I. Prince Uupm Dailp retos 13 Saturday, August 21, 1948 . " , ri.rUffc. Source Of ValiiaUU VHV.no,,W UIUQUIC ! 4 1 i If IV ' Are bxceedinely rleasant ( i. : vr. ; of strife -and even more mil ... a.. Rin? Made Reallv .... ;-al , J FUN FOR ALL AT THE - : . ANNUAL CARNIVAL and PORT DAY 4 "Success to Prince Rupert's Festive Wffik" RUPERT BAKERY LTD.: Rupert, Logical Port lions went out during the last World War when Sitka Spruce was used in the speedy Mosquito bomber. QUEEN CHARLOTTES . i.: .v. t. I. i Queen PhorlnHu fttw anf , literally spearun, uinutri is me Charlotte Islands. Lone I v i r- u . .. . kit Today th? masseii, me iormer m g the south end nf Graham logs, bundled into continue to flow W 1 pvnlored the Islands1 coast lint Davis rafts. V,'." Phone 643 Island and trie latter on Jin-r'.r-Vhflrlntte." and cave that V; 317 Third Avenue West the north end. are im the . r-otiMfla its name, the famous portant fishing centres from the shores of the Islands. The large, high-grade sticks go to down coast mills to be sawn into lumber, small inferior trees are utilized by coast duId milis. f rly bit Frince Rupert district for K j 6 fleets. Our picture show: r of their tie. It was tne Dig biiKa spruce l'1 treeS I .kt tnolr thp snntlieht when Ii two of which operate loaeins Marine Electrical Service Engines and Suppljei ! shows on the Queen Charlottes. a net-mending scene at Queen Charlotte City l IIJOl . Jlntnirnftrl that tto tniurH To the province as a whole, loRRlng on the Islands is big business but to the Island? Charlo'.t: as ?jeefl , iiEht wood was admirably suited itaHtnied'" "toi for the eonstfw'wn of alrcra,". in World War I. Millions of h in th ! would I feet of this timber went out of , tot i c into bat-' the Islands during those years themselves, there is very litt'.e visible gain. Company camps are self-contained communities and for the most part have very AGNES MaclNJOSrl i Exlde Storage Batteries R. & M. Ball Bearings Goodyear Vee. Belts: Marine Searchlights; Marine Hardware j Tools, etc. ! Wico Magnetos Auto Lite Electric System Gray Marine Engines Johnson Outboard Motors Fairbanks Onan Light Plants little eflect on the economic hln expects to have a slutabte pack i by the end of th season. Judged tn the light of present-day Industrial expansion, th'? Queen Charlottes are undoubtedly trailing the field but on the Islands a visitor finds much to envy. Residents have adjusted of the Queen Charlottes. How PRINCE RUPERT S NINTH QUEEN i j have been Port and Carniva Queens since 1940: 1948 Agnes Macintosh. 1947Barbara Wilson. 1946 Marjorie Wilson. 1945 Beatrice Didericksen. 1944 Eleanor Storseth. j 1943 Olga Sather. j 1942 PhllOmena Murray. 1941 Lillian Jones. 1 1940 Judith Jerstad. ever, it is thanks chiefly to the lot'.aers that a daily return plane Renold Chain Drives themselves gracefully to their I Twelve-year old Agnes Macintosh, who will reign this year as Prince Rupert's Port and Carnival Queen, is the ninth Prince Rupert girl to hold that nnvetPd nnsition since the con1 AVT A GO WRONG IF YOU ATTEND ANNUAL CARNIVAL AND' PORT DAY , I r vrv in 38 boats landed sC". :c? rrv exists between P'inc Pupert and Sandspit, 3i'rid.spit and Vancouver. TRANSPORTATION SOLl'TlOX Transposition has always been a problem for Queen Charlotte residents For many years environment. None appear to be rich, few poor. 'Many of them follow seasonal work but practically all have fine gardens r, season. million pounds of hall ht at. Prince Rupert, and on sne is aisu tests began in -1940 May 11, the first carload lots frosVi halibut started to roll W. R. LOVE j ELECTRIC CO. I Cow Bay P.O. Box 957 Prince Rupert, K.C. (no closed season this the youngest. Deer a 14-day st "liner service was th: east over C.N.R. lines. B.C. Pack- geese and ducts are i year ) In earlier years, the cjpntest nut through the hnat. Fisher Lassie was nign a welcome accepteu unag. n.gm ow va.y ad make er.joymg a 10-day schedule are , fa HrfHinn f tn ,he the u in with 43,000 family larder. sale of "votes-" for particular oniHQts These- votes were eer Food Market And for those that like shell fis pounds. but that was only designed a a summer special. The Princ r, intio effort nn thp huee sand t ...in, v, rMirr-hase of en- Ruprt Chamber of Commerce) hes &t right tide wiU , Camivai and hm fmked the KteamshiD com- .. . ... substantial ...w.ni ' , iti totals nun were Phones 62 or 63 ; cmo imnressive vote Avenue West - . . . usually result in pury to service the lsiana pons nr lams run up In the pursuit of royl I honors for the candidates. , . ... . 