. They are available with push button PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR rilONE BLUE 810 I BlacK 681 Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion MBit Printing Serving the Fisheries Industrr Well (P.R.) Ltd. r - ""yjj j starting, remote control or Tunv f tw 3 fnllv automatic control and MAI h Bus Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE BLLE H0 with portable mounting. Master Gas-Electric Generator i. jtjp' vt 'in , Jl Plants are laboratory tested as a!Z-Jxxlt irflM,l!?!Ll&J a romnlete unit before shiD. BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Recall Ormes HOISTING A HALIBUT A "whale" being taken aboaSd a packer. The most of halibut, however, are landed direct in port from the vessels which catch them. DRUGS i i ping. The voltmeter, rheostat, and power connections are part of the generator. Anyone can put these plants into immediate operation quickly, simply by supplying gas and oil. No electrician's services are required just plug power lines into the generator's standard receptacles on the smaller plants or the solderless connections on the larger plants. Master Portable Mountings are available in Wheelbarrow, Buggy and Trailer types. A full line of Master Floodlights are ilso available. (Obtain Master Catalog No. 815 for further information, illustrations and specifications. PRESCRIPTION STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, u oo SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS . 1- . . .i . . 'Z ly ---- - --! , ... ... . ..... - ' - - -X, f 7 P.M. TO 9 PURVES E. 658 Hornby Street NAMU CANNERY About 200 miles down the coast from Prince Rupert is this B.C. Packers' salmon cannery and cold storage plant which Is one of th most modqrn and up-to-date manufacturing establishments of its kind on the coast. & SON LIMITED PJione MArinc 1"7 froB1 Dally car delivery ervlc from 9 a.m. till 0 pa CANADA COLUMBIA'S BASIC INDUSTRIES VANCOUVER SUPPLIERS OF EQUIPMENT TO BRITISH Z3C PHONE S