10 ISrincc Uupcrt Daily J2cUi3 Saturday, August 21, 1948 Civic Centre Part and Parcel of life of Prince Rj Indoor Carnival Emphasizes Vital Importance of Institution Success to Prince RUpert A Friendly Welcome to . . . CARNIVAL and PORT DAY ' VISITORS . BELMONT HOTEL C Week and Port D ay Shenton's Sheet Metal V 1 JACK HOSKINS 725 THIRD WEST Thousands of people will en-i ter Prince Rupert's Civic Centre within the next week for the first indoor carnival in years Not since the pre-war days when the Exhibition Building in what is now known as Roosevelt Park was In use has a carnival UOAT WORK - ALL TYPE .KQNDEI) ROOFERS AGENTS FOR Y.M.CA. at an additional cost of $25,000. After a year of service to Canadian and American troops in the area, the building was purchased from the government at a favorable price set by a board of arbitration headed by H. G. Perry with J. T. Harvey representing the community, and immediately re-opened as a community cntre. Its main features are: an auditorium with a seating capacity of 800 and dancing accommodation for 100; a large gym Yacht Race Intriguing If Port Days lack some outstanding feature, the possibility of a yacht race between some of the big towns down the coast, and Prince Rupert, might seem to commend itself. It was staged once. It went over with a bang! It stimulated, when most people could use a spot of stimulation. This is how it all happened. In the early summer of 1930, Seattle yachtsmen and others interested planned a race to Alaska's capital city, Juneau. As a sporting event, it was regarded as ambitious. When affars came to a showdown, however, Juneau Duro-Th, McClary Warm Air Furnaces "1 ! Ward Electric and Marine Supply Ltd. rue' il Fu, ECONOMICALLY Priced PHONE 33 been protected from' the vagaries of the weather. Use of the Civic Centre building to house its annual celebration for the first time will cause many thoughtful people to realize even more fully just what an asset the community centre is to the city. The subject offers a great deal to ponder about. That the Civic Centre is used nasium capable of seating 700, for basketball and 1,100 for box-! ing and wrestling; a smaller apparatus gymnasium and a training gymnasium equipped 1 Prince Rupert's Annual Cai and Port Day J AUTHORIZED DEALERS i Parts "Scripps" Marine Engines Service From 30 to 300 H P. GASOLINE AM) DIESEL i Custom Boat Designs a Specialty riO. BOX 786 PHONE 680 i snowea signs oi weaKemng under PORT DAY CHAIRMAN Stuart G. Furk, key figure behind this year's Port Day program next Thursday. To promote the success of the marine celebration, he has enlisted the aid of a number of fellow Junior Chamber of Commerce members and waterfront businessmen. This year the committee plans additional events and entertainment to maintain interest throughout the day. Mr. Furk also is President of the Prince Kupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. Make them "Musts" in your date by practically every member of the community for some purpose or other is well known. But the extent of its use is so Impressive as to justify the use of a few figures. For instance, total recorded attendance at the cen IBLsd Top y tre last year was 174,000, which PIIONB 349 phone Opposite Post Office' Day and her share of the responsibility it would be necessary to assume. Juneau withdrew and Seattle looked to Prince Rupert or rather to the Prince Rupert Yachting & Rowing Club, a live and aggressive outfit that promptly fell for the notion. So did others, who called this city their headquarters. The time was June, eighteen years ago. The shadow of depression was over the land and people were in the mood to try anything once. A race caught the popular fancy. It would be a sort of deluxe publicity for one thing. Local co-operation with boxing, wrestling ami weight lifting apparatus; public restaurant and coffee bar, privately operated; public library with 10,000 books; two lounge rooms; four meeting and committee rooms; crafts room and photo dark room; 'Teen age games room; billiard room; private and team showers and dressing rooms; rifle range under construction. To operate this enterprise in behalf of the citizens of rriiire Rupert, the Civic Centre Association has been Incorporated under the Societies Act.. The governing body is the Board of Directors, four of whom are elected by the membership at large at an annual meeting. Two directors are elected by the Teen Age Club and one director is appointed by each community group. Groups assisting the Civic Centre financially arc entitled to additional members on the board. An executive council consisting of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary and six board members carries out the policies set by the Good Luck hundred miles of scenic seas would stir the most phlegmaric of souls. Among the prizes offered were trophies .from the Yacht Club, the City and the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. All were of value, and strong in artistry. This was particularly true of the gift of the Club a silver yacht, designed and made by Jack Bulger. " means that in this city of 8,000, each person theoretically used the building's varied facilities 20 times. Gymnasium events attracted 