Queen Coronation ! prince Utipttt pail? Wctos JLtD. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1948 Local News Items . . . - -1 Ball Is Postponed The Port Queen coronation ball, which was to have taken Place in connection with the opening 0f the Civic Centre Carnival, which was to have 5een held tonight, has been Cash for old gold. Bulger's. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to Don't Miss Barbecue Feed, Logging Sports, Terrace, Labor Day. (ws) TWO SKEENA RIVER CANNERIES within twelve miles of Prince Rupert. At the top l Sunnyside, at the bottom, Casslar. In these pictures are shown boats hauled out on the wharves for winter storage. At the mompnt all FOOD MARKET IS BEING REOPENED Ronnie Jones, a former navy man and son of William Jones, one time pioneer butcher of Prince Rupert, in partnership with Harold Helgerson, an Air Force veteran and young busi Terrace and Lakeise by Kaien Island Stages Ltd. Terrace re postponed until Monday night, PULLOVER SWEATERS MORNING BLAST (Continued irom Page One) their investigation of the turn $3.45. Lakeise return $4.20. Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 a.m. each Sunday. For tickets and reservations call 99 or 229. " was announced this after-j noon. TEAMS FOR TRIAL ness man of Prince Rupert, has ; taken over the store formerly ZJ cBseis j-JL are ena6ed In gill-net (tf Mr. and Mrs. A. Mattson Occupants of the house, who were all asleep, were Mrs. Fanny White, who rents rooms in the IN YOUR ting on the Skeena River. FOOTBALL MATCH have taken over Lovin's Cabinet Shop and wish to announce that The teams for Sunday eve residence, her son, Oeorge White, William Jefferson and Mrs. Clara known as the Fairway Food Market. Under the name of Busy Bee Food Market, the young men will open the doors of their store to the public on Monday morning. the same work upholstering, ning's trial match will be selected from the following: wood repairs, repair of car seats Gurvich. EXTENSIVE DAMAGE and covers and making drapes will continue under the new Probables Morgan, Nelson, Ferguson, Yelland, Olsen, D. favourite shades and fabrics The famous So extensive was ine damage management. (197) to the structure that City En Gomez, Dunbar, Wyatt, Christi- NOTICE gineer Don Stewart has declared Six-year old Aances Price, it dangerous for human occu daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Paul MEMBERS OF Y.P.A., HAZEL-TON We are now collecting $1 pancy. Sewage service was de Price of Port Simpson, was more frightened than hurt at 11 o' for our new hall fund in care son, Pavlikis, Pat Wilson, Bob Currie, Ward. Possibles Brodie, James, Hebb, C. Currie, Bill Murray, Veitch, Sharpe, G. Smith, Park-house, Ralph Smith, Armstrong, Owens. stroyed when the explosion bro,ke a soil pipe near the corner of of Johnny Moore, secretary, or Joe Smith, president. Box 41, clock this morning when she ran out from the sidewalk and was nearly hit by a small Mit the building. Hazelton. (103) Greatest force of the explosion chell & Currie truck which was struck the kitchen where the MERC HAMS Do you know CARD OF THANKS proceding easterly along Third south wall was torn away from Avenue at the corner of Fourth the floor and furniture hurled that the Daily News is the most effective medium of advertising about and broken. sweet. Tne cnua stopped up in time but fell backwards and n rrinre Rupert? No one Mrs. While said that a quan nisses your message if it's ad Bert Jorgenson, desires to thank many friends among fishermen and citizens who gave such spontaneous and general assistance following the burning of his boat. ' received slight bruises In the tity of preserved fruit stored 'ertised in the News. It's the fall. The car was stopped im under the building had been ally efficient way of putting mediately and the driver, John Currie, jr., reported the incid smashed as well as many dlshr t over. tf. ent to the police. in a pantry adjoining the kit chen. i. i Miss Nora Dougherty left on dule i last evening's train for Edmon- Grandmere Pullover in the English type, a mixture of Australian wool, Asiatic cashmare and French Angora Jantzen and Pride of The West pullovers in soft Botany wool. A beautiful range of pastel shades, consisting of blue, yellow, grey, fawn and camel at prices FROM $6.50 - $9.95 CARD OF THANKS Knowing desperately that he was at the mercy of a wounded grizzly he worked at the gum I IFF on the North Coast by B1DDEK JINKS I ton on a holiday visit. Her Friday- j mother. Mrs. M. J. Dougherty, I is already in the Alberta Capl- i tal. Announcement We will be