1 : wnn a bi'iiner juuuiuk .. .... . v.,. Dearies Quality Cleaners pK.DANE:,Prop. O Fiir.ee Rupert instead of from Altogetner, uie peuvue m v-Islands appear to live the type rvie vpar however, the Queen Vancouver. " If this recommenda 1 -m .!. InnscH fnr htf . , i A nnmiltr- ESS TO m lue ww" - i contest was oascu -- iion heeo-nes a realUv the Queen Charlottes and PrlnM Rupert,! those who are geared tothede, j Uy conlest heldreenights i manoing pace oi c hj in July at o-h stand to .rain. With a t ; ; l Uno an inrtpnpHeriM! II D O II ine coitccsianKo n,.. c CENTRE CARNIVAL schools. Graduate of National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing, Silver Springs, Maryland al9 Sixth Avenue West from the city's five Phone 283 Agnes Macintosh was the rep--ocontotive of Borden Street ,ho; ter run Island settlements wou,d benefit by more freauent J - TJn M.,n,er s-rvice which would he U J to . the ha i g , an encouraging feature JB , n. lne vP'ldre ul present residents and others 1 1 elmpntrV SChOOl. I -T , Here is a list of the gins wno ;;e & Pc Unity who might be contemplating settling on the Queen Charlottes. Pnnre Rupert would benefit by an increased trade with th? Deople of the Islands. ume of Shenvin- illiams I'amts and McClary Ranges ( r .V T 1 Settlement o. the Queen Char- lottes has not been rapid. Chi.-f 1 reason for this may be placed ,i,p inch fif nermanent In Vipwt'I Most Complete Heavy Hardware Stock i i . r- i i dustries. At present there are I ...... mwri" and two small sawmills operating on the Is-j lands. Off the Islands' shores ( lie some of the best fishing, grounds 'on the British Columbia Coast but most of the fishermen eneaaed in this Industry don't live on the Queen Charlottes, They are too isolated to satisfy th? average person and in Massett at least, accommodations for fishing craft are poor. The onlv sheltered spot is a salt slough which dries at low tide, i Ririents hold that, if the gov fRARTr.nS CRriSES Fishing and Huntins Partiri Make Reservations Now PHONE (1REEN :J 1 1 ernment were to have the slough rtrPrteeri. an ideal small ooai. 5S TO THE FISHING FLEET PORT DAY QUEEN- Pretty twelve year old Agnes Mcintosh of Borden Street School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mcintosh. Angus Apartments. NCE RUPERT'S CARNIVAL anchorage would be provided ana j there would be some inducement for fishermen to settle in the community. Before the First World War the Islands had an Influx of settlers. They came to till the land but first they had to clear AND PORT DAY Iford Electrical Works LIMITED . ' mature and Motor Rewinding 9 Marine nrl Inrliictrial Wirin? the soil of its timebr, the muskeg of moss and most of them were licked in the first round. Many of those who did manage found they couldn't to raise crops sell their produce anyway. There market. It is doubtful wasn't any whether half a dozen full-time farmers exist on the Islands today. Not that the soil will not 7 diophones Direction Finders Pth Sounders Sales and Service jkU E 391 ' BOX 1307 produce. Kitchen garaens piuvi.-that it will. Join most heartily IN and plant employees in the Not only the fishermen indu6try, not only people .ho eat and enjoy the British Columbia waters, but prime quality fish from practically everybody benefits when our great fishmg industry thrives ... the farmer sells more products, the factory worker' job is more secure and the city merchant finds business flowing more steadily throughout the year. , The millions of dollars paid out every year to fishing industry workers find their way eventually into the of people in all walks of life, maintaining ; the pockets continuous flow of money and goods that PelU For a number of years tne Cooperative at Massett operated a cannery in which the rare raxor clams were packed hut this year those in control decided the rlam beaches to the east of the community needed a rest. However the cannery hasn't been idle. Three boats have been supplying it with crabs and Sam Sibpson WISHING SUCCESS TO PRINCE RUPERT'S LAST YEAR'S QUEEN Barbara Wilson who reigned over Port Day and Civic Centre Carnival in 1947. CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL prosperity for all. AND A. (Or ANNUAL PORT DAY orth West BYTOWN Machine Works "Whim in Trouble See Us Fur Complete Service" Oxy-Acetylene and Electric Welding Gas and Diesel Engines Installation and Repairs Machine Work Repairing, Adjusting and Balancing Propellers Northern B.C. Distributors for ; British Columbia Packers Ltd.: Vancouver, B. C Construction Simplex Engines tummm. LIMITED Box 563 phone 211 W.J. Richards, Manager