-Nt.-'l,'!' , ftrtntt Supirt! 53afl TMoj Ef3. RATUKDAY. AUGUST 21. 104?. Removed Mountain For Site of Mill Rupert Nice But 'Smells ' - " . .-.- AT POPULAR PRICES Comment SUnes Publicity Body Into Demanding Cam-tire Action Totem Poles Wasting Vilely odoriferous sewer lets are not oniy a danger 10, the health of the community i but are also a bad advertise- j ment for the city among visi-i tors, the Prince Rupert Public. Relations Council held Thurs-j day night in deciding to press. upon the city authorities ami j the public health department RiatfMI: 3e per word per ttlrtlon. minimum charm, ROo. Birth Notloa: 60c; Card! ol TharHs. Death Notice Funeral Notice Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Tlasslfled Advertising Is pajable In advance. Please retrain from telephoning. 1'k FOR SALE bers. The whole thing came up when the chairman of the Council, Miss Honora Silver-sides, repeated the comment of ruw tmirist" "PHnco Pimort is n place but it sUnks., Tne stiU recnning totem alongside the Museum also re- ceived the attention of the Counfl, whJch aef.,ded to com. municate wltn the Indlan Sup. erintendent wltn a vlew to . ng some action ,n hain? ' them erected. There seemed to ho ,mrort,inii c the nnvftt i m,WH tnere month4 ago and lell t0 deteriorate Unless somethin was done about it h,nv. would be beyond redemption Hnd tnjs seemed to be a pity nftr trniihif. tvt han-henn gone t0 in their restoration. I The Council heard intinni.in I from two American motorists? that they wefe Setting out from that somethlna should be done'uj v,- ... !...;.,,.' without further delay about the matter. It was at first suggest- ea mat u migni De poiDie to ; Given siromng tourism irum X - 333 m the particularly offensive Cowjever It was feared th' lei New York to drive to Prince Ru- appreciation was made tangible pert for the Manson medal but! In the way of a check of $200 so far there was no word of the J from the Depatrment to asM ' progress of either the New York in defraying the cost. Mr. h o n e ymooners, Mr. and Mr;. Rowebottom also made suggest-Abbott Sydney, or Stanley Filon ions as to effective circulation, of Jersey City. A letter from the city assured The Government Travel Bur- that early consideration would eau wrote that it was endeav- be given to the reqvest for a ourlng to get the Information grant in connection with the bureau of the Seattle Chamber pamphlet financing, of Commerce straightened out Another contribution is due following a recent incident from Canadian Pacific Airlines when that Bureau had inform- which is paying for a supply of ed motorists that there was no, the pamphlets, transport available by steamer' A communication from Can- Baseball Scores National Cincinnati 2. Chicago 5. Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 7. Others pOhtupn-d on account of rain. American Boston 5-10, Washington 4-4. St. Louis 5, Detroit 4. New York 6. Philadelphia 2.! Chicago 0. Cleveland 1. Western International Wenatchee 12. Yakima 4. Spokane 8-1, Salem 0-4. Bremerton at Vancouver, postponed rain. Pacific Coast Portland 12, Sacramento 2. San Francisco 5, Hollywood 3. Oakland 13, Los Angeles 10. San Diego at Seattle, rain. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! First big step in the r.vnt of the site of the celanese pulp mill at Port Edward was the S5QU.0OO excavation job which was completed a few weeks ago bv the B.C. Bridge & Dredging Co A virtual mountain of roc was removed to provide a solid site for the mill buildings. It w.as one of the argest sing!e ex. " J undertaker. this parl 0f t0Untry' striciions as to travel over the Alaska Highway although mo torists were warned that they should be in a position, flnan daily and otherwise, to be pro- tected against emergencies. E. G. Rowebottom, de minister of trade and indv for the province, lauded the Council for its recently issued pamphlet which he described as one of the very finest which nad come to his attention. The adlan Port and Shipping Direc-; tory acknowledged receipt of corrective information which would be included in the next edition. 1 1 " r i l V f'T, ""J V r.JT'. ... .., ...-"v"-' it. - .,Jk0H.' J .. THERE IS NO FIVEr RECORD NUMBER OF CASES IN , POLICE COURT City police bel.'Ne hat tne'.-hau a iccotu lrto.iui in magistrate's court in uly when 125 Informations wtic laid, resulting i;i 124 pros-tutions ar.rl convictions. Not in recent years have there be?:i so many cases in any one n onth. Total of fines uid court costs collected Wus r2,0t)6, brisiging the amour,: for tho year to dat to $11,2:.7. Liquor charges laid under thr Indian Act and the Government Liquor Act accounted lor 115 of the cases. Monetary losses from Criminal Code complaints totalled ! $490, of which $303 was recovered. Steamship Movements Daylight Saving Time I ' rer ss. Princess Adelaide Camosun, 1:30 f ss. Prince Rupert i midnight. Catala, pm. -ss. Princess Louisi August 25 ss. Princess Norah, p m. August 28 -ss. Prince George, 12:15 pm. