orl of Prince Rupert . . . -SJs 1 , l"u'- CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL AND PORT DAY SUPPLEMENT : SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1948 ' r j 0- Civic Centre Carnival PORT DAY 1 i Carnival Week. Port Day s aim is two-fold -to arouse the interest of th people f the city in the marine industrial activities which are Prince Rupert's principal economic mainstay and to emphasize the potentialities and many "advaalajEeg of this port. Prince Rupert people have 'always been appreciative of the Port Day effort and their Interest should be stimulated this year with an Improved set-up in the staging of a diversified program of harbor events. Three warships and two bands are added attractions. This special section of the Daily News is dedicated to the Civic Centre Carnival and Port Day occasions as a gesture of goodwill and support.. To both events we join with our ; advertisers in wishing continued success to the -Carnival and Port Day and the causes involved therein.. J; ... r , . The cam munity , is . indebted to those ( public spirited workers led by W, F. Stone, Civic Centre Carnival chairman, and S.' G. Furk, Port Day chairman. They have done their work of preparation and organization ably' and weU. " Now it is up to the public to give their generous support and get a good dollar's worth In the bargain. T"HE Civic Centre Carnival and Port Day have become the two big institutions of the year as far ae public celebrations in Prince Rupert are concerned. With the Carnival opening tonight, the two events recur next week. The Carnival with a marvellous record behind it, U staged for the express purpose of raising funds for the financing of the Civic Centre. It was these Carnivals of the past that made the Civic Centre possible. As a result of them a fund which at one time reached almost $100 000 was built up. From this fund there has been capital expenditure of $50,000 in connection with the institution which has become famous all aver the continent and the envy of many vastly larger communities, ..The Carnival has been the financial life blood of the Civic Centre bo it is deserving of the fullest possible support which we hereby commend. It is interesting to note that a new policy is being followed this year in connection with the arrangement of the entertainment. The whole carnival is being htaged within the building and the entertainment will feature outstanding imported talent-It was a happy decision that Port Day should have been arranged for the Thursday of the Civic Centre v. t . - - i Q inn nt the citv and waterfront and a t latid-lnrkt-d liarbor. 2. Canadian Na- at Cow Bay, oil plants and drydock in distance. 4. The fully equipped dry dock and shipbuilding and repair yard, , capable of docking vessels up to 20.000 tons 5. A picture of the 1947 Port Doy .showing boats in action and waterfront crowds. portion of ocean duck and grpat ay a vital part In future port clcvekip- ure ot a part or me grunt nsning in-ei - THE CITY OF 1PRINCE RUPERT Wishes ucc Northern British Columbia Agricultural Association; 's to ihi 1VIC CENTRE FAIR and CARNIVAL - AUGUST 21 28 Xpert's ANNUAL PORT DAY, sponsored by the JUNIOR r and to Prince Aldermen: NORA E. ARNOLD Aldermen : PORT DAY -August 26, 1948 IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED A Civic Holiday UAM F. STONE OB. CASEY ROBERT McKAY THOMAS B. BLACK ARTHUR BROOKSBAliK ) t RUDDERHAM N. E. ARNOLD, Mayor. S. NICKERSON