closed from August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM med works of his gun and knew May I express my sincere1 thanks to the following busl-j ness concerns of the city which contributed so generously in I he should have cleaned it when it came off the saddle after the Saturday- cool of each evening. It was cool helping to make my journey as long trek through the rainy TRY A CLASMXIED AD! woods. Not knowing his advantage People In Wrangell, Alaska, speak of bears with realism and tolerant affection. An epidemic of distemper has taken most 6tray dogs off the streets, serious for owners of pedigreed and relaxing at that time of day except that she was disturbed by someone, a neighbor probably, picking on the other the grizzly made for the woods representative of Prince Rupert to the Pacific National Exhibition a success: Van Meer's Studio, .Wallace's Department Store, People's Store, Bill Scu-by's Furs, Annette Mansell, Mc- BUTTERFLY NYLON HOISERY and when he was safely inside MONTH FOR side of her patch. Being of mild disposition she said nothing for of their shadow the gun in Mr. Ball's hands discharged a bullet. pets, but when wild life Is not affected it has a "blowing Cutcheon's Drug Store, Brown- The grizzly did not return ROM ACE 60 the first few times but finally so brazen a trespass caused her to raise her voice in jocular protest. She called: "Who's help again. Next day the hunt was taken up but all that was found were .tracks measuring more woods, Doms' Department Store, ' Sweet Sixteen, Junior Chamber I of Commerce and Famous Play- ' ers' Canadian Corporation Ltd. j suppose annual dividends. If you ar somebody good" tide to its fatal sweep. A few wolves live on Wrangell Island, lots of deer, and rumor has It that One brown bear cub ffiO. you over SO, benontii are avail ..... - nk!. . than 12 inches. "He was a big ing me pick berries a big black bear?" And at that moment a "and hope that I may be a credit one," says George Ball was turned loose by an intern-' U'B U1L "c" 'T"lc" '""T .,.. m ., h.. from behind the bushes, regard- I'm glad he made tracks in the right direction that night or law UUIIbCI . VaUBVljr( iiwn ed her lazily and with a full I'd have been a gone goose and MTUfl in ouir ni a iniri untr, .Ida. At FOR YOUR FAMILT reiving Should you not live to tht ff nr. if ace of 60. $15,000 will 1 '.4!00 in pd to your family on your ; ran be death. .xuiating 'Slightly varied for nam. nqjirj- form Wow you can obtain details w.al requirements. The plan covers all ; from as little as J5.00 per month and n can in must cases commence at aga to such a wonderful city and such generous people. Also let me sincerely thank all those who so kindly favored me with their choice to represent the city as Miss Pnnce Hupert. MARGARET BRAIN. no mistake." ever, the small island is the home of the black bear. This time of year they live well. Berries are ripe and plentiful on the hills and Mount Aoic Available! stomach before he ambled off. He probably liked getting into the ways of civilization for a little later a few small children scamDered wetly home when w Announcements Ail advertuetnetiw tbts column Dewey but, when they fall to j ney became conscious that wUl be charged tor a full month at 3B centa a word Oranee Tea. Proceeds Pro satisfy, the mother and her ! Bruin was watching them from cubs, and sometimes a lone' te edge of the swimming pool, nana, meanders down into cul- rn thp mainland" it is differ- testant Home. Oddfellows' Hall, MiKEOWS, tnit Supervisor A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy 1. ! tivated Dlots for easier pickings. : f(1r there the erizzlies 1 September H RANCH CO. OF CANADA New Stock of One woman on the edge of I 0Knrtsnrt receive all the 1 Barbecue Feed and Logging SKIRTS BLOUSES Residence, Ked 8"0 j town picked her berries in the j respect due a grizzly. COATS KIDDIES' SNOW SUITS Last fall, immediately alter SporU, Grand Home Site Drawing, auspices Terrace Civic Centre Association, Terrace, Labor Day, September 6. Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A. the three children of Oeorge and Agnes Ball, owners of the famous Diamond B. Guest Ranch, left for school terms in MAPLE. OLD COLONY DINING SUITE, Refractory Extention Table. Atmosphere of distinction to live with. Phone 775 327 Third Afe. Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad CARDIGANS and PULLOVER SWEATERS on or about August 15 Moore's 206 6th Street t Prince Rupert and Vancouver. LOOK FOR TH1 NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Street School Basement. Mdose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, a aaaar-ai a r- - October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No. WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlareine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies ish Columbia Mines 18. SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat return 9:30 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu George and his wife climbed on their horses and headed for their hunting cabin 9 miles up the mountain. Arriving, they found one window swiped completely out. Apparently, the shattering glass frightened the bear and he had not entered. After three days of fruitful hunting the pair returned home to be welcomed warmly by the ranch help. A grizzly had been visiting the Ranch each evening he told them, making no attempt to hide his feelings about a grizzly who felt that much at home. He was sure he would come back that night and he was "sure glad they were back." The bear had wreaked havoc, even to entering the porch 'on the main lodge. The door had been torn open and the lard onrt rpnHprpd moose fat de COTTAGE CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY ! Tour Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. (197) oduce NEW Wealth IS THE TIME FOR EVERY GOOD MAN TO COME TO THE AID OF HIS FAMILY- voured. The large tins which had held Agnes Ball's supply of TOPS IN KITCHEN UTENSILS! See the new "Thermic Ray-stainless steel saucepans with copper bottoms for quicker, even heat, plastic handles and knobs, balanced weight and streamline design. The only doughnut makings lay scattered I in ribbons as if each claw had 1 cut around the tin in mighty PROVIDE FOR THEIR COMFORT THIS WINTER BY INSTALLING A NEW FURNACE! THOM SHEET METAL LTD. I !Tx copper bottom stainless steel utensils with "Vapor Seal Lids." , Black 884 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER in know what the mining industry means to British and to you as a citizen of the Province? tar the mines of British Columbia produced new the value, of $112,000,000. )2,000,(HIO was paid in salaries and wages to over iple directly employed in the industry. rj$i:5,(HHI,0()() was spent for process supplies and was spent on plant and equipment, lilies paid $16,000,000 in Federal taxes, $4,000,000 nal and municipal taxes and $1,250,000 for work-ipensation, including silicosis and unemployment f"un employed in the industry consumed over f worth of food. I dollar of new wealth taken out of the ground 1 NEW ROYAL greed. A side of bacon had also gone the fate. The strike was still in progress in Alaska, and this loss was doubly tragic for no more bacon could possibly grace the ranch table until the following spring. Nor did it. That night Mrs. Ball did not sleep well. Her husband's unconcern for the expected visitor was also a thing to be consid-reed while she wakefully listened to his deep, even breathing. Near midnight Agnes Ball prodded her husband. She was sure she heard a noise outside of her Imagining. In his nightshirt and gun in hand George stepped into the kitchen and found the grizzly vio stpns examining the Phone 311 Mi Bride Street Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartace and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Room, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box 19 vut five dollars business activity for the country. Person in Itriiih Vlittnhi;i benefits from the a iiiril v " "I v - 'Faith Crrafpfl hv nnr niinimr indllstrV. KEEP THE PIECES YOU LOVE Don't discard your favorite pieces of furniture! Let us bring them back to new life and new beauty at little cost. It's th e Rex (Cate ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chow Mein Department of mines We'll reupholster them, put in new springs and cushions. Besides Upholstering and Woodwork repairs we make up Drapes to order and recover car seats. Ask about our Plastahide seat covers and sponge rubber cushions. knapsack which he had dropped j that afternoon on his return.) The screen door, what was left of it, was between him and the , bear when he fired, which fea-; ture mushroomed or deflected j the bullet. The bear was in- , jured on the shoulder causing him to rear angrily about while ; George Ball took second aim.: He pulled the trigger and no-i thing happened. He tried j again with the same result. Next t. CFPR IOVI N S Phone 818 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS VICTORIA, B.C. Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 am. Bar m m (Now operated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Mattson) (138