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. j Phone 37 P.O. Bos 544 j S FRASER STREET j Prince Rapert FOR SALE Bed. dresser, writ ing desk and chair, all in wal nut, all In first class condition. Phone Black 961. itfi FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 roomed cabin. Apply 208 9th East. 197i FOR RENT House, 6 rooms and bath, close in. Nicely furnished Basement. 343 7th Ave. West. Phone Black 973. (197) FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. (tfi FOR RENT Suites, Bay Apartments. Apply Mrs. Greening. Phone Black 815 during day, after 5:00 p.m. Red 391. (199) FOR RENT One sleeping room. ' 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red 471. (tft FOR RENT 2 and 3 roomed apartments, furnished. Washington Block. Apply cottage at rear or phone Black 41'0. (198i FOR RENT Fully furnished cabin. 331 8th Ave. East. Black 985. (199 WANTZD WANTED Bedroom dresser: also second-hand linoleum In good condition. What have you? Apply to Box 378. Dally News. WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 WANTED By working mother. good home for two little girls ages 7 and 4. Phone Green 693. (202i HELP WANTED Old Established Life Assurance Com pany wishes to contact ambitious young man to take over agency in this district. Apply Box 387, Daily News. (lt HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Wanted for Aero Camp, Q.C.I., high rigger, hooktender, duplex engin-' eer, yarding engineer (dlesel), master mechanic. Apply Bruce Low, Prince Rupert Hotel. (197) HELP WANTED Taxi Driver, 112 Taxi. (tf) HELP WANTED Butcher, with grocery experience. Apply Bos 375 Daily News, or phone 659 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (198) BOYS WANTED Boys desirir? News routes should leave their i names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any day AGENT WANTED ESTABLISHED BUSINEES IN . PRINCE RUPERT NOW , AVAILABLE. The J. R. Wat-kins Company has an opening far a full-time representa- five In Princo f , !T I for Vancou , 1 ' 1 Monday- t' Tuesday-, Vi'NM--Va!rvf,;!"';'l !l Thursda; 12:15 tl.! - u . 1 L " " " C01X th:x: INTO OX 1 sr.: B"udf Chari Dm- FOR SALE FOR SALE 1. 4. room house in excellent condition. Grand view. $2200 on terms. 2. 5-room house with hot air furnace, close in. $2450. 3. 7-room house, fully plastered, foundation on cement footings. Full price $3500. Terms with $2500 down. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. 12011 FOR SALE 4 room Wartime house, newly decorated Inside and out, furnished or unfurnished. Kentile flooring. Fenced in with front lawn. Call at 1532 2nd Overlook after 6 p.m. U98 FOR SALE liouslng accomodation is going to be hard to find. Buy now! Six-room "Wartime house on 6th East with brick chimney, good condition and close to school and bus. Good buy for cash. Can be seen between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. at 1345 6th Ave. East. (197i FOR SALE Flooring, 1x3, 2x4. 2x6, 2x8; windows, doors', wood lath, 8-room prefabricated house. Can be seen hear Catholic School 5th Ave. W. or phone Blue 939. (tf) FOR SALE Scrap lumber, ran-) dom lengths. $10 per truck ; load. Phone Blue 836. (205if FOR SALE Baby buggy. Phone Green 780. (tf; FOR SALE 1930 Chev. Courc, heater, good condition. Phone Green 709 after 5 p.m. (197) FOR SALE Furnished 5-rooin bungalow, fully modern. Newly painted inside and out. Varnished floors. Red 666. ( 197 FOR SALE Radio phonograph combined. 308 7th West. (200i SAWMILL FOR SALE in northern B.C. Capacity 20,000 a day. Nine million ft. of good Umbo;- netted $10,000 in 1947. Price . $25,000, no terms. This is a first-rate proposition, whicn will stand thorough investigation. Box 382 Daily News. (197, FOR SALE Bedroom suite, dining room suite, stove, radio, single beds, occasional chairs, carpets, and many other things too numerous to mention. Everything must be sold by Sept. 1. D. Elio residence, 1018 3rd Ave. West. (200' BIG FOUR On bus line. Brick chimney, patent roof. Terms available. Plus other homes, with 4 to 8 rooms, in all parts of the city. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Eves. Green 297 (199) FOR SALE New and Used Fur-j niture and Hardware. Slight! used Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Sets from $1250; Bed, com- plete $15; used Carpet in good! shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basin $5; Underwood Typewriter in perfect shape; Office Chairs; npw unpalnted Book Cases. Other useful household articles. B C. FURNITURE CO, Black 324. (tfi FOR SALE Chenille Bedspreads $4.99 ea. At wholesale price, first quality beautiful Chenilles, well tufted, in all colors, for double or single beds $4.99 each. Full 90x100 spreads with basket of flowers design, completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also Habitant hand-hooked rugs 18"x36," well made, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail at double the price. Sent CO D. plus postage. Money immediately refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Que. (S FOR Sale Kitchen range, dining room suite, ? bedroom suites, double bed, 2 heaters, dresser, chest of drawers, record player, double plate Hotplate. Blue 983, 1137 8th Ave East. 202) FOR SALE 1 double bed, single bed, 1 cot, wicker porch furniture, 1 dresser with mirror, 1 McLary range, 1 bridge lamp. Phone Blue 367. (198) FOR SALE 1 canning machine, complete. Takes 1 lb. tall tins. $10. Box 386 Dally llshed News. (202) Bay area but the concensus was ' that it would be more desirable j to go to the bottom Of the mat- ter and have it cleared up. j 'There should be no part Of the. city of which we are ashamed particularly when the health of the community is involved,' said one of the council mem- METAL WORK PLUMBING installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Rooting. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Small sum of money. Apply Box 384 Daily News. (198 LOST Taken from 741 6th Ave. West, on Thursday, child's fed kiddy car. Please return. (198 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Bookkeeper experienced GENERAL & PUBLIC ACCOUNTING available immediately, full Or part time. Please reply to Box 380 'Daily News. (MWS) WORK WANTED Young mar ried lady with eight "years experience In bookkeeping seeks position in an office in Prince Rupert. Apply Box 385, Daily News. (199) I. Nil KKCiisTKY ACT Re: fertiricatr of Title No. 3:12G4-I to Lot i t, BliMk 31, Krrtlnn 1, CitT of ITlm-e KpTt, Map J3, WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Joe Fook. has been filed In this office, notice i is hereby given that I shall, at the j expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate unless In the meantime valid objec tion be made to me In WTltin DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, BC. this 8th day of August, 1948. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. (215) TI.MHKR SALE X44:7 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria. BC. not later than II am, on the 7th day of September. 1948. for the purchase of Licence X44772. to cut 2.295.000 fb m. of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock, on an area situated on the West shore of Mathers Lake. Cura-shewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two 1 2i years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. in the supreme court of british columbia in probate In the Matter of the "administration ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER CONRAD SHEREMETA TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judee W. O. Fulton. IRaae lne 17 OI August. AD. the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. - DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia .this 18th day of August, A D. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 207) Your Best Eating; Place FILL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phont 200 Bci W Check Y BA1 f Never ptiwr ol - for automobiles from Prince Rupert to Alaska. The Travel Bureau also advised the Council that there were now no mandatory re- " . - JU VESSELS IN PORT random shoot of varied fishing vessels moored along Prince Rupert t- waterfront. & rk- ? ' Mi It k k it mm VCr?-v: . 1 !' W ("TE V THE VANCOUVER Ihi rJverti$2ment is not cor.sci'T.:: of It wp m te people do durtonfAle the drink of 1 k!:sd ' - sure the ' ir-vel ar.d not corr moderaffM . h V I I I 1 " "" 1948. I was appointed Administrator over and handle a prof itable of the Estate of Peter Conrad Shere- well - established business me; dw!I , , , , . , ALL PARTIES k having claims Real opportunity for right . aeainst the said Estate are hereby man. Phone GREEN 973 or!reciulred furnish same properly ! teTitieii to me on or before the 30th r u,,nHpiH ftnr 9Qrt .,-p le K. Hundeide, Box 29b, iay ot Rentember. AD 1948 aftr Prince Rupert, or The J. R. j which date claims filed may be paid Watkins Company, 1010 Al- !,'hut, ",'ce, an cia,s ot r , which I then had no knowledge, bernl, Vancouver. (197) all parties indebted to the aaid . ! Estate are hereby reoulred to dhv 1 "I,AVB A C,E "AyoY AT ALL m'ES" I- RUPERT MARINE (J. CLAUSEN SON We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND J1'1 TRY r CdDASIT RUPERT MARINE ft rnn orirK SALES OB CW (Just East of Lipsett s, Box 548 J umlioniniz nun i LIMITED PERSONAL 1 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 rrJles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) PERSONAL The Green Rooms, 622 Fraser Street, under new management. Boarding rooms' and rooms. Phone Black 548.! (198) j PERSONAL The Terminal Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to give you the best we can in every way. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Fall examination. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. MACHINERY tOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BC. (tf) lea1 Points to check before you carefree hoi" m rvr.ivT it':pi-p Maximum Insurance tainst enKine m i i w (....niTTinv Safrty P&IPE OF OEE N PACIFIC WmJ m. ....... ...,.rvTnnvinS CT' wneel lor long aii"-1' wear. And last but not least a thorough l i, . ..... nirt of Juur mull. tJIAfc j , ,j ... ... ...i.,jm unflf'l lubricated and checkea im.u- LINDSAY MOJO NEW VESTMINSTER . ViCTORIA published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th Government of British Columbia