First Train Trip In Princ? r of the beach equipped with gunjMillerd Cannery here, men move have to the BKeena fiiver w i -'- a total Forty-Five Years SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 19 Waterfront Whiffs i Paying a brief visit to Prince l- prjnci " Rupert Thursday evening be- hose of c&na,ijat tween train and boat were Mr. r,. provincia; BEAUTY QUEEN salmon at Casslar and Carlisle Canneries. The freighter Chllli-wack ,of the same line, today is loading canned salmon at Cassiar, North Pacific and Carlisle. TUNA LANDED TODAY and camera. "At present there is a whale right against the rocks where I am sitting. I have a good view of him among the sea weed. We are just waiting for the tide to come in and then we will get over the last 10 miles or less of the Sound." and Mrs. Joseph Cooper of Tor- and dry (10Vert:1 onto, wno came to Canada forty-five years ago and until GarlsTS now had not made a train trip fan. Two boats landed 26,000 TRAVELS SOUTH With Tier thoughts hopefully on Hollywood. Margaret Brain, Prince Rupert's charming contestant for the title of "Miss P.N.E." in ' the province-wide beauty contest that will be conducted at the Pacific National Local Couple On Adventurous Trip Down Coast In Small Boat Waterhouse Freighters Here O k ad pounds of tuna at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative here this morning, the second since. On the way here they, paid a visit to Jasper Park Lodge. Of course, it was their', WALLACE'S Curtain Department Cottage Sets Curtains Panels And Yardage Dotted Scrim Net Homespun Cretonne, and others Mr. and Mrs. Edgar left Prince Rupert on August 1. They expected to take about a month to reach Victoria where they plan to live. first sight of the Rockies with Exhibition next week, left for the south last night on the the grandeur of which they were greatly thrilled. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper arrived by train from Jasper and sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. AND HAY steamer Catala. Whales, Pacific swells and lonesome sand beaches in the rugged Queen Charlotte Sound area are blended in the chronicle of the Olie E., the 18-foot clinker-built outboard boat in which Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edgar are making a lic-surely but eventful passage from Prince Rupert to Victoria. The story of the trip is being - The brown-eyed 17-year-old and third boats to bring such fish here this season. They were the Mae West, Capt. O. J. Hansen, wnich brought in 14,000 and the Vancouver boat Salner, with 9,000. I The fish will he frozen immediately and shipped to Vancouver for canning. The skippers of the two boats reported fishing- still good off the west coast of Moresby Island. Three boats were reported to The Frank Waterhouse freighter Southolm, Capt. H. F. Stevens, docked at Prince Rupert yesterday to unload a varied cargo before proceeding north to Alice Arm and Stewart. She unloaded beauty who won the Princ Reu .J pert contest against 18 other entries, will display her charms SUNDAY MIDNITE AND at the Pacifci National Exhibi unfolded to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong in letters from Mr. looked as though it were getting 156 tons of coal for PhipoU- WeiEvitt Co., 40 tons of salt for the decided to pull in. Edgar while Harry steers the up tion and in Famous Players theatres in Vancouver. If 6he wins the contest she will h given an all-expense air trip to was Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co- THE DRAMA WRITTEN Hi the other beach thought course he has chosen from a ODerative. 9000 feet of creosote Brand but this has it beaten by sizeable library of confllcting be due here with tuna tomorrow morning. Hollywood. iar: iou wouia nevrr Deueve Accompanying Miss Brain ' as lumber and nine piles for the Skeena River Pile Driving Co. and a crawler tractor for the J. B. Ray Logging Co. at Port Essington. Southbound i r o m Stewart on Monday she will load chaperon was Mrs. D. S. Morton, daughter of J. Hirry Black, local Capitol Theatre manager. there were such places at least a mile of nothing but sand with huge breakers rolling in and no sign of human beings. We explored the length and breadta Jsb 3ri vr m Mrs. J. Davidson and two children returned to the city on the Catala Friday afternoon from Vancouver. canned salmon at the Francis advice given gratis by fishermen along the way. "We had so much advice from people along the way half of it is contradictory. Everybody has a different idea of which way we should go and where to stop," wrote Betty. The letter, or part of It, was written in the middle of Queen Charlotte Sound as the tiny boat climbed the continual ground PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS swells as the Olie E. headed across the first 10 miles to Table Island where they plan WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE SUNNYSIDE A typical Skeena River salmo.i cannery. ned to spend the night. After leaving Namu, where Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding they had been guesU of the B.C. Packers camp, the couple travel led a rough 10 miles until they discovered a lovely beach which they could not resist. "It was a long stretch of purs. fj(&- FROM THE "BLUE BOOK" Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 Flowen For All Occaiioni OF FAMOUS CANADIAN TRAINS SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY white sand, sheltered from the open sea, so we decided to for FUWat ONE-MAN