44,500 people. These events numbered 1,185. Audtorium events numbered 204 and drew an aggregate attendance of 38,-250 while in the meeting rooms and lounges there were 772 separate events attended by 24,-000. Special interest groups used the building 183 times and attracted 67,965. In order to operate such an institution, large scale financing is needed, and among the methods of raising money are B.C. MESSENGER ; S A L I! T E S ; PRINCE RUPERT'S CARNIVAL ; AND j ; PORT DAY : !r Service . . . Why Wait? . . . PHONE (i78 TO was immediate and hearty. Handsome yachts, coursing In PRINCE RUPERT'S ANNt rivalry through more than five CARNIVAL and PORT M GRANT & NEWK Great Power Sites Nearby the annual carnivals. Bulk of the money raised by the carnivals; however, is turned into, a capital account hi anticipation of future needs with only the required amount being used to ELECTRICAL Aluminum Company Looks to This DistrictNothing Like Them on Continent HELLO 'Z TO OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS . and SUCCESS IJO THE ANll AL CARNIVAL AND PORT DAY CONTRAC1 meet current expenses. These normal operating expenses annually total $21,500 which comes from various WAS GOVERNOR FIRST Madame Currie, co-discoverer of radium, was born Marya Sk.i-odowska, and was a gnverne w in Poland before she became z. scientist. PRINCE KUPERT, RC. sources. Membership dues last i Ti;u:nioE ih.ack 829 tt UNITED CABS Two of the British Columbia coast's greatest potential water power projects are located within a couple of hundred miles of Prince Rupert. They have been receiving a large measure of attention lately in view of announced plans of the Aluminum Company of Canada to establish a plant on this coast rilONE .- ei-Woiiilpn, Prop. Cow Hay comparable with the company's Let's GvA. Tonuilwr AT PRINCE RUPERT'S SilCCESS TO... CARNIVAL WEEK and PORT DAY-PACIFIC FISHERIES CO. LTD. ; CANADIAN BRANCH i ; of j SAN JUAN FISHING & PACKING CO. ANNUAL CARNIVAL year there were 1,100 members brought in $3,200, while revenue from activities and rentals totalled $7,000. Donations amounted to $1,800 and grants from the city, provincial government and local organizations total $3,500. Patrons' donations, minimum of which is $50, brought in $2,000. The capital fund of just over $100,000 has been raised during the period from 1929 to 1947. The initial amount of nearly $20,000 was given by two of the community's service clubs and donations received from a city-wide canvass. The major portion, more than $80,000 has been . raised through summer car-' nivals since 1910 with full cooperation from community groups. Of the $100,000 total, $50,000 has been spent in purchase of the building, alterations to fit community needs and a major gymnasium addition in 1947. The balance of the capital fund is being held for projected building additions at the most opportune time. The building Itself was constructed in 1944 by the Canadian government as a Y.M.C.A. war service centre at a cost of $157,000 and furnished by the . AND PORT DAY North Star Bottling Wo A PRINCE RUPERT 1NDC GOOD LUCK To PORT DAY PARTICIPANTS SUCCESS great operation in Arvida, Quebec. Such a development would far eclipse in magnitude anything that has yet been essayed on this coast. i One of these power potentials would affect the Tahtsa and Kenano areas involving a ten-mile diversion tunnel near Gardner Carlal. The other would include Eutsuk, Whitesail and Kimsquit Lakes, northeast of Bella Coola, with a bewildering array of alternatives and variants in the method of development, Tremendous potentiality of these projects is foreseen by Major R. C. Farrow, comptroller of water rights for the province of British Columbia, who, witting in Construction World, states that "So far as Is known there are no remaining power sites of like magnitude anywhere hi Canada or the United States. In this age of ever-increasing demand for power the potential value of thes possibilities can hardly be ovsr-estimated." "The Eutsuk - Kimsquit and Tahtsa - Kemano projects embody the same general idea,' writes Major Farrow," and they have certain features in common. They would make use of large headwater lakes capable of balancing their inflow with only a few feet depth of storage. These lakes are tucked well into the eastern flank of the Coast Range at elevations varying from 2700 to 3850 feet above the sea level, with their outlets on the edge of the interior plateau and their heads only short distances from the immensely deep coastal valleys which are in fact continuations of the long fiords whieh penetrate far into the range. "All these projects contemplate westward diversions from these lakes by tunnel through the range to power houses in the adjacent coastal valleys under J. McLEOD, Manager ATLIN FISHERIES LIMITED To THE ANNUAL CARNIVAL FOR . . . LIGHT. .. lfiivfr. i Sel l w ' 1 Proror I HEAT if 5 J- and , iwf, Shippers I " POWER... Fbh heads ranging from 2700 to 3000 feet." SHELTERED LIFE ! Until she became Queen.Victoi ia never slept & night way from her mother's room and was not allowed to converse alone with PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NORTHERN FISHERMEN'S COLD STORAGE STEWART, B.C. jany grown-up person.