faring L seafaring Force here. When Mr. Hansen offered to give him a home after the war he found that Skipper was a seasoned sea dog and refused to be left on shore. prince Eupett Datlp Oetos 1 1 Saturday, August 21, 1948 Vast Fishing Industry Is Vital To Pr us Han" "j ..Mnt. " property pays taxes on an assessed value of $330,000, the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative, whose properties are assessed at a similar 'ea SkipPr e last ar again made his dock available to the Junior Chamber of Com' merce as a courtesy for Port &cNS,PI.DOLLARS INVESTED-. ! in warship . ...-hi An Important contribution to Port Day is being made by J. J. Donaldson, who again this year, as last summer, is ' making available a scow to be used as the judges' and announcer's stand off the Armour Salvage Co. dock. James Fields, manager of Armour Salvage Co., has Co-op's first boat was the Skeena M., Capt. Einar Telscth, with 11.000 pounds, followed by the P. Dolron, Capt. Leon Sand-var, with 14,000 pounds. ports who make delivery to neai men of th'j by camps. ,v amount, Atlin Fisheries and Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage, whose property valuations exceed $160,000. Volume of halibut alone handled by these and other plants this year exceed 10,000,000 pounds, while salmon, cod, flatfish and many other varieties also were a and i ! the Air' The first American boat to land halibut at Prince Rupert this year was the Eureka, of Seattle, with 6,000 pounds. ,v,nuj LivifLUYMENT TO MANY IendlnlPnrfil;he-RTrt people are a f the de" L"!1,1113 hve paused to reflect about On the Skeena at the present time there are 700 glllnet boats, most of them cannery-owned. An additional 130 are operated on "nut" v, "ependency or what "wum ha 1 u -i vj UI num. a a. mortal mortal blow uiuv oe UC UL'H dealt r its ITU wnnn :e il economy if the industry suddenly the Naas, while many more aia congregated in inshore waters processed. dried up. & Currie ell along the northern section of the coast. Prince Rupert's total invest Truly, Prince Rupert has every claim to call itself a fishing town and to nurture the Industry that for 40 years has given it life. Merely to agree casually that 'Prince Rupert Is a fishing town" and let it go at that hardly does fishing camps scattered on near LIMITED ment In waterfront property by islands where several hun directly connected with the fishing industry totals $4,086,- ks AM) CONTRACTORS juo"-c w me vastness of the north coast fishery nor to the lucrative embrace in which it, holds this northern port. For Instance, more than 50 In 250, according to the city assess A. MACKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Support the Carnival and Port Day We have a complete stock of household t furniture Bedroom Suites, Living' . -Room Suites, Dining Room Suites ... Everything for your windows and floor covering. We extend to you a warm welcome to our store PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE ment roll. This is comprised of 50 separate businesses, some of say dustries, some large, some small, dred men are employed. Prince Rupert's ability to handle the gigantic volume of fish annually pours from the holds of its hundreds of boats is based on "the plants which line its waterfront. These include three large cold storage plants with a capacity of 19,-000,000 pounds. Halibut landed at Prince Rupert and Butedale In 1947 totalled 20,379,000 pounds, according to figures compiled by the International Fisheries Commission. This was only 4,000,000 pounds short of the total landed at all Canadian ports and more than one-third of that landed on the whole coast. uck & Good Sailing airecuy connected with the and dependent upon fishing lln them handling fish and others servicing the primary fish handlers. The larger businesses include the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., whose Seal Cove Prince Rupert's waterfront from rs of Fairview Bay to Seal Cove. These I have an assessed value of mors Wrt's Carnival and Tort Day Another major factor is the than $4,000,000 and constitute a large percentage of the city's tax Canadian National Railways ' roll. wnich during the summer months send continuous shipments of fresh and frozen fish jish the Best There Is For TKOM SHEET METAL LTD. Welding & Sheet Metal to the eastern Canadian and American markets. Perfection of shipping in refrigeration has WELCOME, Visitors to Prince Rupert's CARNIVAL AND PORT DAY Cow Bay Boat Works DESIGNING BUILDING - REPAIRS Rupert's Carnival Week ackied greatly to the revenue from the sale of west coast fi.;h In addition, there Is Invested In the Immediate area mllions of dollars in cannery property and boats all of which have direct bearing on the prosperity of Prince Rupert. EMPLOYS 5000 The exact number of people who owe their livelihood directly to the bounty of the sea, to the halibut, salmon and other types of fishery, is difficult to calculate, but It Is estimated by the And Port Day because the product arrives a1, market almost in Its sea-fresh condition. ESTIMATES GREEN 391 FINE WORKMANSHIP P. Crawley IR-CANADIAN Employment Service of Canada To handle this flood of fish, the railway employs a small army of men who, although many of them live miles from Prince Rupert, are nevertheless directly dependent on Its fishing Industry. HUNDREDS OF BOATS i it m . that at the peak period, som 5,000 persons, men and women, ; are at work on the boats, in SUNDRIES , the canneries and fish packiwj I plants and allied industries A Z I i The Investment In boats alone Just how many boats operate I out of this port cannot be ac- j curately determined because at the peak of the season, vesscb from as far south as Victoria congregate in the north coast Is said to exceed $25,000,000, a J figure that In terms of construc tion and maintenance brings an Giaien Industries r At the Service of the Fleet" Wish success to The Carnival & Port Day GENERAL CONTRACTORS Boat Builders and Repairs COW BAY i"' i,y! : annual revenue sufficient to sus ! tain a half-dozen boat yards. waters. 1 I Prince Rupert's halibut fleet, that is vessels whose owners reside here, numbers 80 boats but during the season, another 200 land their catches here. The salmon trolling fleet numbers j In the city, where 15 fish plan's ! operate, peak summer employ-1 ment exceeds 1,500 men and wo-1 men whose payroll is a healthy part of the city's economy. To these must be added the seven canneries In the lmmedi- nin With Quality Unsurpassed" f-NT PHONES 8 and 118 Phone BLACK 88', ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Box 121S about 50 boats and to these are added scores from other coast Phone GREEN 392 ate region and the Innumerabl t : 1 TUTTu TATID MVI ill 11! in- 1 1" kr1Rw:mi PRINCE.. RUPERT . FISHERMAN'S ,0 4 i i 'jf CO-OPE.RATIV f J ivVWl X 't:i i i OCIATIO'N -rl 1 ( n i - - f ii i ill' I ' -r LIVLR PLANT, PROCESSING ROOM "OCK AND FISH PLANT - BUILT ON ROCHDALE CO-OPERATIVE Q jsoeiulion Owns COLD STORAGE DATE ICE PLANT IT PAYS TO CO-OPERATE Multi-Million Dollar Industry: Built by the effort and money of the fishermen Owned and operated by tne fishermen Pride of ownership and full benefit to fishermen MEMBERSHIP OVER 2500 ANNUAL PAYROLL $400,000.00 ANNUAL BUSINESS $3,750,000.00 '4nt EIGHT FISH CAMPS PRINCIPLES DEMOCRATIC CONTROL-ONE MEMBER, ONE VOTE LIMITED FIXED INTEREST ON 'SHARE CAPITAL MERCHANDISING AT PREVAILING . MARKET PRICES NO RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION ' PROCESSING PLANT . 1 ?f I PACKERS Jal STORE (Stock $150,000,00) - aKERY A RESTAURANT .1 PRINCE RUPERT'S ANNUAL HARBQB., ,Ji 4 CLASSIC isik Every Success to Civic Centre Carnival and Port Day (Thurs. Aug. 26)