Power Chain Saw FmmcEm get Safety Island and pull i.n here to spend the rest of the day and night. "We found a good spot when' there had been a camp sometime before and there was 8 table already built. There was also a good deep anchorage for the boat. The salmon wer jumping so thick all 'around us in the mouth of . the salt water inlet that we couldn't count them. So, after we had settled Fast Dependable Easy to Handle An ideal tool in the woods and on the farm. For particularg and prompt service see TERRACE DEALER HERB SPENCER GARAGE " or write ON THE SAME PIOCIAM MARCH or TIME CARTOON NEWS MONDAY AT 2:30 7:00 - - 9:05 TOMORROW camp, Harry proceeded to catch Mb1 I one right off the beach The next day, they met ths worst seas they had encountered PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE TODAY 0N Bw Hi so far and were forced to pull into shelter for- A Vn1f-Vniir 112 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. after balling the boat continu ously. When the tide turned, FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTO The new Model 231 Marconi Button 5 tr short wave radio. !. The latest In hand wind record pljvrrwl a Kmart leatherette case for battery rain- Arrived. . . Limited Shipment of : IBE-NIEDIX THE AUTOMATIC WASHER NOW PRODUCED IN CANADA SAME $299.50 PK,CE SEE ONE IN OPERATION AT -a new Strmnbrrs-1 tube perliirnianrt. Modern and Popular-tery pack console 7 with R F Stage. P L I' S many other eo(ci battery ni"fl NEW LOW list prices. We carry at all times a complete s'liko! able EVEREADY batteries. 6 E E PHONE Canadian National's famous "Continental they made for a B.C. Packers fish camp, where they pitched their tent beside the managers cabin on a float and slept through a night storm. After drying their clothes on the wharf the following day they took the advice of a fisherman that Queen Charlotte Sound was clear and, being unable to get a tow as they had hoped, they set out for Table Island, 18 miles out in the Sound. "We left at 4:30 p.m. and just around the point, two whales appeared, not more than 50 feet from us. Did we head out in a hurry! They were thrashing around but, luckily, were going in the opposite direction to us. Gee, they were big! "We travelled 16 miles across the sound and except for enormous ground swells, all was well. Land would just disappear behind the swells and all we saw was just plain sky. But the boat takes everything in her stride. "At Table Island, where we were told to stop for the night we found a nice little sandy cove, but no sign of water. However, a fisherman on his boat anchored In the bay, gave us all the water we needed for the night and the .next morning' "We left Table Island this morning for the final 17 miles of Queen Charlotte Sound. The sea is not bad so far. I wro,e part of this enroute until a shower of rain came. "After travelling' 10 miles we spotted a wonderful beach in the distance and as the wind RUPERT RADIO & BP NW Time T.M c!y r "fsxfml" tit W ""r'ul"" m ' ' Box 1321 I'hone felt 313 2 ! Limited" spans Canada, linking the Eastern Frovinces with the far flung Prairies, the impressive Canadian Rockies and the Pacific Coast. Two eastbound and two westbound Limiteds each day speed Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Our Ring Disp1 We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN across the broad expanse of the Dominion, and from the picture windows of 'through modern sleeping cars and coaches a colorful and varied panorama is viewed great cities, pioneer settlements, lakes and rivers, wheat fields, mountains. It takes sixteen complete trains and train crews numbering 350 men to provide ' this double daily service. As a passenger aboard The Continental Limited you'll meet many members of these train crews, each of whom is contributing to your comfort and safety. Go the pleasant way across Canada this year. ' ' Travel on The Continental Limited, directly serving: Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper, Vancouver, 'l1 If you will take notice se-nir section you will discover that it than a passing (lance. I"" You will find that all the penis arc And if you should happen t f you will at once decide that our itwltic the average. We took pains to have it that way. i H VI If you've a ring need of any k"'fl forget that our values can compare We ve lately added quite a "''"n which have not been in stock m 111 All we ask is a look. I,AM RKGIXTRT AfT Re: Certificate of Title No. 27643-1 to Blocks Eighteen (IB I and Nineteen (18), Townslte of Mttsset. Mud We can supply all your needs in ... : BUILDING SUPPLIES including - - - WALLBOARDS," FINISH LUMBER, PLY-WOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. COURTESY AND SERVICE Whether at homt or "going places" in all your, contacts with "Canadian National, you will experience courtesy and serum. 946, excepting Lot "A" of Block Nineteen (IB), Townslte of Mas-set, Map 946, as shown on Reference Plan 160O, and Lot "B" of Block Nineteen (19), Townslte of Masstt, Map 948, as shown on Ref-ernce Plan 1601. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Nootka Packing Company (1937) Limited has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of -Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Ruper.t B.C., this 29th day of July, 1948. A D ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of TttUis. ZZ . . Canadian "SerrlBf the North Since 19ZeM Phone 651 652 LUMBER PAINTS COAL RAILWAYS AIRLINES STEAMSHIPS HOTELS EXJHSS TELEGRAPHS